ositive Hack Days V. 仂亳于仂亟亠亶于亳亠 仗仍舒亢仆仂仄 仂亟 仆舒 亠亳 仂仗亠舒仂舒 于磶亳Denis Gorchakov
仂亞舒仄仄仆仂-舒仗仗舒舒仆亶 从仂仄仗仍亠从 亟仍 舒弍仂 Android-于亳舒仄亳, 亳仗仂仍亰亠仄亶 于 仂仗亠舒仂亠 于磶亳. 仂仄仂亞舒亠 于磦仍 仄仂亠仆仆亳亠从亳亠 亠仄 亳 于舒亳于舒 亰舒亳 舒弍仂仆亠仆仂于 仆舒 仂仆仂于亠 仗仂仍舒亠仄 亟舒仆仆
Honeypot and sandbox for Android malware in CSP's network that helps to reveal and disclose fraud schemes, build subscriber protection based on its data and etc.
ositive Hack Days V. 仂亳于仂亟亠亶于亳亠 仗仍舒亢仆仂仄 仂亟 仆舒 亠亳 仂仗亠舒仂舒 于磶亳Denis Gorchakov
仂亞舒仄仄仆仂-舒仗仗舒舒仆亶 从仂仄仗仍亠从 亟仍 舒弍仂 Android-于亳舒仄亳, 亳仗仂仍亰亠仄亶 于 仂仗亠舒仂亠 于磶亳. 仂仄仂亞舒亠 于磦仍 仄仂亠仆仆亳亠从亳亠 亠仄 亳 于舒亳于舒 亰舒亳 舒弍仂仆亠仆仂于 仆舒 仂仆仂于亠 仗仂仍舒亠仄 亟舒仆仆
Honeypot and sandbox for Android malware in CSP's network that helps to reveal and disclose fraud schemes, build subscriber protection based on its data and etc.
The 2018 Internet Crime Report from the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) summarizes internet crime complaints received in 2018. It reports that IC3 received over 351,936 complaints involving losses over $2.7 billion. The top crime types reported were non-payment/non-delivery, extortion, and personal data breach. In 2018, IC3 established a Recovery Asset Team to help recover funds from business email compromise schemes and created new Victim Specialist positions to provide support to victims of internet crimes.
The document discusses threats to manufacturing environments in the era of Industry 4.0. It finds that networks in the manufacturing industry are exposed to similar external threats as other industries due to factors like the prevalent use of outdated operating systems like Windows XP, as equipment in manufacturing has much longer replacement cycles. It also finds that network worms are more pervasive in manufacturing networks compared to others. The convergence of IT, OT, and IP networks under Industry 4.0 introduces new challenges to secure these systems from cyber threats.
This document summarizes the Android security landscape in 2018. It discusses improvements to protections on the Android platform, Google Play, and Google Play Protect that helped reduce the presence of potentially harmful applications (PHAs) on devices. Some key accomplishments include 84% more devices receiving security updates, Google Play Protect scanning over 50 billion apps daily, and preventing 242 builds containing PHAs from being released.