This document is an application for tenancy at a property managed by Seneca Properties. It requests personal information from applicants such as name, contact details, employment, rental history, references, and answers to questions about smoking, pets, noise level, and cleaning skills. It states the landlord's policy of providing lodging conducive to studying and neighborliness without loud parties or music. Applicants who cannot adhere to this goal would be better suited elsewhere. Signing and submitting the application with a security deposit is considered binding to rent the unit.
This document is a permission form for a Dallas Baptist University student to take courses at other institutions. It provides instructions that the student must get approval at least two weeks before registering elsewhere, list the requested courses along with the equivalent DBU courses and semester. It also notes that graduating students cannot take outside courses in their final semester. The back of the form outlines policies for accepting transfer credits, including limits on credits from two-year schools and minimum residency requirements.
Just for Kids Dental in Waxahachie is offering a $5,000 scholarship for a graduating high school senior from Ellis County pursuing STEM or healthcare. Applicants must submit a resume, transcript, and personal essay describing leadership and overcoming obstacles by April 30th. Interviews will be held in the two weeks following the deadline. The scholarship application provides instructions for eligible graduating seniors to apply for the $5,000 award from Just for Kids Dental in Waxahachie, Texas.
This document provides information about applying for emergency financial assistance or addiction recovery assistance from MusiCares. It outlines the types of expenses that can be covered, eligibility requirements including a minimum of 5 years working in the music industry or having 6 commercially released recordings/videos. The application process requires documentation of expenses, music industry background, and financial information. Applications are reviewed by a committee and applicants are notified of the decision within 1-2 weeks. Assistance is limited and intended as a charitable source after exploring all other options.
The document is a worksheet for students to practice telling time. It contains 8 clock faces showing different times. For each clock, students are instructed to write the time shown in number format (such as 8:45) and word format (such as eight forty-five). The worksheet aims to help students learn to read analog clocks and convert between numeric and written representations of times.
Este documento describe 10 comportamientos digitales que promueven el respeto, la responsabilidad y la seguridad en el uso de las tecnologÃas de la información y la comunicación (TIC). Estos comportamientos incluyen usar las TIC de forma respetuosa hacia uno mismo y los demás, ejercer la libertad de forma segura, proteger la privacidad e integridad personal y de los demás, y no utilizar las TIC para fines ilegales o dañinos.
Este documento describe una escuela femenina de fútbol organizada por la Federación Riojana de Fútbol, incluyendo las fechas de entrenamiento de noviembre a mayo, el costo de la matrÃcula de 20 euros, los detalles de ubicación e información de contacto para inscribirse. La escuela es para niñas de 6 a 14 años y los entrenamientos son los domingos por la mañana en las instalaciones Mundial 82 de 10 a 12 horas.
O documento discute vários assuntos relacionados a polÃtica em cidades paraibanas, incluindo: 1) A secretária de educação de João Pessoa rebateu acusações sobre descarte de material escolar; 2) O PT municipal de Conde apoia a candidatura de Tatiana Lundgren à prefeitura; 3) Cidades litorâneas buscam soluções para o descarte correto de resÃduos sólidos.
Cartel y solicitud de comedor y desayuno dia no lectivo 28 de febreroCole Navalazarza
2012-2013 Bahar Lisansüstü Başvuruları
2012-2013 Bahar dönemi Lisansüstü başvuruları 02.01.2013-11.01.2013 tarihleri arasında olacaktır. Adaylar sadece bir tek anabilim dalına başvuru yapabilirler. Başvurularla ilgili detaylı bilgi için tıklayınız (duyuru içerisindeki linkler sadece explorer ortamında çalışır)
Kevin Muriel Manrique, de 9 años, fue evaluado neurológicamente. Los resultados de las pruebas WISC III mostraron que tiene una discapacidad cognitiva leve, lo que explica su lento procesamiento de información. Sus habilidades más fuertes son el cálculo y la visoconstrucción. Se recomienda fortalecer sus conceptos temporales, memoria visual y atención a detalles, asà como adecuar la cantidad y contenido de sus estudios.
