OSHA issues top 10 citations for warehouse safety violations. These include forklifts, hazard communication, electrical wiring and systems, guarding floor and wall openings, exits, mechanical power transmission, respiratory protection, lockout/tagout, and portable fire extinguishers. The document provides guidance on safety practices for each area to ensure worker protection and compliance with regulations.
OSHA issues top 10 citations for warehouse safety violations. These include forklifts, hazard communication, electrical wiring and systems, guarding floor and wall openings, exits, mechanical power transmission, respiratory protection, lockout/tagout, and portable fire extinguishers. The document provides guidance on safety practices for each area to ensure worker protection and compliance with regulations.
Lu但味n Vn Nghi棚n C畛u 畛 Xu畉t p D畛ng Ti棚u Chu畉n Iso 45001 Vo H畛 Th畛ng Qu畉n L箪 An Ton V畛 Sinh Lao 畛ng C畛a C担ng Ty a chia se 棚n cho cac ba味n ngu担n tai li棚味u hoan toan h動u ich ang 棚 xem va theo doi. D畛CH V畛 VI畉T THU 畛 TI TR畛N GI ZALO TELEGRAM : 0934.573.149
3. 畛nh h動畛ng, ch鱈nh s叩ch v m畛c ti棚u
an 岳看稼
C畉n thi畉t cho s畛 c畉i ti畉n
畉n 畛nh c叩c m畛c ti棚u v bi畛n ph叩p th炭c 畉y
k畉t qu畉 th畛c hi畛n
gi畉m 20% ngy v畉ng m畉t do tai n畉n trong
nm k畉 ti畉p.
gi畉m 20% s畛 v畛 tai n畉n trong nm k畉 ti畉p.
4. 畛nh h動畛ng, ch鱈nh s叩ch v m畛c ti棚u
an 岳看稼
C担ng th畛c ho叩 c叩c qui t畉c an 岳看稼.
C叩c m畛c ti棚u c畛 th畛 cho 01 nm ph畉i c坦 th畛
ki畛m tra v o l動畛ng.
Th畉o lu畉n v畛i nh但n vi棚n C担ng Ty v畛 c叩c qui
t畉c v m畛c ti棚u an 岳看稼.
11. o t畉o, h動畛ng d畉n, th担ng tin
H動畛ng d畉n, o t畉o c坦 h畛 th畛ng cho nh但n
vi棚n v ghi s畛 vi畛c h動畛ng d畉n v o t畉o
Ch畛 giao nh畛ng c担ng vi畛c c坦 r畛i ro 畉c
bi畛t cho nh畛ng ng動畛i 達 qua o t畉o
炭ng v 畉t y棚u c畉u.