Irrespective of the tremendous technological & commercial progress, there is an acute shortage of Real Leaders in this 21st Century. An overview........
Inaugural Lecture: It’s Third Space, Jim, but not as we know it: universities...Alex Dunedin
This is a podcast of the Inaugural Lecture of Professor Keith Smyth at the University of the Highlands and Islands: "It’s Third Space, Jim, but not as we know it: universities, community and digital practice"
Keith Smyth talks about the new and innovative ways that the digital can be used to support learning, and how the idea of empowering the learners can be an important space to set up for inventive learning and education. Getting the tools to create and the latitude to be creative can often be a missing element from education.
The lecture covers a great deal of ground which you can listen to and see the slides which accompany his talk when he officially accepted the Professorial role in the UHI.
#thirdspacejim @smythkrs
The document discusses youth empowerment programs on Lana'i Island in Hawaii. It describes the population and size of Lana'i Island, as well as its history as the Pineapple Island. It then discusses the mission of the Sustainable Hawai'i Youth Leadership Initiative to inspire youth to envision a sustainable future for their island. As part of this initiative, youth participate in a one-year project to plan and execute a sustainability-focused project that benefits their community. Benefits of the program include networking opportunities and job shadowing. The document concludes by outlining upcoming sustainability projects planned by Lana'i youth, including monthly beach cleanups.
This document contains a literature review on Islamic architecture conducted by a student named Nurul Jannah Masturah Jailani. It includes references from several sources that discuss key concepts in Islamic architecture like tawhid (the oneness of God) and how it influences architectural design. Tawhid aims to direct the viewer towards contemplating God's unity and transcendence. It gives Islamic architecture its identity and creates harmony between buildings and their users. The document also examines how elements like domes and ornamentation in mosques can symbolize theological principles and help worshippers feel spiritually connected to God.
This document discusses various types of adjectives in English grammar including adjectives of quality, quantity, number, pronominal adjectives, and others. It provides examples of each type and notes the different ways that adjectives can be used, such as attributively or predicatively. Guidelines are also given for forming adjectives from nouns by adding suffixes.
2016 ATEA presentation - what are beginning teachers looking for online?nickkelly
This document discusses the development of TeachConnect, an online platform designed to provide support for beginning teachers. It describes TeachConnect as aiming to be altruistic with broad participation from diverse stakeholders. The platform allows knowledge sharing through professional content, mentorship through peer and one-on-one support, and live chat features. The document outlines the four year design-based research process used to develop TeachConnect and discusses engagement metrics and lessons learned. It concludes by considering how to further develop online teacher support through national collaboration and integrating such platforms into the teaching profession.
Irrespective of the tremendous technological & commercial progress, there is an acute shortage of Real Leaders in this 21st Century. An overview........
Inaugural Lecture: It’s Third Space, Jim, but not as we know it: universities...Alex Dunedin
This is a podcast of the Inaugural Lecture of Professor Keith Smyth at the University of the Highlands and Islands: "It’s Third Space, Jim, but not as we know it: universities, community and digital practice"
Keith Smyth talks about the new and innovative ways that the digital can be used to support learning, and how the idea of empowering the learners can be an important space to set up for inventive learning and education. Getting the tools to create and the latitude to be creative can often be a missing element from education.
The lecture covers a great deal of ground which you can listen to and see the slides which accompany his talk when he officially accepted the Professorial role in the UHI.
#thirdspacejim @smythkrs
The document discusses youth empowerment programs on Lana'i Island in Hawaii. It describes the population and size of Lana'i Island, as well as its history as the Pineapple Island. It then discusses the mission of the Sustainable Hawai'i Youth Leadership Initiative to inspire youth to envision a sustainable future for their island. As part of this initiative, youth participate in a one-year project to plan and execute a sustainability-focused project that benefits their community. Benefits of the program include networking opportunities and job shadowing. The document concludes by outlining upcoming sustainability projects planned by Lana'i youth, including monthly beach cleanups.
This document contains a literature review on Islamic architecture conducted by a student named Nurul Jannah Masturah Jailani. It includes references from several sources that discuss key concepts in Islamic architecture like tawhid (the oneness of God) and how it influences architectural design. Tawhid aims to direct the viewer towards contemplating God's unity and transcendence. It gives Islamic architecture its identity and creates harmony between buildings and their users. The document also examines how elements like domes and ornamentation in mosques can symbolize theological principles and help worshippers feel spiritually connected to God.
This document discusses various types of adjectives in English grammar including adjectives of quality, quantity, number, pronominal adjectives, and others. It provides examples of each type and notes the different ways that adjectives can be used, such as attributively or predicatively. Guidelines are also given for forming adjectives from nouns by adding suffixes.
2016 ATEA presentation - what are beginning teachers looking for online?nickkelly
This document discusses the development of TeachConnect, an online platform designed to provide support for beginning teachers. It describes TeachConnect as aiming to be altruistic with broad participation from diverse stakeholders. The platform allows knowledge sharing through professional content, mentorship through peer and one-on-one support, and live chat features. The document outlines the four year design-based research process used to develop TeachConnect and discusses engagement metrics and lessons learned. It concludes by considering how to further develop online teacher support through national collaboration and integrating such platforms into the teaching profession.
Synchro erp scheduling for casting manufacturer'sVictoria Smith
This document discusses tools for scheduling foundry operations. It notes that each foundry requires unique scheduling tools due to differences in capacity constraints like time, moulding box availability, and oven capacity. It outlines considerations for processes like rack or stack moulding, investment foundries, and pressure diecasting that affect scheduling. The document also covers scheduling by time, job sequencing, splitting production runs, highlighting anomalies, automatic rescheduling, bottleneck monitoring, and configurable data screens and filters. The goal is to provide a toolkit of scheduling features tailored to each foundry's specific needs and constraints.
The document discusses the need for more sidewalks and bike lanes in Hawaii. It notes that currently there are few sidewalks and bike lanes, forcing many to drive even for short trips. This has environmental impacts from increased emissions and economic impacts from higher fuel costs. Having more walking and biking infrastructure would encourage active transportation, reducing costs while improving health and the environment. The solution proposed is to build more sidewalks and bike lanes, especially around schools, to create a more sustainable transportation system.