King Street Station Utilities Installation 2.20.11 slide showallieger
HVAC ducts were installed throughout the building, connecting to the mechanical vault to distribute air according to LEED standards, while other utilities like water and electricity were also connected. Geothermal well pipes were installed to provide efficient heating and cooling, and concrete trench drains were poured for the plaza. Restoration work also took place on windows, trusses, and other original building elements.
In 1984, in 1990 and in 2005 Congress passed laws exempting certain financial contracts from the standard provisions of the bankruptcy code. In each case, the effect of the law was to protect collateral securing the contract from those provisions of the bankruptcy code that allow a judge to review the claims of secured creditors and to protect the interests of other creditors whenever necessary.
The introduction of inequitable treatment into the bankruptcy code would be acceptable, if in fact the financial contract exemptions worked to protect the stability of the financial system. Recent experience indicates, however, that the special treatment granted to repurchase agreements and over the counter derivatives tends to reduce the stability of the financial system by encouraging collateralized interbank lending and discouraging careful analysis of the credit risk of counterparties. The bankruptcy exemptions also increase the risk that creditors will run on a financial firm and bankrupt it. Thus, the bankruptcy code has been rewritten to favor financial firms and this revision of the law has had a profoundly destabilizing effect on the financial system.
El documento presenta la sistematización de la ense?anza en una escuela normal superior en México. Describe un proyecto de formación basada en competencias dirigido por la profesora Nancy Zambrano con un equipo de estudiantes que incluye a Marina Pereyra Luna. También menciona un objeto de aprendizaje relacionado con el proyecto.
The document discusses the American pop rock band Maroon 5. It details the band members, their debut album Songs About Jane which launched their career in 2002, and some of their subsequent albums and tours. It also confirms that Adam Levine is a member of Maroon 5 and provides some of their website and music.
11.1.10 King Street Station website updateallieger
Workers poured concrete for a new at-grade slab that will serve as the floor for Amtrak baggage and office space at the station. Wooden frames were used to create openings for connecting the slab to underground piles and future plaza structural steel above. Photos documented the pouring process over a long day, showing concrete being supplied via crane and the surface being finished smooth.
The document describes photos taken during the demolition and renovation of a warehouse space and Jackson Plaza. Several photos show the empty warehouse space with the ceiling and partitions removed. Other photos depict the exposed escalators being dismantled and removed from the westside addition of the building. The escalators had to be covered during removal due to asbestos contamination. In total, the photos document the demolition process and removal of the escalators.
Bea Web Logic Workshop81 Jump Start Guideguest4263ad
This document provides an overview and instructions for exercises using BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 beta software. It describes the visual development environment, built-in Java controls, and support for creating web services, web applications, and custom controls. The exercises demonstrate setting up sample data, building a custom control, creating a web service with loose coupling, developing a web application using data binding and page flow technology, and generating a web app from a Java control.
This document summarizes the contributions of several important figures in the fields of anatomy and art. It mentions Andreas Vesalius, Leonardo Da Vinci, Bartolomeo Eustachi, and Henry Gray. For each person, it provides a link to an image related to their scientific works. The document concludes by stating "THE END!!!" and providing additional image credits.
The document summarizes Phase 2A renovations to the Grand Staircase and area under Jackson Plaza, including installing a new aluminum canopy on the west side to match the original, new lighting under the north canopy, large roll up doors on the west wall, scraping the grand staircase to prepare for new terrazzo tiles, erecting mechanicals for a new staircase and elevator in the attic, and installing HVAC, lighting, and unique lighting fixtures throughout the building.
The King Street Station Rehabilitation Project Phase 2 update provides details on renovations including transforming the Jackson Plaza parking lot into a pedestrian plaza with future station access via a grand staircase. Work includes removing asphalt, demolishing the second floor baggage area while preserving barrel vaulted walls and ceilings, installing steel bracing and supporting structures, and revealing original ornamental plaster ceilings and quarter round balconies.
El documento presenta la sistematización de la ense?anza en una escuela normal superior en México. Describe un proyecto de formación basada en competencias dirigido por la profesora Nancy Zambrano con un equipo de estudiantes que incluye a Marina Pereyra Luna. También menciona un objeto de aprendizaje relacionado con el proyecto.
The document discusses the American pop rock band Maroon 5. It details the band members, their debut album Songs About Jane which launched their career in 2002, and some of their subsequent albums and tours. It also confirms that Adam Levine is a member of Maroon 5 and provides some of their website and music.
11.1.10 King Street Station website updateallieger
Workers poured concrete for a new at-grade slab that will serve as the floor for Amtrak baggage and office space at the station. Wooden frames were used to create openings for connecting the slab to underground piles and future plaza structural steel above. Photos documented the pouring process over a long day, showing concrete being supplied via crane and the surface being finished smooth.
The document describes photos taken during the demolition and renovation of a warehouse space and Jackson Plaza. Several photos show the empty warehouse space with the ceiling and partitions removed. Other photos depict the exposed escalators being dismantled and removed from the westside addition of the building. The escalators had to be covered during removal due to asbestos contamination. In total, the photos document the demolition process and removal of the escalators.
