How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie SamuelAre bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.
2012 ingilizce (27 subat versiyonu) 동서양문명의 교차로 터키 (lise ve son...babylonbossTurkey is a transcontinental country located in both Asia and Europe with a population of over 74 million people. It has a long history and was home to many ancient civilizations. Turkey has a predominantly Muslim population but maintains a strict separation of religion and state. Economically, Turkey has the 15th largest GDP in the world and is a democracy with Ankara as its capital. Culturally, Turkey has a rich legacy from past civilizations and is a meeting place of cultures, with Istanbul especially representing peaceful coexistence of different religions and ethnicities.
2003 turkey in english -final version korece turkiye tanitimbabylonbossThe document is a presentation about Turkey that provides information on its location, demographics, history, culture, and attractions. It discusses whether Turkey is considered part of Asia or Europe given its location and characteristics. Key points mentioned include Turkey serving as a bridge between Asia and Europe, its largest city Istanbul being located on two continents, important historical sites like Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, and natural attractions such as Cappadocia and Pamukkale.
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie SamuelAre bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.
2012 ingilizce (27 subat versiyonu) 동서양문명의 교차로 터키 (lise ve son...babylonbossTurkey is a transcontinental country located in both Asia and Europe with a population of over 74 million people. It has a long history and was home to many ancient civilizations. Turkey has a predominantly Muslim population but maintains a strict separation of religion and state. Economically, Turkey has the 15th largest GDP in the world and is a democracy with Ankara as its capital. Culturally, Turkey has a rich legacy from past civilizations and is a meeting place of cultures, with Istanbul especially representing peaceful coexistence of different religions and ethnicities.
2003 turkey in english -final version korece turkiye tanitimbabylonbossThe document is a presentation about Turkey that provides information on its location, demographics, history, culture, and attractions. It discusses whether Turkey is considered part of Asia or Europe given its location and characteristics. Key points mentioned include Turkey serving as a bridge between Asia and Europe, its largest city Istanbul being located on two continents, important historical sites like Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, and natural attractions such as Cappadocia and Pamukkale.
36. • Istanbul has always
been a commercial
• Has 4000 shops
• One of the most
fascinating markets
• Truly a small city in
39. Cappadocia
• Three million years ago,
violent eruptions of the
nearby volcanoes covered
the surrounding plateau
with a deep layer of
solidified mud, ash and lava.
One of the most fascinating
• Wind and rain have eroded
soft volcanic rock forming
hundreds of strangely
shaped pillars, cones and
fairy chimneys, creating a
vast outdoor museum of
stone sculptures.
40. Cappadocia
• Three million years ago,
violent eruptions of the
nearby volcanoes covered
the surrounding plateau
with a deep layer of
solidified mud, ash and lava.
One of the most fascinating
• Wind and rain have eroded
soft volcanic rock forming
hundreds of strangely
shaped pillars, cones and
fairy chimneys, creating a
vast outdoor museum of
stone sculptures.
The area is one of the
leading hot springs(35
degree C) in Turkey.
As the spring water flowed
down the mountainside,
coated the slopes in a
smooth layer of white
calcareous rock.
Pamukkale means “Cotton
Castle” in English
Several Roman emperors
came to bathe in these
thermal pools.
48. • 메블라나 루미는 13 세기에 살았던 철학자이자 시인이었다.
• 루미 선생님은 다양한 문화와 사회적인 배경을 가진 사람들을 평등하게 관용의 정신으
로 베풀어야 한다는 가르침을 강조했다.
메블라나 루미 (Mevlana Rumi)
"오라! 오라! 당신이 누구이든 간에 . 무신론자든지.
불을 숭배하는 자든 백 번이나 너의 맹세를 깨었어도 어느
누구이든지 오라!"
49. 평화로운 공존
• 오랜 시간 오스만 제국 문화 속에서 타 종교, 타
문화 사람들을 자신들에게 동화시키지 않고도
함께 살아갈 수 있는 훌륭한 역사적 경험을 가진
거대한 제국을 이룰 수 있었다.
• 터키 공화국이 설립된 후에도 오스만 제국이 문
화유산으로 남긴 상호이해, 관용 정신 안에서 소
수일지라도 다른 신앙을 가진 사람들과 공존이
가능해질 수 있었다.
50. 아시아의 7교회는 아나톨
리아에 위치한다.
– Ephesus
– Smyrna
– Pergamum
– Thyateria
– Sardis
– Philadelphia
– Laodicea