Aula 1 - RedaçãoWALTER ALENCAR DE SOUSAO documento discute os elementos e funções da comunicação. Apresenta os elementos como emissor, receptor, mensagem, canal e código. Detalha as funções expressiva, apelativa, referencial, fática, metalinguística e poética da linguagem. Fornece exemplos de cada função.
Empresas y sociedades en colombiasergio3004El documento define una empresa y describe sus diferentes clasificaciones según la actividad económica, constitución jurídica, titularidad del capital, tamaño y otros factores. Explica los tipos de empresas individuales, asociativas, unipersonales y societarias, incluidas las sociedades colectivas, de responsabilidad limitada, en comandita y otras.
Aula 1 - RedaçãoWALTER ALENCAR DE SOUSAO documento discute os elementos e funções da comunicação. Apresenta os elementos como emissor, receptor, mensagem, canal e código. Detalha as funções expressiva, apelativa, referencial, fática, metalinguística e poética da linguagem. Fornece exemplos de cada função.
Empresas y sociedades en colombiasergio3004El documento define una empresa y describe sus diferentes clasificaciones según la actividad económica, constitución jurídica, titularidad del capital, tamaño y otros factores. Explica los tipos de empresas individuales, asociativas, unipersonales y societarias, incluidas las sociedades colectivas, de responsabilidad limitada, en comandita y otras.
Aprendizaje colaborativo (3)gigarcia94El aprendizaje colaborativo es un proceso de socialización en el que los modelos mentales se estructuran coherentemente para determinar la manera de pensar, sentir y actuar. Proporciona ventajas como clarificar ideas, adquirir información de otros, desarrollar habilidades de comunicación y permitir que los estudiantes dirijan su propio aprendizaje en un contexto social. Las ventajas se ubican en áreas cognitivas y socioafectivas.
The Hitchhiker’s guide to 483s and warning lettersAnita AnzoRegulatory Inspections are performed by various agencies to assure that anyone involved in the lifecycle of a pharmaceutical / biotech / medical device product, abides by the laws and regulations. This affects the entire supply chain.
A fun way to present this serious topic !
Whether your business can affect drug safety and effectiveness, Cosmetic and Medical specialized and consumer products your business is regulated by the FDA.
With the FDA regulating a trillion worth of products each year, it is no wonder that audits by the FDA are perhaps the most intimidating of all events at a regulated facility.
483's and their more serious counterparts, Warning Letters, are Citations issued by the FDA as a result of issues uncovered during an Inspection.
In 2011 alone, there were 9288 product recalls, 16 Injunctions and 15 seizures.
Can you afford not to be prepared ?
This presentation will use humor to describe:
> Why the FDA issues such citations
> What is a 483 and what does it look like
> What is a Warning letter and what does it look like
> What is the difference between a 483 and a Warning Letter
> What they mean for your company
> How to respond to 483s and Warning Letters to avoid escalation by the FDA
> How to prevent future issues during inspection and avoid future issuances of 483s and Warning Letters
Monochromatorsvijaya lakshmi kodaliMonochromators are used to isolate narrow bands of radiant energy from broader spectral sources. There are two main types: prism monochromators and diffraction grating monochromators. Prism monochromators use the refractive index of materials like quartz to disperse radiation into wavelengths, while diffraction grating monochromators use the constructive and destructive interference of light reflecting from periodic grooves to achieve dispersion. Grating monochromators generally have better dispersion properties but higher stray light, while prism monochromators have less stray light but are limited to longer wavelengths by material absorption.
Blogging and Social Media for Self-StorageSpareFootThe focus of marketing is shifting toward social media and informative, entertaining, and genuine content. Learn how to make your self-storage blog your main marketing tool, and supplement your success with smart social media tactics.
