1. The Working Time Regulations are being amended to require employers to allow workers to carry unused annual leave into the following year if they were unable to take it due to sickness.
2. The UK government proposes extending the right to request flexible working to all employees by late 2013. This aims to make the administration of flexible working arrangements less burdensome for employers.
3. A study found that older workers are often more productive than younger workers, especially in service sector jobs that rely more on experience than physical strength. This challenges the myth that older workers are less productive.
Earlier this year, we surveyed 700 contractors, permanent employees and employers across a broad range of sectors and industries in the UK & Ireland, to get a 360属 perspective on the differing thoughts and behaviours of the two kinds of workers.
In our seminar, we look at the three big r's of workplace change: restructure, redeployment and redundancy, and the obligations of employers under relevant legislation.
1. Hiring domestic staff requires proper preparation and procedures to avoid risks to finances and privacy. This includes creating clear job descriptions, conducting thorough background checks, and complying with federal hiring laws.
2. It is important to research staffing agencies and clearly outline expectations if outsourcing the hiring process. Confidentiality agreements and verifying proper insurance is also critical.
3. Maintaining cyber security is key, such as ensuring all internet connections are encrypted and prohibiting unsecured devices on the premises without permission.
23 Employee Handbook Revisions for 2011Alan Thayer
Employee handbook updates recommended for 2011. Based on recent United States Supreme Court decisions, lower court rulings, workplace issues and employer problems.
Prior update recommendations
This document discusses a shirt that lights up near sound sources like Diwali lamps. The shirt is from Cinepolis and is called the "Party" shirt. The document encourages relighting moments by contacting Cine care Desk.
Puskesmas Mekarmukti berkomitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan prima kepada masyarakat dengan kualitas terus meningkat melalui keterlibatan seluruh karyawan dan memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan serta menjalankan program-program kesehatan sesuai visi dinas kesehatan kabupaten Bekasi.
SlaM tiene como misi坦n ofrecer un buen servicio a sus clientes con productos y marcas para el golf, con el fin de fomentar el inter辿s de las personas por practicar este deporte.
This scene describes the reserves section of a library circulation app. It allows students in large classes of over 100 people to check out books for 2 hours at a time in the library building. This is helpful for students who do not want to spend money on books or forgot theirs at home. The scene has black background, no narration, audio, or interactions, and transitions directly to the next scene without animation.
El documento describe un proyecto de investigaci坦n sobre el calentamiento global. El estudiante investigar叩 las causas y problemas del calentamiento global visitando sitios web y buscando im叩genes relacionadas. Crear叩 una presentaci坦n sobre el calentamiento global y sus consecuencias para la Tierra utilizando una herramienta tecnol坦gica. El objetivo general es comprender el problema del calentamiento global y los objetivos espec鱈ficos son que el estudiante realice una investigaci坦n y presentaci坦n sobre el tema.
Este documento descreve as impress探es de uma pessoa sobre o projeto UCA. Ele lista as principais dificuldades enfrentadas, como trabalhar com um programa complicado e lento e ter pouco tempo para forma巽達o. Tamb辿m destaca alguns avan巽os, como ter uma sala espec鱈fica para o projeto e aulas interessantes apesar do pouco tempo. sugerido um tempo maior para forma巽達o e uma internet sem dificuldades.
This paper presents a nonlinear mathematical model of a microgrid system with inverter-interfaced distributed generators connected in parallel. The model includes the important dynamics and finds the equilibrium points. Small signal stability is analyzed using linearization and root locus plots. Transient stability is evaluated using Lyapunov functions to determine the region of asymptotic stability and size and duration of disturbances the system can withstand. Simulations show the model can be used to design microgrid systems ensuring overall stability under different operating conditions and disturbances.
O documento convida para o II Congresso de Jovens da Regi達o do Vale dos Sinos nos dias 29 e 30 de outubro no audit坦rio do Col辿gio S達o Luis. A programa巽達o inclui preletores como o Pastor Humberto Schimt Vieira de Porto Alegre no s叩bado e o Asp PB Claudiomir Batista de S達o Leopoldo no domingo, com encerramento pelo PB Cristiano Freitas de Novo Hamburgo.
