проектная экзаменационная работаlarisa72работа выполнена выпускницей МБОУ лицея № 3 Хмелевой Марией под руководством учителя Степаненко ЛВ на тему "Бактерии"
Presentation for the lecture "Features of the habitat of marine microorganisms"Ирина МошароваAbout the features of the marine microorganisms' environmental
Velstar Company Overview 06.2011Velstar International LLCVelstar International is a global telecom, energy, and cost management agency that works with over 75 suppliers worldwide to provide business solutions. They offer telecom expense management, tenant service solutions, and business continuity planning. Velstar acts as the primary point of contact for clients and helps reduce costs through competitive pricing and supplier partnerships. Their goal is to solve clients' problems by delivering choice, predictability, and a quality customer experience.
Fulmen Group PresentationHossein AminizadehFulmen Group is a holding company with several subsidiaries operating in the electrical equipment industry. It has over 30 years of experience in engineering, procurement, and construction projects. Fulmen's subsidiaries include Pars Tableau for medium and low voltage systems, Tehran Padena for low voltage circuit breakers, Palayesh Niroo for power treatment products, and Mehrabad Industrial Company for medium and low voltage products and high voltage projects. Fulmen has international partners for technology transfer, research and development, sourcing, and distribution in countries like France, Germany, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Khuzmag Trading PresentationArthur Charles Van WykA presentation developed by Njabulo Magubane of Khuzmag Trading that introduces the company and its services to new customers/prospects when they first join the company to get training in how to trade shares
Presentation for the lecture "Features of the habitat of marine microorganisms"Ирина МошароваAbout the features of the marine microorganisms' environmental
Velstar Company Overview 06.2011Velstar International LLCVelstar International is a global telecom, energy, and cost management agency that works with over 75 suppliers worldwide to provide business solutions. They offer telecom expense management, tenant service solutions, and business continuity planning. Velstar acts as the primary point of contact for clients and helps reduce costs through competitive pricing and supplier partnerships. Their goal is to solve clients' problems by delivering choice, predictability, and a quality customer experience.
Fulmen Group PresentationHossein AminizadehFulmen Group is a holding company with several subsidiaries operating in the electrical equipment industry. It has over 30 years of experience in engineering, procurement, and construction projects. Fulmen's subsidiaries include Pars Tableau for medium and low voltage systems, Tehran Padena for low voltage circuit breakers, Palayesh Niroo for power treatment products, and Mehrabad Industrial Company for medium and low voltage products and high voltage projects. Fulmen has international partners for technology transfer, research and development, sourcing, and distribution in countries like France, Germany, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Khuzmag Trading PresentationArthur Charles Van WykA presentation developed by Njabulo Magubane of Khuzmag Trading that introduces the company and its services to new customers/prospects when they first join the company to get training in how to trade shares
ELD Company IntroductionPost NjoyELD is a specialized Living goods manufacturer that develops products that are suited to various types of travels. Additionally, we develop and support new growth engines such as leisure and cushion goods in addition to living goods. As our major brands, we have domestically launched EDDAS and ETHOS, which are sophisticated and personalized goods. Based on our accumulated technology and know-how, we have acquired the ISO-9001, ISO-14001 quality management certification, a first in the travel bag business. Building on this, we are getting ready to become a global company while ensuring the competitiveness and base of our business.
Presentation of azlan broers trading & construction companyzeesolAzlan Broers Construction and Trading Company provides a wide range of construction and trading services including building construction, rehabilitation, road and bridge construction, and lubricant trading. The company strives for excellence in both domestic and international markets. Azlan Broers aims to provide appropriate solutions for clients, comply with regulations, carefully plan activities, control costs, minimize waste, and ensure safe and efficient project delivery.
DEUXIÈME PARTIE ~ 10. Qu’est-ce que le Jugement dernier ?Pierrot CaronUn Cours en Miracles - Les leçons
Exclusivity Power Point Partnership Presentation June 2010 Hk Incentive ExpoExclusivity LtdExclusivity offers luxury tours, hotels, and venues throughout Great Britain including:
- Historic houses and castles for exclusive use as hotels or venues.
- Curated tours led by experts in topics like antiques, golf, horse racing and photography focusing on luxury experiences.
- A collection of luxury partner hotels like The Grove estate in London and Holbeck Ghyll in the Lake District.
