Cалон красотыАйнура КакеноваЭто будет новая программа, в которой можно будет увидеть не только график работы стилистов в салоне, но и прочитать их опыт работы, их работы с описанием
Габбасов Рустам+сервис+идеяRustam GabbasovСервис купли-продажи подержанных автомобилей и запчастей к ним.Рустам Габбасов.ВТиП-202, ФМиИТ.
Я хочу разработать сервис по купли-продажи подержанных автомобилей и их запчастям.
Услуги будут востребованы у людей, которые хотят купить или продать машину по относительно небольшой цене, а также автозапчасти.
Так как решит проблему дорогих цен на авто и их запчасти.
Потребители получат мои товары/ услуги через сайт или через сам центр купли-продажи.
AGENDA - Semana Santa 2016Cuadrilla-Veintiuno Ex-Banco Sur-ArequipaEl documento lista las actividades de la Cuadrilla 21 "Ex-Banco Sur" durante la Semana Santa de 2016 en Arequipa, Perú, incluyendo procesiones y misas desde el Viernes de Dolores hasta el Sábado Santo en diferentes templos y lugares de la ciudad, con horas de concentración y detalles sobre la vestimenta requerida.
Bus1apongmalikThe document describes a potential business called Re'Taylors that would retail used goods and materials to college students. Re'Taylors aims to provide affordable goods for students while reducing waste by reselling quality used items. The business would sell supplies like rulers, paints, and books. It targets lower to middle income, well-educated college students. Re'Taylors management strategies would connect sellers directly with buyers for convenience. The document outlines the business's financial plan and forecasts sales.
Summary of Unit 1A1Bonnie MarlowAnthropology is the study of culture and human beings in relation to their origin, classification, and relationships. Sociology examines how people organize within groups and societies and how social research can inform policy. Psychology seeks to understand human behavior and what factors influence how individuals react. Theories across these social sciences try to explain how people and the world influence each other. Anthropological theories discussed include functionalism, structuralism, and cultural materialism. Sociological theories include Marxism, structural functionalism, and feminist theory. Psychological theories analyzed are psychoanalysis, human motivation, and human development.
Cалон красотыАйнура КакеноваЭто будет новая программа, в которой можно будет увидеть не только график работы стилистов в салоне, но и прочитать их опыт работы, их работы с описанием
Габбасов Рустам+сервис+идеяRustam GabbasovСервис купли-продажи подержанных автомобилей и запчастей к ним.Рустам Габбасов.ВТиП-202, ФМиИТ.
Я хочу разработать сервис по купли-продажи подержанных автомобилей и их запчастям.
Услуги будут востребованы у людей, которые хотят купить или продать машину по относительно небольшой цене, а также автозапчасти.
Так как решит проблему дорогих цен на авто и их запчасти.
Потребители получат мои товары/ услуги через сайт или через сам центр купли-продажи.
AGENDA - Semana Santa 2016Cuadrilla-Veintiuno Ex-Banco Sur-ArequipaEl documento lista las actividades de la Cuadrilla 21 "Ex-Banco Sur" durante la Semana Santa de 2016 en Arequipa, Perú, incluyendo procesiones y misas desde el Viernes de Dolores hasta el Sábado Santo en diferentes templos y lugares de la ciudad, con horas de concentración y detalles sobre la vestimenta requerida.
Bus1apongmalikThe document describes a potential business called Re'Taylors that would retail used goods and materials to college students. Re'Taylors aims to provide affordable goods for students while reducing waste by reselling quality used items. The business would sell supplies like rulers, paints, and books. It targets lower to middle income, well-educated college students. Re'Taylors management strategies would connect sellers directly with buyers for convenience. The document outlines the business's financial plan and forecasts sales.
Summary of Unit 1A1Bonnie MarlowAnthropology is the study of culture and human beings in relation to their origin, classification, and relationships. Sociology examines how people organize within groups and societies and how social research can inform policy. Psychology seeks to understand human behavior and what factors influence how individuals react. Theories across these social sciences try to explain how people and the world influence each other. Anthropological theories discussed include functionalism, structuralism, and cultural materialism. Sociological theories include Marxism, structural functionalism, and feminist theory. Psychological theories analyzed are psychoanalysis, human motivation, and human development.
RETool_04_16_2015Tushar NadkarniStarUML allows for horizontal relationships between requirements engineering model frameworks like KAOS, NFR, and i*, as well as vertical relationships between different requirements levels from business processes to system operationalization. However, StarUML has limitations that require modeling through coding rather than a more flexible graphical approach, which could be achieved using the PAPYRUS plugin on the EMF framework. Next steps include establishing dependencies between problems and goals across different levels, implementing the remaining mappings, and learning about the PAPYRUS and EMF frameworks.
Las oraciones-compuestas-1211312902552818-8PortizeliEl documento describe las diferentes clases de oraciones compuestas, incluyendo oraciones coordinadas que pueden ser copulativas, disyuntivas o adversativas, y oraciones de yuxtaposición que pueden ser copulativas, adversativas, casuales o consecutivas. También describe las clases de oraciones subordinadas sustantivas, como proposiciones sustantivas de complemento directo y proposiciones sustantivas de sujeto.
Norton iHD - BroschyrSaint-Gobain Abrasives ABNorton har introducerat en ny teknologi som revolutionerar tillverkningen av diamantsegment. Den nya tillverkningsmetoden, som har beteckningen iHD, har fördelar som bl.a. längre livslängd, snabbare kapning och större möjlighet att tillverka segment i olika former.
LatihanBang Izul BerkataDokumen ini memberikan instruksi langkah-demi-langkah untuk membuat akun Gmail mulai dari membuka browser, mengakses alamat gmail.com, mengisi formulir pendaftaran, verifikasi akun melalui nomor telepon dan kode verifikasi, hingga akhirnya dapat mengakses Gmail.
Reshma_KaleRESHMA KALEReshma Kale is seeking a manager position to convert organizational losses into profits and prosperity. She has over 8 years of experience in accounting, storekeeping, and administration roles. Her experience includes cash handling, maintaining accounts and ledgers, inventory management, and excise document preparation. She is proficient in Marathi, Hindi, and English and has completed an MS-CIT course and typing qualifications.
Thaduri.SridharSridhar ThaduriThaduri Sridhar is seeking a position that allows him to further develop his skills and knowledge. He has an MBA in Finance and HR from BhavansVivekanada College and a B.Com from Badruka College of Commerce. He has over 3 years of experience as a Research Analyst at Deloitte and is currently an Associate Analyst L2 at Franklin Templeton. His skills include advanced Excel, VBA macros, MS Office, and Tally. He has achieved success in triathlons and documentary competitions.
Qué son las ticDaniel R. LaiwelfthLas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) son herramientas y programas que tratan, administran, transmiten y comparten información a través de soportes tecnológicos.
1. СТО
• Я хочу открыть СТО
• Услуги/ продукты будут востребованы Люди у
которых проблема с машинами
• Так как решит проблему быстрый ремонт
• Потребители получат мои товары/ услуги в
• платно
Азамат Серикбай ФММиТ Мт-303