Attached FYI (NewBase 04 December 2016 ) , from Hawk Energy Services Dubai . Daily energy news covering the MENA area and related worldwide energy news. In today’s issue you will find news about:-
? UAE: Dubai's ENOC says to build 54 service stations by 2020
? Qatar Shell Partnerships with local businesses to foster entrepreneurship
? Nigeria and Morocco sign gas pipeline deal to link Africa to Europe
? Saudi King Salman inaugurates mega-projects Sadara and Satorp
? UK: Statoil starts production drilling on Mariner field in UK North Sea
? US: BP approves Mad Dog P#2 project in the Deepwater GOM
? Oil Prices settle at $51.68 & $54.35 posts biggest weekly gain since Feb 2011
? Electric Cars Could Take an OPEC-Sized Bite From Oil Demand
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Khaled Al Awadi
Energy Consultant & NewBase Chairman - Senior Chief Editor
MS & BS Mechanical Engineering (HON), USA
Emarat member since 1990
ASME member since 1995
Hawk Energy since 2010
Este documento presenta un proyecto de investigación sobre la identificación de los factores de riesgo en la empresa CRT Oca?a Ltda. que puedan generar accidentes laborales. El objetivo general es identificar dichos factores de riesgo e implementar estrategias de prevención. La investigación concluye que la empresa no aplica adecuadamente las normas de seguridad y que es necesario que los empleados utilicen equipos de protección, reciban capacitación y que la empresa desarrolle un panorama de riesgos.
El documento define el populismo como un movimiento político que surgió en América Latina en las décadas de 1930 y 1950 en contra de la oligarquía y los políticos tradicionales. Los movimientos populistas estuvieron liderados por figuras carismáticas que atrajeron el apoyo de los sectores populares con la promesa de reformas. Dos ejemplos fueron el peronismo en Argentina bajo Juan Perón y el Estado Novo en Brasil liderado por Getulio Vargas, que implementaron políticas nacionalistas, de bienestar social y de interven
Este documento resume las partes principales del aparato respiratorio humano, incluyendo la faringe, laringe, glotis, cuerdas vocales, bronquios, pulmones y alveolos. También describe brevemente las enfermedades pulmonares obstructivas crónicas como la bronquitis crónica y el enfisema, así como la tuberculosis.
The Clinton Record 1993-2001 - Peace, Progress and ProsperityJeremy Shih
This document outlines the major accomplishments of President Bill Clinton's two-term presidency from 1993 to 2001. It discusses how Clinton presided over strong economic growth, falling deficits and rising surpluses, welfare reform, education reforms, crime reductions, and other domestic policies. It also notes Clinton's foreign policy achievements, including arms reductions with Russia and expanding trade. The document provides statistics and details on a wide range of issues to portray Clinton's presidency as one of peace, progress and shared prosperity.
The Bush Record 2001-2009 - Things Americans May Not KnowJeremy Shih
The document outlines 100 things that Americans may not know about the Bush administration record from 2001-2009. It discusses how the administration kept America safe following 9/11 by taking the fight to terrorists abroad, transforming national security institutions, and preventing additional attacks on U.S. soil for over 7 years. It also addresses economic, education, health care and other domestic policy issues, as well as foreign policy achievements in promoting democracy and confronting threats abroad.
The Bush Record 2001-2009 - Policies of the AdministrationJeremy Shih
This document outlines the key policies and initiatives of the Bush Administration from 2001 to 2009. It discusses the administration's focus on protecting America through the global war on terror, transforming the military, strengthening national security, and securing the homeland. Specific policies addressed include removing the Taliban from power in Afghanistan, increasing border security, reforming intelligence sharing, and partnering with other nations against terrorism.
The Bush Record 2001-2009 - Accomplishments and ResultsJeremy Shih
The document highlights accomplishments from the administration of President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2009. Key accomplishments include: waging a global war on terror by dismantling terrorist networks and capturing leaders like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed; removing dictators in Afghanistan and Iraq and helping establish democracies; strengthening U.S. intelligence, homeland security, and border security; advancing missile defense and reducing nuclear proliferation; and establishing a Freedom Agenda to promote democracy abroad through diplomacy and foreign aid programs like PEPFAR to combat HIV/AIDS.
1. The document introduces Dropbox and describes how it allows users to save files in one place and access them from any device, keeping files safe even if a device is lost or broken.
2. It provides instructions for installing the Dropbox desktop and mobile apps to sync files across devices and share large files easily by generating links, as well as creating shared folders for collaborating on documents in real-time.
3. Dropbox offers security tools to protect accounts and data, additional storage through paid plans, and solutions for business collaboration.
U.S. Presidential Election 2016 Popular Vote StatisticsJeremy Shih
- The document provides the official 2016 presidential election results for all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, comparing votes for Clinton, Trump, and others as well as margins from the 2012 election.
- Thirteen states are identified as "swing states" that were decided by less than 5% or flipped from Democratic to Republican or vice versa between elections. Clinton won the national popular vote by over 2 million votes but Trump won the electoral college.
- Clinton received the majority of votes in the non-swing states, totaling over 44 million votes compared to Trump's 40.7 million. However, Trump won the majority of swing states, totaling over 22 million votes to Clinton's 21.4 million.
