This document discusses MeWorks, a website creation platform that allows designers to create websites for clients for a design fee of 10-20% while also allowing clients to easily update their sites themselves. MeWorks offers website design and 16+ other applications with quality design from Taiwanese designers.
The document contains the schedule for the first HappyWeb meetup held on 2006/11/11. The meetup included activities like self-introductions, an introduction to the meetup, experience sharing sessions on topics like ITxpo, HEMiDEMi, and Web 2.0, a QA session, breaks for socializing and lunch, and was tagged with #happyweb. Participants were reminded to cancel if unable to attend.
7. 投資現有公司 ( 一 ) 買賣價金的決定 資產及財務狀況的預查 交割日前資產及財務狀況的確定 買賣價金的調整 聲明、保證及其例外 聲明的目的 Enforceability Representative 與財務、經營風險相關之聲明 To the Best of its Knowledge 除外事項
8. 投資現有公司 ( 二 ) 行為與不行為之保證 賣方於交割日前的禁止行為 賣方於交割日前應妥善經營公司,且維持公司資產價值或業務狀況,非經買方事前書面同意,不得從事對買方不利、減損公司價值、有害公司財務或業務的經營行為或締結相關契約。 Materiality/Material Adverse Effect In the Ordinary Course of Business 滿足交割條件的義務
16. 僵局的解決 僵局 (Deadlock) 高層協商 仲裁 強制買賣斷 (Russian Roulette/Texas Shootout) Russian Roulette : This mechanism commence with one member notifying the other member of its offer to sell to that member all its joint venture shares at a specific price . This offer, in a deadlock resolution notice, must then be accepted; otherwise the declining member is obligated to sell all its own joint venture shares to the offeror at the same price. Texas Shootout: A” Texas Shootout” occurs where the party is seeking an offer to sell its shares decides that its would like to buy out the other party instead, then both parties can submit sealed bids, the highest winning.