Fatigue Life Prediction of Aluminum Alloy welding spot based on the workbenchIJRES Journal
The paper is mainly to make a fast fatigue life prediction for aluminum alloy 5754welding spot. A
large number offatigue tests for aluminum alloy 5754 show that the fatigue failure of welding spot is mainly
caused by the defects of welding process, so the welding spot defect have a big impact on the fatigue life
prediction for welded parts.Based on the experimental data to match an S - N curve fitting of the aluminum
alloy5754. Simulation analysis in the workbench¡ªan finite element software can find the maximum stress, and
predictthe minimum lifeof aluminum alloy material by using the S-N curve.At the same time, compared with the
life of welding partswith the defects, getthe importance of welding defects for parts life influence.
Fatigue Life Prediction of Aluminum Alloy welding spot based on the workbenchIJRES Journal
The paper is mainly to make a fast fatigue life prediction for aluminum alloy 5754welding spot. A
large number offatigue tests for aluminum alloy 5754 show that the fatigue failure of welding spot is mainly
caused by the defects of welding process, so the welding spot defect have a big impact on the fatigue life
prediction for welded parts.Based on the experimental data to match an S - N curve fitting of the aluminum
alloy5754. Simulation analysis in the workbench¡ªan finite element software can find the maximum stress, and
predictthe minimum lifeof aluminum alloy material by using the S-N curve.At the same time, compared with the
life of welding partswith the defects, getthe importance of welding defects for parts life influence.
The document discusses olfactory interfaces, which provide smells to users. It defines olfactory as related to the sense of smell and explains that olfactory interfaces generate and deliver smells. Some advantages mentioned are reducing stress, enhancing memory, and changing mood subconsciously. Challenges include difficulty digitizing smells and conditions like anosmia (lack of smell) or hyperosmia (extreme sense of smell). Examples of olfactory interfaces discussed are "Smell-O-Vision" movies, NASA's "E-Nose" device, and products that simulate smells like flowers or burning rubber. The future of olfactory interfaces may include uses in security and gaming.
This document summarizes the author's experience volunteering with an organization helping the homeless population in San Francisco. The author describes the shocking number of homeless people lining the streets of the Mission district, and observes many struggling with poverty, addiction, and mental illness. Through serving meals and interacting with those in need, the author gains a deeper understanding of the individual stories and humanity of the homeless people, beyond common stereotypes. The experience highlighted for the author the prevalence and complex causes of poverty in one of the richest areas of the country.
The document discusses font options for titles in a music video. The author tested several fonts in their editing software to introduce the artist and song. They provide ratings and analysis for each font option, considering factors like thickness, simplicity, legibility over footage, and whether the font fits the R&B genre and vision for the video. Their favorite option is a font with strong, stylish letters that can be displayed across two lines to fill the screen and look striking as a title.
This document discusses common fears and struggles people keep hidden, questions how clear one's thoughts are, and if they have ever felt this way before. It then asks what happens when you take off your armor or let one fall, and references people asking why your job is so tiring. The document promotes finding answers to these questions and more in a publication called "Staying A Head" which was published on October 23rd, 2014.
20150505 - 5 Steps to become THE E-Commerce of the future! - CopyAsier Fernandez
The 5-step document outlines how to become the e-commerce of the future:
1. Transition from transactional shopping to providing inspirational content to customers.
2. Move from static online shelves to personalized, agile digital aisles that adapt to each customer.
3. Expand from standard e-commerce to personalized "me-commerce" experiences tailored for individuals.
4. Grow from local to global by supporting many languages to reach most online customers internationally.
5. Advance from manual processes to predictive technologies that optimize the digital customer experience.
Notificaci¨®n por aviso acto administrativo resolucion 294mauricio benitez
El Secretario de Salud y Desarrollo Social del municipio de Santa Fe de Antioquia notifica a Ana Lucila Silva Silva sobre la Resoluci¨®n n¨²mero 294 del 13 de junio de 2016, "POR MEDIO DE LA CUAL SE RETIRAN ADULTOS MAYORES BENEFICIARIOS DEL PROGRAMA COLOMBIA MAYOR", a trav¨¦s de un aviso p¨²blico. El Secretario ha intentado contactar a Ana Lucila Silva Silva por diversos medios sin ¨¦xito, por lo que publica el aviso en lugares de acceso p¨²blico y en la p¨¢gina web municipal durante 5 d¨ªas,
1) The study examined the acoustic characteristics of polymer solutions with concentrations ranging from 0-5000 mg/L. It found that the density, acoustic velocity, and acoustic impedance of polymer solutions decrease with increasing concentration, while apparent viscosity increases.
2) The experiments showed that polymer flooding changes the pore space and fluid content of reservoirs, reducing density and acoustic velocity/impedance of fluids in pores due to the presence of polymer, while increasing viscosity.
3) Polymer flooding can make permeability lower in parts with low penetration and higher in parts with high penetration, resulting in a more uneven pore structure.
This document discusses different leadership styles including Lewin's theory and Daniel Goleman's theory. Lewin's theory includes autocratic, participative, laissez-faire, transactional, and transformational styles. Goleman's theory includes visionary, affiliative, coaching, democratic, pacesetting, and commanding styles. Effective leaders can adopt different styles based on the needs of the situation, moving between styles. Both theories note the importance of communication, motivation, and adapting styles to accomplish goals.
Sardona Sitepu mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan sebagai karyawan baru. Ia berusia 28 tahun dan lulus dari Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I, Fakultas Teknik, Jurusan Teknik Informatika pada 2013. Sardona memiliki pengalaman kerja di beberapa perusahaan sejak 2011 dan bersedia ditempatkan pada posisi yang dibutuhkan.
The Ieal Marriage (Part 3): Diminished relationshipsDavid Turner
This is part three of a series on the Ideal Marriage from Genesis 3:6-24. It's free to download and alter to meet your needs for teaching or Preaching. Free PowerPoint Download at www.Bibleguy.org