Voluntariado en Nepal 2014Erik Ugarte LópezEl documento describe la labor de Círculo de Cooperación, una ONG que trabaja en Nepal para mejorar la educación y empoderar a mujeres. La ONG colabora con escuelas locales y organizaciones para proporcionar educación de calidad, especialmente a niños en riesgo de exclusión social. Sus objetivos incluyen mejorar la gestión educativa, capacitar a profesores, y promover el liderazgo de mujeres. La ONG actualmente apoya una pequeña escuela primaria en Bhaktapur que brinda educación a niños de familias empobrecidas.
FinalAbhi RebelA patent is a legal monopoly granted by a government that allows an inventor exclusive rights to make, use, and sell an invention for a period of 20 years. To receive a patent, an applicant must demonstrate that the invention is novel, non-obvious, and useful. Patents can be applied for by any person, whether an individual or organization, and can include inventions relating to products, processes, designs, and more. Patents provide benefits like preventing unfair competition and generating revenue through licensing, assignment, or technology transfer.
Bankruptcy and hiring?sheryciefrykiedgyrichA bankruptcy that is 9 years old will likely not prevent someone from getting hired at a retail store. Most employers do not look at bankruptcies that are over 7 years old when making hiring decisions. As long as good credit is established since the bankruptcy, and positive references are provided, a 9 year old bankruptcy should not be a barrier to retail employment.
Sat.vocabTanchanok PpsThis document provides definitions for 1000 common SAT words beginning with A. Each word is followed by its part of speech, definition, and an example sentence using the word. Some of the words defined include abase (to humiliate), abate (to reduce), abduct (to kidnap), aberration (something abnormal), and abdicate (to give up a position of power).
Formulir pendaftaran persaudaraan setia hati tera tewaterkoreaFormulir ini digunakan untuk mendaftar sebagai siswa baru di Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate Komisariat Korea Selatan, organisasi pencak silat. Formulir ini meminta informasi pribadi seperti nama, alamat, tempat/tanggal lahir, agama, jenis kelamin, dan golongan darah. Formulir ini juga meminta komitmen untuk mematuhi peraturan organisasi dan tugas pelatih.