Mediawijsheid: Resultaten van de bevraging in het KA Erasmus (secundaire school) in De Pinte, Belgi?, over sociale media en internettoepassingen in mei 2013 door Hilde Lingier in het kader van mediacoach Linc
Digitaal prentenboek Antonio en Lieze project mediawijsheid-kopieHilde Lingier
De kleuters maakten in hun klas tijdens de projectweek van
30 september tot en met 3 oktober 2013 een digitaal ingesproken prentenboek rond ¡®big draw bib¡¯ onder begeleiding van hun juf Barbara en de bibliotheekdeskundige Hilde.
Het boek ¡®Karel gaat naar de bibliotheek¡¯ van Liesbet Slegers
was het vertrekpunt voor de projectweek in de derde kleuterklas van de basisschool ¡°De Kleine Prins¡± in de Pinte. De mediaukkies kregen tips mee voor hun (groot)ouders.
Kijk mee¡
Git is a version control system that allows tracking changes to files and coordinating work among contributors. It compares to SVN with its decentralized model where everyone has the full codebase rather than a centralized server. The key concepts covered include initializing a local Git repository, tracking file status and staging/committing changes, undoing changes, working with remote repositories on GitHub including cloning, pushing and pulling, dealing with merge conflicts, using branches to isolate work, merging branches, and advanced branching strategies like Git Flow.
Jongeren (12-14jarigen) op een ludieke en eigentijdse (digitale)manier leren omgaan met de vele (vaak ongekende) mogelijkheden van de bibliotheek, specifiek de Brusselse openbare bibliotheken.
Wat bieden wij jou?
Voortraject op school: YouTube filmpje Brusselse bibliotheken, screencast BruNO catalogus, handleiding apps en tools, handleiding Videopad en Pixlr¡
Spel in de bibliotheek (in schoolverband)
Terugweg naar de school: Lomap
Natraject op school: het aangemaakt (creatief) content van het spel verwerken in diverse vakken
Public Relations 1.0 relied on journalists as middlemen to reach buyers, but PR 2.0 eliminates this by allowing direct publishing on the web. While traffic is easy to get, it doesn't equal buyers - you need great content tailored to your target audience to turn visitors into purchasers. To be successful with PR 2.0, identify your readers and where to find them, determine why they would listen to your message, and have an authentic story to tell through engaging with and learning from audience feedback.
ZULTE-KWB Machelen informeert over sociale media: KWB gaat actuele thema¡¯s niet uit de weg en zet als hot-item ¡®de sociale media¡¯ op de agenda van hun voordrachtavond. Bij deze gelegenheid wordt informatie gegeven over de sociale netwerken. Het gebruik van Facebook, Twitter en Linked-in wordt alsmaar populairder. Daarom organiseren zij een infoavond op donderdag 13 maart in de Guldepoort in Machelen.
De sociale media bieden een rijkdom aan communicatie, maar er zijn ook risico¡¯s aan verbonden. Hoe gaan we er verantwoord mee om en hoe leren we kinderen en jongeren ze goed te gebruiken? Gastspreker en mediacoach Hilde Lingier informeert de aanwezigen over deze nieuwe communicatiemogelijkheden.
het internet?, definitie & kenmerken sociale media, veiligheid & privacy, soorten sociale media, impact op dagelijks leven, functies van sociale media, smartphones, tablets & apps, trivia over sociale media, Facebook-Twitter-Instagram-Pinterest¡
The document provides an overview of common and unique use cases for Apache Hadoop. It begins with an introduction of what Hadoop is and its origins. It then discusses how Hadoop is well suited for tasks like log processing due to its ability to handle large amounts of data in parallel across clusters of machines. Specific examples are given around using Hadoop for log processing to efficiently perform tasks like grepping, calculating metrics, and investigating user sessions from large log files.
Bib op school: mediawijsheid en nog meer...Hilde Lingier
De openbare bibliotheek biedt de mogelijkheid tot een digitale verbinding tussen de catalogus van de openbare en de elektronische leeromgeving van de scholen binnen dezelfde gemeente of stad.
Social networks have become important tools for both politics and war, allowing targeted communication and even selective assassinations. These platforms provide new ways to influence populations and opponents through focused messaging to key groups. However, they also give access to personal data that could potentially be misused for harmful purposes if not properly safeguarded and regulated.
This document provides guidance and resources for effective technology integration for 21st century learners. It discusses the need for vision and support from leadership, appropriate training, access to hardware and software, and willingness to take risks. Examples of technology that can be used include blogging, podcasting, clickers, videos, and interactive websites. The goal is to teach students to use technology as a communication tool and to think critically rather than just teaching the technology itself. Effective integration engages students, supports collaboration and assessment, and enhances the learning process.
This document provides an overview of the key concepts in Scrum, including roles, events, artifacts, backlogs, user stories, estimation techniques, and tools. It describes the product owner, scrum master, and development team roles. It outlines the sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint review, and retrospective events. It also discusses product backlogs, sprint backlogs, and increments as artifacts in Scrum.
