Mikro i mali przedsi?biorcy z Podlasia z optymizmem patrz? w przysz?o??. Kolejne 12 miesi?cy ocenili na 98,1 pkt C to nieco lepiej ni? ?rednio w kraju, gdzie wska?nik ten wynis? 97,9 pkt. Przysz?o?? w najlepszych barwach, podobnie jak w ubieg?ym roku, widz? w?a?ciciele firm z podregionu bia?ostockiego. Natomiast, ubieg?e 12 miesi?cy podlascy w?a?ciciele oceniaj? na 93,9 pkt, czyli gorzej ni? ?rednio w kraju, gdzie wska?nik ten wynis? 95,4 pkt. Najlepiej przesz?o?? oceniaj? przedsi?biorcy z podregionu ?om?yskiego. ?redni Oglny Wska?nik Koniunktury (wypadkowa ocen ostatnich i przysz?ych 12 miesi?cy) wynis? 96 pkt i podobnie jak w ubieg?ym roku jest ni?szy o 1 pp. ni? ?rednio w kraju.
4Developers 2015: In?ynier po drugiej stronie lustra - Jakub MarchwickiPROIDEA
Speaker: Jakub Marchwicki
Language: Polish
Programujemy, uwielbiamy to, wznosimy projekty na kolejne poziomy... techniczne. Ale za ka?dy razem dochodzimy do ?ciany... albo zaczynamy si? nudzi?. Wtedy cz?sto pojawia si? "krlik w staromodnej kamizelce, zerkaj?cy nerwowo na klasyczny zegarek; widok zaciekawia nas na tyle, i? postanawiamy pod??y? za krlikiem... kolejne co pami?tamy to gdy wpadamy w d?ugi na wiele mil tunel".
Zostajemy managerami. To jest ?wiat innych problemw, innych rozwi?za. To jest ?wiat ktry si? kocha albo nienawidzi. A ta
prezentacja to retrospekcja z ponad dwch lat bycia dyrektorem technicznym i powrocie do programowania. Nie b?dzie o tym czy warto (bo na pewno warto) - ale jak bardzo r?ni si? to od tego wszystkiego co jako programi?ci spotykamy ka?dego dnia.
4Developers: http://4developers.org.pl/pl/
Kazimierz Malski.
Urodzi? si? w Ropczycach i tam sp?dzi?? dziecistwo.
W latach 1974 C 1979 studiowa? w Akademii Sztuk Pi?knych w Krakowie . Od czasu studiw Krakw jest sta?ym miejscem zamieszkania. W swojej twrczo?ci - zarwno w rze?bie jak i?malarstwie - nawi?zuje do sztuki sakralnej. Ma na swoim koncie szereg realizacji wystroju ko?cio?w w r?nych miastach w?Polsce. Prywatnie m?? i ojciec czwrki dzieci.
Digital technology has enabled powerful global conversations and information sharing through the internet at blinding speeds. This has made markets smarter and able to adapt faster than most companies. It allows simultaneous communication with large groups, reaching more consumers in less time compared to traditional one-on-one interactions. While most internet users freely share and receive information without concerns over payment or copyright, the digital economy involves both sharing information for free and commercial transactions, benefiting some groups while negatively impacting others.
The document discusses various schools of thought in criminology from the 18th century to present. It covers the Classical, Positivist, and Chicago schools which focused on deterrence, biological and social causes of crime, and how urban environments influence crime rates. Later developments included sociological positivism linking crime to factors like poverty, differential association theory that crime is learned, and strain theory that societal pressures can cause some to turn to crime. The document provides details on the key thinkers and theories within each criminological paradigm.
Jonathan May provides a four step process for freelance web designers and developers to help small business clients maintain their own WordPress sites: 1) Evaluate the risk level of the client self-maintaining, 2) Plan an appropriate training approach, 3) Execute the training plan, and 4) Re-evaluate and adjust the approach as needed. The goal is for the designer to become a trusted advisor providing ongoing guidance rather than technical support. Training resources include online videos, practice sites, and focused skill building. With preparation and client buy-in, some small sites can be successfully self-maintained.
The document discusses social media's role in the workplace and how companies can establish guidelines and policies around social media use. It provides statistics on company social media policies and investment. The presentation agenda covers establishing guidelines, choosing appropriate social media channels, integrating social media with other marketing, and measuring engagement. Risk management procedures are also addressed to prepare for potential social media issues.
