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Assessing Future Resilience to Natural Hazards – The Challenge of Capturing Dynamic Changes under Conditions of Transformation and Climate Change Matthias Garschagen (MA)| Research Associate/PhD Scholar | UNU-EHS  Prof. Dr. Frauke Kraas | University of Cologne | Department of Geography
Structure of Presentation Rationale – Advances and Gaps in Current Risk Discourses Assessing Dynamic Changes in Resilience Opportunities and Potential Challenges, Barriers and Limits Assessment Steps – Attempts Towards a Methodology  Case Study: Urban Development Trends and Climate Change  Adaptation in Vietnam Discussion, Outlook and Conclusions Lessons Learned Opportunities and Challenges Research Needs Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Rationale – Advances in CC Risk Discourses Rationale  | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Rationale – Advances in CC Risk Discourses Rationale  | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook Source: GSO 2001
Rationale – Advances in CC Risk Discourses Source: Carew-Reid 2008 Source: MoNRE 2009 Rationale  | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook Example Mekong Delta 1m SLR would directly affect ¼ of the population and 31% of the area Increase in typhoon activity Increased flood variability  Salinisation Drought
Rationale – Advances in CC Risk Discourses Source: Hoa et al. 2007 Rationale  | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Rationale – Advances in CC Risk Discourses Source: Dasgupta et al. 2007 Rationale  | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Rationale – Advances in CC Risk Discourses Source: Dasgupta et al. 2007 Rationale  | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Rationale – Gaps in Current Discourses Expected changes  in natural  and  socio-economic systems Adaptation needs and options Figure adapted from Smit & Wandel (2006) Rationale  | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook Vulnerabilities Exposures Hazards Current Vulnerabilities Exposures Hazards Future Adaptive Strategies Current Adaptive Capacities Future Source: M. Garschagen Source: M. Garschagen Source: MONRE 2009
Rationale – Gaps in Current Risk Discourses  Future changes in social, economic, cultural and political systems influence resilience (including adaptive capacities and adaptation needs/wants) of different population groups and/or sectors in multiple ways  Risk awareness Accepted levels of risk  Changing political and socio-cultural priorities Changes in funding Economic growth Changing security networks and redistribution systems Socio-economic disparities ... Rationale  | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Rationale – Gaps in Current Risk Discourses risk awareness   accepted level or risk  social / political priorities lifestyles disparities internal monetary flows ODA influence of civil society etc. etc. demography   urbanisation  economic growth  industrialisation   disaster risk management globalisation / global markets  political (re-) organisation migration  health care  insurance systems   etc.  Rationale  | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Assessing Dynamic Developments in Resilience – Challenges  High uncertainties  Depends on human-decisions  Socio-cultural-politital systems are interlinked, very complex and often chaotic Scale questions Time Geographical / administrative System components Scientific credibility Balance between “fortune-telling“ and doing validated science Balance between qualitative “best guess“ and modelling-based projections Political sensitivity Prone to allegation of political advocacy/lobbying “ Obejective science“ vs. subjective visioning Acquisition of independent / un-biased funding  Rationale |  Dynamic Pathways in Resilience  | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Rationale – Assessment Steps (First Attempts) Current vulnerabilities,  coping mechanisms, adaptation strategies / potentials Can we learn how future vulnerabilities, coping mechanisms, adaptation strategies could look like?  Assessing/predicting future vulnerabilities, coping mechanisms, adaptive capacities,  and (new) exposure Current political set-up and socio-economic conditions Can we predict future political and socio-economic conditions/trends/possible pathways and their influence on future vulnerabilities, coping capacities, adaptive capacities of distinct population groups?  Rationale |  Dynamic Pathways in Resilience  | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Case Study: Urban Development in Vietnam 1985:  ~  20% of population urban (ca. 11.5 million) 2010:  ~ 30%  of population urban  (ca. 26 million)  2035: ~ 45%  of population urban  (ca. 52 million)  2050: ~ 57% of population urban (ca. 68 million) Source: own draft based on UN/DESA 2008 Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience |  Case Study Vietnam  | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Case Study: Urban Development in Vietnam 10,000 ha/year converted from  rural to urban use in Vietnam  (Coulthart et al. 2006) Already today, infra- structure development  cannot keep pace with  urban sprawl and  densification (in  particular, sewerage,  drainage and housing) Source: M Garschagen 2009 Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience |  Case Study Vietnam  | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Master plan for development of urban areas envisages to limit urban growth and sprawl, in particular of mega-urban areas Yet, in how far governmental tools are powerful enough – in context of transformation – has to be seen Result has great influence on vulnerability and adaptation (requirements and constraints)   Case Study: Urban Development in Vietnam Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience |  Case Study Vietnam  | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Case Study: Urban Development in Vietnam => Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience |  Case Study Vietnam  | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook civil society  state private  business  sector civil society  private  business  sector state
Case Study: Urban Development in Vietnam Increased influence of actors in the private economic sector thereby challenging the effectiveness of governmental planning (e.g. zoning) New hybrid forms gain influence (often informal or even illegal)  Stronger participation of civil society envisaged in legislation but not widely implemented (yet?) Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience |  Case Study Vietnam  | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook civil society  private  business  sector state
Vietnam: Urban Upgrading and Resettlement Goal to decrease vulnerability and „make city more beautiful“ Follows modern middle-class model Majority of resettled people in debt or forced to sell land-use-title and move somewhere else (often in other slum areas)  Overall resilience effect for those people, hence, contested Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience |  Case Study Vietnam  | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook Source: M. Garschagen 2009&2010
Vietnam: Urban Upgrading and Resettlement Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience |  Case Study Vietnam  | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook Source: M. Garschagen 2009 Source: M. Garschagen 2009
Discussion, Conclusions and Outlook – Transferring Scenario Thinking into the Socio-Economic Sphere current situation  scenario A  scenario B  scenario Bb scenario Ba scenario Aa scenario Ab Direction of Transformation, Impacts, Resilience Effects time Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam |  Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Discussion, Conclusions and Outlook Assessment of possible development pathways in socio-economic and political spheres very complex and difficult Especially, the assessment of respective impacts on the resilience of particular population groups complicated Yet, those trend assessments are of great importance for comprehensive and future-oriented risk analysis that allows for preventive action Scenorios can in this respect be of great value with respect to their analytical as well as normative dimension  More research required in future in order to further explore the opportunities and limits of future-oriented resilience assessments focusing in particular on transformations in the social, economic and political spheres and the impacts thereof for specific sectors, population groups, regions etc.  Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam |  Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
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Case Study: Urban Development in Vietnam Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience |  Case Study Vietnam  | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
Vietnam: Urban Upgrading and Resettlement Developer receives land use right according to zoning and development master plan Government authorities set aside land for public developments Develops site clearance- and compensation-scheme and plan for construction of resettlement zone  Private developer  Government authorities  Compensation scheme is checked and approved/rejected by government authorities and/or site clearance committee  Site clearance, compensation and  relocation takes place  Site clearance, compensation and  relocation takes place  Source: own draft based on Land Law 2003; Decision 103/2008/QD-UNBD;  Resolution 188/2004/ND-CP; Resoliution 123/2007/ND-CP  Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience |  Case Study Vietnam  | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
R isk  =  H azard  (creeping)  x  H azard  (sudden-onset)   x  V ulnerability

