3. la figura humanakipirinaiEste documento trata sobre la representación de la figura humana a lo largo de la historia del arte. Explica conceptos como el canon (proporciones ideales del cuerpo), la línea estructural, el contrapposto y el claroscuro. También analiza cómo representar diferentes partes del cuerpo como las manos, los pies y el rostro, así como figuras en movimiento o en distintas posturas. El documento proporciona ejemplos de obras clásicas y ejercicios prácticos para dibujar la figura humana.
08 space & volumen-light and volumePlaneta VisualThis document is about light and volume in visual art. It discusses how light and shadow create perceptions of volume and depth on flat surfaces through techniques like chiaroscuro. Specific elements of light are defined, including highlight, light area, middle tone, form shadow, and cast shadow. Examples are given of artists like Caravaggio and Leonardo Da Vinci who famously used chiaroscuro and sfumato techniques to create dramatic shadows and soft transitions between tones. In summary, the document examines how light and shadow manipulation can convey the illusion of three-dimensional volume and depth in two-dimensional works of art.
Space powerpointMandy TroiaThis document discusses various artistic techniques used to create the illusion of depth and space in two-dimensional artwork. It describes how artists use size, proportion, overlapping objects, atmospheric perspective, foreground/middleground/background, and linear perspective to make objects appear closer or further away. These techniques allow artists to add the dimensions of distance and depth even on a flat surface.
Tema 9. Formas Simétricas.IES Luis de MoralesPlástica 1º ESO. Tema 9: Formas Simétricas. Contenidos: simetría, simetría geométrica, simetría aparente, expresividad de la simetría, el estarcido.
4 Step Drawing Processmarsha devineThe "Four Step Drawing Process" is proven technique for developing your drawing from beginning sketch to final work.
Art Appreciation, Elements of Art: Value & SpacePaige PraterA brief overview of the elements of value and space, including isometric and linear perspective, within art. Based on Gateways to Art (2012).
Still lifeAlshimaa Aboelmakarem FaragA still life is a drawing or painting of inanimate objects arranged by the artist. Setting up an effective still life composition requires choosing a location with good lighting, including architectural elements for direction, and selecting interesting objects to demonstrate value and composition skills. When creating a still life drawing or painting, artists should plan the arrangement of objects, sketch the composition lightly, add value gradually to define shapes rather than using hard lines, and aim for a full range of tones. Proper drawing position and taking time to plan the composition before rendering details are also important tips for developing still life works.
One point perspectivecisenberg2This document provides instructions for creating a one-point perspective park scene drawing. It begins by listing the necessary supplies. It then explains key concepts of one-point perspective like the horizon line, vanishing point, and perspective lines. Students are guided through a step-by-step process to draw trees receding into the distance using one-point perspective techniques. Optional challenge steps add additional objects and textures like a brick path. Assessment questions test understanding of one-point perspective elements. Examples of completed student drawings in different styles and subjects are also provided.
001 parallelesslegna3The document discusses how to draw parallel and perpendicular lines using a set square and ruler. It provides instructions on drawing parallel lines in 9 steps and describes how to draw perpendicular lines to a given line using a set square and ruler over multiple repetitions. It also references an exercise on drawing by Sol LeWitt.
Comic presentationeverezcoteloComics are a sequence of drawings telling a story through images and words. They are also known as comic strips, graphic novels, or manga. Common elements of comics include panels containing illustrations and dialogue balloons, as well as onomatopoeias, labeling, and kinetic lines. Camera angles and shot types are also used to frame the artwork in comics.
2. visual and plastic languagesyolandasfThis document discusses visual language and images as forms of communication. It defines what an image is, and describes images as a visual language that can transmit events and ideas through elements like a sender, message, code, purpose and receiver. The document also outlines the main communication functions of images as informative, aesthetic, exhortative and expressive. Finally, it categorizes different types of images as still images, sequential images and moving images.
