거절 당할 용기 Rejection proofJahee Lee살면서 누구나 수도 없이 거절 당한다. 영업, 제안, 사랑 고백, 금전 융통 등 우리의 일상의 일부다. 거절당하면 낙담하여 좌절하거나 모멸감을 느끼기도 한다. Jia Jiang은 사회생활을 하면서 발생하는 거절의 경험에 무너지는 자신의 모습을 보고 거절에 대한 두려움을 극복하지 못하면 아무것도 할 수 없을 거라는 위기감을 느꼈다 그래서 황당하게 거절 100일 프로젝트(100 Days of Rejection)를 시작했다. 100가지 대부분 읽어보면 뜬금없고 실소마저 나온다. 100일 동안 하루에 하나씩 다양한 종류의 거절을 맛보아서 익숙해져 보자는 의도였다. 그런데 이 경험이 송두리채 3대 교육자 집안 출신인 그의 인생을 바꿨다. 당연히 거절할 것이라고 겁부터 먹고 상대의 의도를 과하게 부정적으로 해석하면 거절당하는 창피는 원천봉쇄하겠지만, 엄청난 기회나 관계를 놓칠 수도 있다. 아쉬울 것 같다면 다시 생각해보자.
네 번째 모임Jungtaek Kim포스텍 스타트업 인큐베이터, APGC-Lab의 "평범한 대학원생도 포르쉐를 몰 수 있을까" 프로그램 네 번째 모임 발표자료
스탠포드대 "How to Start a Startup" 한글 요약
[9/30/2014] Paul Graham, Before the Startup
Review 어떻게 할까 20140820Unyong (Sheldon) Choi리뷰를 어떻게 할지에 대해서 정리한 자료.
파일 내부 slideshow 노트에 각각 페이지에 관련된 note들이 별도 기술되어 있음. 이에 대해서는 다운로드 후 참고하면 슬라이드가 의도하는 바에 대한 이해에 도움이 될 것이라 생각.
Internal Communications through Samrtphones and TabletsRalf RessmannThe document discusses an app solution called Denon Allmedia for improving internal communication within companies using smartphones and tablets. The app aims to address the problems of employees having too many unread emails and not enough time to read intranet news by sending push notifications to communicate important information quickly. It features customized content channels, the ability to target different employee groups, and is available on iOS and Android with other platforms available on demand. Denon provides support services around consulting, content management, and design/implementation of the app.
Kickoff Breakfast - Prudential Homesale (Harrisburg Region)Tom BlefkoThis document provides an overview of the 2014 kickoff breakfast for the Harrisburg region of Prudential Homesale. It introduces the board of directors and leadership team for the region. It then summarizes the company and region's accomplishments in 2013, including homes sold, listings, booked and closed units, and commission income. It also outlines plans for 2014, including the company's TV campaign, relocation services, and mortgage services. The core values of the company are stated at the end.
Espacenet - octrooien opzoekenHans HaagdorensPresentatie voor workshop rond octrooien/patenten opzoeken in de database Espacenet. In dit deel wordt uitgelegd wat een octrooi juist is en hoe je het aanvraagt.
Handling Multiple OffersTom BlefkoGet some direction on how to handle multiple offers in real estate contract negotiations. We also look at guaranteed sales programs and their pros and cons. Finally, February '12 statistics show how the Greater Harrisburg area is faring.
Prudential Homesale / Zillow PartnershipTom BlefkoAdvantages of the NEW zPro program from Zillow; HomeInfo 24/7 Statistics; Greater Harrisburg Area Market Statistics for September 2012
Little Things Make a Big DifferenceTom BlefkoChambersburg Office sales meeting. Learn how making small adjustments in your activities can yield big results.
2010 Social Networking ReportTom BlefkoThis document provides insights from Experian Simmons' 2010 Social Networking Report. It finds that 66% of online Americans now use social networking sites, up significantly from 20% in 2007. Users are increasingly addicted to these sites, with 43% visiting multiple times per day. Additionally, 70% of social networkers now keep in touch with family on these sites. The report provides details on user demographics, behaviors, and brand preferences across major social networking sites.
Using Video, High-Definition Photography, and 3-D Walkthroughs to Market Real...Tom BlefkoSales meeting on utilizing video, high-definition photography, and 3-D walkthroughs to market real estate. In addition, the proper use of pre and post settlement occupancy addendums are discussed.
The Commission-ectomyTom BlefkoThe document summarizes the agenda for a sales meeting held by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. It includes updates from various territory managers, recognition of top agents, information about an upcoming transition including new signage and training, and a discussion of commission rates and how to handle objections from sellers. The meeting aims to provide agents with resources and strategies for negotiating commissions, emphasizing the value of the agent's services and marketing plans.