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Global Risk Forum GRFDavos

Assessing Future Resilience to Natural Hazards – The Challenge of Capturing Dynamic Changes under Conditions of Transformation and Climate Change

  • 1. Assessing Future Resilience to Natural Hazards – The Challenge of Capturing Dynamic Changes under Conditions of Transformation and Climate Change Matthias Garschagen (MA)| Research Associate/PhD Scholar | UNU-EHS Prof. Dr. Frauke Kraas | University of Cologne | Department of Geography
  • 2. Structure of Presentation Rationale – Advances and Gaps in Current Risk Discourses Assessing Dynamic Changes in Resilience Opportunities and Potential Challenges, Barriers and Limits Assessment Steps – Attempts Towards a Methodology Case Study: Urban Development Trends and Climate Change Adaptation in Vietnam Discussion, Outlook and Conclusions Lessons Learned Opportunities and Challenges Research Needs Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 3. Rationale – Advances in CC Risk Discourses Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 4. Rationale – Advances in CC Risk Discourses Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook Source: GSO 2001
  • 5. Rationale – Advances in CC Risk Discourses Source: Carew-Reid 2008 Source: MoNRE 2009 Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook Example Mekong Delta 1m SLR would directly affect ¼ of the population and 31% of the area Increase in typhoon activity Increased flood variability Salinisation Drought
  • 6. Rationale – Advances in CC Risk Discourses Source: Hoa et al. 2007 Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 7. Rationale – Advances in CC Risk Discourses Source: Dasgupta et al. 2007 Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 8. Rationale – Advances in CC Risk Discourses Source: Dasgupta et al. 2007 Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 9. Rationale – Gaps in Current Discourses Expected changes in natural and socio-economic systems Adaptation needs and options Figure adapted from Smit & Wandel (2006) Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook Vulnerabilities Exposures Hazards Current Vulnerabilities Exposures Hazards Future Adaptive Strategies Current Adaptive Capacities Future Source: M. Garschagen Source: M. Garschagen Source: MONRE 2009
  • 10. Rationale – Gaps in Current Risk Discourses Future changes in social, economic, cultural and political systems influence resilience (including adaptive capacities and adaptation needs/wants) of different population groups and/or sectors in multiple ways Risk awareness Accepted levels of risk Changing political and socio-cultural priorities Changes in funding Economic growth Changing security networks and redistribution systems Socio-economic disparities ... Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 11. Rationale – Gaps in Current Risk Discourses risk awareness accepted level or risk social / political priorities lifestyles disparities internal monetary flows ODA influence of civil society etc. etc. demography urbanisation economic growth industrialisation disaster risk management globalisation / global markets political (re-) organisation migration health care insurance systems etc. Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 12. Assessing Dynamic Developments in Resilience – Challenges High uncertainties Depends on human-decisions Socio-cultural-politital systems are interlinked, very complex and often chaotic Scale questions Time Geographical / administrative System components Scientific credibility Balance between “fortune-telling“ and doing validated science Balance between qualitative “best guess“ and modelling-based projections Political sensitivity Prone to allegation of political advocacy/lobbying “ Obejective science“ vs. subjective visioning Acquisition of independent / un-biased funding Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 13. Rationale – Assessment Steps (First Attempts) Current vulnerabilities, coping mechanisms, adaptation strategies / potentials Can we learn how future vulnerabilities, coping mechanisms, adaptation strategies could look like? Assessing/predicting future vulnerabilities, coping mechanisms, adaptive capacities, and (new) exposure Current political set-up and socio-economic conditions Can we predict future political and socio-economic conditions/trends/possible pathways and their influence on future vulnerabilities, coping capacities, adaptive capacities of distinct population groups? Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 14. Case Study: Urban Development in Vietnam 1985: ~ 20% of population urban (ca. 11.5 million) 2010: ~ 30% of population urban (ca. 26 million) 2035: ~ 45% of population urban (ca. 52 million) 2050: ~ 57% of population urban (ca. 68 million) Source: own draft based on UN/DESA 2008 Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 15. Case Study: Urban Development in Vietnam 10,000 ha/year converted from rural to urban use in Vietnam (Coulthart et al. 2006) Already today, infra- structure development cannot keep pace with urban sprawl and densification (in particular, sewerage, drainage and housing) Source: M Garschagen 2009 Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 16. Master plan for development of urban areas envisages to limit urban growth and sprawl, in particular of mega-urban areas Yet, in how far governmental tools are powerful enough – in context of transformation – has to be seen Result has great influence on vulnerability and adaptation (requirements and constraints) Case Study: Urban Development in Vietnam Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 17. Case Study: Urban Development in Vietnam => Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook civil society state private business sector civil society private business sector state
  • 18. Case Study: Urban Development in Vietnam Increased influence of actors in the private economic sector thereby challenging the effectiveness of governmental planning (e.g. zoning) New hybrid forms gain influence (often informal or even illegal) Stronger participation of civil society envisaged in legislation but not widely implemented (yet?) Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook civil society private business sector state
  • 19. Vietnam: Urban Upgrading and Resettlement Goal to decrease vulnerability and „make city more beautiful“ Follows modern middle-class model Majority of resettled people in debt or forced to sell land-use-title and move somewhere else (often in other slum areas) Overall resilience effect for those people, hence, contested Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook Source: M. Garschagen 2009&2010
  • 20. Vietnam: Urban Upgrading and Resettlement Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook Source: M. Garschagen 2009 Source: M. Garschagen 2009
  • 21. Discussion, Conclusions and Outlook – Transferring Scenario Thinking into the Socio-Economic Sphere current situation scenario A scenario B scenario Bb scenario Ba scenario Aa scenario Ab Direction of Transformation, Impacts, Resilience Effects time Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 22. Discussion, Conclusions and Outlook Assessment of possible development pathways in socio-economic and political spheres very complex and difficult Especially, the assessment of respective impacts on the resilience of particular population groups complicated Yet, those trend assessments are of great importance for comprehensive and future-oriented risk analysis that allows for preventive action Scenorios can in this respect be of great value with respect to their analytical as well as normative dimension More research required in future in order to further explore the opportunities and limits of future-oriented resilience assessments focusing in particular on transformations in the social, economic and political spheres and the impacts thereof for specific sectors, population groups, regions etc. Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 23. Thank you very much for your attention and feedback! [email_address] [email_address]
  • 24. Case Study: Urban Development in Vietnam Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 25. Vietnam: Urban Upgrading and Resettlement Developer receives land use right according to zoning and development master plan Government authorities set aside land for public developments Develops site clearance- and compensation-scheme and plan for construction of resettlement zone Private developer Government authorities Compensation scheme is checked and approved/rejected by government authorities and/or site clearance committee Site clearance, compensation and relocation takes place Site clearance, compensation and relocation takes place Source: own draft based on Land Law 2003; Decision 103/2008/QD-UNBD; Resolution 188/2004/ND-CP; Resoliution 123/2007/ND-CP Rationale | Dynamic Pathways in Resilience | Case Study Vietnam | Discussion, Conclusions & Outlook
  • 26. R isk = H azard (creeping) x H azard (sudden-onset) x V ulnerability

Editor's Notes

  • #3: - Risk discourses partiuclarly in context of climate change
  • #23: Scenarios also foster a more balanced view and help to prevent „black and white“ thinking Helps to identify responsibilities Helps to identify small elements that need to be changed (e.g. Rate of compensation)