This speech welcomes guests to the school's annual day celebration and provides an overview of the past academic year. It discusses the school's growth over the past 9 years, with the first batch of class 10 students giving their board exams. It highlights the school's academic achievements, with most students expected to achieve high marks. It also notes challenges faced over the year, but says the school learned from these experiences. It concludes by looking forward to continued improvement and defining goals for the upcoming year focused on responsibility and accountability.
Governors are responsible for ensuring that the legal requirements of curriculum delivery exist in the school. As they cant be involved in day-to day issues a level of monitoring need establishing so that they can take a overall view and monitor and evaluate the decisions they have made which effect the curriculum
Developing healthy interaction and relations among the students of grade 7 th...AtifAli511922
This document provides details about a research project conducted to develop healthy interaction and relations among 7th grade students through positive reinforcement. The research was conducted at GMS Painda Kandaro school in Malakand district. 46 7th grade teachers from the school participated in the study. Data was collected through questionnaires to understand current interaction levels and identify areas for improvement. The goal was to help students build better relationships with each other and their elders through positive reinforcement techniques applied by teachers.
This document discusses effective strategies for marking student work and providing feedback to improve learning. It identifies feedback as the most effective strategy, adding 8 months of learning per year. The document outlines the community college's policy for "SIR feedback", which requires teachers to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and opportunities for students to respond. It emphasizes feedback should cause thinking and help students close gaps in knowledge. The policy aims to promote consistent, high-quality feedback across departments to support outstanding student progress.
Unit 5 school discipline and classroom managementAsima shahzadi
1. The document discusses various factors related to student classification and classroom management in schools. It defines key terms like school discipline, classroom management, and discusses purposes and modern concepts of school discipline.
2. Several principles of classroom management are outlined, including assessing expectations, creating a nurturing environment, developing rules and consequences, and maintaining daily routines. Factors affecting school discipline and suggestions to address problems with indiscipline are also presented.
3. Psychological and other criteria for student classification are examined, such as chronological age, intelligence tests, academic attainment, and using composite approaches. Historical models of student classification are also briefly discussed.
This document discusses the role and responsibilities of an elementary school principal. It reflects on standards for educational leadership and what has been learned through the process. The principal must lead a learning community focused on student achievement. Key responsibilities include articulating a clear vision, setting high expectations, ensuring opportunities to learn, monitoring curriculum and instruction, and creating a culture of continuous learning among teachers. The reflection indicates the principal believes these things but acknowledges they have had limited opportunities to fully implement them in their current role.
Ryedale School Local Authority Report 2015Gareth Jenkins
- The local authority conducted a review of Ryedale School over two days in September 2015. They observed lessons, met with school leaders and students, and reviewed documentation.
- The review found that Ryedale School's overall effectiveness is outstanding. Student achievement is consistently above national averages and all student groups make rapid progress. Teaching is of a high quality across the school.
- Leadership and management at the school is also outstanding. The headteacher provides excellent leadership and has created a culture of high expectations. Governors hold the school accountable and ensure high quality governance.
This document provides guidance for schools on conducting self-evaluation of teaching and learning as part of a school improvement process. It describes school self-evaluation as a collaborative and reflective process whereby schools evaluate their work, identify strengths and areas for improvement. The key aspects of the process include gathering and analyzing evidence on outcomes, learning and teaching; drawing conclusions; developing an improvement plan; and implementing and monitoring the plan. Schools are advised to start by focusing on a specific area like literacy or numeracy, and to involve teachers, students, parents and leadership in the self-evaluation.
Choosing the right elementary school is crucial for your child's future success. It sets the foundation for their academic and social development, and helps shape their future. A good elementary education can provide your child with a solid foundation in core subjects, critical thinking skills, and social-emotional learning. It can also impact their future opportunities and career paths. Making the right choice for your child's elementary school can help ensure that they receive the best possible start in life.
This orientation session at Lyceum LGCS provides an overview of the school's curriculum, teaching methods, future plans and co-curricular activities. The curriculum is learning-centric and child-focused using activity-based, superior standards. Teaching methods include direct instruction, presentations, discussions, inquiry-based and cooperative learning. Lyceum also implements a Montessori school system. Rubrics are used to track student progress, provide clear learning targets and allow for accurate assessment. The school aims to develop well-rounded students through character building programs and an international sports program while also fostering partnerships between home and school.
