Recent co productionsAdam JacobsShows that I have been Executive Producer for on behalf of Discovery Networks for both the UK and Western Europe since 2012.
PreventivasMariana RamirezEste documento clasifica diferentes tipos de señales de tránsito en cuatro categorías: preventivas, reglamentarias, informativas y señales horizontales como marcas longitudinales o de piso, señales elevadas y otros dispositivos como semáforos.
Yasser_Farag-CVYasser Farag SayedYasser Farag Sayed is a Senior Oracle Technical Consultant with over 10 years of experience customizing Oracle E-Business Suite applications. He has extensive experience developing Oracle Application Framework pages, reports, workflows, and custom integrations. Some of his past clients include MESC KSA, STC KSA, Albena&Elamar Furniture Factory, El Sheikh Khaled bin Hamad Al-Thani, Supreme Council of Health, Darwish Holding, Holy Makkah Municipality, King Abdul Aziz Public Library, and Egyptian Company For Mobile Service. He is proficient in Oracle technologies like Forms, Reports, XML Publisher, Discoverer, and the Oracle database.
Death to the Age of Labor, a Mythos for the Age of LeisureLuke Barnesmoore oExamining the coming Robotic Age, the death of the Age of Labor, and the rise of the Age of Leisure.
Eje cardiacochristopher perezEl documento describe conceptos básicos de electrocardiografía, incluyendo la propagación del dipolo eléctrico a lo largo de la célula cardíaca, tipos de ondas (difásicas e isodifásicas), derivaciones, eje del corazón y su desviación, e interpretación básica.
Mood Board for Production Management-Full Sail UniversityVictoria NarvaezThis document provides research and inspiration for developing a logo and visual identity for Victoria Narvaez's graphic design business. It includes a creative brief, samples of competitor logos, color palettes, typography choices, shapes, textures, competitor identity packages, a word list, and a mind map. The goal is to create a logo representing Victoria's initials that communicates professionalism for her graphic design, web design, and entrepreneurial clients.
RIR B.V.Rob CoppejansRIR offers state-of-the-art equipment for cereal bars and fruit snacks production, including enrobing and packaging lines tailored for clients' needs. Their equipment provides a significant cost advantage over market leaders. They provide wrapping equipment suitable for sticky products. RIR also supplies ingredients and packaging materials for clients' products. Interested clients should contact RIR for more information.
LawAlumniMagazine09Silvia DropulichThis document provides information about upcoming events at Melbourne Law School, including conferences on cultural collections and copyright, environmental law, and constitutional law. It also announces the establishment of an Indigenous student access program and the appointment of Justice Crennan as Deputy Chancellor of the University.
BGEN-2016-02Branislava JovicicThis document provides an interview with Jelena Peruničić, senior manager of the regional German Development Cooperation (GIZ) project Climate Change Adaptation in Western Balkans (CCAWB). Some key points:
- The CCAWB project works to reduce flood and drought risks and strengthen regional cooperation on water resource management in the Drin River basin across Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
- The project has established a regional Flood Early Warning System for the Drin River basin and supported national climate change adaptation strategies.
- Continuing work includes improving data availability and sharing between countries to better manage flood risks transnationally.
- Challenges include maintaining equipment
Energy Saving WindowColinssash WindowsThis document provides information about sliding sash windows produced by a company, including their features, technical specifications, security features, combination frame options, color options, glass options, hardware, and accessories. The windows are designed to have a traditional appearance while providing modern thermal performance. They are tested to various British standards and have thermal efficiency ratings of B or A.
FINAL IN NORWIN WITH COVER AND TOC - MARCH 2016Jonathan SzishThis document provides a quarterly report from the Norwin School District covering events and accomplishments from the 2015-2016 school year. It includes summaries of various school productions, sports team achievements, volunteer efforts, and the dedication of a new veterans memorial outside the high school. Recognition is given to students and staff for their contributions to the district.
PreventivasMariana RamirezEste documento clasifica diferentes tipos de señales de tránsito en cuatro categorías: preventivas, reglamentarias, informativas y señales horizontales, longitudinales o de piso. También menciona señales elevadas y otros dispositivos como semáforos.
technical project manager 12 yrsNitin KatlanaThe document lists various project management and leadership skills, including experience with Agile and Waterfall methodologies, SDLC management, resource planning, stakeholder management, defect and risk management, process improvement, and project execution. It also provides details about the individual's technical skills in software, programming languages, databases, and tools. The individual has over 12 years of experience as a project manager and technical lead on various projects in industries like learning, financial, and insurance. Some key achievements and responsibilities include successfully merging applications from two large companies and managing a team of 12 across multiple locations.
