Branded Goods, Social Gifts und Social Games im Vergleich hinsichtlich Moneta...Martin SzugatVirtuelle Güter sind längst nicht mehr auf virtuelle Welten beschränkt. Sie verbreiten sich mittlerweile ebenso rasant in den Social Networks, sei es im Rahmen einer Social Gifting-App wie sie Facebook erfolgreich zur Monetarisierung einsetzt oder im Kontext von Social Games. Virtuelle Güter werden im sozialen Kontext zu „sozialen Gütern“, die den sozialen Status ihrer Besitzer reflektieren. Den „Branded Virtual Goods“ kommt hier ähnlich wie herkömmlichen Markengütern eine besondere Rolle zu. Der Vortrag erklärt Phänomene wie Branded Goods, Social Gifts und Social Games und vergleicht sie hinsichtlich der Monetarisierung und der Werbewirkung.
Conveyancing Special OfferQuotifykenThe document discusses the Quotify referral service which connects consumers needing services with qualified providers. It outlines how Quotify profiles both consumers and providers, matches them based on their profiles, and immediately sends the consumer's contact details to the matched providers. Quotify charges providers a fee per referral, with no long-term contracts or minimum lead requirements. An introductory offer is provided for 20 leads for $300 plus GST. Overall the document promotes Quotify's service and partnership opportunities for providers.
Using Analytics to Figure Out What to Improve on your site(s)Darlene FichterSocial media can produce benefits for libraries like increased support and usage, but libraries must define goals for their efforts and track both qualitative and quantitative metrics to determine if investments in social media are meeting those goals. A variety of free tools exist for measuring engagement on specific social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr and can track metrics like reach, sentiment, discussions, and growth of a fan base over time to help libraries evaluate the impact of their social media presence.
173 os santos louvam...Mylena VasconcelosO documento é uma canção religiosa que celebra Jesus como Salvador. Ela exalta Jesus por ter vindo à terra para salvar as almas humanas, lavar os pecados com seu sangue e dar certeza da redenção. Os santos têm o direito de cantar sobre como Jesus os resgatou com amor.
41 a cristo coroaiMylena VasconcelosJesus Cristo é o Filho de Deus que se encarnou para revelar o Pai aos homens e trazer a redenção. Ele é o Criador, Salvador e Redentor que venceu a morte na cruz e agora reina no céu, aguardando retornar.
49 aleluia, já creioMylena VasconcelosO documento é uma canção religiosa em três estrofes que celebra a salvação através da fé em Jesus Cristo. A canção expressa gratidão pela redenção proporcionada pela morte de Jesus na cruz e fé no amor de Deus.
гэрийн даалгаварTsedo BatsukhThe Snow Man hears the yard dog warn that the weather is changing and the sun will make him run. The Snow Man does not understand as he was recently made. In the morning, there is a thick fog and strong wind. When the sun rises, everything is covered in hoarfrost and frozen dew drops, revealing delicate forms usually hidden by foliage.
For 8th gradeTsedo BatsukhThe document contains two versions (A and B) of an English assignment for 8th grade students. Version A includes a chart to complete with country, nationality, and language information. It also includes tag questions and sentences to translate opposite meanings. Version B is similar but contains different content, including completing sentences with similar meanings and translating sentences into Mongolian.
Exam for the 5th gradeTsedo BatsukhThis document contains two variations of an exam for 5th grade students testing their English language skills. Each variation includes sections to test vocabulary by filling in blanks, and choosing the best answer to complete sentences. The questions cover topics like names, family members, colors, animals, body parts, clothing, seasons, and basic grammar. The exam is designed to evaluate students' understanding of foundational English words and sentence structures.
BirthdayTsedo BatsukhA child is celebrating their birthday and when asked how old they are, they respond that they are four years old. Another child then wishes them a happy birthday and when asked their age, says they are three years old.
Unit 2lesson4Tsedo BatsukhThis document is a lesson about families from an English language learning program. It introduces vocabulary for describing families, such as "big family" and "small family". It provides example dialogues asking about family size and identifying family members. Students are asked to practice the new language by completing sentences about their own families. Key words introduced include "mum", "dad", "brother", "sister", and descriptions of family size.