An introduction-to-school-self-evaluation-of-teaching-and-learning-in-post-pr...Martin Brown
School self-evaluation (SSE) is a collaborative process where a school evaluates aspects of its work, particularly teaching and learning. It involves gathering evidence from sources like student outcomes and surveys. This evidence is then analyzed against evaluation criteria to identify strengths and areas for development. The school writes a self-evaluation report and improvement plan focusing on developing areas. The plan is implemented and monitored to improve teaching and learning in the school. SSE should involve all teachers and be led by the principal to enhance practice and benefit students.
Best School in Bangalore. Innovative Learning, Affiliated to CBSE board. A Top School in Bangalore blend of learning & co-curricular activities. Hassle Free Admission Process. Keywords: #Top School in Bangalore, #Best School in Bangalore,
This document summarizes a peer facilitation program proposed for implementation at Saint Louis University Laboratory High School to address shifting attitudes and values among students. The program aims to empower students socially, emotionally, and academically through peer-led seminars, workshops, and community activities. Selected high-achieving student peer facilitators would undergo training and lead sessions on topics like self-awareness, parenting, study skills, discipline, and careers. Program goals include developing students' initiative, responsibility, and positive relationships with family, peers, and community. Effectiveness will be evaluated through student and teacher feedback. The school is recommended to strengthen guidance services and teacher development to fully support the program.
The document provides a summary of Moonlight Academy's 1st quarter report for 2022/23. It discusses student enrollment numbers, curriculum initiatives, community engagement efforts, and academic achievements. Some key points include: student enrollment decreased to 447 students; literacy and technology were areas of focus; the school partners with the local community; and social-emotional learning results showed improved student growth. Challenges facing the school include behavioral issues, teacher retention, and the lack of its own permanent building.
Best School in Bangalore. Innovative Learning, Affiliated to CBSE board. A Top School in Bangalore blend of learning & co-curricular activities. Hassle Free Admission Process. Keywords: #Top School in Bangalore, #Best School in Bangalore,
The school you researched during this course is being taken over the by the state for poor performance. Based on your educational philosophy, your classroom management plan, lesson plan, and the learning activities and assessment you developed in this course, the new principal has asked you to interview for the lead teacher position. This position would allow you to teach the grade of your choosing and give you the authority to enact significant changes across the school. You are one of only 20 candidates asked to apply for this prestigious position. You have been asked to submit a multimedia interview presentation instead of interviewing in person. The principal has requested that you include the following in your presentation:
The school you researched during this course is being taken over the by the state for poor performance. Based on your educational philosophy, your classroom management plan, lesson plan, and the learning activities and assessment you developed in this course, the new principal has asked you to interview for the lead teacher position. This position would allow you to teach the grade of your choosing and give you the authority to enact significant changes across the school. You are one of only 20 candidates asked to apply for this prestigious position. You have been asked to submit a multimedia interview presentation instead of interviewing in person. The principal has requested that you include the following in your presentation:
This document provides an overview of the 2014-2015 school year for students at the Carroll Gardens School for Innovation. It includes the school staff, daily schedule, course offerings, expectations for behavior and academics, extracurricular activities, and tips for parents to support their child's success. The goal of the mentoring program is to ensure each student has a meaningful relationship with an adult for setting goals. Students are expected to meet attendance and assessment requirements to be promoted to the next grade.
This multimedia presentation was created to highlight and review the different responsibilities of educational leaders, such as principals and assistant principals. This presentation works as a reflection of my completed coursework through the American College of Education.
The document discusses the beginning of a new school year from the perspective of a child and provides guidance for parents.
In 3 sentences:
The document expresses the excitement a child feels on the first day of a new school year in a new grade, seeing it as a happy day with possibilities. It then provides parents with 13 suggestions for supporting their child's success in the new school year, such as communicating regularly with the teacher, being familiar with school rules and policies, and helping the child accept changes.
Here are samples of documents that could go in the portfolio:
Academic Budget
- Budget allocation for instructional materials (e.g. textbooks, lab equipment)
- Budget for cocurricular activities (e.g. field trips, competitions)
Scope and Sequence Chart
- Outlines competencies/skills to be developed each year in a subject area
- Shows progression/building on prior learning each year
Teaching Guide
- Weekly lesson plans for a subject/course
- Includes learning objectives, activities, assessment
Course Guide
- Description of course, prerequisites, outcomes
- Syllabus with topics, assignments, assessment criteria
- Required and optional readings/resources
This document provides an overview of the Carroll Gardens School for Innovation for the 2016-2017 school year. It includes information about staff members, the daily bell schedule, course schedule, mentoring program, academic standards and opportunities, project-based learning, grading policies, behavioral expectations, after school activities, and the importance of parent involvement. The goal is to ensure each student feels supported and sets goals to achieve academic and personal success.
