Turkey is a transcontinental country located in both Asia and Europe with a population of over 74 million people. It has a long history and was home to many ancient civilizations. Turkey has a predominantly Muslim population but maintains a strict separation of religion and state. Economically, Turkey has the 15th largest GDP in the world and is a democracy with Ankara as its capital. Culturally, Turkey has a rich legacy from past civilizations and is a meeting place of cultures, with Istanbul especially representing peaceful coexistence of different religions and ethnicities.
2003 turkey in english -final version korece turkiye tanitimbabylonboss
The document is a presentation about Turkey that provides information on its location, demographics, history, culture, and attractions. It discusses whether Turkey is considered part of Asia or Europe given its location and characteristics. Key points mentioned include Turkey serving as a bridge between Asia and Europe, its largest city Istanbul being located on two continents, important historical sites like Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, and natural attractions such as Cappadocia and Pamukkale.
Turkey is a transcontinental country located in both Asia and Europe with a population of over 74 million people. It has a long history and was home to many ancient civilizations. Turkey has a predominantly Muslim population but maintains a strict separation of religion and state. Economically, Turkey has the 15th largest GDP in the world and is a democracy with Ankara as its capital. Culturally, Turkey has a rich legacy from past civilizations and is a meeting place of cultures, with Istanbul especially representing peaceful coexistence of different religions and ethnicities.
2003 turkey in english -final version korece turkiye tanitimbabylonboss
The document is a presentation about Turkey that provides information on its location, demographics, history, culture, and attractions. It discusses whether Turkey is considered part of Asia or Europe given its location and characteristics. Key points mentioned include Turkey serving as a bridge between Asia and Europe, its largest city Istanbul being located on two continents, important historical sites like Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, and natural attractions such as Cappadocia and Pamukkale.
110. 7 ?? ??? ?? ??
Lighthouse of Alexandria
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Colossus of Rhodes
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Great Pyramid of Giza
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
112. Historic Ages of Anatolia
Paleolithic Age (Early Stone Age)
Mesolithic Age (Mid Stone Age)
Neolithic Age (Late Stone Age)
Calcolithic Age (Copper Age)
Bronze Age
Hatti Civilization
Troy - II Settlement
Hatti and Hittite Principalities Period
Great Hittite Kingdom Hurri Civilization
60,0000 - 10,000 B.C.
10,000 - 8,500
8,500 - 5,000B.C.
5,000 - 3,000 B.C.
3,000 - 2,000 B.C.
2,500 - 2,000 B.C.
2,500 - 2,000 B.C.
2,000 - 1,750 B.C.
1,750 - 1,200 B.C.
Troy - VI Civilization
1,800 - 1,275 B.C.
Aegean Migration and Invasion From Balkans
1,200 B.C.
The Anatolian Principalities during the Iron Age 1,200 - 700 B.C.
Urartu Civilization
The Civilization of Phrygia
Lydia, Caria and Lycia Civilizations
Ionian Civilization
Persian Conquest
Hellenistic And Roman Age
Byzantine Civilization
Seljuk Civilization
The Turkish Republic
900 - 600 B.C.
750 - 300 B.C.
700 - 300 B.C.
1,050 - 300 B.C.
545 - 333 B.C.
333 B.C. - 395
330 - 1453A.D.
1071 - 1300 A.D.
1299 - 1923 A.D.
1923 - present
113. Homer was born in Izmir. His famous epic, Illiad depicts
the battles for the city of Troy
#2: Cocuklar icin TURKIYE
Kendini tanit 7dk.
koreye niye geldim,
ne zaman geldim,
korece ogrenmem,
master egitimim.
Kardes ulke kore. 8dk.
1952 savasi
15.000 asker
700 sehit
400¡¯u busan¡¯da
turkiye-kore iliskileri
turkiye¡¯ye giden koreliler
turkiye¡¯den gelen turkler
Turkiye genel20dk + 4dk + 14dk
konusulan dil
nufus, yuzolcum, bayrak
Turkiye¡¯nin kulturu
yasam tarzi
selamlasma, bayrak kavrami
dugunler, sunnetler, bayramlar
kore ile benzerlikleri
halter, gures, basketbol, futbol
gures filmi2dk
tarihi birikimi
reklam filmleri2dk
cografi guzellikleri
iklimi, sporlari
turkiye welcomes you14dk.
Cocuklarla ilgili
oyunlariseksek, saklambac, korebe, yakan top, uzun essek,
egitimanaokulu, ilk-orta, lise, univ. dershane sistemi, ozel okullar.
dunyadaki turk okullari, turkce yarismasi
Turkiye¡¯nin tarihi10dk
yeni turk devletleri
eski turkler, selcuklu, osmanli
anadolu tarihi yapisi
Cay ikrami ve muzik
Istanbul Kultur merkezi,
SSR tour.
mail adresim
#3: Kendini tanit 7dk.
koreye niye geldin,
ne zaman geldin,
korece ogrenmen,
master egitimin.
#5: Kardes ulke kore. 8dk.
1952 savasi
15.000 asker
700 sehit
400¡¯u busan¡¯da
turkiye-kore iliskileri
turkiye¡¯ye giden koreliler
turkiye¡¯den gelen turkler
#69: bundan sonraya dunya turkce yarismasi konabilir.