Introduccion a los computadoresAura DuqueEste documento describe diferentes tipos de monitores y sus especificaciones, incluyendo resoluciones en píxeles. También explica las partes principales de un teclado y mouse, incluyendo sus funciones básicas. Por último, define unidades comunes de medida para el almacenamiento de datos como bytes, kilobytes, megabytes y más.
Píxeles son los puntos de luz individuales que forman una imagen en la pantalla de un monitor. Cuantos más píxeles tiene una pantalla, más definida será la imagen.
Aquí incluyo una f
CTcase study Shatha MA 30-year-old female presented with headaches and right-side weakness for two years. CT and MRI revealed a large left parietal meningioma. The tumor was surgically removed, but the patient later developed an epidural hematoma, shown on follow up CT scans. An external ventricular drain was placed to reduce intracranial pressure. Meningiomas are usually benign brain tumors that can cause symptoms like headaches. Epidural hematomas are collections of blood between the skull and dura that require evacuation to prevent brain damage. The patient was treated for both conditions and followed up with imaging.
Mri brain image segmentatin and classification by modified fcm &svm akorithmeSAT JournalsAbstract Brain Tumor detection is challenging task in biomedical field. Image segmentation is a key step from the image processing to image analysis, it occupy an important place. The manual segmentation of brain image is challenging and time consuming task. An automated system overcomes the drawbacks as well as it segments the white matter, grey matter, cerebrospinal fluid and edema. This clustering approach is particularly used for brain tumor detection in abnormal MR images. In this paper the application of Modified FCM algorithm for Brain tumor detection and its classification by SVM algorithm is focused. The Magnetic Resonance image is converted in to vector format and that is given as input to the modified fuzzy c-means algorithm. In modified fuzzy c-means the steps are: initial fuzzy partitioning and fuzzy membership generation Cluster updation based on objective function, Assigning labels to pixels of each category and display segmented image that will give more meaningful regions to analyze. This clustered images served as inputs to SVM. The basic SVM takes a set of input data and predicts, for each given input, which of two possible classes. Keywords: Clustering, Classification, Fuzz C-Means, Support Vector Machine, MRI, Brain Tumor.
CT Abdomen Case based presentationDr.Damodhar.M.V MBBS,CSSGB,MBA,CPHQThis document presents 6 cases of abdominal CT scans. Case 1 shows focal nodular hyperplasia appearing as a hypo- or isodense lesion on non-contrast CT that enhances brightly on arterial phase with a central scar remaining hypodense. Case 2 shows superior mesenteric artery syndrome appearing as compression of the duodenum between the aorta and SMA on CT. Case 3 shows omental cake from ovarian cancer metastases appearing as infiltration of omental fat. Case 4 shows ulcerative colitis with colonic mass. Case 5 shows emphysematous cholecystitis in a diabetic patient appearing on CT as gas within the gallbladder wall and/or lumen. Case 6 shows mesenteric lipod
NERRS Oct 2013 Thoracic Radiology Case UnknownsNERRSCase 1 describes a 45-year-old woman presenting with chest pain and fever who has a history of lupus. Case 2 involves a 79-year-old Ukrainian man who worked in a textile factory and presents with chronic cough, shortness of breath, and new fever. Case 3 is about a 79-year-old male with chronic cough. Case 4 is a young woman who received bilateral lung transplants and is now presenting with fever, cough, hypoxia, tachycardia, and hypotension.
Компьютерт Томографийн монгол орны хэрэглээний талаар судалгаа Computer tomog...Byambasuren AltangerelКомпьютерт Томографийн монгол орны хэрэглээний талаар судалгаа
Introduccion a los computadoresAura DuqueEste documento describe diferentes tipos de monitores y sus especificaciones, incluyendo resoluciones en píxeles. También explica las partes principales de un teclado y mouse, incluyendo sus funciones básicas. Por último, define unidades comunes de medida para el almacenamiento de datos como bytes, kilobytes, megabytes y más.
Píxeles son los puntos de luz individuales que forman una imagen en la pantalla de un monitor. Cuantos más píxeles tiene una pantalla, más definida será la imagen.
Aquí incluyo una f
CTcase study Shatha MA 30-year-old female presented with headaches and right-side weakness for two years. CT and MRI revealed a large left parietal meningioma. The tumor was surgically removed, but the patient later developed an epidural hematoma, shown on follow up CT scans. An external ventricular drain was placed to reduce intracranial pressure. Meningiomas are usually benign brain tumors that can cause symptoms like headaches. Epidural hematomas are collections of blood between the skull and dura that require evacuation to prevent brain damage. The patient was treated for both conditions and followed up with imaging.
Mri brain image segmentatin and classification by modified fcm &svm akorithmeSAT JournalsAbstract Brain Tumor detection is challenging task in biomedical field. Image segmentation is a key step from the image processing to image analysis, it occupy an important place. The manual segmentation of brain image is challenging and time consuming task. An automated system overcomes the drawbacks as well as it segments the white matter, grey matter, cerebrospinal fluid and edema. This clustering approach is particularly used for brain tumor detection in abnormal MR images. In this paper the application of Modified FCM algorithm for Brain tumor detection and its classification by SVM algorithm is focused. The Magnetic Resonance image is converted in to vector format and that is given as input to the modified fuzzy c-means algorithm. In modified fuzzy c-means the steps are: initial fuzzy partitioning and fuzzy membership generation Cluster updation based on objective function, Assigning labels to pixels of each category and display segmented image that will give more meaningful regions to analyze. This clustered images served as inputs to SVM. The basic SVM takes a set of input data and predicts, for each given input, which of two possible classes. Keywords: Clustering, Classification, Fuzz C-Means, Support Vector Machine, MRI, Brain Tumor.
CT Abdomen Case based presentationDr.Damodhar.M.V MBBS,CSSGB,MBA,CPHQThis document presents 6 cases of abdominal CT scans. Case 1 shows focal nodular hyperplasia appearing as a hypo- or isodense lesion on non-contrast CT that enhances brightly on arterial phase with a central scar remaining hypodense. Case 2 shows superior mesenteric artery syndrome appearing as compression of the duodenum between the aorta and SMA on CT. Case 3 shows omental cake from ovarian cancer metastases appearing as infiltration of omental fat. Case 4 shows ulcerative colitis with colonic mass. Case 5 shows emphysematous cholecystitis in a diabetic patient appearing on CT as gas within the gallbladder wall and/or lumen. Case 6 shows mesenteric lipod
NERRS Oct 2013 Thoracic Radiology Case UnknownsNERRSCase 1 describes a 45-year-old woman presenting with chest pain and fever who has a history of lupus. Case 2 involves a 79-year-old Ukrainian man who worked in a textile factory and presents with chronic cough, shortness of breath, and new fever. Case 3 is about a 79-year-old male with chronic cough. Case 4 is a young woman who received bilateral lung transplants and is now presenting with fever, cough, hypoxia, tachycardia, and hypotension.
Компьютерт Томографийн монгол орны хэрэглээний талаар судалгаа Computer tomog...Byambasuren AltangerelКомпьютерт Томографийн монгол орны хэрэглээний талаар судалгаа