Комплекс тоо цуврал хичээл-2Март This document discusses complex numbers and their properties in Mongolian. It defines the modulus of a complex number a + bi as √(a2 + b2). It provides examples of calculating the modulus of 3 + 2i and 4 - 5i. It then discusses the conjugate of a complex number a - bi. Other topics covered include complex number addition, multiplication, division, powers, and properties of polynomials with complex number coefficients. Worked examples are provided to illustrate these concepts and theorems.
Дотоодын нийт бүтээгдэхүүнNYAM-OCHIR BOLDThis presentation contains the basic information about the GDP, also some kind of important calculations and examples that you will understand well. Anyone one who want to use this presentation to improve your understanding about essential concepts of the economy.
Комплекс тоо цуврал хичээл-2Март This document discusses complex numbers and their properties in Mongolian. It defines the modulus of a complex number a + bi as √(a2 + b2). It provides examples of calculating the modulus of 3 + 2i and 4 - 5i. It then discusses the conjugate of a complex number a - bi. Other topics covered include complex number addition, multiplication, division, powers, and properties of polynomials with complex number coefficients. Worked examples are provided to illustrate these concepts and theorems.
Дотоодын нийт бүтээгдэхүүнNYAM-OCHIR BOLDThis presentation contains the basic information about the GDP, also some kind of important calculations and examples that you will understand well. Anyone one who want to use this presentation to improve your understanding about essential concepts of the economy.
4. sin α +sin β =? α=x+y β =x-y гэж орлуулъя, Тэгвэл sin α +sin β =sin (x+y) +sin (x-y)= sinxcos y +cos x siny+sin xcosy-cosxsiny=2 sinxcos y x+y=α x-y=β энэ 2 тэгшитгэлийг нэмбэл x=(α+β)/2 болно.Үүнээс y=(α-β)/2 гэж гарна.Өмнөх тэгшитгэлдээ орлуулбал: sin α +sin β=2 sinxcos y=2 sin (α+β)/2 cos (α-β)/2 sin α +sin β=2 sin (α+β)/2 cos (α-β)/2 (1) Бүгдээрээ Энэ нийлбэр Ямар гарахыг сонирхоё Дараах
5. sin α- sin β =? sin α- sin β =sin (x+y)- sin (x-y)= sinxcos y +cos x siny-sin xcosy+cosxsiny= = 2cos xsin y sin α- sin β= 2cos xsin y= 2C os (α+β)/2 Sin (α-β)/2 sin α- sin β=2C os (α+β)/2 Sin (α-β)/2 (2) Мөн адилаар ялгаврын томъёог гаргая. Дараах
6. Мөн адилаар cos-ын томъёог гаргана уу? cos α+ cos β=2C os (α+β)/2 Cos (α-β)/2 (3) Cosα-Cosβ=2sin(α+β)/2Sin(β-α)/2 (4) Дараах