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10 ways
webblogs will
your class
息Dianne St. Clair
2 3 65 87 9
ways to Teach Using Websites
息Dianne St. Clair
2 3 65 87 9
Reluctant writers
write for a purpose
Make blogging a part
of your literacy
curriculum to teach
English conventions.
Skills improved
Engagement levels
Students use web
blogs to purposefully
communicate and
converse with others.
息Dianne St. Clair
Share what you do with the world.
Photos of projects, announcements
Students become published artists,
photographers, writers, and
Websites provide a much larger
audience for student work and
provides an avenue for feedback and
self-improvement through
Anything that you post to your blog will instantly be
accessible by your students from school and from
home. You can easily manage who gets to access
them through passwords and privacy measures.
authentic audience
Creating a class website
requires teamwork and
Students and teachers
learn and share
Builds class identity
builds community
Encourage parent
A class website is
a window into
the classroom
Parents have real
time access to
their childs
1. Use a Twitter Hashtag or Create a Class
FaceBook Page
2. Create a Class Instagram Account
3. Post Content Videos & Tutorials to a
YouTube Channel
4. Embed Animoto Videos
5. Share a Master List of Student Blogs
5 strategies to consider:
1. Use a Twitter Hashtag or Create a Class
FaceBook Page
Post announcements, share pictures, and connect
parents to resources and documents online.
Tip: Using Twitter? You dont need to follow your students
parents, just add them to a list Parents 2014-2015.
Using Facebook? You do not need to friend you parents for them
to follow a Facebook page youve created for your class.
2. Create a Class Instagram Account
Make it possible for parents to see what your
students are doing in the classroom.
Post pictures
Tip: If you are using Instagram and plan to have a public
account where you will post pictures of your students, you
need your parents to sign a photo release form. Like Twitter
and Facebook, you do no need to follow any parents or
students with your class Instagram account.
3. Post Content Videos & Tutorials to a
YouTube Channel
If you flip your classroom and provide video
content online for students, parents can watch
the videos too. This provides parents with the
tools to support their students as they work on an
Tip: Organize your videos into playlists so they are
easier for your parents to navigate. For example, I
have essay writing videos in their own playlist and
vocabulary videos in another playlist.
4. Share Animoto
Animoto is easy! Take
photos of students working on
projects to share with parents
via short videos.
Tip: You can create a simple
Animoto video just using your
phone. Use the Animoto app
to create a polished video with
your phone in minutes!
5. Share a Master List of Student Blogs
息Dianne St. Clair
Your classroom
website has global
Your whole
curriculum or a
single page is just a
click and an email
global connections
Blogging can help
certain individuals to
practice their skills
and transfer them into
the offline world.
Here is an article on
how students with
ASD and confidence
issues can improve
their skills here.
students to
become more
ICT literate -
a crucial 21st
century skill.
tecHnology skills
time efficient
internet Ethics
Creating a Science Classroom Blog - This resource lists
seven reasons science teachers should use classroom blogs and
provides tips for setting up a basic blog within 20 minutes.
Using Blogs in the Classroom (PDF)  This guide lists eight
different ways students can use blogs in the classroom and
provides tips for using the right blogging platform.
Using Blogs to Improve Literacy  This article gives
several examples of successful classroom blogs and discusses
how blogging can help improve student literacy.
Blogs as Prewriting Tools  Dr. Nicole Luongo discusses
the use of classroom blogs by language arts educators.
Integrating Technology with Blogs  This article highlights
the importance of classroom blogs in helping students develop
technology skills.
Digital Literacy and Safety - This resource addresses some
of the safety issues associated with the use of technology in an
educational setting.
Integrating Vlogs in the Classroom  This guide lists some
of the ways teachers can use vlogs to enhance digital literacy.
Using Your Edublog to Teach  Edublogs gives ten
different ways to use blogs in the classroom.
7 Things to Know About Blogs (PDF)  Educause explains
why blogging is such a useful tool for educators.
Teaching with Glogster  This resource gives tips for using
Glogster in a classroom setting.
Glogster Benefits  Emory University gives several benefits
of using Glogster for creating interactive posters.
Find Educator Tools  Search for digital literacy tools by
keyword, subject area, or skill.
Podcasting in and Out of the Classroom  This guide
offers information about selecting a recording tool and using
podcasting in the classroom.
Podcasting Beyond the Classroom  This article explains
how podcasting can motivate students to do their best work.
Digital Literacy Lesson  This lesson helps students
develop digital literacy skills while learning about historical events
and figures.
Skills for 21st Century Learners (PDF)  This report
discusses the importance of bridging the digital divide.