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Branded Goods, Social Gifts und Social Games im Vergleich hinsichtlich Moneta...Martin SzugatVirtuelle Güter sind längst nicht mehr auf virtuelle Welten beschränkt. Sie verbreiten sich mittlerweile ebenso rasant in den Social Networks, sei es im Rahmen einer Social Gifting-App wie sie Facebook erfolgreich zur Monetarisierung einsetzt oder im Kontext von Social Games. Virtuelle Güter werden im sozialen Kontext zu „sozialen Gütern“, die den sozialen Status ihrer Besitzer reflektieren. Den „Branded Virtual Goods“ kommt hier ähnlich wie herkömmlichen Markengütern eine besondere Rolle zu. Der Vortrag erklärt Phänomene wie Branded Goods, Social Gifts und Social Games und vergleicht sie hinsichtlich der Monetarisierung und der Werbewirkung.
Conveyancing Special OfferQuotifykenThe document discusses the Quotify referral service which connects consumers needing services with qualified providers. It outlines how Quotify profiles both consumers and providers, matches them based on their profiles, and immediately sends the consumer's contact details to the matched providers. Quotify charges providers a fee per referral, with no long-term contracts or minimum lead requirements. An introductory offer is provided for 20 leads for $300 plus GST. Overall the document promotes Quotify's service and partnership opportunities for providers.
Using Analytics to Figure Out What to Improve on your site(s)Darlene FichterSocial media can produce benefits for libraries like increased support and usage, but libraries must define goals for their efforts and track both qualitative and quantitative metrics to determine if investments in social media are meeting those goals. A variety of free tools exist for measuring engagement on specific social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr and can track metrics like reach, sentiment, discussions, and growth of a fan base over time to help libraries evaluate the impact of their social media presence.
173 os santos louvam...Mylena VasconcelosO documento é uma canção religiosa que celebra Jesus como Salvador. Ela exalta Jesus por ter vindo à terra para salvar as almas humanas, lavar os pecados com seu sangue e dar certeza da redenção. Os santos têm o direito de cantar sobre como Jesus os resgatou com amor.
41 a cristo coroaiMylena VasconcelosJesus Cristo é o Filho de Deus que se encarnou para revelar o Pai aos homens e trazer a redenção. Ele é o Criador, Salvador e Redentor que venceu a morte na cruz e agora reina no céu, aguardando retornar.
49 aleluia, já creioMylena VasconcelosO documento é uma canção religiosa em três estrofes que celebra a salvação através da fé em Jesus Cristo. A canção expressa gratidão pela redenção proporcionada pela morte de Jesus na cruz e fé no amor de Deus.
гэрийн даалгаварTsedo BatsukhThe Snow Man hears the yard dog warn that the weather is changing and the sun will make him run. The Snow Man does not understand as he was recently made. In the morning, there is a thick fog and strong wind. When the sun rises, everything is covered in hoarfrost and frozen dew drops, revealing delicate forms usually hidden by foliage.
For 8th gradeTsedo BatsukhThe document contains two versions (A and B) of an English assignment for 8th grade students. Version A includes a chart to complete with country, nationality, and language information. It also includes tag questions and sentences to translate opposite meanings. Version B is similar but contains different content, including completing sentences with similar meanings and translating sentences into Mongolian.
Exam for the 5th gradeTsedo BatsukhThis document contains two variations of an exam for 5th grade students testing their English language skills. Each variation includes sections to test vocabulary by filling in blanks, and choosing the best answer to complete sentences. The questions cover topics like names, family members, colors, animals, body parts, clothing, seasons, and basic grammar. The exam is designed to evaluate students' understanding of foundational English words and sentence structures.
BirthdayTsedo BatsukhA child is celebrating their birthday and when asked how old they are, they respond that they are four years old. Another child then wishes them a happy birthday and when asked their age, says they are three years old.
Unit 2lesson4Tsedo BatsukhThis document is a lesson about families from an English language learning program. It introduces vocabulary for describing families, such as "big family" and "small family". It provides example dialogues asking about family size and identifying family members. Students are asked to practice the new language by completing sentences about their own families. Key words introduced include "mum", "dad", "brother", "sister", and descriptions of family size.
