Conventions of a Music Act’s WebsitertimlettThe document discusses conventions for music artist websites. It provides examples of websites for individual artists (Little Mix and another unnamed artist) and analyzes their key features. Both websites prominently display large images of the artist at the top to allow for instant recognition. Navigation menus are clear and centralized for easy access to different sections. Key information like upcoming tours and new albums are prominently advertised. Social media links are included to keep visitors engaged with the artist across platforms. The designs aim to provide fans with current information while promoting sales in a stylish, easy-to-navigate format.
Value PresentationAndrew Buck, PMP- Andrew Buck has over 22 years of experience in the technology industry, including 18 years of experience managing projects, programs, and portfolios on a global scale.
- He has a proven track record of successfully delivering projects on time and on budget, and has managed teams of over 150 people.
- Some of Andrew's past clients include Thomson Reuters, AXA, and GlaxoSmithKline, and he specializes in helping clients in the financial services, insurance, pharmaceutical, and energy industries.
Post ProductionrtimlettThe document discusses post-production of a music video. Feedback from test audiences confirmed that the concept of the musician imagining the instruments came across, but suggested adding more shots of the instruments in the second half. While the black and white theme was kept, making all shots of instruments or the musician black and white was decided against due to wanting contrast and to maintain the visual appeal of color in the studio shots.
Ventajasdetenertupropionegocioen internetMari Cruz y German .Este documento describe cuatro ventajas de tener un negocio en Internet: 1) No tener un jefe que imponga horarios y exigencias; 2) Poder establecer tus propios horarios sin tener que rendir cuentas a nadie; 3) Conciliar mejor la vida laboral y familiar al poder trabajar desde casa; y 4) Trabajar desde cualquier lugar con conexión a Internet.
Storyboard with chosen fontsrtimlettThis document outlines 15 shots for a music video. Shot 1 would be an unsteady handheld shot showing the artist's experience and song title. Shots 2-6 would show various instruments being played by anonymous musicians, including drums, marimba, and keyboard. Shots 7-11 would focus on the singer using the microphone and interacting with it while getting into the performance. Shots 12-13 would show the drummer from different angles. The final shots would be a close up of the singer's lips ending the song and a 2-3 second credit for the recording company.
La lección del fracasoMari Cruz y German .Este documento ofrece consejos sobre cómo tener éxito en el marketing de red. Señala que deambular por lugares públicos tratando de promover su negocio rara vez funciona y en su lugar se debe crear un proceso atractivo. Explica que la confianza se construye rápidamente cuando se ofrece algo útil a los clientes potenciales. También enfatiza que el éxito o fracaso depende de uno mismo y de su proceso, no de otros factores externos. El objetivo final es enseñar a ganar dinero en línea de una manera
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?rtimlettThe document discusses how the author created a consistent style across their main music video and ancillary products like the digi-pak and website. By maintaining a black and white, stylistic theme throughout all the products, it creates a strong, recognizable branding. Screenshots show how each product sticks to this theme. The consistent use of the branding on all the products reinforces the artist's image in the viewer's mind. Maintaining similarities like the artist name, fonts, and color scheme clearly links the products together and creates synergy to effectively promote the song and attract fans.
MiedoainternetMari Cruz y German .El documento describe cómo cada vez más personas están conectadas a Internet y realizan compras en línea, lo que ha llevado a que algunas personas ganen dinero a través de las compras de otros, sugiriendo que el lector también podría ganar dinero en Internet. También señala que más gente está desarrollando sus negocios en línea debido a la revolución que representa Internet y los cambios constantes en este medio, instando al lector a unirse a esta nueva forma de generar ingresos.
Bsm presentation cluster samplingsohan dsouzaCluster sampling involves splitting a population into similar groups or clusters and then randomly selecting one or more clusters for sampling. It can make sampling more practical and affordable compared to simple random sampling. There are typically one-stage or two-stage cluster sampling designs. The advantages are that it is simple since a full population list is not required, low cost, and allows estimating characteristics of both clusters and the overall population. However, a disadvantage is that members within clusters may be more alike than those in other clusters, introducing potential error. Multiple stages also increase sampling error.