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10 Ways a Website can Transform Your Class

  • 1. 10 ways webblogs will Transform your class 息Dianne St. Clair 2 3 65 87 9 1 4
  • 2. ways to Teach Using Websites 息Dianne St. Clair 2 3 65 87 9 2 4
  • 3. Reluctant writers write for a purpose Make blogging a part of your literacy curriculum to teach English conventions. Skills improved Engagement levels increased Students use web blogs to purposefully communicate and converse with others. IMPROVEDLITERACY 3
  • 4. 息Dianne St. Clair Share what you do with the world. Photos of projects, announcements Students become published artists, photographers, writers, and producers! Websites provide a much larger audience for student work and provides an avenue for feedback and self-improvement through commenting. Anything that you post to your blog will instantly be accessible by your students from school and from home. You can easily manage who gets to access them through passwords and privacy measures. authentic audience 4
  • 5. classroom Creating a class website requires teamwork and collaboration. Students and teachers learn and share together. Builds class identity builds community 5
  • 6. Encourage parent participation A class website is a window into the classroom Parents have real time access to their childs education connection 1. Use a Twitter Hashtag or Create a Class FaceBook Page 2. Create a Class Instagram Account 3. Post Content Videos & Tutorials to a YouTube Channel 4. Embed Animoto Videos 5. Share a Master List of Student Blogs home- school 5 strategies to consider: 6
  • 7. connection 1. Use a Twitter Hashtag or Create a Class FaceBook Page Post announcements, share pictures, and connect parents to resources and documents online. Tip: Using Twitter? You dont need to follow your students parents, just add them to a list Parents 2014-2015. Using Facebook? You do not need to friend you parents for them to follow a Facebook page youve created for your class. home- school 7
  • 8. 2. Create a Class Instagram Account Make it possible for parents to see what your students are doing in the classroom. Portfolio Post pictures Tip: If you are using Instagram and plan to have a public account where you will post pictures of your students, you need your parents to sign a photo release form. Like Twitter and Facebook, you do no need to follow any parents or students with your class Instagram account. connectionhome- school 8
  • 9. 3. Post Content Videos & Tutorials to a YouTube Channel If you flip your classroom and provide video content online for students, parents can watch the videos too. This provides parents with the tools to support their students as they work on an assignment. Tip: Organize your videos into playlists so they are easier for your parents to navigate. For example, I have essay writing videos in their own playlist and vocabulary videos in another playlist. connectionhome- school 9
  • 10. 4. Share Animoto Videos Animoto is easy! Take photos of students working on projects to share with parents via short videos. Tip: You can create a simple Animoto video just using your phone. Use the Animoto app to create a polished video with your phone in minutes! connectionhome- school 10
  • 11. 5. Share a Master List of Student Blogs connectionhome- school 11
  • 12. 息Dianne St. Clair Your classroom website has global impact. Your whole curriculum or a single page is just a click and an email away. global connections 12
  • 13. confidence Blogging can help certain individuals to practice their skills and transfer them into the offline world. Here is an article on how students with ASD and confidence issues can improve their skills here. IMPROVEs 13
  • 14. Blogging helps students to become more ICT literate - a crucial 21st century skill. tecHnology skills 14
  • 18. LINKS youll LOVE Creating a Science Classroom Blog - This resource lists seven reasons science teachers should use classroom blogs and provides tips for setting up a basic blog within 20 minutes. Using Blogs in the Classroom (PDF) This guide lists eight different ways students can use blogs in the classroom and provides tips for using the right blogging platform. Using Blogs to Improve Literacy This article gives several examples of successful classroom blogs and discusses how blogging can help improve student literacy. Blogs as Prewriting Tools Dr. Nicole Luongo discusses the use of classroom blogs by language arts educators. Integrating Technology with Blogs This article highlights the importance of classroom blogs in helping students develop technology skills. Digital Literacy and Safety - This resource addresses some of the safety issues associated with the use of technology in an educational setting. Integrating Vlogs in the Classroom This guide lists some of the ways teachers can use vlogs to enhance digital literacy. Using Your Edublog to Teach Edublogs gives ten different ways to use blogs in the classroom. 7 Things to Know About Blogs (PDF) Educause explains why blogging is such a useful tool for educators. Teaching with Glogster This resource gives tips for using Glogster in a classroom setting. Glogster Benefits Emory University gives several benefits of using Glogster for creating interactive posters. Find Educator Tools Search for digital literacy tools by keyword, subject area, or skill. Podcasting in and Out of the Classroom This guide offers information about selecting a recording tool and using podcasting in the classroom. Podcasting Beyond the Classroom This article explains how podcasting can motivate students to do their best work. Digital Literacy Lesson This lesson helps students develop digital literacy skills while learning about historical events and figures. Skills for 21st Century Learners (PDF) This report discusses the importance of bridging the digital divide. 18