The document provides French words and phrases that are commonly used in English, along with their translations from French to English. Each entry includes the French translation, English definition, and a note to "Learn Some More" from the American Association of Teachers of French commission for the promotion of French. Some of the French words and phrases summarized include "a la carte" meaning an individual dish, "amateur" meaning a person who engages in an activity for pleasure, and "bon appetit" meaning enjoy your meal.
Learn french # discover how to pronounce 130 000 french
The document contains French words followed by their phonetic pronunciation. Each entry is attributed to FRENCH4ME.NET as a source for learning French pronunciation with Vincent. There are over 200 entries in the document providing basic phonetic spelling of common French words to assist with pronunciation.
Learn French # Exercise # Vocabulary # Some verbs of
The document lists French verbs that express various types of movement, including "entrer dans" to go into, "contourner" to go round, "descendre" to go down, and "marcher" to walk, as well as "courir" to run. It provides the French verb alongside an English translation for each term relating to movement.
The document discusses French language use in several U.S. states. It reports that French is the second most spoken language in Louisiana, Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire. French is the third most spoken language in Mississippi, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Connecticut. The source is the American Association of Teachers of French Commission for the Promotion of French.
The document provides guidance for brainstorming ideas for a photography project. It instructs the reader to:
1) Generate initial concept ideas and themes on key issues in their first brainstorm.
2) Consider the genre, access, locations, timing, and personal significance of the ideas.
3) Include influences from other photographers working in similar themes.
4) Draw inspiration from other subjects studied in college.
5) Focus on personal passions and interests.
6) Consider how visual ideas could be transformed into striking images.
7) Consider using medium ideas like effects, techniques or camera technology.
Bournekaleb 3 point lighting presentationSimmerj94
This document discusses three-point lighting techniques for photography. The three lights are the key light, which is the primary light source and controls contrast; the fill light, which reduces shadows created by the key light; and hair and edge lights, which separate the subject from the background. It provides examples of different types of key lights and techniques for positioning and adjusting the intensity of each light to achieve different lighting moods and effects.
The Printing House Limited (TPH) is Canada's largest instant printer, with over 70 locations across Canada. TPH offers a range of print solutions, from online print services to fulfillment. TPH is presenting their TPH Platinum online print solution to United Van Lines, which allows clients to order customized printed products online. TPH Platinum offers benefits like reduced warehousing costs, faster turnaround times by printing near shipping locations, lower shipping costs, and improved reporting and billing. The solution includes standard features like multi-language templates and company branding, as well as optional features like client data merging and advanced payment and reporting options.
PHOT 154, History of Photography, Grossmont College, Photography in mass media, the postcard craze, Eastman, Kodak camera, naturalistic photography, Peter Henry Emerson, Pictorialism, George Davison, F. Holland Day, Robert Demachy, the Linked Ring, Frederick Evans, the Photo-Secession, Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Steichen, women in the Pictorialist movement, Gertrude Kasebeir.
This document provides information on three studio lighting techniques: Rembrandt, butterfly, and edge lighting. It describes the basic setup for each technique, including the placement of the key light relative to the subject and camera. Rembrandt lighting uses a 45 degree key light and optional fill light to create triangular shading under one eye. Butterfly lighting shoots a key light down from high above at a 70-80 degree angle. Edge lighting separates one side of the face from the other with a 90 degree parallel key light. Students are assigned to capture portrait images using each technique with variations and reflect on their studio setup and any technical errors.
1. Monads are container types like Option and List that allow computation on the contained values.
2. Monads support higher-order functions like map and flatMap that can transform the contained values.
3. Monads can be combined through operations like flatMap and flatten that allow chaining computations together in a uniform way.
4. Different monads can be implemented in different ways but generally involve unit/return, map/fmap, and flatMap/bind operations.
Scala is a good choice for building Web 2.0 applications because it runs on the JVM like Java and other dynamic languages, has features that make concurrency simple and predictable, and has a large and growing community and ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks. While Scala adds some complexity, its benefits of performance, flexibility, and productivity make it worth learning.
This document discusses monads in Scala. It begins by introducing monads as structures that represent computations defined as sequences of steps and that can add effects to values. It then provides examples of monads in the Scala standard library like Option, List, Try, and Future that add effects like nullability, iterability, exceptions, and asynchronous behavior. The document explains how to use monads with unit and flatMap and discusses monad laws and patterns for extracting values from monads. It emphasizes that monads help keep code clean, readable, maintainable, and less buggy.
The document discusses the techniques of 3-point lighting used in photographic imaging, including how to use a key light, fill light, hair light, and other lighting tools to properly illuminate a subject. It provides details on placement, intensity, and type of lighting sources to achieve different moods and effects. Examples are given of lighting setups and how adjusting various lights can impact the final image.
This document discusses different lighting techniques used in photography and art. It contrasts selective lighting, where specific areas are illuminated while others remain dark, with flat lighting, where the entire scene is evenly lit without shadows. The background in selective lighting is partially lit to outline figures and provide orientation, while Rembrandt lighting is also mentioned.