El documento habla sobre varios conceptos clave relacionados con computadoras y tecnologa. Describe que un procesador es el cerebro de la computadora que recibe y procesa datos para convertirlos en informacin til. Tambin menciona programas como navegadores web, correos electrnicos, redes sociales y sistemas operativos, as como perifricos como teclados, mouse y escneres. Adems, define conceptos como hardware, software, virus informticos y portales web.
The document provides French words and phrases that are commonly used in English, along with their translations from French to English. Each entry includes the French translation, English definition, and a note to "Learn Some More" from the American Association of Teachers of French commission for the promotion of French. Some of the French words and phrases summarized include "a la carte" meaning an individual dish, "amateur" meaning a person who engages in an activity for pleasure, and "bon appetit" meaning enjoy your meal.
Kazimierz Malski.
Urodzi? si? w Ropczycach i tam sp?dzi?? dziecistwo.
W latach 1974 C 1979 studiowa? w Akademii Sztuk Pi?knych w Krakowie . Od czasu studiw Krakw jest sta?ym miejscem zamieszkania. W swojej twrczo?ci - zarwno w rze?bie jak i?malarstwie - nawi?zuje do sztuki sakralnej. Ma na swoim koncie szereg realizacji wystroju ko?cio?w w r?nych miastach w?Polsce. Prywatnie m?? i ojciec czwrki dzieci.
Digital technology has enabled powerful global conversations and information sharing through the internet at blinding speeds. This has made markets smarter and able to adapt faster than most companies. It allows simultaneous communication with large groups, reaching more consumers in less time compared to traditional one-on-one interactions. While most internet users freely share and receive information without concerns over payment or copyright, the digital economy involves both sharing information for free and commercial transactions, benefiting some groups while negatively impacting others.
The document discusses various schools of thought in criminology from the 18th century to present. It covers the Classical, Positivist, and Chicago schools which focused on deterrence, biological and social causes of crime, and how urban environments influence crime rates. Later developments included sociological positivism linking crime to factors like poverty, differential association theory that crime is learned, and strain theory that societal pressures can cause some to turn to crime. The document provides details on the key thinkers and theories within each criminological paradigm.
Jonathan May provides a four step process for freelance web designers and developers to help small business clients maintain their own WordPress sites: 1) Evaluate the risk level of the client self-maintaining, 2) Plan an appropriate training approach, 3) Execute the training plan, and 4) Re-evaluate and adjust the approach as needed. The goal is for the designer to become a trusted advisor providing ongoing guidance rather than technical support. Training resources include online videos, practice sites, and focused skill building. With preparation and client buy-in, some small sites can be successfully self-maintained.
The document discusses social media's role in the workplace and how companies can establish guidelines and policies around social media use. It provides statistics on company social media policies and investment. The presentation agenda covers establishing guidelines, choosing appropriate social media channels, integrating social media with other marketing, and measuring engagement. Risk management procedures are also addressed to prepare for potential social media issues.
El documento habla sobre varios conceptos clave relacionados con computadoras y tecnologa. Describe que un procesador es el cerebro de la computadora que recibe y procesa datos para convertirlos en informacin til. Tambin menciona programas como navegadores web, correos electrnicos, redes sociales y sistemas operativos, as como perifricos como teclados, mouse y escneres. Adems, define conceptos como hardware, software, virus informticos y portales web.
The document provides French words and phrases that are commonly used in English, along with their translations from French to English. Each entry includes the French translation, English definition, and a note to "Learn Some More" from the American Association of Teachers of French commission for the promotion of French. Some of the French words and phrases summarized include "a la carte" meaning an individual dish, "amateur" meaning a person who engages in an activity for pleasure, and "bon appetit" meaning enjoy your meal.
The document discusses lessons learned from the presenter's life in 10 points:
1) Time management and not wasting time are important as time lost cannot be regained.
2) Saving money is important as money saved is equivalent to money earned.
3) Both practical knowledge and theoretical ideas are needed to succeed in life.
4) Don't worry about the past or future, focus on the present.
5) Don't worry about what others think, live for yourself.
6) Live in the present but plan for the future.
7) Travel when possible as it is fulfilling.
8) Develop empathy and understand others' perspectives.
9) Appreciate small moments and things in life
Globalization is characterized by increased flows of trade, capital, technology, information and people across borders. While not a new process, globalization accelerated after World War II due to technological advances. Supporters argue it raises living standards through comparative advantage and improves environmental/labor standards over time. Critics argue it harms some people and serves corporate interests by enabling a "race to the bottom" in regulations. Studies have shown mixed effects of globalization on economic growth, inequality, and poverty reduction between and within nations.