Este documento resume los datos de concursos y disoluciones de empresas en Espa単a durante febrero de 2015. Se registraron 579 concursos, una disminuci坦n del 14.98% con respecto a febrero de 2014. Tambi辿n hubo 2,634 disoluciones, un 11.52% menos que el a単o anterior. Los sectores con m叩s concursos fueron construcci坦n, inmobiliarias, comercio e industria, mientras que las comunidades con m叩s fueron Catalu単a, Madrid y Comunidad Valenciana.
Jon Chu es un director de cine y guionista estadounidense conocido por dirigir pel鱈culas de baile como Step Up 2 y Step Up 3D. Se gradu坦 de la Escuela de Cine y Televisi坦n de la Universidad del Sur de California y ha dirigido varios proyectos exitosos. Actualmente est叩 dirigiendo una versi坦n de El gran Gatsby y una serie online sobre bailarines extraordinarios.
The recession reduced workers' compensation claims as companies laid off less experienced workers and remaining employees were reluctant to report injuries due to job insecurity. However, as hiring resumes during the recovery, workers' compensation claims are likely to increase due to less experienced new hires and an aging workforce taking on new roles. Employers can minimize this impact through careful hiring, training, and safety programs focused on new and inexperienced workers.
For Better Productivity, Encourage Better Work-Life BalanceLawCrossing
Law firms and other legal employers who allow employees to utilize flexible schedules and telecommuting often enjoy more productivity and less turnover.
Companies can weather economic storms by utilizing a flexible workforce provided through staffing agencies. This allows them to adjust headcount up or down easily based on fluctuating demand without costly layoffs. Studies show companies that increased contingent labor by 10% experienced higher profits. Temporary employees understand the contingency of their work and aim to prove themselves for potential permanent roles. Staffing agencies also provide significant cost savings as companies avoid paying benefits for temporary workers. A flexible workforce helps minimize negative impacts to reputation and employee morale from layoffs during uncertain economic times.
The hiring of temporary workers has surged in recent months, suggesting employers may soon begin hiring permanent workers if the economic recovery continues. However, many companies are still relying on temporary and contract workers to avoid long-term commitments if demand slows again. Some employers are even rehiring former employees as temporary workers to keep costs down. The widespread use of casual labor means the recovery is adding fewer permanent jobs than past rebounds and increases uncertainty for many workers.
Zero hours contracts have increased significantly in recent years across both public and private sectors. The number of employees on zero hours contracts is estimated to be over 1 million, much higher than previous government estimates. Zero hours contracts provide no guarantee of regular earnings and disrupt work-life balance. They also reduce employment rights and eligibility for benefits. Unions argue that zero hours contracts damage service quality by reducing staff retention and training. While a minority find the flexibility beneficial, most experience financial insecurity and difficulty balancing multiple jobs. Unions are campaigning employers to limit zero hours contracts and provide minimum hours guarantees to improve conditions for workers.
This scene describes the reserves section of a library circulation app. It allows students in large classes of over 100 people to check out books for 2 hours at a time in the library building. This is helpful for students who do not want to spend money on books or forgot theirs at home. The scene has black background, no narration, audio, or interactions, and transitions directly to the next scene without animation.
El documento describe un proyecto de investigaci坦n sobre el calentamiento global. El estudiante investigar叩 las causas y problemas del calentamiento global visitando sitios web y buscando im叩genes relacionadas. Crear叩 una presentaci坦n sobre el calentamiento global y sus consecuencias para la Tierra utilizando una herramienta tecnol坦gica. El objetivo general es comprender el problema del calentamiento global y los objetivos espec鱈ficos son que el estudiante realice una investigaci坦n y presentaci坦n sobre el tema.
Este documento descreve as impress探es de uma pessoa sobre o projeto UCA. Ele lista as principais dificuldades enfrentadas, como trabalhar com um programa complicado e lento e ter pouco tempo para forma巽達o. Tamb辿m destaca alguns avan巽os, como ter uma sala espec鱈fica para o projeto e aulas interessantes apesar do pouco tempo. sugerido um tempo maior para forma巽達o e uma internet sem dificuldades.
This paper presents a nonlinear mathematical model of a microgrid system with inverter-interfaced distributed generators connected in parallel. The model includes the important dynamics and finds the equilibrium points. Small signal stability is analyzed using linearization and root locus plots. Transient stability is evaluated using Lyapunov functions to determine the region of asymptotic stability and size and duration of disturbances the system can withstand. Simulations show the model can be used to design microgrid systems ensuring overall stability under different operating conditions and disturbances.