Unit5 lesson4 he's wearing jeansTsedo BatsukhThis document provides a lesson on using third person singular forms to describe what colors of clothes someone is wearing. It introduces the concepts of colors, clothes, and using "he is wearing" or "she is wearing" to ask and answer questions about what color of jeans, shirt, or other items of clothing someone has on. Examples are provided asking "What is he wearing?" and "What is she wearing?" and answering with the third person singular form to say what color of clothing the person is wearing.
Unit5 lesson3 i'm wearing an orange dressTsedo BatsukhThe document is a lesson plan about describing clothing. It introduces the topic of colors and clothes, with the aim to teach describing what someone is wearing. Example sentences are provided like "I'm wearing a red dress". Questions are then asked about different clothing items to practice responding with "I'm wearing a [color] [item]".
Unit 2 lesson 2 have you got a sisterTsedo BatsukhThis lesson teaches students how to ask and answer questions about siblings using the phrases "Have you got a sister?" and "Have you got a brother?". It introduces the vocabulary for family members like sister, brother, mum and dad. Students will practice talking about their own family by stating their name and describing their mum, dad, sister and brother.
Unit5 lesson2 clothesTsedo BatsukhThe document introduces a lesson about identifying and naming clothes. It presents questions like "What is it?" and "What are they?" along with answers identifying various items of clothing like a cap, jacket, T-shirt, dress, trainers, shoes, jeans, and trousers. The goal is to teach learners to recognize different types of clothes and ask and answer questions about what the items are.
Unit4lesson2placesTsedo BatsukhThis lesson aims to teach students to identify places and locations by introducing new language for common places like "the hill", "the river", "the grass", "the flowers", and "the trees". An example question "Where is Madi?" is provided and answered with "She is on the hill" to demonstrate usage.
Unit4lesson1 our worldTsedo BatsukhThis document introduces nature as the topic of study and identifies learning aims of identifying nature and learning new words related to nature such as the sun, clouds, moon, stars, and sky.
Unit3lesson 4 classroom commandsTsedo BatsukhThis document provides a lesson on classroom commands in Mongolian. It introduces common classroom commands like "stand up", "sit down", "open", "close", "point", and "draw". Students practice following the commands and play a game of "Simon Says". As homework, they must memorize the new words and write responses to polite command prompts.
Unit3lesson3 what are theyTsedo BatsukhThis lesson describes a classroom and introduces vocabulary for common classroom objects. It asks "What is this?" to introduce individual objects like a desk or board, and "What are they?" to introduce plural objects like windows, desks, and chairs. Pictures are provided of each object to help teach the new vocabulary.
School lifeTsedo BatsukhThis document provides information about present simple tense and school routines in 3 paragraphs and less than 200 words. It discusses:
1) How present simple tense is used to talk about habits and things that are always true. Examples of its use are given.
2) A table showing the positive, negative, question and short answer forms of the present simple tense for the first person singular and plural.
3) Common routines at school like having lessons, lunch, sports and clubs are listed. Sample sentences are provided about what children do at school using given words. Pictures are also included showing daily routines and times.
School childrenTsedo BatsukhThis document discusses a lesson plan for English class. The topic is everyday actions for school children. The lesson is part of Unit 2 from the English 2 curriculum. The teacher listed is B. Enkhzul.
My new schoolTsedo BatsukhMy school has 15 rooms including classrooms, an office, a hall, a library, a computer room, a gym, a language lab, and a canteen. The lesson teaches about using "have got" and "has got" to talk about what rooms are at a school. Students are asked questions to practice using these phrases, such as how many gyms, libraries, or desks are at their own school. They also complete sentences with "have got" or "has got" such as describing what rooms their school has. For homework, students draw their school and label the different rooms.
Test for unit 1Tsedo Batsukh1. The document is a test for unit 1 titled "Hello again" that has two variations, A and B.
2. The test contains questions that students must answer about subjects like grammar, time, and possessions.
3. Students are asked to write out times of day in words and answer other questions testing their knowledge from the unit.