4.1 webminig Krish_ver21) The document discusses techniques for mining data from the World Wide Web, including identifying authoritative web pages through link analysis algorithms like HITS and PageRank, mining multimedia data and web images through associated text and links, automatically classifying web documents, and analyzing web server logs to discover user access patterns through web usage mining.
2) It describes how web pages can be partitioned into semantic blocks and how block-level link analysis can be used to identify related images and organize them, as well as reduce noise in automatic web document classification.
3) Methods of web usage mining discussed include cleaning, condensing, and transforming log data to generate multidimensional views of user access patterns that can help discover customers, markets
Tinkers, Printers, & Makers: Makerspaces in the Library (November 2015)Michael SauersThis document discusses makerspaces in libraries. It begins by defining makerspaces and outlining the necessary equipment, which can include items like LEGO, LittleBits, 3D printers and scanners. It then examines specific 3D printer options at various price points. The rest of the document covers other tools like Raspberry Pi, considerations for implementing a makerspace in a library, as well as resources and contacts for more information.
Vietnam at a glance. doing business in vietnam by gbee consultingCuong PhamVietnam is located in Southeast Asia, bordering China, Laos and Cambodia. It has a tropical climate in the south and a monsoonal climate in the north. The majority of Vietnam's population of over 93 million is ethnically Kinh and practices Buddhism. Vietnam has a communist government led by the Communist Party of Vietnam, with Hanoi as its capital.
Vietnam has a growing economy of over $186 billion that is expanding at around 6-7% annually. Exports include clothing, electronics and agricultural products, mainly to the US, China, Japan and South Korea. Imports are similar in value to exports. The Vietnamese dong is trading at around 22,485 dong to the US dollar
Makerspaces resourcesMichael SauersThis document provides a list of resources about makerspaces in libraries including guides, articles, and websites. It includes links to information on starting makerspaces, using tools like Raspberry Pi, examples of makerspaces in public libraries, and discussions of 3D printing technologies. The resources cover topics ranging from how libraries can boost the maker movement to debates around the hype around 3D printing.
Writing Instructional Objectives - The Assassin's WayMr. Ronald Quileste, PhDEver have problems encountered when writing your learning objectives? Learn the basics and some with the Assassins of a well - loved game. Instructional Objectives are vital components for a successful instructional planning. Like, comment or suggest for more. Namaste.
Distracter Analysis - Index of EffectivenessMr. Ronald Quileste, PhDHere is another simplified presentation about the process of Distracter Analysis in Educational Assessments. Included here are terminologies, reminders, definitions, as well as process in conducting it. Thank you. Namaste.
La lección del fracasoMari Cruz y German .Este documento ofrece consejos sobre cómo tener éxito en el marketing de red. Señala que deambular por lugares públicos tratando de promover su negocio rara vez funciona y en su lugar se debe crear un proceso atractivo. Explica que la confianza se construye rápidamente cuando se ofrece algo útil a los clientes potenciales. También enfatiza que el éxito o fracaso depende de uno mismo y de su proceso, no de otros factores externos. El objetivo final es enseñar a ganar dinero en línea de una manera
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?rtimlettThe document discusses how the author created a consistent style across their main music video and ancillary products like the digi-pak and website. By maintaining a black and white, stylistic theme throughout all the products, it creates a strong, recognizable branding. Screenshots show how each product sticks to this theme. The consistent use of the branding on all the products reinforces the artist's image in the viewer's mind. Maintaining similarities like the artist name, fonts, and color scheme clearly links the products together and creates synergy to effectively promote the song and attract fans.
MiedoainternetMari Cruz y German .El documento describe cómo cada vez más personas están conectadas a Internet y realizan compras en línea, lo que ha llevado a que algunas personas ganen dinero a través de las compras de otros, sugiriendo que el lector también podría ganar dinero en Internet. También señala que más gente está desarrollando sus negocios en línea debido a la revolución que representa Internet y los cambios constantes en este medio, instando al lector a unirse a esta nueva forma de generar ingresos.