LOJA DAS TORCIDAS - FRANCHISINGCia de FranchisingA franquia Loja das Torcidas vende produtos licenciados de clubes de futebol em lojas e quiosques. Ela oferece suporte e estrutura para franqueados, como treinamento, mix de produtos e projetos arquitetônicos. Investir em uma franquia da Loja das Torcidas requer entre R$30.000 a R$110.000 com retorno em 12 a 18 meses e lucro médio de 15% ao mês.
Work from home 1 hr a dayHiralal PatilThis document advertises a work from home opportunity selling LED light bulbs and power banks through a multi-level marketing structure. Participants can join at various levels from 350 rupees to 1800 rupees, receive products, and earn daily commissions capped at amounts ranging from 1000 to 5000 rupees. Earnings come from binary matching bonuses, unlimited repurchases, mirror bonuses of 10% of downline incomes, franchise pins worth 10-50 rupees, and weekly minimum payments of 300 rupees transferred to participants' bank accounts. The opportunity is available across India and interested individuals are encouraged to sign up through the provided website or phone number.
Paper_12689_extendedabstract_3599_0 (1)Bob RahardjoThis document summarizes research on the effects of small molecule ligands on supported metal cluster catalysis. The researchers investigated tetrairidium clusters supported on silica and bound to various ligands including CO, phosphines, and a bulky calixarene phosphine ligand. Oxygen treatment of clusters bound with the bulky ligand led to a two order of magnitude increase in catalytic activity for ethylene hydrogenation compared to untreated clusters. Electronic structure calculations and spectroscopy data suggest oxygen acts as an electron-withdrawing ligand that promotes reductive elimination, a rate limiting step, and increases accessibility of binding sites by displacing apical CO ligands. Clusters bound with smaller ligands were unstable to oxidative treatment.
Drug & Alcohol Statement of Att 866913R0001Myles Dobinson
Aprender Con AlegríA!!gonzalo mejíasLas escuelas infantiles municipales están enseñando a los niños sobre telas y costura de una manera divertida y creativa. Los niños están explorando diferentes materiales y aprendiendo habilidades manuales básicas mientras juegan. Las escuelas alientan a los niños a aprender con alegría.
Delfix eliminar-herramientas-de-desinfeccion-5432-lcakfbyerkimEste documento describe DelFix, una herramienta que permite eliminar varias herramientas de desinfección instaladas en un sistema. Explica que DelFix tiene una interfaz en francés pero es fácil de usar, y guía al usuario a través de los pasos de búsqueda, eliminación y desinstalación de DelFix para no dejar rastros en la computadora. También incluye un enlace a la lista completa de herramientas de desinfección que pueden ser eliminadas con DelFix.
Keith HaringProfebloging 2010Keith Haring nació en 1958 en Pensilvania y estudió arte en Pittsburgh e IvySchool antes de asistir a la Escuela de Artes Visuales de Nueva York, donde comenzó a pintar en el metro de la ciudad usando rotuladores, a menudo causando problemas con la policía. Haring se hizo famoso por pintar en el Muro de Berlín en 1986 y creó la Fundación Keith Haring en 1989 para abordar problemas sociales antes de morir de SIDA en 1990.
Aprender Con Alegría!!gonzalo mejíasLas escuelas infantiles municipales están enseñando a los niños sobre telas y costura de una manera divertida y alegre. Los niños están explorando diferentes tipos de telas y aprendiendo habilidades básicas de costura mientras juegan.
Chapeuzinho vermelho por Heloisa e IsaEscola SantiO documento descreve o trabalho realizado pelas crianças do 1o ano em reescrever o conto "Chapeuzinho Vermelho". As crianças reescreveram o conto em duplas e trios, cuidando da linguagem, ordem dos eventos e caracterização dos personagens. Elas também trabalharam em aspectos como revisão, ortografia e pontuação. No final, o documento parabeniza as crianças pelo seu trabalho.
Chapeuzinho vermelho por Heloisa e IsaEscola Santi
бейсенов адиль автомойка 1
1. Автомойка
• Я хочу оказывать услуги мойки автомобилей
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• Платно
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