The document outlines the school development plan for Windermere Primary School from September 2015 to August 2018. It identifies five key issues to address:
1) Developing leadership and management of the school.
2) Improving the quality of teaching, learning, and assessment.
3) Improving pupils' personal development, behavior, and welfare.
4) Improving pupil outcomes by raising standards and progress.
5) Improving and developing the early years foundation stage provision.
For each key issue, it lists specific outcome targets and actions to be taken to achieve the targets over the three-year period. The plan was created based on input from Ofsted, staff, governors, parents
The document summarizes the key points from a parent forum meeting at Ryedale School in November 2019. It discusses the purpose of the forum, appropriate and inappropriate topics of discussion. It provides updates on the school's behavior policy, internal exclusion initiative, and new MCAS Parent App. The behavior policy focuses on building relationships and using sanctions like warnings, detentions to change rather than just punish behavior. The internal exclusion process aims to support students through meetings and self-reflection before readmission. An inclusion manager uses targeted strategies to help students with behavior needs. Exclusion rates had increased but fallen since introducing internal exclusion and the inclusion role. The MCAS app allows parents to access attendance, timetables, reports and notifications about their child
This document is a letter from an Ofsted inspector to the headteacher of Southmead School regarding a short inspection of the school. The 3 main points are:
1. Southmead School continues to be rated as "good". Leadership has maintained quality of education and effectively deals with higher pupil mobility.
2. Leaders have developed strategies to improve writing and pupils' work shows high standards. They also provide support for disadvantaged pupils' progress.
3. Next steps include teachers providing more challenge to stretch the most able pupils in writing, and governors analyzing data more rigorously to fully understand the impact of initiatives.
This document discusses rebuilding narratives around schools and education. It emphasizes that every interaction matters and could impact how students remember their experiences. It encourages recognizing, acknowledging, and extending positive interactions to build a culture where people feel proud to be teachers and have positive perceptions of schools. The goal is to change the way schools are talked about through sharing stories of success.
Every interaction matters because every interaction could be the one they talk about for the rest of their lives. School perception is often based on the narrative of those who attended schools years ago. If we are INTENTIONAL about walking into every conversation knowing it could be the one they talk about for years to come, we OPEN DOORS for that outside to see us for who we are and BUILD MOMENTUM by creating a culture where every story matters we have a tremendous opportunity to impact the narrative of our students, teachers, and community.
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This document provides guidance for schools on conducting self-evaluation of teaching and learning as part of a school improvement process. It describes school self-evaluation as a collaborative and reflective process whereby schools evaluate their work, identify strengths and areas for improvement. The key aspects of the process include gathering and analyzing evidence on outcomes, learning and teaching; drawing conclusions; developing an improvement plan; and implementing and monitoring the plan. Schools are advised to start by focusing on a specific area like literacy or numeracy, and to involve teachers, students, parents and leadership in the self-evaluation.
Choosing the right elementary school is crucial for your child's future success. It sets the foundation for their academic and social development, and helps shape their future. A good elementary education can provide your child with a solid foundation in core subjects, critical thinking skills, and social-emotional learning. It can also impact their future opportunities and career paths. Making the right choice for your child's elementary school can help ensure that they receive the best possible start in life.
This orientation session at Lyceum LGCS provides an overview of the school's curriculum, teaching methods, future plans and co-curricular activities. The curriculum is learning-centric and child-focused using activity-based, superior standards. Teaching methods include direct instruction, presentations, discussions, inquiry-based and cooperative learning. Lyceum also implements a Montessori school system. Rubrics are used to track student progress, provide clear learning targets and allow for accurate assessment. The school aims to develop well-rounded students through character building programs and an international sports program while also fostering partnerships between home and school.
An introduction-to-school-self-evaluation-of-teaching-and-learning-in-post-pr...Martin Brown
School self-evaluation (SSE) is a collaborative process where a school evaluates aspects of its work, particularly teaching and learning. It involves gathering evidence from sources like student outcomes and surveys. This evidence is then analyzed against evaluation criteria to identify strengths and areas for development. The school writes a self-evaluation report and improvement plan focusing on developing areas. The plan is implemented and monitored to improve teaching and learning in the school. SSE should involve all teachers and be led by the principal to enhance practice and benefit students.