Bsm presentation cluster samplingsohan dsouzaCluster sampling involves splitting a population into similar groups or clusters and then randomly selecting one or more clusters for sampling. It can make sampling more practical and affordable compared to simple random sampling. There are typically one-stage or two-stage cluster sampling designs. The advantages are that it is simple since a full population list is not required, low cost, and allows estimating characteristics of both clusters and the overall population. However, a disadvantage is that members within clusters may be more alike than those in other clusters, introducing potential error. Multiple stages also increase sampling error.
4.1 webminig Krish_ver21) The document discusses techniques for mining data from the World Wide Web, including identifying authoritative web pages through link analysis algorithms like HITS and PageRank, mining multimedia data and web images through associated text and links, automatically classifying web documents, and analyzing web server logs to discover user access patterns through web usage mining.
2) It describes how web pages can be partitioned into semantic blocks and how block-level link analysis can be used to identify related images and organize them, as well as reduce noise in automatic web document classification.
3) Methods of web usage mining discussed include cleaning, condensing, and transforming log data to generate multidimensional views of user access patterns that can help discover customers, markets
Tinkers, Printers, & Makers: Makerspaces in the Library (November 2015)Michael SauersThis document discusses makerspaces in libraries. It begins by defining makerspaces and outlining the necessary equipment, which can include items like LEGO, LittleBits, 3D printers and scanners. It then examines specific 3D printer options at various price points. The rest of the document covers other tools like Raspberry Pi, considerations for implementing a makerspace in a library, as well as resources and contacts for more information.
Vietnam at a glance. doing business in vietnam by gbee consultingCuong PhamVietnam is located in Southeast Asia, bordering China, Laos and Cambodia. It has a tropical climate in the south and a monsoonal climate in the north. The majority of Vietnam's population of over 93 million is ethnically Kinh and practices Buddhism. Vietnam has a communist government led by the Communist Party of Vietnam, with Hanoi as its capital.
Vietnam has a growing economy of over $186 billion that is expanding at around 6-7% annually. Exports include clothing, electronics and agricultural products, mainly to the US, China, Japan and South Korea. Imports are similar in value to exports. The Vietnamese dong is trading at around 22,485 dong to the US dollar
Makerspaces resourcesMichael SauersThis document provides a list of resources about makerspaces in libraries including guides, articles, and websites. It includes links to information on starting makerspaces, using tools like Raspberry Pi, examples of makerspaces in public libraries, and discussions of 3D printing technologies. The resources cover topics ranging from how libraries can boost the maker movement to debates around the hype around 3D printing.
Writing Instructional Objectives - The Assassin's WayMr. Ronald Quileste, PhDEver have problems encountered when writing your learning objectives? Learn the basics and some with the Assassins of a well - loved game. Instructional Objectives are vital components for a successful instructional planning. Like, comment or suggest for more. Namaste.
Distracter Analysis - Index of EffectivenessMr. Ronald Quileste, PhDHere is another simplified presentation about the process of Distracter Analysis in Educational Assessments. Included here are terminologies, reminders, definitions, as well as process in conducting it. Thank you. Namaste.
1. Завдання 1.3.
1. Розроблено мультимедійні презентації до кожної лекції, до фрагменту лекції.
2. Створено аудіосупровід лекцій.
3. Створено відеофрагменти лекцій.
4. Звіт:
3. 1. Назва курсу «Дистанційне навчання в роботі з обдарованими учнями»
2. Кількість лекцій згідно навчального плану _________6____________
3. Кількість лекцій, створених та наповнених на веб-ресурсі _____7__________
з них:
лекцій, що супроводжуються презентаціями ____7______
лекцій, що містять аудіосупровід _________2_________
лекцій, що містять відеофрагменти ______2__________