NAR 2011 Buyer and Seller Report QuizTom BlefkoThree topics are covered in this sales meeting: 1. Quiz on NAR's 2011 Buyer and Seller Report, 2. Using Prudential's Customer for Life program in Online Seller Advantage, and 3. Writing special clauses for agreements of sale.
Media8 Presentationmedia8This document discusses different types of marketing materials including brochures, fliers, and adverts as well as websites. It touches on using brochures and fliers to promote a business locally and adverts to reach wider audiences. Websites are mentioned as another channel to market online.
GAO Tarp StatusColumbiaAccording to Treasury records as of June 30, 2009:
- Treasury had disbursed $339 billion in TARP funds, received $6.7 billion in dividend payments and $70.1 billion from repurchases of preferred stock.
- 32 institutions had repurchased their preferred stock and 14 had repurchased warrants or warrant preferred stock.
- Treasury had $328 billion remaining under the $700 billion TARP limit after outstanding commitments, disbursements, and repurchases.
Things to Consider When Buying a Home - Summer 2015Tom BlefkoThis document provides an overview of factors to consider when buying a home. It discusses how home prices are projected to rise significantly over the next 5 years according to surveys of economists. It also notes that mortgage interest rates are expected to increase by around 0.75% over the next year, which would increase monthly payments. The document therefore recommends buying now rather than waiting, to secure a lower price and interest rate before these anticipated changes occur.
PruHSG Chambersburg Sales Meeting 11-12-13Tom BlefkoSales meeting about the importance of disclosing agency relationships to consumers and a discussion on the importance of providing unexpected extras in the real estate transaction.
The Six Principles of InfluenceTom BlefkoThe document summarizes the key topics discussed at a March 15, 2016 sales meeting for the Chambersburg office. It provides an update on MRIS and announces a 12.1% increase to title insurance rates effective May 1, 2016. The bulk of the document reviews February market statistics, noting prices are similar to last year and inventory is limited in lower price ranges. It also discusses using principles of influence from Dr. Robert Cialdini's book to improve sales techniques.
Global Economic MeltdownsharanshahierThe document discusses the benefits of corporate mergers and acquisitions during an economic downturn. It states that cost cutting through economies of scale is needed, but companies must consider market and public sentiment. Mergers allow companies to expand while reducing costs. The types of mergers include horizontal between competitors, vertical between suppliers and customers, and conglomerate between unrelated industries. A recent example provided is HCL's acquisition of Axon, creating a large SAP services firm.
Market Statistics for July 2012 - Greater Harrisburg AreaTom BlefkoMarket statistics for the Greater Harrisburg Area in Central Pennsylvania for July 2012.
Barbara Corcoran's Keynote Address at Inman Connect Spotlights this Sales Mee...Tom BlefkoSales meeting about NAR's Code of Ethics, the new mortgage disclosures coming in August, and the keynote address from Inman Connect featuring Barbara Corcoran.
Jose Miguelmaritza84Tulio Triviño es un títere chileno de 31 años que conduce un noticiero llamado 31 Minutos. Mide 31 mm más que los demás títeres y es fanático de Calcentín con Rombos-Man. Su mejor amigo es el conejo rojo Bodoque a quien conoció en la cárcel. Viene de una familia demasiado pero muy grande.
Real Estate Market Facts - July 2015Tom BlefkoThis document summarizes market facts from a sales meeting for the Chambersburg office. It discusses absorption analysis using months of inventory to determine if the housing market favors buyers or sellers. It also examines homebuyers' perceptions compared to facts, such as the credit scores and down payments actually needed to purchase a home as well as the prevalence of foreclosures. The document concludes by showing how waiting for housing prices to drop can end up costing potential homebuyers thousands of dollars.
Holiday SpeakTom BlefkoSales meeting slides reviewing the following topics: 1. Escalation Clauses when you find yourself competing with multiple offers, 2. 2014 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers from NAR, 3. Holiday Speak - get ready to impress this holiday season.
Little Things Make a Big DifferenceTom BlefkoChambersburg Office sales meeting. Learn how making small adjustments in your activities can yield big results.
2010 Social Networking ReportTom BlefkoThis document provides insights from Experian Simmons' 2010 Social Networking Report. It finds that 66% of online Americans now use social networking sites, up significantly from 20% in 2007. Users are increasingly addicted to these sites, with 43% visiting multiple times per day. Additionally, 70% of social networkers now keep in touch with family on these sites. The report provides details on user demographics, behaviors, and brand preferences across major social networking sites.