Best School in Bangalore. Innovative Learning, Affiliated to CBSE board. A Top School in Bangalore blend of learning & co-curricular activities. Hassle Free Admission Process. Keywords: #Top School in Bangalore, #Best School in Bangalore,
This document summarizes a peer facilitation program proposed for implementation at Saint Louis University Laboratory High School to address shifting attitudes and values among students. The program aims to empower students socially, emotionally, and academically through peer-led seminars, workshops, and community activities. Selected high-achieving student peer facilitators would undergo training and lead sessions on topics like self-awareness, parenting, study skills, discipline, and careers. Program goals include developing students' initiative, responsibility, and positive relationships with family, peers, and community. Effectiveness will be evaluated through student and teacher feedback. The school is recommended to strengthen guidance services and teacher development to fully support the program.
The document provides a summary of Moonlight Academy's 1st quarter report for 2022/23. It discusses student enrollment numbers, curriculum initiatives, community engagement efforts, and academic achievements. Some key points include: student enrollment decreased to 447 students; literacy and technology were areas of focus; the school partners with the local community; and social-emotional learning results showed improved student growth. Challenges facing the school include behavioral issues, teacher retention, and the lack of its own permanent building.
Best School in Bangalore. Innovative Learning, Affiliated to CBSE board. A Top School in Bangalore blend of learning & co-curricular activities. Hassle Free Admission Process. Keywords: #Top School in Bangalore, #Best School in Bangalore,
The school you researched during this course is being taken over the by the state for poor performance. Based on your educational philosophy, your classroom management plan, lesson plan, and the learning activities and assessment you developed in this course, the new principal has asked you to interview for the lead teacher position. This position would allow you to teach the grade of your choosing and give you the authority to enact significant changes across the school. You are one of only 20 candidates asked to apply for this prestigious position. You have been asked to submit a multimedia interview presentation instead of interviewing in person. The principal has requested that you include the following in your presentation:
The school you researched during this course is being taken over the by the state for poor performance. Based on your educational philosophy, your classroom management plan, lesson plan, and the learning activities and assessment you developed in this course, the new principal has asked you to interview for the lead teacher position. This position would allow you to teach the grade of your choosing and give you the authority to enact significant changes across the school. You are one of only 20 candidates asked to apply for this prestigious position. You have been asked to submit a multimedia interview presentation instead of interviewing in person. The principal has requested that you include the following in your presentation:
This document provides an overview of the 2014-2015 school year for students at the Carroll Gardens School for Innovation. It includes the school staff, daily schedule, course offerings, expectations for behavior and academics, extracurricular activities, and tips for parents to support their child's success. The goal of the mentoring program is to ensure each student has a meaningful relationship with an adult for setting goals. Students are expected to meet attendance and assessment requirements to be promoted to the next grade.
This multimedia presentation was created to highlight and review the different responsibilities of educational leaders, such as principals and assistant principals. This presentation works as a reflection of my completed coursework through the American College of Education.
The document discusses the beginning of a new school year from the perspective of a child and provides guidance for parents.
In 3 sentences:
The document expresses the excitement a child feels on the first day of a new school year in a new grade, seeing it as a happy day with possibilities. It then provides parents with 13 suggestions for supporting their child's success in the new school year, such as communicating regularly with the teacher, being familiar with school rules and policies, and helping the child accept changes.
Here are samples of documents that could go in the portfolio:
Academic Budget
- Budget allocation for instructional materials (e.g. textbooks, lab equipment)
- Budget for cocurricular activities (e.g. field trips, competitions)
Scope and Sequence Chart
- Outlines competencies/skills to be developed each year in a subject area
- Shows progression/building on prior learning each year
Teaching Guide
- Weekly lesson plans for a subject/course
- Includes learning objectives, activities, assessment
Course Guide
- Description of course, prerequisites, outcomes
- Syllabus with topics, assignments, assessment criteria
- Required and optional readings/resources
This document provides an overview of the Carroll Gardens School for Innovation for the 2016-2017 school year. It includes information about staff members, the daily bell schedule, course schedule, mentoring program, academic standards and opportunities, project-based learning, grading policies, behavioral expectations, after school activities, and the importance of parent involvement. The goal is to ensure each student feels supported and sets goals to achieve academic and personal success.