The apartment rental application document requests personal information such as name, address, contact details, employment history, references from previous landlords, and intended move-in date from prospective tenants. It also includes forms for a monthly budget and vehicle insurance application to help the tenant plan their finances. The applicant agrees to credit and reference checks and to pay an application fee.
UP Scholarship Application Form
UP Scholarship Application Form
UP Scholarship Application Form
UP Scholarship Application Form
UP Scholarship Application Form
This document is a buyer financial questionnaire that collects information from potential home buyers. It asks buyers about their current housing and rental situations, financing plans, available funds, target price range and monthly payment range, income, employment, debt, credit history, and any other financial details relevant to the home buying process. The real estate agent will then recap the key financial details provided by the buyers to confirm accuracy and understanding.
This document is an application for an appearance bond. It contains personal information about the defendant such as name, contact details, employment details, relatives, assets and liabilities. It also contains terms and conditions of the bond including that the surety has control over the defendant and rights to apprehend them if terms are breached. The defendant and any indemnitors agree to indemnify the surety company for any losses or expenses incurred due to the defendant's non-appearance.
Community and enterprise department community grant application form 2011ruairimcginley
This document outlines the application form for community grants from the Dublin City Council for 2011. It requests information about applicant groups, including contact details, tax status, and affiliation with the Dublin Community Forum. It asks for descriptions of the proposed community project or activity, including location, dates, participants, and funding details such as total costs, amount requested, and other sources of income or funding received. Applicants must submit the completed form by January 31, 2011 for consideration.
New Day Community Residence provides affordable, faith-based housing and recovery support for disadvantaged individuals. Rent is $400 per month with a $110 entrance fee. Residents must be able to meet financial obligations and may qualify for assistance. New Day requests medical history to provide appropriate resources and address any special needs with dignity and respect to support recovery. Residents must participate in a 12-step/faith-based recovery plan combining medication, therapy, and aftercare to address substance dependency physically, mentally, and spiritually for success. Non-compliance with rules or relapse behavior may result in dismissal to prevent harm.
This form is an application for a residential lease created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission. It requests information about the applicant(s) such as name, social security number, contact details, identification, emergency contacts, employment history, vehicle and pet information, and acknowledges the applicant will allow references and background checks. It also notes any fees like a non-refundable processing fee that is paid at the time of application.
What you don't know will hurt you: designing with and for existing contentSara Wachter-Boettcher
Are you trying to make responsive design scale for a complex site? Building an app, but your organization doesn't have an API yet? If so, you've probably got legacy content—content that already exists, and that doesn't fit neatly into your new project.
What do you do? You could ignore it and end up with one of those responsive homepages that devolve into big content blobs after just one tap, or a one-off mobile site that no one can remember to maintain. You could put it off until it becomes the bane of your existence: the thing that "breaks" your design, because it's way messier than you’ve planned for.
Or, you could deal with it. If you take the time to make existing content work for you—by understanding what you've got, identifying patterns and relationships in its structure, and cutting the cruft along the way—you'll end up with a system that will not just support your content, but _enhance_ its meaning, message, and power.
Este documento describe una escuela femenina de fútbol organizada por la Federación Riojana de Fútbol, incluyendo las fechas de entrenamiento de noviembre a mayo, el costo de la matrÃcula de 20 euros, los detalles de ubicación e información de contacto para inscribirse. La escuela es para niñas de 6 a 14 años y los entrenamientos son los domingos por la mañana en las instalaciones Mundial 82 de 10 a 12 horas.
O documento discute vários assuntos relacionados a polÃtica em cidades paraibanas, incluindo: 1) A secretária de educação de João Pessoa rebateu acusações sobre descarte de material escolar; 2) O PT municipal de Conde apoia a candidatura de Tatiana Lundgren à prefeitura; 3) Cidades litorâneas buscam soluções para o descarte correto de resÃduos sólidos.