O documento convida para o II Congresso de Jovens da Regi達o do Vale dos Sinos nos dias 29 e 30 de outubro no audit坦rio do Col辿gio S達o Luis. A programa巽達o inclui preletores como o Pastor Humberto Schimt Vieira de Porto Alegre no s叩bado e o Asp PB Claudiomir Batista de S達o Leopoldo no domingo, com encerramento pelo PB Cristiano Freitas de Novo Hamburgo.
Este documento resume los datos de concursos y disoluciones de empresas en Espa単a durante febrero de 2015. Se registraron 579 concursos, una disminuci坦n del 14.98% con respecto a febrero de 2014. Tambi辿n hubo 2,634 disoluciones, un 11.52% menos que el a単o anterior. Los sectores con m叩s concursos fueron construcci坦n, inmobiliarias, comercio e industria, mientras que las comunidades con m叩s fueron Catalu単a, Madrid y Comunidad Valenciana.
Jon Chu es un director de cine y guionista estadounidense conocido por dirigir pel鱈culas de baile como Step Up 2 y Step Up 3D. Se gradu坦 de la Escuela de Cine y Televisi坦n de la Universidad del Sur de California y ha dirigido varios proyectos exitosos. Actualmente est叩 dirigiendo una versi坦n de El gran Gatsby y una serie online sobre bailarines extraordinarios.
The recession reduced workers' compensation claims as companies laid off less experienced workers and remaining employees were reluctant to report injuries due to job insecurity. However, as hiring resumes during the recovery, workers' compensation claims are likely to increase due to less experienced new hires and an aging workforce taking on new roles. Employers can minimize this impact through careful hiring, training, and safety programs focused on new and inexperienced workers.
For Better Productivity, Encourage Better Work-Life BalanceLawCrossing
Law firms and other legal employers who allow employees to utilize flexible schedules and telecommuting often enjoy more productivity and less turnover.
Companies can weather economic storms by utilizing a flexible workforce provided through staffing agencies. This allows them to adjust headcount up or down easily based on fluctuating demand without costly layoffs. Studies show companies that increased contingent labor by 10% experienced higher profits. Temporary employees understand the contingency of their work and aim to prove themselves for potential permanent roles. Staffing agencies also provide significant cost savings as companies avoid paying benefits for temporary workers. A flexible workforce helps minimize negative impacts to reputation and employee morale from layoffs during uncertain economic times.
The hiring of temporary workers has surged in recent months, suggesting employers may soon begin hiring permanent workers if the economic recovery continues. However, many companies are still relying on temporary and contract workers to avoid long-term commitments if demand slows again. Some employers are even rehiring former employees as temporary workers to keep costs down. The widespread use of casual labor means the recovery is adding fewer permanent jobs than past rebounds and increases uncertainty for many workers.
Zero hours contracts have increased significantly in recent years across both public and private sectors. The number of employees on zero hours contracts is estimated to be over 1 million, much higher than previous government estimates. Zero hours contracts provide no guarantee of regular earnings and disrupt work-life balance. They also reduce employment rights and eligibility for benefits. Unions argue that zero hours contracts damage service quality by reducing staff retention and training. While a minority find the flexibility beneficial, most experience financial insecurity and difficulty balancing multiple jobs. Unions are campaigning employers to limit zero hours contracts and provide minimum hours guarantees to improve conditions for workers.
The document summarizes key employment law updates from a presentation given in January 2014. It discusses several court cases related to human rights, reasonable notice of termination, just cause for dismissal, and temporary layoffs. Specifically, it highlights an employee who was reinstated and awarded damages 9 years after wrongful termination, an employer's duty to accommodate family status, factors affecting reasonable notice periods, the obligation of employees to mitigate damages, and cases related to dismissing employees for cause for inappropriate or dangerous workplace conduct.
I Academy of Management Executive. 1996 Vol. 10 No. 1Chang.docxwilcockiris
I Academy of Management Executive. 1996 Vol. 10 No. 1
Changing the deal while
keeping the people^
Denise M. Rousseau
Executive Overview Companies are in danger of losing the voluntariness that makes possible much
of a business's ability to compete. As whole industries undergo restructuring,
psychological contractsfhose unwriffen commifmenfs made between workers
and their employersneed to change in order to be kept. Service, quality, and
innovation require higher confribufions from people and. therefore, a new
psychological contract involving commitment and trust. In high contribution
work settings, that means changing the deal while keeping the people. Changes
which violate a contract or fail to substitute another effective one in its place
won't do. And. even though the psychological contract is not legally binding,
today's executive must know how successful firms transform it.