Using Video, High-Definition Photography, and 3-D Walkthroughs to Market Real...Tom BlefkoSales meeting on utilizing video, high-definition photography, and 3-D walkthroughs to market real estate. In addition, the proper use of pre and post settlement occupancy addendums are discussed.
The Commission-ectomyTom BlefkoThe document summarizes the agenda for a sales meeting held by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. It includes updates from various territory managers, recognition of top agents, information about an upcoming transition including new signage and training, and a discussion of commission rates and how to handle objections from sellers. The meeting aims to provide agents with resources and strategies for negotiating commissions, emphasizing the value of the agent's services and marketing plans.
NAR 2011 Buyer and Seller Report QuizTom BlefkoThree topics are covered in this sales meeting: 1. Quiz on NAR's 2011 Buyer and Seller Report, 2. Using Prudential's Customer for Life program in Online Seller Advantage, and 3. Writing special clauses for agreements of sale.
Media8 Presentationmedia8This document discusses different types of marketing materials including brochures, fliers, and adverts as well as websites. It touches on using brochures and fliers to promote a business locally and adverts to reach wider audiences. Websites are mentioned as another channel to market online.
GAO Tarp StatusColumbiaAccording to Treasury records as of June 30, 2009:
- Treasury had disbursed $339 billion in TARP funds, received $6.7 billion in dividend payments and $70.1 billion from repurchases of preferred stock.
- 32 institutions had repurchased their preferred stock and 14 had repurchased warrants or warrant preferred stock.
- Treasury had $328 billion remaining under the $700 billion TARP limit after outstanding commitments, disbursements, and repurchases.
Things to Consider When Buying a Home - Summer 2015Tom BlefkoThis document provides an overview of factors to consider when buying a home. It discusses how home prices are projected to rise significantly over the next 5 years according to surveys of economists. It also notes that mortgage interest rates are expected to increase by around 0.75% over the next year, which would increase monthly payments. The document therefore recommends buying now rather than waiting, to secure a lower price and interest rate before these anticipated changes occur.
PruHSG Chambersburg Sales Meeting 11-12-13Tom BlefkoSales meeting about the importance of disclosing agency relationships to consumers and a discussion on the importance of providing unexpected extras in the real estate transaction.
The Six Principles of InfluenceTom BlefkoThe document summarizes the key topics discussed at a March 15, 2016 sales meeting for the Chambersburg office. It provides an update on MRIS and announces a 12.1% increase to title insurance rates effective May 1, 2016. The bulk of the document reviews February market statistics, noting prices are similar to last year and inventory is limited in lower price ranges. It also discusses using principles of influence from Dr. Robert Cialdini's book to improve sales techniques.
Global Economic MeltdownsharanshahierThe document discusses the benefits of corporate mergers and acquisitions during an economic downturn. It states that cost cutting through economies of scale is needed, but companies must consider market and public sentiment. Mergers allow companies to expand while reducing costs. The types of mergers include horizontal between competitors, vertical between suppliers and customers, and conglomerate between unrelated industries. A recent example provided is HCL's acquisition of Axon, creating a large SAP services firm.
Market Statistics for July 2012 - Greater Harrisburg AreaTom BlefkoMarket statistics for the Greater Harrisburg Area in Central Pennsylvania for July 2012.
Barbara Corcoran's Keynote Address at Inman Connect Spotlights this Sales Mee...Tom BlefkoSales meeting about NAR's Code of Ethics, the new mortgage disclosures coming in August, and the keynote address from Inman Connect featuring Barbara Corcoran.
Jose Miguelmaritza84Tulio Triviño es un títere chileno de 31 años que conduce un noticiero llamado 31 Minutos. Mide 31 mm más que los demás títeres y es fanático de Calcentín con Rombos-Man. Su mejor amigo es el conejo rojo Bodoque a quien conoció en la cárcel. Viene de una familia demasiado pero muy grande.
Real Estate Market Facts - July 2015Tom BlefkoThis document summarizes market facts from a sales meeting for the Chambersburg office. It discusses absorption analysis using months of inventory to determine if the housing market favors buyers or sellers. It also examines homebuyers' perceptions compared to facts, such as the credit scores and down payments actually needed to purchase a home as well as the prevalence of foreclosures. The document concludes by showing how waiting for housing prices to drop can end up costing potential homebuyers thousands of dollars.
Holiday SpeakTom BlefkoSales meeting slides reviewing the following topics: 1. Escalation Clauses when you find yourself competing with multiple offers, 2. 2014 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers from NAR, 3. Holiday Speak - get ready to impress this holiday season.