This document discusses the difference between traditional and modern approaches to project automation. It contrasts the view of programmers as "code farmers" who work repetitively with the vision of "Golden Coders" who utilize modern automation techniques. The overall message encourages moving beyond seeing oneself as just a "code farmer" and taking advantage of new automation approaches.
The document outlines procedures for catching chickens prior to processing. It recommends withdrawing feed for 8-12 hours before catching to empty the digestive tract and reduce carcass contamination. It also recommends dimming lights at catching time, removing equipment, catching at night when chickens are less active, and using dark strip curtains over doors to reduce stress. The proper stocking density should be applied when loading chickens into clean crates or modules with reduced densities in summer months.
This document discusses broiler nutrition management. It covers basic nutritional components including water, amino acids, energy, vitamins and minerals. It discusses factors that affect nutrient content in feed such as ingredient quality and feed form. It also discusses key factors in selecting optimal diets such as raw material costs and market requirements. The document outlines different feed forms and the benefits of pelleted feed. It provides details on protein, energy, and micronutrient requirements. It discusses phase feeding programs and different diet types based on production objectives. Feed testing and withdrawal are also covered. The document concludes with notes on supplementing whole wheat feeding for broilers.
This document provides a history of Bajaj Auto Ltd, a major Indian manufacturer of scooters and motorcycles. It discusses how the company was founded in 1945 and began producing scooters under license from Piaggio of Italy in 1960. Over the decades, Bajaj Auto introduced many new models and saw significant growth, becoming one of the largest two-wheeler manufacturers in the world by the 1990s. However, it also faced increasing competition from other Indian and international brands. The document outlines some of Bajaj Auto's strategic investments and partnerships over the years to develop new technologies and models to remain competitive in the market.
Este documento describe c¨®mo crear un juego de cubos con n¨²meros al azar. Explica que se crea un cuadrado y seis cubos id¨¦nticos con n¨²meros del 1 al 6, y que al presionar cada cubo se asignar¨¢ un valor aleatorio entre 1 y 6 y mostrar¨¢ el n¨²mero por 2 segundos antes de cambiar al siguiente cubo.
Juliana encontr¨® un caracol verde mientras caminaba y se hicieron inseparables. Un d¨ªa, un perro atac¨® y dej¨® gravemente herido al caracol. Juliana llor¨® junto al caracol moribundo hasta que un hombre le dijo que lo llevara al veterinario, donde lograron salvarlo.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones paso a paso para crear un nuevo documento en CorelDRAW X5, guardarlo, abrirlo y cerrar el programa. Explica c¨®mo crear un nuevo archivo vac¨ªo, guardarlo con el nombre "Clases" en la carpeta "Mis documentos", abrir este archivo de nuevo y cerrar tanto el archivo como el programa CorelDRAW X5.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones paso a paso para crear un nuevo documento en CorelDRAW X5, guardarlo, abrirlo y cerrar el programa. Explica c¨®mo crear un nuevo archivo vac¨ªo, guardarlo como "Clases.cdr" en la carpeta "Mis documentos", abrir este archivo posteriormente desde esa carpeta y cerrar tanto el archivo como el programa CorelDRAW X5.
El resumen presenta los resultados de la segunda mitad de la temporada de f¨²tbol colombiano. Once Caldas lidera la tabla de posiciones con 26 puntos y 14 goles a favor sin goles en contra, seguido por Junior con 21 puntos y 12 goles a favor con solo 2 goles en contra. Millonarios se ubica tercero con 19 puntos, 10 goles a favor y 4 goles en contra.
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre las caracter¨ªsticas y funcionalidades b¨¢sicas de Microsoft PowerPoint, incluyendo definiciones de presentaciones de PowerPoint, vistas (Normal, Clasificador de diapositivas, P¨¢gina de notas, Presentaci¨®n), reglas para la estructura de una presentaci¨®n, y objetos comunes como diapositivas, c¨ªrculos, flechas, rect¨¢ngulos e im¨¢genes.
Este documento presenta 15 normas para la clase de inform¨¢tica en el Colegio Nacional Nicol¨¢s Esguerra. Las normas incluyen no gritar, botar basura, comer o jugar en los computadores sin permiso, acceder a p¨¢ginas inapropiadas, da?ar equipos o descargar software sin autorizaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n cubren el cuidado de los equipos, trabajar en parejas y dejar el aula ordenada.
The document provides an overview of common and unique use cases for Apache Hadoop. It begins with an introduction of what Hadoop is and its origins. It then discusses how Hadoop is well suited for tasks like log processing due to its ability to handle large amounts of data in parallel across clusters of machines. Specific examples are given around using Hadoop for log processing to efficiently perform tasks like grepping, calculating metrics, and investigating user sessions from large log files.
Bib op school: mediawijsheid en nog meer...Hilde Lingier
De openbare bibliotheek biedt de mogelijkheid tot een digitale verbinding tussen de catalogus van de openbare en de elektronische leeromgeving van de scholen binnen dezelfde gemeente of stad.
Social networks have become important tools for both politics and war, allowing targeted communication and even selective assassinations. These platforms provide new ways to influence populations and opponents through focused messaging to key groups. However, they also give access to personal data that could potentially be misused for harmful purposes if not properly safeguarded and regulated.