RIA_2012Silvia DropulichThe Melbourne Social Equity Institute at the University of Melbourne conducted a pilot study on the long-term impacts of intimate partner violence on women's health and economic security. The study found that intimate partner violence has significant detrimental effects on women's financial stability and ability to work that can persist for many years after separation. It also found gaps in policy support for survivors in overcoming the long-term health and economic impacts of family violence. The Institute aims to use insights from this study to inform the development of longer-term, interdisciplinary research in this area and shape policy and law reform.
PeninsulaHealthAnnualReport2015Silvia DropulichThis document provides an overview of Peninsula Health's annual report for 2014-2015. Some key details include:
- Peninsula Health serves the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula areas of Victoria with 12 sites and around 900 beds.
- In 2014-2015, key services and statistics included 88,331 people attending emergency departments, 74,563 patient admissions, and over 70,000 hours of home and community care provided.
- Major capital projects completed during the year included a new emergency department and wards at Frankston Hospital, and expansions to dental and palliative care services.
- The annual report outlines Peninsula Health's vision, mission, values, and strategic priorities such as a new clinical services plan and initiatives to improve
Mood Board for Production Management-Full Sail UniversityVictoria NarvaezThis document provides research and inspiration for developing a logo and visual identity for Victoria Narvaez's graphic design business. It includes a creative brief, samples of competitor logos, color palettes, typography choices, shapes, textures, competitor identity packages, a word list, and a mind map. The goal is to create a logo representing Victoria's initials that communicates professionalism for her graphic design, web design, and entrepreneurial clients.
RIR B.V.Rob CoppejansRIR offers state-of-the-art equipment for cereal bars and fruit snacks production, including enrobing and packaging lines tailored for clients' needs. Their equipment provides a significant cost advantage over market leaders. They provide wrapping equipment suitable for sticky products. RIR also supplies ingredients and packaging materials for clients' products. Interested clients should contact RIR for more information.
LawAlumniMagazine09Silvia DropulichThis document provides information about upcoming events at Melbourne Law School, including conferences on cultural collections and copyright, environmental law, and constitutional law. It also announces the establishment of an Indigenous student access program and the appointment of Justice Crennan as Deputy Chancellor of the University.
BGEN-2016-02Branislava JovicicThis document provides an interview with Jelena Peruničić, senior manager of the regional German Development Cooperation (GIZ) project Climate Change Adaptation in Western Balkans (CCAWB). Some key points:
- The CCAWB project works to reduce flood and drought risks and strengthen regional cooperation on water resource management in the Drin River basin across Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
- The project has established a regional Flood Early Warning System for the Drin River basin and supported national climate change adaptation strategies.
- Continuing work includes improving data availability and sharing between countries to better manage flood risks transnationally.
- Challenges include maintaining equipment
Energy Saving WindowColinssash WindowsThis document provides information about sliding sash windows produced by a company, including their features, technical specifications, security features, combination frame options, color options, glass options, hardware, and accessories. The windows are designed to have a traditional appearance while providing modern thermal performance. They are tested to various British standards and have thermal efficiency ratings of B or A.
FINAL IN NORWIN WITH COVER AND TOC - MARCH 2016Jonathan SzishThis document provides a quarterly report from the Norwin School District covering events and accomplishments from the 2015-2016 school year. It includes summaries of various school productions, sports team achievements, volunteer efforts, and the dedication of a new veterans memorial outside the high school. Recognition is given to students and staff for their contributions to the district.
PreventivasMariana RamirezEste documento clasifica diferentes tipos de señales de tránsito en cuatro categorías: preventivas, reglamentarias, informativas y señales horizontales, longitudinales o de piso. También menciona señales elevadas y otros dispositivos como semáforos.
technical project manager 12 yrsNitin KatlanaThe document lists various project management and leadership skills, including experience with Agile and Waterfall methodologies, SDLC management, resource planning, stakeholder management, defect and risk management, process improvement, and project execution. It also provides details about the individual's technical skills in software, programming languages, databases, and tools. The individual has over 12 years of experience as a project manager and technical lead on various projects in industries like learning, financial, and insurance. Some key achievements and responsibilities include successfully merging applications from two large companies and managing a team of 12 across multiple locations.
RIA_2012Silvia DropulichThe Melbourne Social Equity Institute at the University of Melbourne conducted a pilot study on the long-term impacts of intimate partner violence on women's health and economic security. The study found that intimate partner violence has significant detrimental effects on women's financial stability and ability to work that can persist for many years after separation. It also found gaps in policy support for survivors in overcoming the long-term health and economic impacts of family violence. The Institute aims to use insights from this study to inform the development of longer-term, interdisciplinary research in this area and shape policy and law reform.
PeninsulaHealthAnnualReport2015Silvia DropulichThis document provides an overview of Peninsula Health's annual report for 2014-2015. Some key details include:
- Peninsula Health serves the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula areas of Victoria with 12 sites and around 900 beds.
