Social considerations engBayar TsendThe document discusses social considerations that are important for sustainable urban development planning in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. It outlines the scope of social impacts that should be examined, including impacts on health, migration, the local economy, social institutions, vulnerable groups, and cultural heritage. The impacts should be considered throughout the project lifecycle. It also presents results of a household survey that identified security and safety, urban services, economic development, transportation, environmental protection, land and housing, and poverty alleviation as key urban issues.
Social considerations engBayar TsendThe document discusses social considerations that are important for sustainable urban development planning in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. It outlines the scope of social impacts that should be examined, including impacts on health, migration, the local economy, social institutions, vulnerable groups, and cultural heritage. The impacts should be considered throughout the project lifecycle. It also presents results of a household survey that identified security and safety, urban services, economic development, transportation, environmental protection, land and housing, and poverty alleviation as key urban issues.
Intensive learning session hosomiBayar TsendThe document summarizes the results of a household interview survey conducted as part of the Ulaanbaatar City Master Plan study. Over 4,500 households were surveyed to collect data on travel behaviors, vehicle ownership, trip purposes and other transport characteristics. The survey found high levels of walking and public transport use but also increasing private vehicle ownership. Presentations of survey indicators showed differences between ger and apartment areas in terms of mobility and mode choice. The survey provided essential data for transport demand forecasting and planning in Ulaanbaatar.
Traffic managementforpoliceBayar TsendThe document discusses traffic management in Ulaanbaatar City. It covers topics such as data collection and analysis of traffic problems, formulation of solutions, and implementation of improvement measures. The goal of traffic management is to make traffic more efficient and safer through engineering, enforcement and education. Common techniques include intersection improvements, traffic signals, signage and road markings, and demand management. Traffic data is collected through surveys and analyzed using software to identify congested areas and develop potential solutions.
Ubmps(jica strada) okamura.Bayar TsendThe document discusses JICA STRADA, a transportation demand analysis software. It provides an outline of the software, explaining that it has 17 sub-programs for tasks like trip generation, network editing, and traffic assignment. It also discusses applying the software's 4 step method - trip generation, trip distribution, modal split, and traffic assignment - to the Ulaanbaatar city transportation master plan study. Finally, it presents details on OD tables, network development, and road capacity standards for Ulaanbaatar.
Environment engBayar TsendThe document discusses environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment in the context of urban planning. It provides an overview of environmental impact assessment (EIA) at the project level and its limitations. It then introduces strategic environmental assessment (SEA) which aims to strengthen EIA by allowing for assessment at the planning level, public involvement, and comprehensive assessment of multiple projects. The document also presents a case study of SEA for waste dumping site planning in Japan as an example. Finally, it discusses the concept of environment city planning which takes a more proactive approach to environmental considerations compared to traditional EIA.
Ubmps learning session_abe_enBayar TsendThe document discusses participatory planning approaches for urban development. It outlines a 4-step visioning process: 1) identifying issues, 2) developing a shared vision, 3) planning to embody the vision, and 4) identifying actions. Examples from Hanoi show how participatory tools like surveys, maps, and discussions were used. A case study of Hanoi's Ancient Quarter revitalization pilot project demonstrates how stakeholders were engaged in field surveys, planning, and priority action implementation through local working groups. For success, the document emphasizes strong leadership, trust, awareness of issues, and anticipation for improvement.
Intro to urban planning engBayar TsendThe document summarizes an introduction to urban planning presentation given by Dr. K. Nagayama. It discusses key topics in urban planning including what is required, what issues should be addressed, common planning processes, and notable agenda items. Specific topics covered include urbanization trends, poverty alleviation, economic development strategies, stakeholder engagement, and public-private partnerships. The overall presentation provides an overview of essential concepts in urban planning.
Land use plan and land management engBayar TsendThe presentation discusses Japan's land use planning system, which has a hierarchical structure from the national to municipal level. It outlines the process of dividing land into categories like urban, agricultural, and forest areas at each level and establishing development controls for each. The presentation emphasizes the importance of land use planning based on analyzing land resources through maps that classify land suitability for different uses. The overall goal is to place appropriate land uses in appropriate locations.
Urban planning in japan (nagayama)ubmpsBayar TsendThe document discusses urban planning in Japan, including:
1. The Japanese Urban Planning Law establishes a hierarchical land use planning system from the national to local levels, including legal structures like the National Land Use Planning Act.
2. Land use regulations in Japan include zoning systems that divide cities into zones like housing, commercial, and industrial zones. Urban development projects are guided by respective legal acts, including land readjustment projects, new residential area development, and urban redevelopment.
3. Hiroshima City was used as an example, outlining its three legal boundaries, 12 zoning designations, and three types of urban development projects - land readjustment, new towns, and redevelopment. Building controls
Introduction to traffic managemen(modif)tBayar TsendThe document provides an overview of traffic management techniques for addressing traffic problems in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. It discusses data collection and analysis methods, including traffic surveys, to identify bottlenecks and congested areas. It then covers formulating solutions such as improving intersection geometry, implementing traffic signals, and using traffic demand management strategies. The goal is to make traffic flow more efficiently and safely through low-cost operational improvements rather than large infrastructure projects.
УЛААНБААТАР ХОТ ТӨЛӨВЛӨЛТТЭЙ ХОЛБООТОЙ ХИЙСЭН СУРГАЛТУУД Bayar TsendThe document provides details of a training program for the Ulaanbaatar Urban Planning Improvement Project. It outlines 7 sectors covered in the training, including socioeconomic development, land use, transportation, urban design, environment and disaster management, and urban engineering. For each sector, it lists key topics that will be covered in training sessions, workshops, and pilot planning programs between 2014-2016. The training aims to enhance skills in urban planning, strengthen participatory processes, establish a shared urban database, and upgrade planning software for stakeholders in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
АЗИЙН ХӨГЖЛИЙН БАНКТАЙ ХАМТРАН ХЭРЭГЖҮҮЛЖ БУЙ ТӨСӨЛ 01Bayar TsendThis document summarizes a $104.5 million investment program to develop urban services and ger areas in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The program will be implemented over 9 years in 3 tranches and aims to establish a network of well-developed sub-centers in ger areas. Tranche 1 financing of $53.7 million is being provided by the Asian Development Bank, European Investment Bank, and Government of Mongolia. The funds will go towards infrastructure projects like roads, bridges, water, sewerage, and heating in initial sub-center developments in Bayankhoshuu, Selbe, Chingeltei, and Khailaast.
Asphalt Binders Used in Mongolia in the view of Superpave Specification,jul...Bayar TsendThe document summarizes test results for 5 asphalt binder samples from Mongolia using the Superpave specification. The samples can be divided into 4 groups: Sample 2 should be rejected due to water contamination and added lighter oils. Sample 5 is a very good conventional binder meeting the requirements for standard traffic. Samples 1 and 3 are also good conventional binders meeting the same standard traffic requirements. Sample 4 is suitable for warmer climates only. Sample 2 should not be used for paving.
Adb february 02 2015 final Bayar TsendThe document provides an overview and status update of the Ulaanbaatar Urban Services and Ger Areas Development Investment Program. It establishes the Program Management Office (PMO) and lists its staff. It also discusses ongoing consulting services selections, procurement activities including a training, progress on collector main infrastructure projects, government construction of buildings, financial information on opened accounts, and future activities.