The document discusses the concepts and techniques of 3-point lighting for portraits. It describes the key light, fill light, hair light, and background light individually. For each light, it covers the purpose, examples of hard vs soft lights, placement techniques, and ways to modify the light, such as changing the intensity with distance or adding scrims. The goal is to demonstrate how these basic lighting setups can be used and adapted for different photographic situations and subjects.
Different styles and types of photography for recordwifeysarg
The document discusses different styles, techniques, and uses of photography over time. It explains that portrait photography was originally used to capture a person's likeness based on social status, whereas now photography is used more for emotions, events, and feelings. The document also outlines different photography techniques like high speed, infrared, and HDR photography. It discusses styles of photography like commercial, artistic, technical, and genres like wildlife, nature, fashion, and advertising photography.
This document outlines many reasons to learn French, including that it is widely spoken globally and locally in North America. French is the second most commonly taught language in US schools and is spoken in several US states. Knowing French can provide advantages in education, career opportunities, and travel. It discusses the cultural and economic ties between France and North America.
The document discusses Scala, a programming language designed to be scalable. It can be used for both small and large programs. Scala combines object-oriented and functional programming. It interoperates seamlessly with Java but allows developers to add new constructs like actors through libraries. The Scala community is growing, with industrial adoption starting at companies like Twitter.
Learn French - FSI FAST Metropolitan Course101_languages
Learn French with this course from the Foreign Services Institute. Download the full course (with audio) at
The document summarizes some key similarities and differences between English and French, including their alphabets being the same but pronunciation and accents differing in French. It also provides basic French greetings, questions for introductions and getting to know someone, terms for family and times of day, and an overview of regular verb conjugations in the present tense for -er, -ir and some -re verbs.
Learn French # Exercise # The 78 tricky verbs of the present
This document lists 78 French verbs and their conjugations in the present tense. It is from a website called that teaches French verbs. Each entry lists a verb in English followed by its infinitive form in French and a brief explanation that the document covers tricky conjugations of verbs in the present tense.
Learn french with Vincent # Vocabulary exercises # French Italian
This document is from the website Learn French with Vincent. It provides French words with their definitions and Italian translations. Each entry includes the French word, its definition in English, and its translation into Italian. There are over 100 French words defined in this format from abaisser to aider.
Learn french with vincent # vocabulary exercises # french chinese
This document contains a list of French words and their Chinese translations. Each entry includes the French word, its Chinese translation, and attribution to the website Learn French with Vincent. There are over 100 entries in the list providing vocabulary terms ranging from common words like "acceptable" and "adult" to more specialized terms such as "atomic" and "Atlantic".
This document provides information on three studio lighting techniques: Rembrandt, butterfly, and edge lighting. It describes the basic setup for each technique, including the placement of the key light relative to the subject and camera. Rembrandt lighting uses a 45 degree key light and optional fill light to create triangular shading under one eye. Butterfly lighting shoots a key light down from high above at a 70-80 degree angle. Edge lighting separates one side of the face from the other with a 90 degree parallel key light. Students are assigned to capture portrait images using each technique with variations and reflect on their studio setup and any technical errors.
1. Monads are container types like Option and List that allow computation on the contained values.
2. Monads support higher-order functions like map and flatMap that can transform the contained values.
3. Monads can be combined through operations like flatMap and flatten that allow chaining computations together in a uniform way.
4. Different monads can be implemented in different ways but generally involve unit/return, map/fmap, and flatMap/bind operations.
Scala is a good choice for building Web 2.0 applications because it runs on the JVM like Java and other dynamic languages, has features that make concurrency simple and predictable, and has a large and growing community and ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks. While Scala adds some complexity, its benefits of performance, flexibility, and productivity make it worth learning.
This document discusses monads in Scala. It begins by introducing monads as structures that represent computations defined as sequences of steps and that can add effects to values. It then provides examples of monads in the Scala standard library like Option, List, Try, and Future that add effects like nullability, iterability, exceptions, and asynchronous behavior. The document explains how to use monads with unit and flatMap and discusses monad laws and patterns for extracting values from monads. It emphasizes that monads help keep code clean, readable, maintainable, and less buggy.
The document discusses the techniques of 3-point lighting used in photographic imaging, including how to use a key light, fill light, hair light, and other lighting tools to properly illuminate a subject. It provides details on placement, intensity, and type of lighting sources to achieve different moods and effects. Examples are given of lighting setups and how adjusting various lights can impact the final image.
This document discusses different lighting techniques used in photography and art. It contrasts selective lighting, where specific areas are illuminated while others remain dark, with flat lighting, where the entire scene is evenly lit without shadows. The background in selective lighting is partially lit to outline figures and provide orientation, while Rembrandt lighting is also mentioned.
The document discusses the concepts and techniques of 3-point lighting for portraits. It describes the key light, fill light, hair light, and background light individually. For each light, it covers the purpose, examples of hard vs soft lights, placement techniques, and ways to modify the light, such as changing the intensity with distance or adding scrims. The goal is to demonstrate how these basic lighting setups can be used and adapted for different photographic situations and subjects.