- In 2014-2015, key services and statistics included 88,331 people attending emergency departments, 74,563 patient admissions, and over 70,000 hours of home and community care provided.
- Major capital projects completed during the year included a new emergency department and wards at Frankston Hospital, and expansions to dental and palliative care services.
- The annual report outlines Peninsula Health's vision, mission, values, and strategic priorities such as a new clinical services plan and initiatives to improve
4. ѫ풋 | 쵵Ӣ ѫ풋
쵵Ӣ 형태 : 책 (+영상 +사이트)
1권- 엄마를 위한 해설집(엄마와 아이가 함께했을때 장점 설명)
2권- 아이를 위한 동화책
3권- 워크북
목표 : 어린아이가 책을 읽고 워크북을 통해 이해하면서
언플러그드교육을 통해서 자연스럽게 컴퓨터적 사고를 익힐 수 있도록 만듬
5. ѫ풋 | 쵵Ӣ ѫ풋
쵵Ӣ 형태 : 책 (+영상 +사이트)
1권- 엄마를 위한 해설집(엄마와 아이가 함께했을때 장점 설명)
2권- 아이를 위한 동화책
3권- 워크북
목표 : 어린아이가 책을 읽고 워크북을 통해 이해하면서
언플러그드교육을 통해서 자연스럽게 컴퓨터적 사고를 익힐 수 있도록 만듬
6. | 3권 워크북ѫ풋
총 6개의 활동으로 구성
1. 나만의 샌드위치 만들기
2. 패턴이 팔찌만들기
3. 규칙이처럼 그림그리기
4. 나만의 몬스터 만들기
6.설명이의 외계어 배워보기
5. 집게아빠 도와주기
7. | Beforeѫ풋
샌드위치 만들기
샌드위치 만들 준비
샌드위치 재료 고르기
-샌드위치 레시피를 2가지 만들어보기!
-공통으로 들어가는 재료가 있을까?
규칙이 보여!
예시) 샌드위치 만드는 법
1. 손 닦기
2. 앞치마 두르기
3. 재료 준비하기
4. 샌드위치 만들기
5. 샌드위치 먹기
6. 주변정리하기
그런데, 이 재료가
다 필요할까?
-재료중에 필요한 재료가 무엇이 있을까?
-재료스티커를 이용해서 도마에 붙여보자!
불필요 필요
* 필요한 친구들 이 친구들이 필요한 이유는 무엇일까요?
8. ѫ풋
1- 직접 샌드위치 만들기!
네가 만든 샌드위치는 어떤 맛이 날까?
-고리에 순서대로 재료를 껴서 샌드위치를 만들어보자!
-필요재료를 사용해서 레시피를 만들어봐!
예시) 겨자가 들어가서 매워!
토마토가 들어가서 상큼해!
-직접 만들어보자 !
-다른사람과 너의 샌드위치를 맛보자 !
네가 만든 샌드위치에 몇 점을 주고싶니?
처음으로 돌아가서 샌드위치를 어떻게 만들었는지
다시 생각해보자! 외계인
어떻게 하면 더 맛있어 질까?
과정 설명해주는 4컷만화 or 과정영상 캡쳐본
| Before
9. ѫ풋
규칙이 처럼 그림 그리기
1- 규칙이의 그림 규칙 찾기
-규칙이는 다른 사람과 다르게
그림을 그리고 있어요!
-규칙이가 그리는 그림은
어떤 규칙을 가지고 있을까요?
-5 (4) 5, 4 (1) 4 (1) 4
-3 (1) 6 (1) 3
-2 (1) 8 (1) 2
-2 (1) 1 (2) 2 (2) 1 (1) 2
-2 (1) 1 (2) 2 (2) 1 (1) 2
-[2 (1) 8 (1) 2 ]*5
-2 (1) 1 (1) 4 (1) 1 (1) 2
-2 (2) 1 (1) 2 (1) 1 (2) 2
-2 (1) 3 (2) 3 (1) 2
어떤 규칙일까?
* 필요한 친구들 이 친구들이 필요한 이유는 무엇일까요?
| Before
10. ѫ풋
-7 (3) 4
-5 (4) 5, 4 (1) 4 (1) 4
-3 (1) 6 (1) 3
-2 (1) 8 (1) 2
-2 (1) 1 (2) 2 (2) 1 (1) 2
-2 (1) 1 (2) 2 (2) 1 (1) 2
-[2 (1) 8 (1) 2 ]*5
-2 (1) 1 (1) 4 (1) 1 (1) 2
-2 (2) 1 (1) 2 (1) 1 (2) 2
-2 (1) 3 (2) 3 (1) 2
1- 규칙이의 그림 그리는법 배우기!
우선 암호를 해독해서 차근차근
한줄씩 그려나가 보자
어떤 그림이 나올지 맞춰보자!