Cartel y solicitud de comedor y desayuno dia no lectivo 28 de febreroCole Navalazarza
2012-2013 Bahar Lisansüstü Başvuruları
2012-2013 Bahar dönemi Lisansüstü başvuruları 02.01.2013-11.01.2013 tarihleri arasında olacaktır. Adaylar sadece bir tek anabilim dalına başvuru yapabilirler. Başvurularla ilgili detaylı bilgi için tıklayınız (duyuru içerisindeki linkler sadece explorer ortamında çalışır)
Kevin Muriel Manrique, de 9 años, fue evaluado neurológicamente. Los resultados de las pruebas WISC III mostraron que tiene una discapacidad cognitiva leve, lo que explica su lento procesamiento de información. Sus habilidades más fuertes son el cálculo y la visoconstrucción. Se recomienda fortalecer sus conceptos temporales, memoria visual y atención a detalles, asà como adecuar la cantidad y contenido de sus estudios.
The apartment rental application document requests personal information such as name, address, contact details, employment history, references from previous landlords, and intended move-in date from prospective tenants. It also includes forms for a monthly budget and vehicle insurance application to help the tenant plan their finances. The applicant agrees to credit and reference checks and to pay an application fee.
UP Scholarship Application Form
UP Scholarship Application Form
UP Scholarship Application Form
UP Scholarship Application Form
UP Scholarship Application Form
This document is a buyer financial questionnaire that collects information from potential home buyers. It asks buyers about their current housing and rental situations, financing plans, available funds, target price range and monthly payment range, income, employment, debt, credit history, and any other financial details relevant to the home buying process. The real estate agent will then recap the key financial details provided by the buyers to confirm accuracy and understanding.
This document is an application for an appearance bond. It contains personal information about the defendant such as name, contact details, employment details, relatives, assets and liabilities. It also contains terms and conditions of the bond including that the surety has control over the defendant and rights to apprehend them if terms are breached. The defendant and any indemnitors agree to indemnify the surety company for any losses or expenses incurred due to the defendant's non-appearance.
Community and enterprise department community grant application form 2011ruairimcginley
This document outlines the application form for community grants from the Dublin City Council for 2011. It requests information about applicant groups, including contact details, tax status, and affiliation with the Dublin Community Forum. It asks for descriptions of the proposed community project or activity, including location, dates, participants, and funding details such as total costs, amount requested, and other sources of income or funding received. Applicants must submit the completed form by January 31, 2011 for consideration.
New Day Community Residence provides affordable, faith-based housing and recovery support for disadvantaged individuals. Rent is $400 per month with a $110 entrance fee. Residents must be able to meet financial obligations and may qualify for assistance. New Day requests medical history to provide appropriate resources and address any special needs with dignity and respect to support recovery. Residents must participate in a 12-step/faith-based recovery plan combining medication, therapy, and aftercare to address substance dependency physically, mentally, and spiritually for success. Non-compliance with rules or relapse behavior may result in dismissal to prevent harm.
This form is an application for a residential lease created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission. It requests information about the applicant(s) such as name, social security number, contact details, identification, emergency contacts, employment history, vehicle and pet information, and acknowledges the applicant will allow references and background checks. It also notes any fees like a non-refundable processing fee that is paid at the time of application.
What you don't know will hurt you: designing with and for existing contentSara Wachter-Boettcher
Are you trying to make responsive design scale for a complex site? Building an app, but your organization doesn't have an API yet? If so, you've probably got legacy content—content that already exists, and that doesn't fit neatly into your new project.
What do you do? You could ignore it and end up with one of those responsive homepages that devolve into big content blobs after just one tap, or a one-off mobile site that no one can remember to maintain. You could put it off until it becomes the bane of your existence: the thing that "breaks" your design, because it's way messier than you’ve planned for.
Or, you could deal with it. If you take the time to make existing content work for you—by understanding what you've got, identifying patterns and relationships in its structure, and cutting the cruft along the way—you'll end up with a system that will not just support your content, but _enhance_ its meaning, message, and power.