Successful Poster DesignHedren SumThe document provides guidance on successful poster design. It discusses defining the message and audience, gathering inspiration, choosing fonts and colors, using grids for layout, and evaluating the final design. The key aspects are:
1) Identifying the main message, understanding the audience and requirements.
2) Conceptualizing by gathering inspirations, choosing design elements and organizing them.
3) Developing the poster using tools like PowerPoint and principles of layout, typography and color.
4) Evaluating the poster for clarity, conciseness and relevance to the intended audience.
The shapeDolors CubíThis document discusses the basic elements of visual language, focusing on shape. It defines different types of shapes, including flat versus volume shapes, positive and negative space, and geometric versus organic shapes. The document also explains how shapes can be represented through outlines, edges, and inside contour lines. It discusses the expressiveness of open versus closed shapes and the relationship between shapes in terms of size, overlap, and contrast. Finally, it provides examples of how shapes are used in different art styles such as realism, cubism, and abstract art.
Obres d\'art. Analisi de geometria.Raul GalvezAnalisi de la geometria en una sèrie d\'bres d\'art. Secció àuria i divisió en 3. Polígons i formes corbes. Tangències...
La Figura humana. Sylvinne PasquierLa figura humana describe las proporciones básicas del cuerpo humano, incluidas las proporciones en módulos, la persona sentada y la persona levantada sobre otro nivel.
Presentacio textura 20 21slegna3La textura com a element expressiu
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3. la figura humanakipirinaiEste documento trata sobre la representación de la figura humana a lo largo de la historia del arte. Explica conceptos como el canon (proporciones ideales del cuerpo), la línea estructural, el contrapposto y el claroscuro. También analiza cómo representar diferentes partes del cuerpo como las manos, los pies y el rostro, así como figuras en movimiento o en distintas posturas. El documento proporciona ejemplos de obras clásicas y ejercicios prácticos para dibujar la figura humana.
08 space & volumen-light and volumePlaneta VisualThis document is about light and volume in visual art. It discusses how light and shadow create perceptions of volume and depth on flat surfaces through techniques like chiaroscuro. Specific elements of light are defined, including highlight, light area, middle tone, form shadow, and cast shadow. Examples are given of artists like Caravaggio and Leonardo Da Vinci who famously used chiaroscuro and sfumato techniques to create dramatic shadows and soft transitions between tones. In summary, the document examines how light and shadow manipulation can convey the illusion of three-dimensional volume and depth in two-dimensional works of art.
Space powerpointMandy TroiaThis document discusses various artistic techniques used to create the illusion of depth and space in two-dimensional artwork. It describes how artists use size, proportion, overlapping objects, atmospheric perspective, foreground/middleground/background, and linear perspective to make objects appear closer or further away. These techniques allow artists to add the dimensions of distance and depth even on a flat surface.
Tema 9. Formas Simétricas.IES Luis de MoralesPlástica 1º ESO. Tema 9: Formas Simétricas. Contenidos: simetría, simetría geométrica, simetría aparente, expresividad de la simetría, el estarcido.
4 Step Drawing Processmarsha devineThe "Four Step Drawing Process" is proven technique for developing your drawing from beginning sketch to final work.
Art Appreciation, Elements of Art: Value & SpacePaige PraterA brief overview of the elements of value and space, including isometric and linear perspective, within art. Based on Gateways to Art (2012).
Still lifeAlshimaa Aboelmakarem FaragA still life is a drawing or painting of inanimate objects arranged by the artist. Setting up an effective still life composition requires choosing a location with good lighting, including architectural elements for direction, and selecting interesting objects to demonstrate value and composition skills. When creating a still life drawing or painting, artists should plan the arrangement of objects, sketch the composition lightly, add value gradually to define shapes rather than using hard lines, and aim for a full range of tones. Proper drawing position and taking time to plan the composition before rendering details are also important tips for developing still life works.
