Матис В. И., портрет учёногоlapin_eug229 июня в рамках библиотечного проекта «Наука как образ жизни» состоялась презентация биобиблиографического указателя «Владимир Иванович Матис. Портрет ученого». Сотрудники научно-библиографического отдела подготовили выставку трудов В.И. Матиса из фондов научной библиотеки АГАКИ.
Отчёт МАОУ лицея №2 г. АльметьевскШкольная лига РОСНАНОПубличный отчёт муниципального автономного
образовательного учреждения - лицея №2
г. Альметьевск для конкурса по вступлению в действительные члены Школьной Лиги РОСНАНО
Technical InterviewingAnthony D. MaysAnthony Mays is a software engineer at Google who works in data visualization. He provides advice on preparing for technical interviews. The document outlines steps to take before applying for jobs, including being proactive, building relationships, continuously learning, and keeping an updated LinkedIn profile. It recommends preparing stories to demonstrate work experiences and challenges. Technical preparation involves practicing data structures and algorithms like sorting, searching, hashtables, graphs, and trees. Sample interview questions test coding skills and problem-solving abilities. Recommended resources include algorithm textbooks and websites for practicing interview problems.
How To Crowdsource SEO & Social Media Marketing - Gab's Highly Unusual Guide ...Gabriel GoldenbergCrowdsourcing internet marketing - research, campaign and optimize with Mechanical Turk - Gab' unusual guide to doing the usual. So long as you're not spammy, you can use MTurk for market research, so that by understanding customers you achieve higher conversion rates. This is done with customer interviews and surveys. You follow this up with having customers create the campaigns. You crowdsource relationship building by having Mechanical Turk's Turkers do this on your behalf. The Turkers can also help you by generating content (text, videos, pics), participating in social media to build up your accounts and seeding forum discussions on behalf of forum owners. It doesn't hurt to crowdsource contact information for webmaster or PR outreach to journalists. Once all is said and done, you analyze by exporting your data, removing personally identifiable information, and asking Turkers to find interesting patterns in the data and provide reasonable explanations for them. The more useful and insightful the patterns and explanations, the greater the bonuses.
Матис В. И., портрет учёногоlapin_eug229 июня в рамках библиотечного проекта «Наука как образ жизни» состоялась презентация биобиблиографического указателя «Владимир Иванович Матис. Портрет ученого». Сотрудники научно-библиографического отдела подготовили выставку трудов В.И. Матиса из фондов научной библиотеки АГАКИ.
Отчёт МАОУ лицея №2 г. АльметьевскШкольная лига РОСНАНОПубличный отчёт муниципального автономного
образовательного учреждения - лицея №2
г. Альметьевск для конкурса по вступлению в действительные члены Школьной Лиги РОСНАНО
Technical InterviewingAnthony D. MaysAnthony Mays is a software engineer at Google who works in data visualization. He provides advice on preparing for technical interviews. The document outlines steps to take before applying for jobs, including being proactive, building relationships, continuously learning, and keeping an updated LinkedIn profile. It recommends preparing stories to demonstrate work experiences and challenges. Technical preparation involves practicing data structures and algorithms like sorting, searching, hashtables, graphs, and trees. Sample interview questions test coding skills and problem-solving abilities. Recommended resources include algorithm textbooks and websites for practicing interview problems.
How To Crowdsource SEO & Social Media Marketing - Gab's Highly Unusual Guide ...Gabriel GoldenbergCrowdsourcing internet marketing - research, campaign and optimize with Mechanical Turk - Gab' unusual guide to doing the usual. So long as you're not spammy, you can use MTurk for market research, so that by understanding customers you achieve higher conversion rates. This is done with customer interviews and surveys. You follow this up with having customers create the campaigns. You crowdsource relationship building by having Mechanical Turk's Turkers do this on your behalf. The Turkers can also help you by generating content (text, videos, pics), participating in social media to build up your accounts and seeding forum discussions on behalf of forum owners. It doesn't hurt to crowdsource contact information for webmaster or PR outreach to journalists. Once all is said and done, you analyze by exporting your data, removing personally identifiable information, and asking Turkers to find interesting patterns in the data and provide reasonable explanations for them. The more useful and insightful the patterns and explanations, the greater the bonuses.
How To Preserve Your Ecommerce Store's Conversion Rate Through A Site RedesignGabriel GoldenbergFind out
- how other ecommerce shops decreased their conversion rates by messing up their redesigns
- the right process for redesigning
- what tools can help you understand what you need to redesign
- the common mistakes people make with hypotheses for a/b testing
- what kind of traffic you need to run your a/b test - it needs to be representative (e.g. same times (weekend vs weekday), geographic locations of visitors, traffic sources and campaigns, value propositions etc)
- what getting this right can do with a case study on successful conversion rate optimization with a redesign
Advanced SEO Rules & TacticsGabriel GoldenbergHere are the secrets of thinking like an advanced SEO, so that you can get dramatically more search engine traffic and convert it markedly better!