The document outlines the school development plan for Windermere Primary School from September 2015 to August 2018. It identifies five key issues to address:
1) Developing leadership and management of the school.
2) Improving the quality of teaching, learning, and assessment.
3) Improving pupils' personal development, behavior, and welfare.
4) Improving pupil outcomes by raising standards and progress.
5) Improving and developing the early years foundation stage provision.
For each key issue, it lists specific outcome targets and actions to be taken to achieve the targets over the three-year period. The plan was created based on input from Ofsted, staff, governors, parents
The document summarizes the key points from a parent forum meeting at Ryedale School in November 2019. It discusses the purpose of the forum, appropriate and inappropriate topics of discussion. It provides updates on the school's behavior policy, internal exclusion initiative, and new MCAS Parent App. The behavior policy focuses on building relationships and using sanctions like warnings, detentions to change rather than just punish behavior. The internal exclusion process aims to support students through meetings and self-reflection before readmission. An inclusion manager uses targeted strategies to help students with behavior needs. Exclusion rates had increased but fallen since introducing internal exclusion and the inclusion role. The MCAS app allows parents to access attendance, timetables, reports and notifications about their child
This document is a letter from an Ofsted inspector to the headteacher of Southmead School regarding a short inspection of the school. The 3 main points are:
1. Southmead School continues to be rated as "good". Leadership has maintained quality of education and effectively deals with higher pupil mobility.
2. Leaders have developed strategies to improve writing and pupils' work shows high standards. They also provide support for disadvantaged pupils' progress.
3. Next steps include teachers providing more challenge to stretch the most able pupils in writing, and governors analyzing data more rigorously to fully understand the impact of initiatives.
This document discusses rebuilding narratives around schools and education. It emphasizes that every interaction matters and could impact how students remember their experiences. It encourages recognizing, acknowledging, and extending positive interactions to build a culture where people feel proud to be teachers and have positive perceptions of schools. The goal is to change the way schools are talked about through sharing stories of success.
Every interaction matters because every interaction could be the one they talk about for the rest of their lives. School perception is often based on the narrative of those who attended schools years ago. If we are INTENTIONAL about walking into every conversation knowing it could be the one they talk about for years to come, we OPEN DOORS for that outside to see us for who we are and BUILD MOMENTUM by creating a culture where every story matters we have a tremendous opportunity to impact the narrative of our students, teachers, and community.
This document discusses hacking leadership and provides leadership hacks. It is written by Joe Sanfelippo and focuses on building a positive school culture through relationship building, visibility, trust, investment in students, and staff development. Ten hacks are provided such as being present, creating culture, building relationships, broadcasting student voices, and hiring superstars. Deeper dives are given for some hacks outlining problems, solutions, implementation, and overcoming resistance. Building staff through onboarding, giving ownership, and fostering connections is another focus. The overall message is that culture should come first in schools.
This document appears to be from Joe Sanfelippo, the Superintendent of the Fall Creek School District in Wisconsin. It contains snippets of text from various presentations and articles about building a positive school culture and sharing stories. It encourages focusing on culture first, trusting the community, and investing in schools. It also includes brief quotes about connecting with others to build culture and being remembered for doing great things.
The document outlines 10 hacks for school leadership. It discusses hacks such as being present and engaged, creating a positive culture, building relationships, centering the school around children, hiring great teachers, and changing mindsets. It provides further details on each hack and suggestions for implementation such as social media interns, livestreaming events, and passion projects for teachers.
This document discusses professional development for teachers in the Fall Creek School District in Wisconsin. It presents survey results that show most teachers found their professional growth plans improved their teaching effectiveness and student learning. However, some questions around support from administrators and teacher collaboration received lower agreement. The document poses guiding questions on defining and measuring effective teaching and rewarding high-quality teachers. It emphasizes ownership of professional development and continual growth and progress.
The document discusses leading learning in a digital age and focuses on acknowledgement, professional growth, knowledge, connections, and opportunity. It emphasizes using technology for professional learning networks to engage in discussions, book studies, and groups in order to both consume and construct knowledge. The document is authored by two school superintendents and encourages the use of digital tools like lists, chats, hashtags, and social media to facilitate online learning communities.