Youth business loanapplication 2014 completeKamran Aziz
This document is a loan application form for a business loan. It requests information about the applicant, partners/directors, business details, loan details, security being offered, financial information and documents required.
The applicant is requesting a loan from Bank of Khyber to fund their business. Key details include the legal business name, address, industry, number of employees to be created, loan amount requested, and how funds will be used. Security being offered depends on loan amount, with personal guarantees or property collateral required.
The application also provides personal and financial details of the applicant, partners and directors. Attachments include account statements, business plan, equity proof and other required documents. Terms and conditions pertain to loan
Planned Parenthood is an equal opportunity employer that does not discriminate in hiring or employment. The application requests basic personal information such as name, address, phone number, and eligibility to work. It asks about the applicant's education history, previous work experience, licenses or certifications, and personal references. By signing, the applicant authorizes Planned Parenthood to conduct background checks and acknowledges that providing false information is grounds for disqualification or dismissal.
This document is an application form for provisional allotment of a plot at Jaypee Greens, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. [1]
The form requests information such as contact details, payment details, plot details, payment plan option, and an undertaking agreeing to the terms and conditions. [2]
The applicant provides personal information, details of the plot applied for, payment of the application amount, consideration breakdown, earnest money, preferred payment plan, maintenance deposits, club fees, and broker details if applicable. [3]
The document is an employment application for a healthcare position. It requests personal information like name, address, education history, skills, and availability. It also asks about prior work experience, licensing and certifications, driving record, background check, drug testing policy, and availability. The applicant must agree to abide by company policies on prescription drug use, smoking, and authorizes the employer to investigate the application details and contact references.
The document is a rental application requesting personal information such as name, date of birth, contact details, income sources and amounts, references, and authorization to run background and credit checks on the applicant. It asks for details on rental and employment history, ability to pay rent, and any past issues with debts, evictions, or criminal convictions. The applicant must sign confirming the accuracy of the information and authorizing the listed background checks.
Queen’s international observer executive applicationalexpetre7
This document outlines several positions available with the Queen's International Observer Executive for the 2011-2012 year. The positions include a Frosh Representative, three QIO Reporters, a QIO Photographer, a Web/Layout Designer, and a Marketing Intern. Applicants are asked to rank their top three choices and submit the application form along with a cover letter and resume by September 20, 2011.
Queen’s international observer executive applicationalexpetre7
This document outlines several positions available with the Queen's International Observer Executive for the 2011-2012 year. The positions include a Frosh Representative, three QIO Reporters, a QIO Photographer, a Web/Layout Designer, and a Marketing Intern. Applicants are asked to rank their top three choices and submit the application form along with a cover letter and resume by September 20, 2011.
Queen’s international observer executive applicationqueensobserver
This document is a job application for various positions with the Queen's International Observer (QIO) for the 2011-2012 year. It lists the available positions, including Frosh Representative, three QIO Reporters, QIO Photographer, Web/Layout Designer, and Marketing Intern. For each position, it provides a brief 1-2 sentence description of the role and responsibilities. It instructs applicants to rank their top three position choices and submit the completed application along with a cover letter and resume by midnight on October 3rd, 2011.
This document is a form for transfer applicants currently enrolled in college courses to provide information about their ongoing coursework and progress. It requests the applicant list current courses, credit hours, and estimated grades. A school official must sign to verify the accuracy of the information. Upon completion of the current term, a final transcript must be sent to the University of Tennessee Office of Admissions for review to allow for an early admission decision.
This document is a family information and registration form for Adopting God's Children, Inc. It requests contact information for prospective adoptive parents as well as their personal details like education, employment, health, and legal history. It also asks for information on other family members and the type of child the parents wish to adopt. There is a $350 non-refundable application fee due with the submission of this form. Prospective parents must sign and date the form to affirm the truth and accuracy of the information provided.
