Robin Hood (1991), Γιώργος ΚοντούληςIliana KouvatsouΠαρουσίαση της περιπετειώδους ζωής και δράσης του θρυλικού Ρομπέν μέσα από την ταινία του 1991 με πρωταγωνιστή τον Κέβιν Κόστνερ. Ποια ιστορική αλήθεια κρύβεται;
Chaitanya ManchikalapudiMANCHIKALAPUDI CHAITANYA TEJM. Chaitanya Babu is a recent graduate with a B.Tech in Electronics and Communications Engineering seeking a role in software testing. He has experience with manual testing, Selenium, mobile app testing with Appium, database testing, and Agile methodologies. His objective is to utilize his skills and creativity to benefit an organization.
Location IdeasPopSapThe document discusses different locations and methods used to take photos for a magazine. Some photos were taken at the author's house and cousin's house, but lighting was not optimal. However, Photoshop was used to edit backgrounds and adjust colors/contrast. Additional photos were taken using a white screen provided by the media department, which produced clearer images and made editing backgrounds easier. The white screen also avoided drawing attention from clothes and allowed models to stand out more professionally. Examples of magazine covers using white screen backgrounds are shown.
JordanSilver_TV and Video ProducerJordan SilverJordan Silver is a television and video producer with over 25 years of experience producing projects for broadcast, online, and mobile platforms. He has worked for major networks like ABC and CBS, as well as his own production company, Ag Media Solutions. Some of his accomplishments include directing the documentary "Bullycide: The Voice of Complicity" and producing videos for the launch of an investment firm's online TV network. He has expertise in fields like video production, business development, and staff management.
Dissertation - Philip IV and the Knight’s TemplarAlex ToesThis document is an honours dissertation submitted by Alex Toes in 2012 analyzing Philip IV and the Knights Templar. The introduction provides background on the Knights Templar and their role in the Crusades. Chapter 1 examines Philip IV's motives for bringing charges against the Templars and whether his accusations were valid given his political and financial ambitions. Historians debate Philip's character and whether he directly controlled policies or was manipulated by advisors, though most agree he pursued absolute power and wealth. The chapter analyzes primary sources that describe Philip both positively and negatively to understand his motives regarding targeting wealthy groups like the Templars.
ݺߣs for January 25, 2015Community United Methodist Church Oakdale CAThe document provides a prayer update from a church congregation on January 25, 2015. It lists prayer concerns for several individuals, members of the armed services, and those unable to attend service. It also announces upcoming events at the church including a parking lot repair fundraising campaign and various social and service activities through mid-February.
Cz vuorikaritartu20091-090403064405-phpapp0Karel CharvatKomunity síťového vzdělávání: Otevřené výukové zdroje
Informatics LaboratoryAgricultural University of Athens
Překlad materiál projektu Metaschool
Iaciancio gravanoagostina ranieriEl documento define la misericordia como la disposición a compadecerse de los sufrimientos ajenos y ayudar a los necesitados a través de la amabilidad, asistencia y perdón. También describe el Año de la Misericordia convocado por el Papa como un año especial para recordar que Dios nos ama incondicionalmente y nos perdona todos nuestros pecados.
Location IdeasPopSapThe document discusses different locations and methods used to take photos for a magazine. Some photos were taken at the author's house and cousin's house, but lighting was not optimal. However, Photoshop was used to edit backgrounds and adjust colors/contrast. Additional photos were taken using a white screen provided by the media department, which produced clearer images and made editing backgrounds easier. The white screen also avoided drawing attention from clothes and allowed models to stand out more professionally. Examples of magazine covers using white screen backgrounds are shown.
JordanSilver_TV and Video ProducerJordan SilverJordan Silver is a television and video producer with over 25 years of experience producing projects for broadcast, online, and mobile platforms. He has worked for major networks like ABC and CBS, as well as his own production company, Ag Media Solutions. Some of his accomplishments include directing the documentary "Bullycide: The Voice of Complicity" and producing videos for the launch of an investment firm's online TV network. He has expertise in fields like video production, business development, and staff management.