This document outlines a presentation given by four school superintendents on leadership in the information age and the changing role of superintendents. The presentation covered topics like using social media for community engagement, examples of positive promotion of their districts, and higher expectations for communication from staff and the public. It provided examples from school districts of developing brand promises and assets, creating communication plans, using social media to share information about events, and marketing their districts. The document showed how technology has increased expectations for fast, personalized communication 24/7 and how different generations of staff prefer different communication styles.
1) The document discusses how school districts can tell their story to the world by developing an identity and brand.
2) It emphasizes finding something unique to celebrate and share about the district to differentiate it from others.
3) The document also stresses the importance of making sure the experiences of students, teachers, and community match the stories and identity being portrayed to build an authentic brand.
This document discusses branding and telling the story of a school district to stakeholders. It begins by establishing some ground rules and then asks questions to help districts identify their identity, differentiate themselves from others, and ensure the brand promise matches the experiences of those in the district. The document encourages districts to celebrate successes, promote a consistent story, and provides reasons and challenges to sharing their story.
This document discusses how school districts can tell their story to stakeholders through branding. It encourages districts to identify their unique identity, ensure everyone shares the same consistent story, and differentiate themselves from other districts. It also stresses that a district's brand promise and actual experiences must align for effective storytelling and that celebrating successes can help share a district's story.
From 0 80 getting buy in from staff-simple k-12Joe Sanfelippo
Joseph Sanfelippo is the Superintendent of Fall Creek Schools in Wisconsin. He has experience as an elementary principal, counselor, and teacher. His research focused on change theory and implementing programming successfully in schools. He discusses how to create a culture where change is embraced, why initiatives often fail, and the steps needed to get staff buy-in for initiatives. These include creating a culture of trust, establishing the reasons for change, and fully committing to the initiative.
Dr. Ansari Khurshid Ahmed- Factors affecting Validity of a Test.pptxKhurshid Ahmed Ansari
Validity is an important characteristic of a test. A test having low validity is of little use. Validity is the accuracy with which a test measures whatever it is supposed to measure. Validity can be low, moderate or high. There are many factors which affect the validity of a test. If these factors are controlled, then the validity of the test can be maintained to a high level. In the power point presentation, factors affecting validity are discussed with the help of concrete examples.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi,
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
Soft Tissue Therapy The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
Sports Taping Techniques Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.
One Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the one click RFQ Cancellation in odoo 18. One-Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 is a feature that allows users to quickly and easily cancel Request for Quotations (RFQs) with a single click.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
OOPs Interview Questions PDF By ScholarHatScholarhat
2. The Seasons: Building Throughout the Year
The rhythm of a school year, through its distinct seasons, offers
challenges and opportunities for school leaders. Each season, with its unique
character, demands a thoughtful approach to ensure a thriving school
environment. We can think of the seasonal focus areas as follows:
Season One Anticipation
Season Two: Momentum
Season Three: Renewal
Season Four: Culmination
Season One: Anticipation (July-August)
In the calm before the proverbial storm, leaders lay the groundwork for
success. This season is characterized by strategic planning, aligning the
curriculum with educational standards, and tailoring professional
development to meet teachers' needs. Infrastructure, from classrooms to
technology, must be reviewed and updated to support the upcoming
academic demands. Engaging with the community through meetings and
communications sets a positive tone, ensuring a collaborative start to the
This is a time for vision setting, where leaders refine the schools goals
and align them with district objectives, ensuring a coherent path forward.
Professional development takes center stage, with workshops and training
sessions designed to equip teachers with the latest pedagogical strategies
and technological tools. Facility upgrades and safety protocols are
3. scrutinized and enhanced, guaranteeing a welcoming and secure
environment for all. Community outreach affords leaders the opportunity to
build partnerships and open dialogue with parents and local organizations,
setting a tone for the year.
Season Two: Momentum (September-December)
As students return, the focus shifts to building momentum. This period
involves establishing routines, fostering a positive school culture, and
navigating the academic process necessary to complete the first semester
successfully. As students fill the corridors, the focus shifts to creating a
dynamic learning environment. This phase is crucial for establishing clear
expectations, embedding robust routines, and fostering a culture of respect
and achievement. Parental engagement is heightened through regular
updates and involvement opportunities, strengthening the school-home
partnership. The close of season two is the holiday break and marks a time for
reflection and anticipation of the next phase.
Season Three: Renewal (January-March)
After the holidays, a sense of renewal begins. Resolutions have been
started (some ended) and this often becomes a time when we can see a dip
in momentum and morale. This is a critical juncture for evaluating progress
toward yearly goals and making necessary adjustments. Attention to student
well-being is heightened, addressing the mid-year fatigue that can impact
performance. This season is also key for preparing students and staff for the
upcoming assessments, with targeted support and review sessions.