Effectively changing a psychological contract depends on two things: how
similar is the proposed change to the current contract? and how good is the
relationship between employee and employer? Asking people to use a new work
system or work a few extra hours can simply mean to modify, clarify, substitute,
or expand an existing contract. However, asking people to redefine
themselvesas professionals rather than job holders, customer service
providers rather than technicians, or as leaders rather than middle
managersis far more complicated.
When a good-faith relationship exists, changes are more likely to be accepted
as part of the existing contract, because parties are not looking for contract
violations and trust creates willingness to be flexible. On the other hand, when
a relationship historically has been negative, changes are more likely to require
more extensive overhaul in the employment relationship. In such situations,
improving the employment relationship is a necessary first step in contract
Changing the Contract
There are two ways to change the psychological contract, accommodation and
transformation. Accommodations modify, clarify, substitute, or expand terms
within the context of the existing contract so that people feel the old deal
continues despite changes. Isolated changes in performance criteria, benefit
packages or work hours are frequent forms of accommodation. Because of this
continuity, it is the change strategy of choice. However, to be effective, there
must be a good relationship between the company and its members. Companies
such as Hewlett Packard and Cummins Engine have introduced changes in
employment conditions over the years that have been largely accepted by their
empolyees based on a positive labor history.
In contrast to accommodations, transformations are radical surgery.
Transformation means that new mindsets replace old ones. Contemporary
It is quite common to
find newcomers and
veterans working side
by side holding
contracts are changing at unprecedented rates..
Essay on Contract of Employment
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Essay On Employment
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Essay on Employment Law
Essay on Employment Law
Essay about Employment Termination
Workplace Flexibility and the Recovery - Risks & OpportunitiesFallonHorgan
This document discusses workplace flexibility in the context of the global financial crisis and the National Employment Standards in Australia. It provides examples of how some organizations addressed staff flexibility needs during economic downturn by reducing hours and keeping employees, which helped save costs and retain skilled workers. The document outlines the right of employees to request flexible work arrangements under the National Employment Standards and obligations of employers to accommodate such requests where reasonable.
This document provides an HR update with information on preparing for Christmas parties, considerations for employing disabled individuals after the Paralympics, and upcoming changes to the National Minimum Wage and pension system. Key points include guidelines for holding appropriate Christmas parties to avoid legal issues, tips for making reasonable adjustments to accommodate disabled employees, and details on increases to the National Minimum Wage and moves toward a flat-rate pension system in the UK.
Terminating jobs overseas can expose companies to substantial severance liabilities if local employment laws are not followed. The document outlines some of the complex termination laws and required severance payments in the Netherlands, Japan, Brazil, China, and other countries. It advises planning ahead and consulting specialists to understand country-specific rules in order to save on potential heavy severance costs when terminating jobs overseas.
This document discusses various aspects of human resources management for businesses, including contracts of employment, employees' rights, and resolving problems with employees. It provides details on writing employment contracts, statutory rights for employees, minimum wage laws, sick pay requirements, pension obligations, working hours regulations, and annual leave entitlements. The document is intended to help businesses understand their legal duties and obligations as employers to avoid noncompliance issues.
1) The document discusses co-employment, a situation where a worker has simultaneous employment relationships with two employers for one work situation, typically a staffing agency and client company.
2) It highlights a lawsuit against Microsoft in the 1990s where the courts ruled that some contingent workers were entitled to employee benefits, bringing attention to co-employment issues.
3) The key to avoiding co-employment risk is establishing clear boundaries of responsibility between the staffing agency and client company, differentiating contingent workers, and creating a clear benefits plan that excludes contingent workers. Selecting an expert co-employment partner can also help employers navigate these issues.
The document discusses co-employment and lessons learned from Microsoft's experience with a co-employment lawsuit. Co-employment refers to when a worker has simultaneous employment relationships with both a staffing firm and client company. Microsoft was sued in the 1990s for not clearly excluding contractors from benefits, opening them up to penalties. To avoid co-employment risks, the document recommends establishing clear boundaries between staffing firms and clients, and creating a differentiated benefits plan that excludes contractors clearly.
