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Annual Meeting of the Extension Advisory  Board and Council June 24, 2009 It is the policy of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service, that all persons shall have equal opportunity and access to the programs and facilities without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, or disability.  Purdue University is an Affirmative Action institution.  This material may be available in alternative formats.
Purdue Cooperative Extension Service Mission Statement The mission of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service is education of Indiana citizens through the application of land-grant university research and knowledge base to develop youth and strengthen agriculture, families and communities.
Program Areas
Purdue Extension Team Project   Eat Your Way to Better Health Eat healthy,  move more and live well!  This program was taught at Ridgeview and Watson Elementary Schools.
Master Gardeners Class of 2009 Agriculture & Natural Resources/Horticulture
Master Gardener Advanced Training
Master Gardeners at Ag Awareness Days
Government Center Flower Beds Master Gardeners have volunteered over 8,000 hours between September 1, 2007August 31, 2008.
Arbor Day Programs Programs were presented to over 870 fourth grade students.
Master Gardener Booth Master Gardeners answer questions from the public at area events!
Master Gardener Help Line Master Gardener Help Line volunteers assisted over 500 residents during the months of April through October in 2008.
We Even Welcome House Calls!
Illiana Vegetable Growers School
Pinney Purdue Field Day
Workshops Offered
Professional Improvement
4-H Youth Development Head Health Heart Hands
4-H Chicken Embryology Over 4,000 students participated in spring and fall hatches.
4-H Ag Awareness Days More than 1,000 youth from 18 schools throughout Lake County attended 4-H Ag Awareness Days.
4-H Bean Bag Tournament 4-H family and friends participated in this first time event.
4-H Sportfishing Project
4-H Camp at the Indiana Dunes Environmental Learning Center
4-H Night at the Railcats
Mini 4-H Day Camp
2008 Lake County Fair
CONSUMER & FAMILY SCIENCES  Provides a Wide Range of Programming Including: Money Traps Supermarket Savings Dining with Diabetes Wild Turkey  From Field to Table Deer Day  Venison Home Food Preservation 101 Avoid Portion Distortion Table for One  Magic Meal
Wild Turkey   From Field to Table Participants increased knowledge and understanding of appropriate food safety issues.
Deer Day - Venison Participants increased knowledge and understanding of appropriate food safety issues.
Table for One:  Magic Meal
Family Nutrition Program Youth Family Nutrition Program Assistants Anna Hayden, Susan Gatlin, and Erin Sherrow Hayse
Anna Hayden, Youth FNP Anna has reached 3,266 Gary students teaching   Exploring MyPyramid with Professor Popcorn.
Susan Gatlin, Youth FNP Susan has reached 4,736 Calumet Township, Hobart, Lake Station, and Hobart Township students teaching Exploring MyPyramid  with Professor Popcorn.
Erin Sherrow Hayse, Youth FNP Erin has reached 7,172 East Chicago and Hammond students teaching Exploring MyPyramid with Professor Popcorn.
Fun and Fit Roberto Clemente Center in East Chicago We received $1,500 grant monies to teach youth  nutrition and wellness in East Chicago.
Lake County Extension Homemakers Lake County  Extension Homemakers Mission: To Strengthen Families Through: Continuing Education Leadership Development for Women Volunteer Community Support
Lake County Extension Homemakers  participate in a wide range of social and educational activities.
Cultural Arts  - Placemat Purse
Volunteer Community Support Scholarship  Winners
Adult Nutrition Education Programs for Limited Income Families Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) Family Nutrition Program (FNP)
Lessons in Action Home visits include an educational lesson, cooking experience, and physical activity.
Nutrition Advisors teach participants in their homes or in community locations throughout Lake County.
English and Spanish We strive to meet the needs of many ethnic groups when  cooking and teaching lessons.
Cooking   with culturally diverse foods.
Have a Healthy Baby Have a Healthy Baby is a six lesson series aimed to help pregnant teens and adults deliver a healthy baby.  Lessons address: Nutrition Lifestyle choices Expected weight gain Food Safety Prenatal Care Feeding the Baby
EFNEP and FNP participate in area networking groups to enhance quality of life for Lake County families.
Collaborating Agencies We work with WIC, schools, food pantries, Head Start,  Healthy Start and a host of other agencies.