Lex Trading PresentationMarcelo Main BarrosoLex Trading is an international trade company that has over 15 years of experience in logistics, exporting, importing, customs support, and financial solutions. They work across various industries and can plan and manage operations from origin to destination. Lex Trading prides itself on excellent customer service and has offices in Brazil, the US, and partnerships worldwide.
CPM Trading PresentationCPM TradingThe 3,000 square meter office-warehouse of CPM Trading is located in their 6,000 square meter compound just 3 kilometers west of Dasmariñas - Palapala Crossing in Cavite, Philippines. The facility is near shopping malls like SM and Robinsons in Dasmariñas.
Sneha Orphanage - OverviewSnehaorphanage123Sneha Orphanage Horamavu is a Bangalore based non- political and non-religious orphanage, responsible for providing shelter to children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse and/or severe neglect. Sneha Orphanage puts its best foot forward in providing foster care for children up to the age of 18 years in India.
Sneha Orphanage - Basic EducationSnehaorphanage123Sneha Orphanage Horamavu is a Bangalore based non- political and non-religious orphanage, responsible for providing shelter to children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse and/or severe neglect. Sneha Orphanage puts its best foot forward in providing foster care for children up to the age of 18 years in India.
II. La peur de la guérisonPierrot CaronUn Cours en Miracles - Le Texte
C hpaitre 27 - LA GUÉRISON DU RÊVE
II. Liberté de la volontéPierrot CaronUn Cours en Miracles - Le Texte
кольцов и матричный принцип 2015Nikita Khromov-BorisovЧетыре величайших предвидения Кольцова:
1. Вопрос о форме (морфе) белковой молекулы лежит в основе всей проблемы физико-химической природы морфологии организмов.
2. Хромосомы – это огромные белковые молекулы, в которых радикалы распределены в определенном для каждого вида порядке.
3. Сложность такой молекулы столь велика, что ее копия не может создаваться в клетке заново.
Она возникает только при наличии в клетке уже готовой молекулы – затравки.
Omnis molecula ex molecula
4. Радикалы хромосомной молекулы занимают в ней совершенно определенное место, и малейшие химические изменения в этих радикалах, должны являться источником новых мутаций.
Антропологический вопрос человек – это кто что?immortality fundАнтропологический вопрос: Человек – это кто/что? На сегодня существуют три версии ответа:
1. человек – это высокоразвитая обезьяна. Дарвин;
2. человек – это деградировавший бог за миллиарды лет. М. Кремо**;
3. человек – это БРВКИ по фильму Unlocking The Mystery Of Life ***.
3. Роберт Гук
1665 год
Опубликовал труд "Микрография", где изложил результаты
своих исследований. Рассматривая тонкий срез пробки
под микроскопом, он обнаружил существование
множества мелких ячеек и назвал их "клетками". Так
возник этот термин.
4. Антони ван Левенгук
1680 год
Описал с большой точностью, наблюдаемые под
микроскопом микроорганизмы. Он назвал их
"микроскопическими животными", однако не отмечал их
клеточного строения.
(1632 - 1723)
8. Теодор Шванн
1839 год
Используя свои собственные данные и результаты
М. Шлейдена, обобщил знания о клетке и сформулировал
клеточную теорию. Основное положение этой теории: клетка
является элементарной единицей строения всех
растительных и животных организмов.
(1810 – 1882)
9. Клеточная теория
Шванна - Шлейдена
1. Всем животным и растениям свойственно
клеточное строение.
2. Растут и развиваются растения и
животные путем возникновения новых
3. Клетка является самой маленькой
единицей живого, а целый организм –
совокупность клеток.
11. Карл Максимович Бэр
1827 год
Открыл яйцеклетку млекопитающих. Сформулировал
положение, что клетка не только единица строения, но и
единица развития живых организмов.
(1792 – 1876)
13. Современная клеточная теория
1) Клетка представляет собой основу структурной и
функциональной организации растений и
2) Клетки растений и животных сходны по строению
и развиваются аналогично (путем деления
исходной клетки).
3) Клетки у всех организмов имеют мембранное
4) Ядро клетки представляет ее главный
регуляторный органоид.
5) Клеточное строение живых организмов —
свидетельство единства их происхождения.