The document provides information on end-of-year tax planning opportunities and strategies, tips for using online marketing around the holidays to engage local customers, and notes that the upcoming Autumn Statement and EU gender directive could impact taxes and insurance premiums. It encourages reviewing personal and business tax allowances, investing within ISA and other tax-efficient limits, and using tools like emails, websites and social media to promote special offers to local clients over Christmas.
The document summarizes key points from the UK's 2012 Autumn Statement. It reports that:
1) GDP growth forecasts for 2012 and beyond have been downgraded, unemployment is expected to peak higher than previously predicted, and public debt will continue increasing until 2016/17 before declining.
2) The deficit is continuing to fall faster than expected, reaching 6.9% of GDP in 2012 compared to 11.2% in 2010, aided by higher than predicted private sector job growth.
3) Measures announced aim to strengthen the economy through investment, taxes and supporting business, including reducing the main corporation tax rate and increasing the Annual Investment Allowance.
This document summarizes key aspects of the 2012 UK pension reforms introducing automatic enrollment of eligible employees into qualifying pension schemes. Major points include: employers will be required to automatically enroll eligible jobholders earning over 贈8,105 per year into a pension scheme and contribute a minimum amount; contribution requirements will be phased in over time, eventually reaching 3% from employers and 5% total; employers should prepare for their staging date when the requirements begin by assessing their workforce, reviewing existing pension provisions, and communicating the changes to employees.
1) The responsibilities of charity trustees are increasing with greater regulation, so trustees risk personal liability if charity assets are not properly incorporated or transferred.
2) Charities can incorporate as a company, incorporate just the trustees, or become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation to help address these risks.
3) Charities must follow strict Gift Aid rules to reclaim tax on donations and avoid HMRC penalties, such as keeping proper donation records for 6 years.
This newsletter discusses employee share schemes, protecting small businesses, and considerations for summer holidays. Regarding employee share schemes, the article reviews Share Incentive Plans and Save As You Earn share options that provide tax benefits to employees when purchasing company shares. It also suggests small business owners focus on cash flow, business credit reports, and management accounts to protect their business during economic downturns. Finally, it recommends purchasing travel insurance and considering mobile phone costs and fuel prices when planning summer holidays.
This newsletter addresses three key areas of importance for charities: saving on VAT costs, increasing donations through Gift Aid, and justifying reserves. It provides information on VAT exemptions charities can utilize to reduce costs. Regarding donations, it explains how Gift Aid can increase donations by 25% at no extra cost to donors. Finally, it discusses the importance of a reserves policy and regulations around justifying reserves levels in annual reports. Trustees are advised to review reserves and spending plans regularly.
This document provides a summary of the UK Budget Report 2012. It highlights several key points:
- The UK economy remains fragile as it recovers from the financial crisis, but GDP growth is projected to be 0.8% in 2012. Inflation continues to decline.
- On the business side, the main corporation tax rate will be reduced to 24% in 2012 and further to 22% by 2014. Several tax reliefs and incentives are introduced or expanded for small businesses, R&D, green technologies, and enterprise zones.
- For personal finances, the income tax personal allowance will increase and higher rate threshold will be frozen. Pensions and ISA limits are increased. Fuel duty rises are
1) The UK economic recovery stalled in 2011 and the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis continued to impact markets. Unemployment rose to its highest level since 1994 while youth unemployment reached a record high.
2) Forecasts for 2012 GDP growth remain low at around 0.7% and inflation is falling but remains above target. Exports are seen as important to the recovery but the trade deficit fell in late 2011.
3) Businesses are advised to remain flexible and regularly update plans as the economic situation remains uncertain and volatile. Support is available for exporting and taking advantage of any opportunities that may arise.
Capital allowances provide tax relief for businesses that purchase assets used in their operations that have a lifespan of more than two years. There are different types of allowances including annual investment allowance and writing down allowance. The annual amounts that can be claimed for annual investment allowance are being reduced. Capital allowances can be claimed for plant, machinery, vehicles, and certain building renovations and are calculated differently depending on the asset. Businesses should consider capital allowance tax planning to maximize tax savings when purchasing qualifying assets.
