Evaluation qu 3 pptmedialaurenThe student learned that audience feedback is essential for improving work. Feedback from peers and the target audience on a music video helped identify specific shots that could be added. A comment about adding "OUT NOW" to a magazine ad helped finish it. Overall, feedback throughout the process ensured the work was on the right track for attracting the intended audience.
Гастро-тур в ИталиюEasyWaysКулинарные традиции Пьемонта неразрывно связаны с той землей, на которой они появились.
Гастрономические путешествие по кухне этого северо-западного региона Италии проходит через пологие холмы Ланге, родину лесных орехов, трюфелей и великолепных вин, обширные равнины Верчелли, Бьелла и Навары, где растет рис – основной ингредиент ризотто, а далее затрагивает суровые склоны Альп.
Там нашли свое пристанище вальденсы, подарившие местной кухне рецепты Melanzane alla menta, Pitta coi pomodori, Pesce spade alla ghiotta и т.д.
как выжить на туристическом рынкеГлеб КащеевДоклад на КИБ+РИФ 2012 в секции "Туризм"
Как выживать в эпоху перемен на туристическом рынке: Туроператорам, Турагентствам, Сервисам онлайн бронирования.
Web 2.0Dileep PradeepThere was a time when Website managers thought, they could manipulate the thoughts of their users with their content. This was the time when web 1.0 had its say. Year 2004 which can be considered as the year which will be in the history after the Y2k 2000, because of the innovations made in the field of Web 2.0. What made this possible? Which all applications are used . Lets see it in this PPT
TaggingDileep PradeepTagging involves assigning non-hierarchical keywords or terms to pieces of information. Tagging became popular through websites associated with Web 2.0 that allowed users to tag bookmarks, images, and other files. Tags take the form of words, images, or other identifiers and are used to aid in classification and indicate online identity. Social bookmarking websites like Delicious popularized tagging by allowing users to add tags to bookmarks and providing aggregated views of bookmarks tagged by all users. The success of tagging on sites like Flickr and Delicious led other social software websites to implement tagging features as well.
Socialisation networks 1Dileep PradeepSocialization networks have evolved from landline phones to mobile phones to VoIP and Skype. Landline phones had issues with mobility and reliability but were secure, while mobile phones enabled constant connectivity but at the cost of privacy, health, and family time. VoIP provided low-cost international calls over the internet but with quality and reliability issues. Skype became popular for free video and voice calls between users along with additional features, but requires an internet connection and computer. Socialization networks will continue advancing to better connect people.
MmorpgDileep PradeepThe document discusses the history and definition of MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games). It notes that the term was coined in 1997 by Richard Garriott to describe games previously called graphical MUDs. MMORPGs are distinguished from other RPGs by having very large numbers of players interacting in a persistent, online virtual world. Popular MMORPGs like World of Warcraft can have over 10 million subscribers. The document outlines some common characteristics of MMORPGs like character progression systems, social interaction, character customization, and themes usually based on fantasy.
Update Presentation 9.13mendaljThe document discusses Vinely's approach to achieving growth and margins through a recommendation-based wine selection process, international sourcing, and direct sales. It outlines Vinely's solution of using an abstraction layer to select profitable wines for tasting kits. It then discusses targeting different customer segments like moms and millennials through marketing and partnering with companies like TaskRabbit. Finally, it provides a roadmap for launching in priority states through various approaches and questions around balancing growth, investment, and profitability.
Computer fundamentalsIpsit KumarThis document provides an overview of computer hardware and software components. It begins by describing the basic pieces that make up a computer, including the processor, memory, storage, ports and cables. It then discusses the history of personal computers and key technological developments like increasing processor speeds, advancing display technologies, and growing storage capacities. The document continues by exploring factors to consider when selecting computer components based on intended use cases. It also outlines hardware upgrades that vary in difficulty, from easy plug-and-play components to more advanced upgrades requiring expertise. The document concludes by reviewing proper computer care and maintenance to optimize performance and troubleshooting resources for common issues.
Business plan presentation 3.31mendaljSterling Kane aims to become the Warby Parker of men's leather goods by eliminating middlemen costs. The founders have extensive experience in leather supply chains. They plan to source high-quality materials directly from suppliers and manufacturers to produce luxury goods at 40-60% lower prices than competitors. By selling online and making products to order, they can cut costs while maintaining quality. Projections show Sterling Kane reaching $10M in revenue and $4.2M in profits by 2017 with an initial $350k investment. The founders are seeking angel funding and introductions to scale e-commerce companies.
FeedbackmedialaurenThe document discusses feedback received on a music video project. Peer and teacher feedback suggested adding more camera shots, specifically a close-up of a leaf and a close-up of the actor's foot while walking. Based on this feedback, the creator decided to do another shoot to capture these unique shots but acknowledged they may have to edit them out later if not feasible.
Colour connotationsmedialaurenBlack provides contrast and a professional tone for the magazine. Red is vibrant and represents love and passion, catching readers' attention. Yellow connotes brightness and variety, attracting readers, while white contrasts with black to reinforce sophistication and classiness, conveying pureness.