Different styles and types of photography for recordwifeysarg
The document discusses different styles, techniques, and uses of photography over time. It explains that portrait photography was originally used to capture a person's likeness based on social status, whereas now photography is used more for emotions, events, and feelings. The document also outlines different photography techniques like high speed, infrared, and HDR photography. It discusses styles of photography like commercial, artistic, technical, and genres like wildlife, nature, fashion, and advertising photography.
This document outlines many reasons to learn French, including that it is widely spoken globally and locally in North America. French is the second most commonly taught language in US schools and is spoken in several US states. Knowing French can provide advantages in education, career opportunities, and travel. It discusses the cultural and economic ties between France and North America.
The document discusses Scala, a programming language designed to be scalable. It can be used for both small and large programs. Scala combines object-oriented and functional programming. It interoperates seamlessly with Java but allows developers to add new constructs like actors through libraries. The Scala community is growing, with industrial adoption starting at companies like Twitter.
Learn French - FSI FAST Metropolitan Course101_languages
Learn French with this course from the Foreign Services Institute. Download the full course (with audio) at
The document summarizes some key similarities and differences between English and French, including their alphabets being the same but pronunciation and accents differing in French. It also provides basic French greetings, questions for introductions and getting to know someone, terms for family and times of day, and an overview of regular verb conjugations in the present tense for -er, -ir and some -re verbs.
Learn French # Exercise # The 78 tricky verbs of the present
This document lists 78 French verbs and their conjugations in the present tense. It is from a website called that teaches French verbs. Each entry lists a verb in English followed by its infinitive form in French and a brief explanation that the document covers tricky conjugations of verbs in the present tense.
Learn french with Vincent # Vocabulary exercises # French Italian
This document is from the website Learn French with Vincent. It provides French words with their definitions and Italian translations. Each entry includes the French word, its definition in English, and its translation into Italian. There are over 100 French words defined in this format from abaisser to aider.
Learn french with vincent # vocabulary exercises # french chinese
This document contains a list of French words and their Chinese translations. Each entry includes the French word, its Chinese translation, and attribution to the website Learn French with Vincent. There are over 100 entries in the list providing vocabulary terms ranging from common words like "acceptable" and "adult" to more specialized terms such as "atomic" and "Atlantic".
The document introduces various celebrities and their names in French, stating each one's name and that they speak French. It includes celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Lady Gaga, Johnny Depp, Marion Cotillard, and others who have some connection to the French language or culture. Each introduction follows the same structure of saying "Bonjour, je m'appelle [name]" and "je parle français."
1. You Already Speak French
à la carte
Translation from French: on the menu
English Definition: an individual dish
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
2. You Already Speak French
à la mode
Translation from French: in style
English Definition: served with ice cream
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
3. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: unskilled person
English Definition: person who engages in an activity
for pleasure
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
4. You Already Speak French
au contraire
Translation from French: on the contrary
English Definition: on the contrary
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
5. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: advance guard
English Definition: experimental, on the edge
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
8. You Already Speak French
bon voyage
Translation from French: good journey
English Definition: have a good trip
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
9. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: any shop
English Definition: clothing store
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
10. You Already Speak French
Carte blanche
Translation from French: white card
English Definition: unlimited authority
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
11. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: stylish
English Definition: stylish
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
13. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: pack
English Definition: small group of friends
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
14. You Already Speak French
Cordon bleu
Translation from French: award for excellence in cooking
English Definition: chicken stuffed with ham and cheese
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
15. You Already Speak French
crème de la crème
Translation from French: cream of the cream
English Definition: best of the best
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
16. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: bottom of the bag
English Definition: dead-end street
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
19. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: behind
English Definition: rear end
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
20. You Already Speak French
du jour
Translation from French: of the day
English Definition: today’s choice on the menu
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
22. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: the front of a building
English Definition: a fake persona
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
23. You Already Speak French
faux pas
Translation from French: false step
English Definition: violation of accepted, although
unwritten, social rules
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
25. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: outside the work
English Definition: appetizer
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
26. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: let do
English Definition: leaving alone, non-interference
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
27. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: middle
English Definition: social environment
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
28. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: editing
English Definition: film technique used to show a set
of interconnected ideas
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
29. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: pattern
English Definition: recurring thematic element
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
30. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: someone who poses
English Definition: person who pretends to be
something they are not
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
32. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: knowing
English Definition: someone gifted in a narrow skill
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
33. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: know how to do
English Definition: to respond to any situation
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
35. You Already Speak French
tête-à -tête
Translation from French: head to head
English Definition: private conversation
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
37. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: trick the eye
English Definition: photo-like realism in painting
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
38. You Already Speak French
vis-Ã -vis
Translation from French: face to face
English Definition: compared to
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
39. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: live
English Definition: long live
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French
40. You Already Speak French
Translation from French: see there
English Definition: there it is
Learn Some More
American Association of Teachers of French – Commission for the Promotion of French