This document provides an overview of tax issues relevant to businesses in the UK, including corporation tax rates and bands, research and development tax credits, pension contributions, entrepreneurs' relief, and tax treatment of company cars. It also discusses the potential tax benefits of declaring dividends versus bonuses for owner-directors and highlights various areas where professional tax advice can help businesses be more tax efficient and manage cash flow challenges.
This document discusses estate planning and inheritance tax. It provides information on:
1) Estate planning can help family receive more of an estate by reducing inheritance tax liability, which requires careful planning.
2) Key considerations for estate planning include deciding who will benefit from the estate, if children will share equally, and if trusts or other arrangements are needed.
3) The document reviews various exemptions and reliefs from inheritance tax, such as the nil-rate band and transfers between spouses. Professional advice is recommended for complex situations.
15. Series What The Bribery Act Means For Businessnjhb1958
The Bribery Act of 2011 updates UK anti-bribery laws and aligns them with international standards. It prohibits offering, promising, or giving bribes to gain business advantages, as well as requesting, agreeing to receive, or accepting bribes. Companies can be liable for failing to prevent bribery by employees or business partners. To comply, companies should establish anti-bribery procedures including risk assessments, top-level commitment, due diligence of business relationships, clear policies, and staff training. Regular reviews are also needed to ensure ongoing compliance.
14. Series 14 Tax And Your Business The Year Aheadnjhb1958
The document provides guidance for business owners on tax planning opportunities for the upcoming year, including tips for claiming expenses, employing family members, rewarding staff, and penalties for inaccuracies. It also discusses options for transferring a family business to other family members with minimal tax liability and areas where tax advisors can provide assistance such as managing debt and financing options. Business owners are advised to seek tax planning advice to ensure they are making the most of available tax reliefs and deductions.
This document summarizes recent charity-related news and policy changes from the UK government and Charity Commission. Key points include:
1) Charities will be able to claim Gift Aid on up to 贈5,000 in cash donations without proof of donor tax status, increasing tax rebates.
2) The Charity Commission provides 10 questions for trustees to avoid common problems like mismatched activities or improper trustee appointments.
3) Plans to abolish cheques have been delayed until 2016 as alternatives have not been established, though charities should still promote standing orders and online donations.
1) The document discusses the tax implications of selling a business and provides advice on how to minimize tax liability. It outlines various tax issues that warranties for the sale should address such as capital gains tax, trading losses, prior tax inspections, and transactions within groups.
2) Entrepreneurs' relief provides a reduction in capital gains tax rates for business owners selling their shares. The relief amount has increased over time up to a lifetime limit of 贈10 million. Certain conditions must be met to qualify for this relief.
3) When a business is sold for shares in the acquiring company rather than cash, this can defer capital gains tax liability. Receiving loan notes from the company needs to be treated appropriately for
Directors are responsible for managing and running limited companies. They have legal obligations to act in the best interests of the company, avoid conflicts of interest, and follow employment, tax, and insolvency laws. Failure to properly fulfill directorial duties could result in penalties, fines, or disqualification from being a director for a certain period of time. Directors must exercise skill and care expected of their experience and monitor the company's affairs to avoid insolvency.
The document provides advice from the Charity Commission for charity trustees facing economic challenges. It encourages trustees to ask 15 questions about strategy, finances, governance, resources, and pension obligations. Key areas addressed include reviewing financial strength, funding sources, contractual commitments, banking arrangements, investments, and strategic planning for the future. The document stresses the importance of trustees addressing these issues to prepare for difficulties posed by the current economy.
From April 2011, significant changes will be made to the UK's PAYE tax withholding system. A new D1 tax code will apply a 50% tax rate to very high secondary incomes. Real-time reporting of payroll information to HMRC will begin rolling out in 2012. National insurance contribution thresholds will increase substantially and rates will rise slightly. Various pension contribution limits and rules will also be changing in upcoming years. Employers should review systems and software to prepare for these PAYE and reporting changes.
The document summarizes several key HR and employment law changes in the UK. These include:
1) Changes to maternity and paternity leave provisions increasing additional paternity leave and statutory pay rates.
2) Upcoming changes to PAYE taxation on employee termination payments and for new employees who fail to provide a P45 form.
3) An extension of the right to request flexible working to parents of children under age 18.
4) A new government strategy on equality and proposals around positive action, flexible working, shared parental leave and LGBT workplace issues.