NWI Food Bank Conference Presentations
Celebrate! Program graduates are recognized for their  personal accomplishments.
Economic & Community Development MISSION STATEMENT Purdue Extensions Economic & Community Development Program provides citizens with programs and information they can use to: Increase community vitality Build leadership capacity Enhance public decision-making Resolve public issues
Local Economic Strategies Workshops Stan Sims and Brad Clinehens were the local site facilitators in conjunction with Purdue campus specialists from the Center for Regional Development. GOAL:    help community leaders develop new strategies and create civic networks to help troubled businesses develop new strategic directions and assist workers to navigate their choices of a new job in their field, get the skills they need for work in another career path, or set out on their own to pursue an entrepreneurial venture. This facilitated session will provide hands-on tools to develop these and other community-based approaches. 油 Group activity included doing a solution labs pack which is a strategic action plan exercise geared towards building local networks. 油 About a dozen local leaders participated in this state-wide workshop on how to develop community-based strategies for local economic networks, during a time of economic recovery.
Growing for Market GOAL:   To facilitate the entry of farmers and horticultural producers into the direct marketing opportunities available through well managed and strategically placed farmers and community markets. This five week program covered a variety of topics to those vendors interested in participating in their farmers market.
Beginners Guide  to Grant Writing Workshops Over 50 participants have completed this workshop in  Lake County since 2006.
Galaxy 2008 Area 10 ECD Poster Session presented at Galaxy III Conference in Indianapolis National Extension Association conference and the Urban Extension Conference in Milwaukee.
Extension in the News
A big THANK YOU! to all of our volunteers!
S   pecial and wonderful - thats what you are. V   aluable is the work you do. O   utstanding is how you always come through. L    oyal, sincere, and full of good cheer, U    ntiring in your efforts throughout the year. N    otable are the contributions you make. T   rustworthy in every project you take. E   ager to reach your every goal. E   ffective in the way you fulfill your role. R   eady with a smile, like a shining star,
Purdue Extension Lake County Knowledge to Go

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09 際際滷show

  • 1. Annual Meeting of the Extension Advisory Board and Council June 24, 2009 It is the policy of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service, that all persons shall have equal opportunity and access to the programs and facilities without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, or disability. Purdue University is an Affirmative Action institution. This material may be available in alternative formats.
  • 2. Purdue Cooperative Extension Service Mission Statement The mission of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service is education of Indiana citizens through the application of land-grant university research and knowledge base to develop youth and strengthen agriculture, families and communities.
  • 4. Purdue Extension Team Project Eat Your Way to Better Health Eat healthy, move more and live well! This program was taught at Ridgeview and Watson Elementary Schools.
  • 5. Master Gardeners Class of 2009 Agriculture & Natural Resources/Horticulture
  • 7. Master Gardeners at Ag Awareness Days
  • 8. Government Center Flower Beds Master Gardeners have volunteered over 8,000 hours between September 1, 2007August 31, 2008.
  • 9. Arbor Day Programs Programs were presented to over 870 fourth grade students.
  • 10. Master Gardener Booth Master Gardeners answer questions from the public at area events!
  • 11. Master Gardener Help Line Master Gardener Help Line volunteers assisted over 500 residents during the months of April through October in 2008.
  • 12. We Even Welcome House Calls!
  • 17. 4-H Youth Development Head Health Heart Hands
  • 18. 4-H Chicken Embryology Over 4,000 students participated in spring and fall hatches.
  • 19. 4-H Ag Awareness Days More than 1,000 youth from 18 schools throughout Lake County attended 4-H Ag Awareness Days.
  • 20. 4-H Bean Bag Tournament 4-H family and friends participated in this first time event.
  • 22. 4-H Camp at the Indiana Dunes Environmental Learning Center
  • 23. 4-H Night at the Railcats
  • 24. Mini 4-H Day Camp
  • 26. CONSUMER & FAMILY SCIENCES Provides a Wide Range of Programming Including: Money Traps Supermarket Savings Dining with Diabetes Wild Turkey From Field to Table Deer Day Venison Home Food Preservation 101 Avoid Portion Distortion Table for One Magic Meal
  • 27. Wild Turkey From Field to Table Participants increased knowledge and understanding of appropriate food safety issues.
  • 28. Deer Day - Venison Participants increased knowledge and understanding of appropriate food safety issues.