The Clinton Record 1993-2001 - Peace, Progress and ProsperityJeremy Shih
This document outlines the major accomplishments of President Bill Clinton's two-term presidency from 1993 to 2001. It discusses how Clinton presided over strong economic growth, falling deficits and rising surpluses, welfare reform, education reforms, crime reductions, and other domestic policies. It also notes Clinton's foreign policy achievements, including arms reductions with Russia and expanding trade. The document provides statistics and details on a wide range of issues to portray Clinton's presidency as one of peace, progress and shared prosperity.
The Bush Record 2001-2009 - Things Americans May Not KnowJeremy Shih
The document outlines 100 things that Americans may not know about the Bush administration record from 2001-2009. It discusses how the administration kept America safe following 9/11 by taking the fight to terrorists abroad, transforming national security institutions, and preventing additional attacks on U.S. soil for over 7 years. It also addresses economic, education, health care and other domestic policy issues, as well as foreign policy achievements in promoting democracy and confronting threats abroad.
The Bush Record 2001-2009 - Policies of the AdministrationJeremy Shih
This document outlines the key policies and initiatives of the Bush Administration from 2001 to 2009. It discusses the administration's focus on protecting America through the global war on terror, transforming the military, strengthening national security, and securing the homeland. Specific policies addressed include removing the Taliban from power in Afghanistan, increasing border security, reforming intelligence sharing, and partnering with other nations against terrorism.
The Bush Record 2001-2009 - Accomplishments and ResultsJeremy Shih
The document highlights accomplishments from the administration of President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2009. Key accomplishments include: waging a global war on terror by dismantling terrorist networks and capturing leaders like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed; removing dictators in Afghanistan and Iraq and helping establish democracies; strengthening U.S. intelligence, homeland security, and border security; advancing missile defense and reducing nuclear proliferation; and establishing a Freedom Agenda to promote democracy abroad through diplomacy and foreign aid programs like PEPFAR to combat HIV/AIDS.
1. The document introduces Dropbox and describes how it allows users to save files in one place and access them from any device, keeping files safe even if a device is lost or broken.
2. It provides instructions for installing the Dropbox desktop and mobile apps to sync files across devices and share large files easily by generating links, as well as creating shared folders for collaborating on documents in real-time.
3. Dropbox offers security tools to protect accounts and data, additional storage through paid plans, and solutions for business collaboration.
U.S. Presidential Election 2016 Popular Vote StatisticsJeremy Shih
- The document provides the official 2016 presidential election results for all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, comparing votes for Clinton, Trump, and others as well as margins from the 2012 election.
- Thirteen states are identified as "swing states" that were decided by less than 5% or flipped from Democratic to Republican or vice versa between elections. Clinton won the national popular vote by over 2 million votes but Trump won the electoral college.
- Clinton received the majority of votes in the non-swing states, totaling over 44 million votes compared to Trump's 40.7 million. However, Trump won the majority of swing states, totaling over 22 million votes to Clinton's 21.4 million.
The Obama Record 2009-2017 - Economic ProgressJeremy Shih
The document summarizes President Obama's economic policies and actions taken in response to the 2008 financial crisis and recession. It discusses steps taken to stabilize the economy and financial system, invest in infrastructure, education, and clean energy, assist the auto and housing industries, reform Wall Street, and support small businesses and manufacturing. The overall goal was to arrest the crisis, restart growth and job creation, and rebuild the economy on a stronger long-term foundation.
The Obama Record 2009-2017 - Climate and EnergyJeremy Shih
This document outlines the Obama administration's efforts to combat climate change and protect the environment. It discusses establishing the first carbon pollution standards for power plants and vehicle fuel efficiency standards. It also details investments in clean energy, partnerships with other countries, and efforts to prepare communities for climate impacts. The administration believes these accomplishments have improved air quality and public health while creating jobs and economic opportunities in clean energy.
The Obama Record 2009-2017 - American LeadershipJeremy Shih
The document outlines American leadership in the world under President Obama. It discusses how the President has refocused American leadership to rely not just on military power but also economic strength, global partnerships, and democratic values. It provides numerous examples of how the President built international coalitions on issues like Iran, climate change, and Ebola. It also discusses efforts to strengthen national security through counterterrorism operations while respecting civil liberties and reforming foreign policy in regions like Asia and the Middle East.
The Obama Record 2009-2017 - Health CareJeremy Shih
The document summarizes the major provisions and impacts of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) passed under President Obama after decades of failed attempts at health care reform. It outlines how the ACA expanded access to affordable health insurance through the creation of state health insurance exchanges, extended dependent coverage, prohibited denying coverage due to pre-existing conditions, and provided subsidies for low-income individuals. It also discusses how the ACA aimed to improve quality and lower costs through initiatives like accountable care organizations, reduced "donut hole" prescription drug costs for seniors, and increased transparency.
22. 馬英九總統102 年言論選集
出席「Green + Together 臺灣
中華民國 102 年 6 月 18 日
development is development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs."),這個意義非常重大。換言之,其中包含強烈
國 86 年設置「國家永續發展委員會」,於民國 89 年公布《中
華民國永續發展策略綱領》,並在民國 91 年具體規劃《中華