규칙이는 다른 사람과는 다르게 색다른 그림림을 만들어요!
-암호를 해독하여 그림을 그려보세요! 어떤 그림이 나오는지
맞추어 보세요!
-암호와 그림을 보면서 암호의 의미를
해석하여 본다.
암호를 보고 규칙이처럼 그림을 그려보자
1) 귀신 2) 노트북 3) 음료수캔 4)손목 시계
-직접 만들어보자 !
-직접 새로운 그림을 그리고 암호로 바꾸어보자!
네가 만든 그림에 몇 점을 주고싶니?
너가 만든 규칙에 따라 친구들이 너가
생각하는 그림을 그렸니?
어떻게 하면 더 멋있어 질까?
| Before
11. ѫ풋
나만의 몬스터 만들기
나만의 몬스터 완성!
3- 규칙 만들기
-주사위 숫자에 따라 나만의 규칙을 만들어보자!
-어떤 모양의 몬스터가 나타날까?
주사위를 5번 던진다
다리 1개
다리 1개
팔 1개
팔 1
귀 1개
눈 1개
눈 1개 눈 1개
코 1개
입 1개
입 1개
* 필요한 친구들 이 친구들이 필요한 이유는 무엇일까요? 꾸미기는 마음대로
할 수 있어!
| Before
12. ѫ풋
3- 직접 나만의 몬스터 만들기!
숫자대로 규칙을 잘 만들었니?
친구의 규칙으로도 몬스터를 만들어보고
서로 규칙이 잘 지켜졌는지 알아보자
-만들어본 규칙에 따라 몬스터를 만들어보자!
-다른 친구들도 너의 규칙을 따라 몬스터를 만들어보도록 해보자!
| Before
13. ѫ풋
설명이의 외계어 배워보기
6-1 설명이의 언어번역기
-설명이의 언어번역기가 고장났어요!
설명이의 말을 알아듣지 못하는 친구들을 위해
아래의 표를 보면서 설명이의 외계어를 직접 해석해볼까요?
* 한 글자가 끝나면 쉼표를 해줘요!
* 필요한 친구들 이 친구들이 필요한 이유는 무엇일까요?
ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ
ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎㅇ ㅈ ㅊ
| Before
14. ѫ풋
하나씩 잘 분해해야해!
나만의 언어로 쪽지를 줬을 때
친구가 잘 이해했니?
그렇지 않다면 왜 그런지 생각해보자
6- 아빠, 엄마, 친구에게 간단한 쪽지 쓰기
-설명이의 외계어를 이용해서 쪽지를 써보자!
-나만의 언어를 새로 만들어서 이용해보자!
* 한 글자가 끝나면 쉼표를 해줘요!
ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ
ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎㅇ ㅈ ㅊ
| Before
15. ѫ풋
패턴이 팔찌 만들기
1- 패턴이의 팔찌 패턴 찾기
-패턴이는 매일 다른 패턴으로 팔찌를
만들어서 끼고 다녀요!
-패턴이가 까먹고 넣지 못한 곳엔
어떤 모양이 들어가야 할까요?
패턴이 보여!
규칙이 보여!
* 필요한 친구들 이 친구들이 필요한 이유는 무엇일까요?
| Before
16. ѫ풋
1- 직접 패턴이의 팔찌 만들기!
우선 재료를 준비하는게 먼저겠지?
-패턴이는 매주 일요일은 새로운 팔찌를 만들어요!
-현재 가지고 있는 재료를 활용해서 패턴이 있는
팔찌를 만들어 보아요
예시) 재료를 준비한다
같은 모양으로 나누어 놓는다
패턴을 그리고 그 모양과 똑같은
재료를 순서대로 낚시줄에 끼워 넣는다
예) 패턴을 모양별로 나눠서 했었는데
색깔별로 나눠서 다시 해보면 멋있어 질거같아!
-직접 만들어보자 !
-우선 패턴을 그려보자!
네가 만든 팔찌에 몇 점을 주고싶니?
처음으로 돌아가서 팔찌를 어떻게 만들었는지
다시 생각해보자!
어떻게 하면 더 멋있어 질까?
과정 설명해주는 4컷만화 or 과정영상 캡쳐본
| Before
17. ѫ풋
집게아빠 도와주기
올바른 행동만 고르기
순서대로 행동 나열해보기
-집게아빠가 규칙이가 씻는 것을 도와주고 있어요.
집게아빠를 도와볼까요?
-이상한 행동을 골라내 봐요!
-맨 뒷장의 행동카드로 배열해보자
-골라낸 카드들로만 순서대로 나열해봐요!
* 필요한 친구들 이 친구들이 필요한 이유는 무엇일까요?
어떤 행동이
먼저 나와야할까?
| Before