Dissertation - Philip IV and the Knight’s TemplarAlex ToesThis document is an honours dissertation submitted by Alex Toes in 2012 analyzing Philip IV and the Knights Templar. The introduction provides background on the Knights Templar and their role in the Crusades. Chapter 1 examines Philip IV's motives for bringing charges against the Templars and whether his accusations were valid given his political and financial ambitions. Historians debate Philip's character and whether he directly controlled policies or was manipulated by advisors, though most agree he pursued absolute power and wealth. The chapter analyzes primary sources that describe Philip both positively and negatively to understand his motives regarding targeting wealthy groups like the Templars.
ݺߣs for January 25, 2015Community United Methodist Church Oakdale CAThe document provides a prayer update from a church congregation on January 25, 2015. It lists prayer concerns for several individuals, members of the armed services, and those unable to attend service. It also announces upcoming events at the church including a parking lot repair fundraising campaign and various social and service activities through mid-February.
Cz vuorikaritartu20091-090403064405-phpapp0Karel CharvatKomunity síťového vzdělávání: Otevřené výukové zdroje
Informatics LaboratoryAgricultural University of Athens
Překlad materiál projektu Metaschool
Iaciancio gravanoagostina ranieriEl documento define la misericordia como la disposición a compadecerse de los sufrimientos ajenos y ayudar a los necesitados a través de la amabilidad, asistencia y perdón. También describe el Año de la Misericordia convocado por el Papa como un año especial para recordar que Dios nos ama incondicionalmente y nos perdona todos nuestros pecados.
Τα πάθη και η Ανάσταση του Χριστού μέσα από την τέχνη.docxΔήμητρα ΤζίνουΕργασία του μαθητή της Α' τάξης του 3ου Γυμνασίου Περιστερίου Δημήτρη Αυλωνίτη.
ΠΡΟΣΦΥΓΕΣ ΧΑΡΑΖΟΝΤΑΣ ΔΡΟΜΟΥΣ εποπτικό υλικό.pdfDimitra MylonakiΟι μαθητές δούλεψαν το σενάριο διδασκαλίας με βασικούς στόχους να κατανοήσουν τους λόγους μετακίνησης των προσφύγων και των μεταναστών, τη διαφορά που υπάρχει μεταξύ τους, την πίεση που δέχεται ένας πρόσφυγας κατά τη φυγή του και να αποκτήσουν ενσυναίσθηση.
2. Ο Ρομπέ των Δασών, δηλαδή ο
Ρόμπιν Χουντ, είναι ένας από τους
πιο εμβληματικούς λαϊκούς ήρωες
στην ιστορία της Αγγλίας.
3. Η φήμη ότι έκλεβε χρήματα από
τους πλούσιους για να τα
μοιράζει στους φτωχούς και
4. Ο Ρομπέν των Δασών είναι το θέμα πολλών
ιστοριών και θρύλων. Κάποιοι ισχυρίζονται
ότι ο Ρομπέν υπήρξε μόνο ως ήρωας των
μυθιστορημάτων και ότι οι περιπέτειές του
είναι γεμάτες συμβολισμούς. Για
παράδειγμα λέγεται ότι το πράσινο χρώμα
της παραδοσιακής στολής του Ρομπέν
συμβολίζει το χρώμα των ξωτικών του
δάσους. Το πράσινο χρώμα ίσως συνδέεται
με την άνοιξη που τονίζεται ιδιαίτερα στις
μπαλάντες, συσχετίζοντας τον Ρομπέν με
το θαύμα της ζωής.
5. Το πράσινο χρώμα ίσως συνδέεται με
την άνοιξη που τονίζεται ιδιαίτερα
στις μπαλάντες, συσχετίζοντας τον
Ρομπέν με το θαύμα της ζωής. Ο
Ρομπέν συνδέθηκε με το ξωτικό
Hodekin, με τον Woden τη γερμανική
εκδοχή του Odin που είναι θεός της
γερμανικής μυθολογίας και τον
Hobgoblin που είναι γνωστός ως
Ρομπέν Goodfellow, γνωστός και ως
Puck. Και οι τρεις ήρωες είναι
υπερφυσικοί και ως τέτοιος πρέπει να
θεωρείται και ο Ρομπέν....