как выжить на туристическом рынкеГлеб КащеевДоклад на КИБ+РИФ 2012 в секции "Туризм"
Как выживать в эпоху перемен на туристическом рынке: Туроператорам, Турагентствам, Сервисам онлайн бронирования.
Web 2.0Dileep PradeepThere was a time when Website managers thought, they could manipulate the thoughts of their users with their content. This was the time when web 1.0 had its say. Year 2004 which can be considered as the year which will be in the history after the Y2k 2000, because of the innovations made in the field of Web 2.0. What made this possible? Which all applications are used . Lets see it in this PPT
TaggingDileep PradeepTagging involves assigning non-hierarchical keywords or terms to pieces of information. Tagging became popular through websites associated with Web 2.0 that allowed users to tag bookmarks, images, and other files. Tags take the form of words, images, or other identifiers and are used to aid in classification and indicate online identity. Social bookmarking websites like Delicious popularized tagging by allowing users to add tags to bookmarks and providing aggregated views of bookmarks tagged by all users. The success of tagging on sites like Flickr and Delicious led other social software websites to implement tagging features as well.
Socialisation networks 1Dileep PradeepSocialization networks have evolved from landline phones to mobile phones to VoIP and Skype. Landline phones had issues with mobility and reliability but were secure, while mobile phones enabled constant connectivity but at the cost of privacy, health, and family time. VoIP provided low-cost international calls over the internet but with quality and reliability issues. Skype became popular for free video and voice calls between users along with additional features, but requires an internet connection and computer. Socialization networks will continue advancing to better connect people.
MmorpgDileep PradeepThe document discusses the history and definition of MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games). It notes that the term was coined in 1997 by Richard Garriott to describe games previously called graphical MUDs. MMORPGs are distinguished from other RPGs by having very large numbers of players interacting in a persistent, online virtual world. Popular MMORPGs like World of Warcraft can have over 10 million subscribers. The document outlines some common characteristics of MMORPGs like character progression systems, social interaction, character customization, and themes usually based on fantasy.
Update Presentation 9.13mendaljThe document discusses Vinely's approach to achieving growth and margins through a recommendation-based wine selection process, international sourcing, and direct sales. It outlines Vinely's solution of using an abstraction layer to select profitable wines for tasting kits. It then discusses targeting different customer segments like moms and millennials through marketing and partnering with companies like TaskRabbit. Finally, it provides a roadmap for launching in priority states through various approaches and questions around balancing growth, investment, and profitability.
Computer fundamentalsIpsit KumarThis document provides an overview of computer hardware and software components. It begins by describing the basic pieces that make up a computer, including the processor, memory, storage, ports and cables. It then discusses the history of personal computers and key technological developments like increasing processor speeds, advancing display technologies, and growing storage capacities. The document continues by exploring factors to consider when selecting computer components based on intended use cases. It also outlines hardware upgrades that vary in difficulty, from easy plug-and-play components to more advanced upgrades requiring expertise. The document concludes by reviewing proper computer care and maintenance to optimize performance and troubleshooting resources for common issues.
Business plan presentation 3.31mendaljSterling Kane aims to become the Warby Parker of men's leather goods by eliminating middlemen costs. The founders have extensive experience in leather supply chains. They plan to source high-quality materials directly from suppliers and manufacturers to produce luxury goods at 40-60% lower prices than competitors. By selling online and making products to order, they can cut costs while maintaining quality. Projections show Sterling Kane reaching $10M in revenue and $4.2M in profits by 2017 with an initial $350k investment. The founders are seeking angel funding and introductions to scale e-commerce companies.
FeedbackmedialaurenThe document discusses feedback received on a music video project. Peer and teacher feedback suggested adding more camera shots, specifically a close-up of a leaf and a close-up of the actor's foot while walking. Based on this feedback, the creator decided to do another shoot to capture these unique shots but acknowledged they may have to edit them out later if not feasible.
Colour connotationsmedialaurenBlack provides contrast and a professional tone for the magazine. Red is vibrant and represents love and passion, catching readers' attention. Yellow connotes brightness and variety, attracting readers, while white contrasts with black to reinforce sophistication and classiness, conveying pureness.
1. МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ ТУРБЮРО И ОРГАНИЗАТОРОВ ПУТЕШЕСТВИЙ КУРС 1 Правовые основы создания турбюро и ведения туристической деятельности в Украине и за рубежом
2. Тема 1. Введение в туристическую деятельность Основы туристической деятельности Туристическая индустрия Туристический рынок Туроператор Турбюро Курс 1. Правовые основы создания турбюро и ведения туристической деятельности в Украине и за рубежом Туристический рынок
3. Тема 2. Правовые основы туристической деятельности Создание туристического предприятия Легализация туристической деятельности в Украине Международное регулирование тур. деятельности Туристический рынок Туроператор Турбюро ГОСУДАРСТВО Курс 1. Правовые основы создания турбюро и ведения туристической деятельности в Украине и за рубежом
4. Тема 3. Туристические формальности и обеспечение безопасности туристов Паспортно-визовые, таможенные и медицинские формальности Организация безопасности туристов и контроль за ее обеспечением Туристический рынок Турбюро Туроператор ГОСУДАРСТВО Курс 1. Правовые основы создания турбюро и ведения туристической деятельности в Украине и за рубежом