Halloween around the worldMariam KhachanyanAustrians leave bread, water, and a lighted lamp on tables before sleeping on Halloween to welcome dead souls. Belgians light candles for dead relatives and see black cats as unlucky. Modern Canadian Halloween celebrations began with Scottish and Irish immigrants and include carving jack-o'-lanterns, parties, trick-or-treating, and decorating with pumpkins and corn stalks.
Volunteer work Mariam KhachanyanMariam wants to volunteer as a teacher at her school to help children and teach subjects like English and French, which she loves. She also wants to work in France as a helper like her sister Asmik, who prepares beautiful flower arrangements and takes nice pictures. Mariam loves her sister very much.
Mesrop mashtotsMariam KhachanyanMesrop Mashtots created the Armenian alphabet which allowed Armenians to express their thoughts and feelings in writing. His creation of the Armenian alphabet played a critical role in preserving Armenian national identity. Seeing that the kingdom was coming to an end, Mesrop Mashtots escalated his work to create the Armenian alphabet to help maintain Armenian culture.
Party time jobMariam KhachanyanMariam Khachanyan works a part-time job as she studies to become a future dentist, though she does not enjoy having her own teeth treated. As a child, she was very afraid of visiting the dentist but did not cry and was given a present. She also wishes to be a singer as a second career choice because she enjoys singing and it would be another part-time job for her.
My father is engineerMariam KhachanyanThe author's father is an engineer named Ruben who is very intelligent and knows mathematics and multiple languages including Russian, English, and French. He worked as a pilot in Africa conducting difficult tests and has encouraged his child to learn English and French well, which they enjoy studying. The author loves their father.
Christmas in french – noël en franceMariam KhachanyanIn France, Christmas traditions include decorating homes with Nativity scenes featuring clay figures. These special French Nativity scenes also include additional figures like a butcher, baker, policeman and priest. Christmas is referred to as "Joyeux Noël" in French. Father Christmas is known as Père Noël, and in some eastern parts of France he is accompanied by Le Pere Fouettard, a man dressed in black. Another tradition in some parts of France is to eat 13 different desserts made from fruits, nuts, and pastries to celebrate.
About my schoolMariam KhachanyanMy school has facilities for physical education like a gym, laboratories for science classes, and clubs for extracurricular activities. It also has playgrounds for students to play on during breaks.
Christmas in germanyMariam KhachanyanThe document summarizes some German Christmas traditions, including using Advent calendars leading up to Christmas, decorating Christmas trees which are traditionally brought inside on Christmas Eve, and putting candles in windows to decorate homes from the outside. Families also read the Bible and sing carols like Silent Night in the evenings during Christmas.
Volunteer work Mariam KhachanyanMariam wants to volunteer as a teacher at her school to help children and teach subjects like English and French, which she loves. She also wants to work in France as a helper like her sister Asmik, who prepares beautiful flower arrangements and takes nice pictures. Mariam loves her sister very much.
Mesrop mashtotsMariam KhachanyanMesrop Mashtots created the Armenian alphabet which allowed Armenians to express their thoughts and feelings in writing. His creation of the Armenian alphabet played a critical role in preserving Armenian national identity. Seeing that the kingdom was coming to an end, Mesrop Mashtots escalated his work to create the Armenian alphabet to help maintain Armenian culture.
Party time jobMariam KhachanyanMariam Khachanyan works a part-time job as she studies to become a future dentist, though she does not enjoy having her own teeth treated. As a child, she was very afraid of visiting the dentist but did not cry and was given a present. She also wishes to be a singer as a second career choice because she enjoys singing and it would be another part-time job for her.
My father is engineerMariam KhachanyanThe author's father is an engineer named Ruben who is very intelligent and knows mathematics and multiple languages including Russian, English, and French. He worked as a pilot in Africa conducting difficult tests and has encouraged his child to learn English and French well, which they enjoy studying. The author loves their father.
Christmas in french – noël en franceMariam KhachanyanIn France, Christmas traditions include decorating homes with Nativity scenes featuring clay figures. These special French Nativity scenes also include additional figures like a butcher, baker, policeman and priest. Christmas is referred to as "Joyeux Noël" in French. Father Christmas is known as Père Noël, and in some eastern parts of France he is accompanied by Le Pere Fouettard, a man dressed in black. Another tradition in some parts of France is to eat 13 different desserts made from fruits, nuts, and pastries to celebrate.
About my schoolMariam KhachanyanMy school has facilities for physical education like a gym, laboratories for science classes, and clubs for extracurricular activities. It also has playgrounds for students to play on during breaks.
Christmas in germanyMariam KhachanyanThe document summarizes some German Christmas traditions, including using Advent calendars leading up to Christmas, decorating Christmas trees which are traditionally brought inside on Christmas Eve, and putting candles in windows to decorate homes from the outside. Families also read the Bible and sing carols like Silent Night in the evenings during Christmas.
2. Մի բան պատմեմ իմ դպրոցի մասին
Ինձ դուր է գալիս, որ մեր կրթահամալիրում աշխատում ենք
նոթբուք, նեթբուքներով: Ինձ նաև դուր են գալիս ընդհանուր
պարպունքները, ես շատ երգեր եմ սովորել: Ես սիրում եմ
Մաթեմատիկա, Մայրենի, Անգլերեն, Ռուսերեն և
Աշխարագրություն առարկաները, մենք տետրերի փոխարեն
ամեն ինչ անում ենք gmail-ով: Տնային աշխատանքները
ստանում ենք էլ. Հասցեներով: Մեր կրթահամալիրում շատ
հետաքրքիր է սովորելը: Տարին երկու անգամ մենք ունենք
ուսումնական ճամբարներ և բոլորս հաճույքով ենք մասնակցում
ճամբարներին: Մենք բոլորս բլոգներ ունենք և մեր
պատրաստած նյութերը տեղադրում ենք մեր բլոգներում,
այնուհետև մեր կայքում:
3. Իմ նոր առարկաները
Ես այս տարի նոր առարկաներ եմ անցնում՝ ֆիզիկա, քիմիա
և կենսաբանություն:
Ինձ բոլոր առարկաներն էլ շատ են դուր գալիս, բայց
ամենաշատը ֆիզիկան եմ սիրում:
4. Ճամփորդություներ և բացականեր
Մենք շատ ենք ճամփորդում: Տարին երկու անգամ
բարձունք ենք հաղթահարում. Ամենաշատը ես սիրում
եմ մեր ճամփորդությունները, եթե հիվանդ չեմ լինում
չեմ բացակայում ոչ մի ճամփորդությունից: Ձեռքբերում
եմ համարում Շուշիի ճամփորդությունը: Ճիշտ է, շատ
հոգնեցինք, բայց այնքան գեղեցիկ և լավ օրեր ապրեցինք,
որ կյանքումս չեմ մոռանա:
Դասերից աշխատում եմ երբեք չբացակայել, բացակայում եմ
միայն այն ժամանակ, երբ հիվանդ եմ լինում:
10. Մենք Արցախի վանքում, տես այս հղումով: