The document provides an overview of Kubernetes and Rancher through a presentation given at a Rancher Meetup. It includes:
1. An introduction to market trends in Kubernetes adoption by major cloud providers.
2. An overview of Kubernetes architecture and components.
3. An introduction to Rancher and how it differs from previous versions in using Kubernetes as its core architecture.
4. Details on running a hands-on demo of deploying Kubernetes clusters and applications using Rancher.
The document provides a summary of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2018 including key details such as the number of attendees, certified partners, and growth of cloud native adoption in China. It also outlines upcoming Rancher and Kubernetes events in China and findings from a survey investigating Kubernetes meetups in China.
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2018 was held in Shanghai from November 13-15 with 2,500 attendees. There was a focus on cloud native projects from China and growth in certified Kubernetes and cloud native partners in China. A Service Mesh Enterprise Summit was co-hosted by Rancher Labs and Huawei in November 2018 to discuss enterprise adoption of Kubernetes and service meshes. Rancher continues to gain popularity in China for easily managing Kubernetes clusters.
Rio is a new open source project from Rancher Labs that aims to provide a simple, fun, and end-to-end container experience. Rio includes built-in technologies like Kubernetes, Istio, and Containerd so that users do not need to be experts in installing and managing these systems. The document provides an overview of Rio's concepts and components, demonstrates how to install and use Rio in standalone mode, and shows how to deploy and manage services using Rio's built-in service mesh capabilities.
Rancher v2.1.0 includes several new features such as improved support for Kubernetes clusters on Windows nodes in an experimental capacity, upgrades to Rancher High Availability, and support for Kubernetes 1.12. The document also advertises an upcoming webinar on migrating from Rancher 1.6 to 2.1 and provides information about an upcoming Japan Container Days conference in December 2018.
Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Rancher is a container management platform that makes it easy to deploy and manage Kubernetes. This document provides an overview of Kubernetes and Rancher, demonstrates how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster using Rancher, and walks through running a sample Guestbook application on the cluster. It also discusses trends in adoption of Kubernetes by major cloud providers and how Rancher 2.0 simplifies cluster creation and management.
Rio is a new project from Rancher Labs that aims to provide a simple, end-to-end container experience. Rio includes built-in technologies like Kubernetes, Istio and Containerd to make deploying and running containers and services easy without needing expertise in those systems. The document discusses getting started with Rio, including downloading and installing Rio, running it in standalone mode or connecting to an existing Kubernetes cluster. It also demonstrates basic Rio commands and using the built-in service mesh to stage a new version of a service.
Rancher Server was used to deploy Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) nodes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) nodes. Etcd was used for distributed key-value storage. Various networking, storage, and security configurations were applied across the heterogeneous Kubernetes clusters. Monitoring and logging were established to observe cluster health and troubleshoot issues.