  • 29. Table for One: Magic Meal
  • 30. Family Nutrition Program Youth Family Nutrition Program Assistants Anna Hayden, Susan Gatlin, and Erin Sherrow Hayse
  • 31. Anna Hayden, Youth FNP Anna has reached 3,266 Gary students teaching Exploring MyPyramid with Professor Popcorn.
  • 32. Susan Gatlin, Youth FNP Susan has reached 4,736 Calumet Township, Hobart, Lake Station, and Hobart Township students teaching Exploring MyPyramid with Professor Popcorn.
  • 33. Erin Sherrow Hayse, Youth FNP Erin has reached 7,172 East Chicago and Hammond students teaching Exploring MyPyramid with Professor Popcorn.
  • 34. Fun and Fit Roberto Clemente Center in East Chicago We received $1,500 grant monies to teach youth nutrition and wellness in East Chicago.
  • 35. Lake County Extension Homemakers Lake County Extension Homemakers Mission: To Strengthen Families Through: Continuing Education Leadership Development for Women Volunteer Community Support
  • 36. Lake County Extension Homemakers participate in a wide range of social and educational activities.
  • 37. Cultural Arts - Placemat Purse
  • 38. Volunteer Community Support Scholarship Winners
  • 39. Adult Nutrition Education Programs for Limited Income Families Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) Family Nutrition Program (FNP)
  • 40. Lessons in Action Home visits include an educational lesson, cooking experience, and physical activity.
  • 41. Nutrition Advisors teach participants in their homes or in community locations throughout Lake County.
  • 42. English and Spanish We strive to meet the needs of many ethnic groups when cooking and teaching lessons.
  • 43. Cooking with culturally diverse foods.
  • 44. Have a Healthy Baby Have a Healthy Baby is a six lesson series aimed to help pregnant teens and adults deliver a healthy baby. Lessons address: Nutrition Lifestyle choices Expected weight gain Food Safety Prenatal Care Feeding the Baby
  • 45. EFNEP and FNP participate in area networking groups to enhance quality of life for Lake County families.
  • 46. Collaborating Agencies We work with WIC, schools, food pantries, Head Start, Healthy Start and a host of other agencies.
  • 47. NWI Food Bank Conference Presentations
  • 48. Celebrate! Program graduates are recognized for their personal accomplishments.
  • 49. Economic & Community Development MISSION STATEMENT Purdue Extensions Economic & Community Development Program provides citizens with programs and information they can use to: Increase community vitality Build leadership capacity Enhance public decision-making Resolve public issues
  • 50. Local Economic Strategies Workshops Stan Sims and Brad Clinehens were the local site facilitators in conjunction with Purdue campus specialists from the Center for Regional Development. GOAL: help community leaders develop new strategies and create civic networks to help troubled businesses develop new strategic directions and assist workers to navigate their choices of a new job in their field, get the skills they need for work in another career path, or set out on their own to pursue an entrepreneurial venture. This facilitated session will provide hands-on tools to develop these and other community-based approaches. 油 Group activity included doing a solution labs pack which is a strategic action plan exercise geared towards building local networks. 油 About a dozen local leaders participated in this state-wide workshop on how to develop community-based strategies for local economic networks, during a time of economic recovery.
  • 51. Growing for Market GOAL: To facilitate the entry of farmers and horticultural producers into the direct marketing opportunities available through well managed and strategically placed farmers and community markets. This five week program covered a variety of topics to those vendors interested in participating in their farmers market.
  • 52. Beginners Guide to Grant Writing Workshops Over 50 participants have completed this workshop in Lake County since 2006.
  • 53. Galaxy 2008 Area 10 ECD Poster Session presented at Galaxy III Conference in Indianapolis National Extension Association conference and the Urban Extension Conference in Milwaukee.
  • 55. A big THANK YOU! to all of our volunteers!
  • 56. S pecial and wonderful - thats what you are. V aluable is the work you do. O utstanding is how you always come through. L oyal, sincere, and full of good cheer, U ntiring in your efforts throughout the year. N otable are the contributions you make. T rustworthy in every project you take. E ager to reach your every goal. E ffective in the way you fulfill your role. R eady with a smile, like a shining star,
  • 57. Purdue Extension Lake County Knowledge to Go