This document provides an overview of the 2011 UK Budget announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Key points include:
- The Budget aims to move the economy from "rescue to reform" and "from reform to recovery" but growth forecasts were lowered slightly.
- Corporation tax will be reduced by another 1% to encourage business investment and competitiveness.
- There were few new spending or tax changes as reducing the deficit remains a top priority.
- Professional advice is recommended before making financial decisions based on the Budget announcements.
1. The Active Business Series 12 2011
plummerparsons ab12
KEY CHANGES say there werent enough jobs for older people to be in work and 14
per cent claimed older people should retire to make way for younger
Working Time Regulation to be Revised workers. One fifth believe the over 60s are slower and are less productive
than their junior colleagues with one in 20 claiming they should be paid
The Working Time Regulations (WTR) are to be amended to update them
less because they work at a slower pace.
in light of case law (such as Pereda and Stringer) which has established
that workers unable to take their annual leave because of sickness etc. in QUICK LOOK AT RECENT CASE LAW
the current year must be able to carry it forward into the following leave
year. Publishing company forced to pay uncontracted intern:
Flexible Working for all by 2013? The use of interns has become increasing common and therefore this
case is particularly noteworthy. In a groundbreaking case, a publishing
The right to request flexible working looks as if it will be extended to company has been ordered to pay an intern 贈1,000 in damages after an
all employees, possibly as soon as late 2013, according to proposals employment tribunal ruled that she was classed as a worker under the
contained in Consultation on Modern Workplaces. The Government law, despite having no written contract.
proposes various changes to make the schemes administration more
flexible and less onerous for employers. Former intern Keri Hudson, 21, who had worked for two months at the
My Village web site last year, was awarded 贈913.22 in national minimum
DEBUNKING MYTHS: OLDER WORKERS ARE MORE PRODUCTIVE wage back pay and 贈111.76 in holiday pay from TPG Web Publishing Ltd.
NOT LESS The tribunal heard that Hudson worked for the company on a daily basis
from 10am until 6pm and was personally responsible for and in charge
Findings from the study Productivity and Age has shown that older
of a team of writers. She was also responsible for training and delegating
workers are often more productive, even with physically demanding jobs
tasks, collecting briefs, scheduling articles and even hiring new interns.
than younger workers.
Hudson said that, when the site was taken over by TPG, she was asked
To be productive in manufacturing workers need more physical strength,
to stay on and work for the new firm and was assured her pay would
dexterity and agility (which tend to decline with age) than experience
be fixed. After five more weeks of doing so, however, she was informed
and ability to work in a team (which tends to increase with age). But in
that she would not now be receiving payment for the work she had
the service sector, experience and the ability to work in a team are key, so
carried out. As a result, she resigned and took out a grievance against the
the growth in productivity with age may be even greater.
In many countries, including the UK, employers often cite lower
The National Union of Journalists, which took her case on under the
productivity among older workers as a reason to force early retirement.
auspices of its cashback for interns campaign, said that the company told
But the research shows that if this were true, ageing populations in
her that she was not eligible for any pay because they considered her an
many developed countries would be having a negative effect on overall
productivity as the proportion of older workers increases.
The tribunal disagreed, however. It ruled that Hudson was classed as a
This study was published in the same week as more research revealed
worker under the law even though she had no written contract. As a
ageism to be endemic in the workplace. Findings from home and care
result, she was entitled to be paid at least the National Minimum Wage
provider, Anchor, show that two fifths of young people aged 18-24 years
and holiday pay.
The NUJs general secretary Jeremy Dear said: Todays judgement sends
a clear warning to all employers to pay their interns, abide by the law or
face the consequences. It is unacceptable that full-time staff are being
sacked, while unpaid interns are being exploited. This is the first case of
its kind if employers continue to break the law it will not be the last.
Kurumuth v NHS Trust North Middlesex University Hospital - Fair
dismissal of employee with unresolved immigration status:
This was an appeal by the claimant against dismissal of unfair dismissal
and breach of contract claims where the claimants immigration status
was in doubt. Appeal allowed on the breach of contract claim but other
appeal dismissed.