One point perspectivecisenberg2This document provides instructions for creating a one-point perspective park scene drawing. It begins by listing the necessary supplies. It then explains key concepts of one-point perspective like the horizon line, vanishing point, and perspective lines. Students are guided through a step-by-step process to draw trees receding into the distance using one-point perspective techniques. Optional challenge steps add additional objects and textures like a brick path. Assessment questions test understanding of one-point perspective elements. Examples of completed student drawings in different styles and subjects are also provided.
001 parallelesslegna3The document discusses how to draw parallel and perpendicular lines using a set square and ruler. It provides instructions on drawing parallel lines in 9 steps and describes how to draw perpendicular lines to a given line using a set square and ruler over multiple repetitions. It also references an exercise on drawing by Sol LeWitt.
Comic presentationeverezcoteloComics are a sequence of drawings telling a story through images and words. They are also known as comic strips, graphic novels, or manga. Common elements of comics include panels containing illustrations and dialogue balloons, as well as onomatopoeias, labeling, and kinetic lines. Camera angles and shot types are also used to frame the artwork in comics.
2. visual and plastic languagesyolandasfThis document discusses visual language and images as forms of communication. It defines what an image is, and describes images as a visual language that can transmit events and ideas through elements like a sender, message, code, purpose and receiver. The document also outlines the main communication functions of images as informative, aesthetic, exhortative and expressive. Finally, it categorizes different types of images as still images, sequential images and moving images.
Successful Poster DesignHedren SumThe document provides guidance on successful poster design. It discusses defining the message and audience, gathering inspiration, choosing fonts and colors, using grids for layout, and evaluating the final design. The key aspects are:
1) Identifying the main message, understanding the audience and requirements.
2) Conceptualizing by gathering inspirations, choosing design elements and organizing them.
3) Developing the poster using tools like PowerPoint and principles of layout, typography and color.
4) Evaluating the poster for clarity, conciseness and relevance to the intended audience.
The shapeDolors CubíThis document discusses the basic elements of visual language, focusing on shape. It defines different types of shapes, including flat versus volume shapes, positive and negative space, and geometric versus organic shapes. The document also explains how shapes can be represented through outlines, edges, and inside contour lines. It discusses the expressiveness of open versus closed shapes and the relationship between shapes in terms of size, overlap, and contrast. Finally, it provides examples of how shapes are used in different art styles such as realism, cubism, and abstract art.
Obres d\'art. Analisi de geometria.Raul GalvezAnalisi de la geometria en una sèrie d\'bres d\'art. Secció àuria i divisió en 3. Polígons i formes corbes. Tangències...
La Figura humana. Sylvinne PasquierLa figura humana describe las proporciones básicas del cuerpo humano, incluidas las proporciones en módulos, la persona sentada y la persona levantada sobre otro nivel.
Intersecci recta pla pissarraslegna3The document contains repeating patterns of letters and symbols, with each line consisting of two primes or double primes of the letters A, B, C, and r. This repetitive structure is shown through multiple iterations of the same line format.
Tangents a coniquesslegna3Tangents a corbes còniques
001.carpeta 18 19slegna3El documento proporciona instrucciones para la confección de una carpeta personal para el curso 2018-2019, incluyendo colocar el nombre y número de lista de forma clara y visible en la portada y utilizar la técnica de collage para decorar tanto la portada como la contraportada con una composición de tema libre.
Vv2slegna3El documento repite una secuencia de letras y números de forma cíclica.
1.- Dibuixa la simetria de la primera figura, amb llapis (prenent
2.- Acaba la figura de l'esquerra copiant-la de la pissarra amb llapis.
3.- Quan creguis que ja estan ben dibuixades, passa-les a tinta i
esborra el llapis.
4.- Inventa una disfressa i vesteix la figura indicant els materials
que hagis previst utilitzar (tela, cartró , fil-ferro etc.)
Els punts 4 i 5 s'han de fer a casa: Só n deures