4. Community engagement continues with events and initiatives that refresh
the school spirit.
The new year brings a chance to rejuvenate and refocus. This mid-year
checkpoint is critical for assessing progress against academic goals and
adjusting strategies as necessary. The curriculum may be revisited to ensure
alignment with student needs and state standards. A renewed emphasis on
student well-being helps to combat the post-holiday slump, with counseling
and support services in full swing. Preparation for spring assessments begins,
with mock exams and review sessions to bolster confidence and
competence. Community events, such as science fairs and art shows,
highlight the talents within the school, fostering pride and unity.
Season Four: Culmination (April-June)
In the home stretch, the focus intensifies on achieving academic
objectives and celebrating milestones. Preparations for standardized testing,
graduation ceremonies, and transitions (such as moving from middle to high
school) dominate this period. It's a time for recognizing student and staff
accomplishments and setting the stage for the subsequent academic year.
Reflective practices are employed, gathering insights from the year's
experiences to inform future planning.
As the year draws to a close, the focus sharpens on culmination and
celebration. The pressure of standardized testing is met with a
well-coordinated support system, easing student anxieties and maximizing
performance. Graduation and transition planning become paramount,
5. honoring achievements and preparing students for their next academic
chapter. Reflection is a key theme, with staff and students alike taking stock of
the years successes and challenges. This feedback loop is crucial for
continuous improvement, informing planning for the following year.
Community celebrations and recognitions reinforce the collective
achievement, ending the year on a note of accomplishment and anticipation
for the future.
The leadership seasons all come with highs and lows. Trust from those
you lead is often found in the moments that are unanticipated. When we are
prepared for what we can control, those times that surprise us can be
reduced. Knowing what is happening in each season and being able to
create momentum in times that dont surprise us, will help get us through the
times that do. Each season is unique, and the reflections allow us to be as
present as possible in each one.
Look Up!
Alright, everybody, Saturday morning, Fall Creek, Wisconsin, one
minute walk to work, and heres what Im thinking about today
The last two weeks around here have been pretty tough. Most of the
tough stuff is about things we can't control, but I still have a hard time letting
that stuff go. So it does impact the way that I walk around school and it hit me
this week when I was on the playground, one of our elementary kids just yelled
out, "Sanfelippo, look up, watch me!" And he just started running. He just
wanted me to watch him run. I'm watching him run and I'm cheering. I'm
smiling. And in that moment, all the frustration and the anxiety of the things
that I couldn't control just kind of slipped away.
Honestly, the anxiety came back as soon as I got back to my office, but
after that I found myself in more places with more kids and more staff
members. Doing this helped me be less concerned with things I couldnt
control. The tough stuff didnt go away, but my perspective was also much
different when I had to deal with it.
Tough things are going to happen. But when we let the tough things
that happened yesterday preclude us from seeing the great things that
happen today, we get further away from the reason that we love the job and
closer to the reason that we don't.
7. So, the leadership challenge for next week is simply this:
Look up. If I didn't look up, I would have missed the kid on the
playground. I would've missed talking to the fifth-grade teachers about how
great it is to have kids back in school. I would've missed watching a high
school teacher beam with pride as she watched her kids run a coffee shop. I
would've missed walking into a kindergarten class and having a kid rub my
head and tell me that it was OK because his grandma's kind of bald, too. I
would've missed standing outside of a four-year-old kindergarten class and
watching our high school kids walk out smiling, and laughing, and joking
because they just met the four-year-olds that they get a chance to teach
some science lessons to in the next couple weeks. I would've missed all of it.
So look up. Chase the smiles. Because when you do, you're going to find theirs,
but you're going to find yours, too.
Just gotta take care of each other. Alright, people, thats all Ive got.
Were all in this thing together.
Have a great week, everybodyGo Crickets!
Self-Reflection Questions for the Leader:
How often am I taking the time to look up and notice the small, joyful
moments in my school? Where do they happen the most?
What can I do to ensure that I am present and engaged and appreciate
the little things that make my school unique and vibrant?
8. Mindfulness Walk: "Chase the Smiles"
Activity Overview: Organize a walk around the school or local area
during which participants are encouraged to "look up" and notice the
positive around them. Encourage sharing of the smiles and joys noticed
during the walk.
Look Up