The claimant was a health care worker, originally from Mauritius. In
1997 she was refused leave to remain in the UK but was allowed to
Plummer Parsons | 01323 431 200 stay pending an appeal. That appeal was not determined by the time
eastbourne@plummer-parsons.co.uk | www.plummer-parsons.co.uk
18 Hyde Gardens Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 4PT
The Active Business Series 2011
2. The Active Business Series 12 2011
of her appointment in 2003 but the respondent later requested further The employee appealed the decision relating to her victimisation claim
information and was dissatisfied with the claimants response and and unfair dismissal claim. On appeal, the EAT upheld the Tribunals
instigated a disciplinary procedure. She was dismissed as there was no decision, finding that the circumstances surrounding the manner
evidence that she had the right to work. In subsequent ET proceedings in which the complaint was made meant that it was properly and
the dismissal was found to be automatically unfair but no compensation genuinely separable from the fact that Ms Martins allegations related
was awarded as she would have been dismissed in any event. to discrimination. The particular features of her complaint which led to
the decision to dismiss included the falseness and seriousness of the
In this appeal, the claimants principal argument was that the Tribunal
allegations, the number and frequency of the allegations, Ms Martins
ought to have decided her immigration status. The EAT rejected that
refusal to accept that the allegations were false, the risk of repetition and
submission as, although the ET had misdirected itself on the issue of
further disruptive and unmanageable conduct as a result of her mental
the burden of proof, they must take a non-pernickety and non-fussy
illness and the cost and time in having to deal with her complaints.
approach and the ETs analysis was consistent with the reasonableness
Therefore, her claims of victimisation and unfair dismissal were dismissed.
approach. They also confirmed that there was no error of law in the ETs
approach in reducing the compensation to zero. TOP TIPS ON HOW TO BE PREPARED FOR AND MANAGE AN
Martin v Devonshires Solicitors - Dismissal of employee who raised EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNAL
false grievances was fair:
1. When dealing with employees ensure a paper trail of the
Ms Martin began employment with Devonshires Solicitors in 2006. She actions you are taking exist even when you dont believe there
raised a grievance in 2008 alleging that various partners at Devonshires is a major problem i.e. document meetings, confirm in writing,
were aware of her previous sex discrimination claim against her etc.
former employer and that she had been subjected to harassment and
2. With disciplinary issues ensure that a full investigation is
victimisation as a result. Devonshires dismissed the grievance and its
conducted, the hearing is fair and dismissal is only a last resort
appeal, concluding that it had been made in bad faith, with malevolent when you are sure of your facts; give the right to appeal.
intent and with no basis in fact.
Soon after she raised her grievance, Ms Martin went on sick leave for 3. Make sure that you have a clear written disciplinary procedure
which is available to all employees.
stress, during which period she raised seven similar further grievances.
Devonshires obtained two medical reports, one from a consultant 4. If you receive an ET1 from for a Tribunal case dont delay in
psychiatrist and another from an occupational health consultant. These submitting your (ET3) response.
divulged that Ms Martin had a history of mental illness and suffered from
a persistent depressive disorder, experiencing paranoid hallucinations 5. Ensure you meet all the tribunal office requirements and
during psychotic spells. deadlines without fail.
Having notified Ms Martin that her employment may be terminated due 6. Act professionally throughout in all communications whether
to the breakdown of mutual trust and confidence, Devonshires wrote written or verbal using external support where necessary.
to Ms Martin dismissing her with immediate effect. The grounds for her
dismissal included the possibility of further relapse, Ms Martins lack of SURVEY INFORMATION
awareness of her condition, the time and money spent on handling the
Company cars remain popular but costly benefit
grievances and the stress that she would suffer on facing the colleagues
against which she had made the allegations on her return to work. Company cars remain a popular benefit, with almost three-quarters of
the 450 employers surveyed by XpertHR offering employees either a
Ms Martin brought claims in the Tribunal against Devonshires for sex
company car or a car allowance.
discrimination, disability discrimination, victimisation and unfair dismissal,
all of which were dismissed. The Tribunal held that Devonshires would According to the company cars survey 2011: cars are a popular but costly
have treated other employees who made similar false allegations in benefit. Around seven in 10 organisations provide cars on the basis of job
the same manner, regardless of their disability, and accordingly there need, while around six in 10 offer cars as a perk to senior employees.
was no direct discrimination. The Tribunal also stated that there was no
requirement for Devonshires to continue to employ Ms Martin, despite
their duty to make reasonable adjustments in light of her disability, and
the victimisation claim was dismissed.
The Active Business Series 2011