I recently took a trip to Kaunas, Lithuania and brought my camera to take photos. I have compiled an album of 20 photos from my visit, including pictures of the old town area, churches, and other sights around the city. The photo album provides a glimpse into some of the highlights from my travels to Kaunas.
Healthcare situations, burdens and solutions for Asia-Pacific. Report by EIU, sponsored by Janssen.
For more information, please visit: http://www.economistinsights.com/healthcare/analysis/shifting-landscape-healthcare-asia-pacific
Healthcare situations, burdens and solutions for Asia-Pacific. Report by EIU, sponsored by Janssen.
For more information, please visit: http://www.economistinsights.com/healthcare/analysis/shifting-landscape-healthcare-asia-pacific
An outbreak exists when there are more cases of a disease than normal in a particular area, group, or time period. Investigating outbreaks helps describe the problem, implement control measures, and advance medical knowledge. When investigating an outbreak, epidemiologists verify diagnoses, identify cases, analyze data by time, place, and person to form hypotheses, and evaluate control measures to terminate the outbreak.