The Little Noticed Secrets of Uncommonly-High Converting SitesGabriel GoldenbergThe document discusses 7 conversion rate factors that contribute to highly converting websites: 1) Motivation, starting with motivated traffic, 2) Offer, making the offer irresistible, 3) Clarity and 4) Relevance, ensuring the headline and landing pages are clear and relevant, 5) Urgency, creating a sense of urgency through scarcity or deadlines, 6) Distraction, focusing the user only on the desired action, and 7) Anxiety, answering questions and objections to soothe user anxiety. Examples are provided for each factor and recommendations are made for books and tools to help with implementation.
Ultrabac Presentacionsquiroz1978UltraBac es un software de recuperación de desastres y respaldo de información que ofrece respaldos eficientes, un sistema efectivo de recuperación ante desastres y compatibilidad con múltiples dispositivos de almacenamiento. Ha estado en el mercado desde 1982 y se ha centrado en proporcionar software confiable e innovador con excelente soporte al cliente.
Los portatiles salome zuluaga velezsalomezuluagavelezEl documento resume la historia de las computadoras desde ENIAC en 1943 hasta la difusión de los computadores portátiles en los años 90. Explica las diferencias entre computadores de escritorio y portátiles, y entre sistemas operativos Mac OS, Windows y Linux. También compara características y preferencias de Mac vs PC, incluyendo ventajas y desventajas de cada uno. El autor concluye que prefiere los Mac debido a su diseño, seguridad contra virus, y facilidad de sincronización.
Projeto norteWilsonmarinhoO documento lista projetos de arqueologia realizados entre 1999-2008, incluindo programas de diagnóstico, prospecção, resgate e controle ambiental para empreendimentos energéticos, de infraestrutura, rodoviários e de transmissão em Tocantins e outros estados, com clientes como Energia Sustentável do Brasil, Bunge Alimentos e Iberdrola Empreendimentos do Brasil.
Klöckner & Co - Q1 2012 ResultsKlöckner & Co SE- Klöckner & Co reported results for Q1 2012, with turnover increasing 24% year-over-year driven by acquisitions in the Americas. EBITDA declined significantly from last year due to adverse market conditions in Europe.
- The company provided an update on its profitability action plan in Europe and the Americas, including headcount reductions, plant closures, and integration efforts.
- For full-year 2012, the company expects turnover to increase around 5% but EBITDA growth will depend on the economic recovery in Europe in the second half of the year.
Power pointtt. quadsCamilaEste documento lista cuatro vehículos todo terreno Yamaha del año 2010 con sus precios de mercado respectivos, incluyendo un Yamaha Blaster YFs 200 por $16,000, un Yamaha Banshee Yfz-350 Twin por $18,000, un Yamaha Raptor 250 por $15,000 y un Yamaha banshee 350 por $20,000.
A net e nós.Rebeh10O documento discute vários perigos associados ao uso da internet, incluindo expor dados pessoais online, espalhar vírus, escolher fracas senhas de acesso, e receber vírus por e-mail.
ProyectoJuan Pablo LCEste documento define qué es un proyecto y describe diferentes tipos de proyectos como proyectos sociales, de investigación e inversión. Explica que un proyecto es un conjunto de actividades para alcanzar un objetivo dentro de un presupuesto y plazo definidos. También describe las diferentes etapas en el desarrollo de un proyecto como la idea, identificación, perfil, factibilidad, ejecución y operación.
Trabalho de tic catarina nº1catalexandraA arte deve ser entendida como uma forma de expressão do artista e reflexo da época. Embora a arte tenha funções estéticas, também serve propósitos didáticos, religiosos e políticos para responder às necessidades da sociedade. Museus e meios de comunicação influenciam o interesse das pessoas na arte, que também é usada com fins comerciais e de prestígio social.
Mankiw principios segunda_edTomás HederraEste documento describe los pasos para resolver problemas de manera efectiva. Primero, se debe definir claramente el problema. Luego, se deben generar varias soluciones potenciales sin juzgarlas. Finalmente, se debe implementar la mejor solución y evaluar los resultados.
CheyennecieloneblinosoEste documento analiza un comercial de Chevrolet que muestra a un padre y su hijo en una camioneta Cheyenne. El niño le pregunta a su padre si la camioneta será suya en el futuro, pero el padre evade la pregunta. El análisis examina los signos como los personajes del padre y el hijo, la camioneta como producto promocionado, y el contexto de campo. También analiza la comunicación no verbal del padre y el hijo a través de sus expresiones faciales y gestos.
8 класс модуль 3englishka2This document provides information about a grammar textbook. It lists the title "Grammarway 2" and its authors Jenny Dooley and Virginia Evans. The textbook is aimed at intermediate English language learners looking to improve their grammar skills.
4. Н
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