This document contains a questionnaire for a business property and general liability insurance application. It requests information about the business such as contact details, operations, property details, employee information, current insurance coverage, and loss history. The questionnaire aims to gather all relevant information needed by the insurance provider to underwrite and price an insurance policy for the business.
1. APPLICATION for TENANCY 2012ne 2011
Page 1 of 2
Thank you for your interest in this property. Please help us promptly process your application by PRINTING CLEARLY and completing the blanks
below. Policy statement: It is the intention of Seneca Properties to provide lodging in an environment conducive to studying and neighborliness,
reasonably free to the sounds of partying, loud music, and other noisy behavior. Any prospective tenants who are not willing to contribute to this goal
would probably enjoy living elsewhere.
Application Date: _____________ Occupancy Date: _____________Address:_____________________________________
How many adults will be living in the flat?_______________________ (Each adult must complete an application)
Who will be the contact person for this unit? Name:_________________________Phone:___________________________
When are you planning to move in? _______________________ How long would you like to rent this unit? _____________
First Name_____________________ Middle Name______________ Last Name__________________________________
Email ___________________________________________ Cell ______________________________________________
Date of Birth ______________ Social Security No._____________________ Drivers License No. ____________________
Current Address:_______________________________________________City____________St______Zip_____________
How long have you lived there? __________ Current rent/month _______________ Are utilities included? ______________
Reason for moving?____________________________Have you ever been evicted, served a 5-day notice, or asked to leave?____
Landlord–Full name:__________________________________________________________________________________
Landlord phone (required): _____________________________Landlord-E-mail___________________________________
Current Employer_________________________________________ Your position________________________________
How long?______________________________________ Monthly Gross Income__________________________________
Employer Address______________________________________________ City_________________________ St_______
Employer's Phone_________________________________ Supervisor/Manager__________________________________
Previous Employer____________________________________ Your Position ___________________________________
How long?______________________________________ Monthly Gross Income__________________________________
Employer Address______________________________________________ City_________________________ St_______
Employer's Phone_________________________________ Supervisor/Manager__________________________________
Parents ___________ How much /month?____________ Other Source _____________ How much /month?____________
2. APPLICATION for TENANCY 2012ne 2011
Page 2 of 2
Bank Checking______________________________________________________________________________________
Bank Savings ____________________________________________________________________
Non-relative Reference Name _____________________________________ Phone________________________________
Relationship:_______________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________
Emergency contact: ______________________________________________ Phone ______________________________
Relationship:_______________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________
Are you a student? ________________ If yes, name college/university:__________________________________________
Major:_________________________________________Upcoming Year in school_________________________________
Do you give permission for a reference check with the Dean of students and/or Campus Housing and/or Student Affairs? ____
Have you ever had disciplinary action taken against you or been written up by campus authorities while a student at your
college/university?____________ If Yes, please describe on back side or separate cover letter.
Do you smoke? _________ If No, will you allow your guests to smoke in your unit?__________
Do you have pets? ________ If so, what type_____________________ Do you use or sell illegal drugs?_______________
Are you handy? If so, please describe____________________________________________________________________
Do you have a problem with sharing snow and ice remove with other tenants? ____________________________________
How did you hear about this unit? _______________________________________________________________________
Please answer the following on a 1 to 10 scale (with 10 being the highest or most)
How loud do you listen to music? __________.
How would you rate your cleaning skills? __________.
What time in the evening do you consider quiet/study time? __________.
Would you be prepared to have a parent or guardian cosign as a guarantor? _____________.
If there is additional information you would like to add to your application please include this in a cover letter. Pets and
personal appliances including washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator and painting are not permitted without prior written
permission. Acceptance of this application along with a full security deposit with or without a written lease is considered
binding. If you decide not to move in for any reason, deductions will be made from your security deposit to secure a new
tenant according to Wisconsin landlord tenant laws. Any misrepresentations or falsehoods on this application will result in a
denial or eviction.
Signature__________________________________________________________Date ________________
Return to: Seneca Properties
10017 N. Holmes Ct.
Mequon WI 53092
Dianne or Jerry - 262-643-4668