This document provides guidance and resources for effective technology integration for 21st century learners. It discusses the need for vision and support from leadership, appropriate training, access to hardware and software, and willingness to take risks. Examples of technology that can be used include blogging, podcasting, clickers, videos, and interactive websites. The goal is to teach students to use technology as a communication tool and to think critically rather than just teaching the technology itself. Effective integration engages students, supports collaboration and assessment, and enhances the learning process.
This document provides an overview of the key concepts in Scrum, including roles, events, artifacts, backlogs, user stories, estimation techniques, and tools. It describes the product owner, scrum master, and development team roles. It outlines the sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint review, and retrospective events. It also discusses product backlogs, sprint backlogs, and increments as artifacts in Scrum.
This document discusses the difference between traditional and modern approaches to project automation. It contrasts the view of programmers as "code farmers" who work repetitively with the vision of "Golden Coders" who utilize modern automation techniques. The overall message encourages moving beyond seeing oneself as just a "code farmer" and taking advantage of new automation approaches.
The document outlines procedures for catching chickens prior to processing. It recommends withdrawing feed for 8-12 hours before catching to empty the digestive tract and reduce carcass contamination. It also recommends dimming lights at catching time, removing equipment, catching at night when chickens are less active, and using dark strip curtains over doors to reduce stress. The proper stocking density should be applied when loading chickens into clean crates or modules with reduced densities in summer months.
This document discusses broiler nutrition management. It covers basic nutritional components including water, amino acids, energy, vitamins and minerals. It discusses factors that affect nutrient content in feed such as ingredient quality and feed form. It also discusses key factors in selecting optimal diets such as raw material costs and market requirements. The document outlines different feed forms and the benefits of pelleted feed. It provides details on protein, energy, and micronutrient requirements. It discusses phase feeding programs and different diet types based on production objectives. Feed testing and withdrawal are also covered. The document concludes with notes on supplementing whole wheat feeding for broilers.
This document provides a history of Bajaj Auto Ltd, a major Indian manufacturer of scooters and motorcycles. It discusses how the company was founded in 1945 and began producing scooters under license from Piaggio of Italy in 1960. Over the decades, Bajaj Auto introduced many new models and saw significant growth, becoming one of the largest two-wheeler manufacturers in the world by the 1990s. However, it also faced increasing competition from other Indian and international brands. The document outlines some of Bajaj Auto's strategic investments and partnerships over the years to develop new technologies and models to remain competitive in the market.
Este documento describe c¨®mo crear un juego de cubos con n¨²meros al azar. Explica que se crea un cuadrado y seis cubos id¨¦nticos con n¨²meros del 1 al 6, y que al presionar cada cubo se asignar¨¢ un valor aleatorio entre 1 y 6 y mostrar¨¢ el n¨²mero por 2 segundos antes de cambiar al siguiente cubo.
Juliana encontr¨® un caracol verde mientras caminaba y se hicieron inseparables. Un d¨ªa, un perro atac¨® y dej¨® gravemente herido al caracol. Juliana llor¨® junto al caracol moribundo hasta que un hombre le dijo que lo llevara al veterinario, donde lograron salvarlo.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones paso a paso para crear un nuevo documento en CorelDRAW X5, guardarlo, abrirlo y cerrar el programa. Explica c¨®mo crear un nuevo archivo vac¨ªo, guardarlo con el nombre "Clases" en la carpeta "Mis documentos", abrir este archivo de nuevo y cerrar tanto el archivo como el programa CorelDRAW X5.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones paso a paso para crear un nuevo documento en CorelDRAW X5, guardarlo, abrirlo y cerrar el programa. Explica c¨®mo crear un nuevo archivo vac¨ªo, guardarlo como "Clases.cdr" en la carpeta "Mis documentos", abrir este archivo posteriormente desde esa carpeta y cerrar tanto el archivo como el programa CorelDRAW X5.
El resumen presenta los resultados de la segunda mitad de la temporada de f¨²tbol colombiano. Once Caldas lidera la tabla de posiciones con 26 puntos y 14 goles a favor sin goles en contra, seguido por Junior con 21 puntos y 12 goles a favor con solo 2 goles en contra. Millonarios se ubica tercero con 19 puntos, 10 goles a favor y 4 goles en contra.
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre las caracter¨ªsticas y funcionalidades b¨¢sicas de Microsoft PowerPoint, incluyendo definiciones de presentaciones de PowerPoint, vistas (Normal, Clasificador de diapositivas, P¨¢gina de notas, Presentaci¨®n), reglas para la estructura de una presentaci¨®n, y objetos comunes como diapositivas, c¨ªrculos, flechas, rect¨¢ngulos e im¨¢genes.
Este documento presenta 15 normas para la clase de inform¨¢tica en el Colegio Nacional Nicol¨¢s Esguerra. Las normas incluyen no gritar, botar basura, comer o jugar en los computadores sin permiso, acceder a p¨¢ginas inapropiadas, da?ar equipos o descargar software sin autorizaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n cubren el cuidado de los equipos, trabajar en parejas y dejar el aula ordenada.