Bea Web Logic Workshop81 Jump Start Guideguest4263ad
This document provides an overview and instructions for exercises using BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 beta software. It describes the visual development environment, built-in Java controls, and support for creating web services, web applications, and custom controls. The exercises demonstrate setting up sample data, building a custom control, creating a web service with loose coupling, developing a web application using data binding and page flow technology, and generating a web app from a Java control.
This document summarizes the contributions of several important figures in the fields of anatomy and art. It mentions Andreas Vesalius, Leonardo Da Vinci, Bartolomeo Eustachi, and Henry Gray. For each person, it provides a link to an image related to their scientific works. The document concludes by stating "THE END!!!" and providing additional image credits.
The document summarizes Phase 2A renovations to the Grand Staircase and area under Jackson Plaza, including installing a new aluminum canopy on the west side to match the original, new lighting under the north canopy, large roll up doors on the west wall, scraping the grand staircase to prepare for new terrazzo tiles, erecting mechanicals for a new staircase and elevator in the attic, and installing HVAC, lighting, and unique lighting fixtures throughout the building.
The King Street Station Rehabilitation Project Phase 2 update provides details on renovations including transforming the Jackson Plaza parking lot into a pedestrian plaza with future station access via a grand staircase. Work includes removing asphalt, demolishing the second floor baggage area while preserving barrel vaulted walls and ceilings, installing steel bracing and supporting structures, and revealing original ornamental plaster ceilings and quarter round balconies.
5. Google 破壞一切 第一章 震撼全世界的「破壞戰略」 讓我們先從 Google 的「破壞」開始談起。 近年, Google 在形形色色的局面中開始實行一種「破壞戰略」。「 Google 新聞」就是其中之一。這種新服務,蘊藏著極可能導致報紙、電視、通訊社等業者在網路上進行的商業活動崩盤的可能性。 Google 新聞是個從全球數千家新聞媒體收集形形色色的報導,做個概括彙整的服務。這個服務也有日文版,從國內約六百家新聞媒體的網站中擷取新聞報導,再將收集而來的報導分門別類地依頭條新聞、社會新聞、國際新聞、經濟新聞、政治新聞做歸類,在 Google 新聞首頁上做清楚的排列。
7. 侵 犯 編 輯 權 的 指 控 對 Google 新聞批評得最為激烈的,就是新聞被擅自轉載的大報社和電視台、通訊社等等。對他們而言,除了「編輯權受侵犯」的問題之外,還有一個十分重要的問題。 那就是倘若 Google 新聞一旦普及化,「各報社的網站獲利勢將無法成長。」 Google 在 Google 新聞的連結中僅呈現報導的標題,並沒有擅自轉載整篇文章。只要點選 Google 新聞裡的報導標題,就能直接跳進原本的報導文章所在的頁面,因此報社網站的點擊率並不會因此減少。
10. 不過托 Google 新聞的福,這些邊陲報社的報導,如今已有機會為全球各地的讀者所閱讀。即使不是一家坐擁數十萬、甚至數百萬讀者的強力媒體,只要搭上了 Google 新聞的便車,現在也可能獲廣大讀者的青睞。 對原本位居世界中心的大報社而言,這則是個負面的轉變。 理由是: 「資訊匯流中心」正隨著轟轟巨響開始產生位移。原本位居資訊匯流中心的,是美國三大電視網、 CNN 、華盛頓郵報、紐約時報等部分大型新聞媒體。這些媒體可以自由運用資訊,自在地雕塑出他們想要的新聞。 但如果 Google 新聞能持續向上發展,那麼今後資訊匯流中心將為 Google 所掌握。 Google 的演算法將成為資訊匯流中心,也將成為支配資訊世界的祭司。 這個變革難道還不夠大嗎?
11. 「破坏战略」的真正意义 那就是 Google 並未以 Google 新聞賺取任何利潤。 Google 新聞的網頁上,甚至連個 banner 廣告都沒有。 那麼, Google 究竟是如何獲利的? 若 Google 真的沒有從 Google 新聞賺取分文,那麼提供這個服務的目的又是什麼? 為什麼 Google 試圖要刻意「破壞」傳統媒體的結構?這個「破壞戰略」代表著什麼樣的意義? 在此之前,讓我們再檢視幾個 Google 的「破壞戰略」。
12. Google 在 2005 年十月開始與美國的軟體公司昇陽( Sun MicroSystem )合作。 這消息震撼了整個 IT 產業,許多業界人士都為 Google 接下來將採取怎樣的「破壞」感到戰慄不已。 為何這起合作會引起如此大的衝擊?原因是許多人開始臆測, Google 是否將在未來免費提供堪與微軟的 Office 匹敵的軟體。微軟的 Office ,是個工作上常會用到的應用軟體組合成套出售的軟體。稍稍回顧一下歷史,不難發現昔日在這個分野上,也曾出現過形形色色的產品。若回溯到 1980 年代, Just System 所推出的「一太郎」和管理工學研究所的「松」兩種文字處理軟體曾極為暢銷。在表格計算方面,則是由「 Lotus 123 」和「 VisiCalc 」稱雄。但到了 90 年代中期,這些軟體便漸遭淘汰。取而代之的,是文字處理軟體「 Word 」、表格計算軟體「 Excel 」、時間表管理和收發電子郵件的「 Outlook 」等一系列微軟的產品。後來這些軟體被整合成「微軟 Office 」系列,並在 90 年代末期穩穩坐上了世界標準的寶座。
13. 「王国势将瓦解」 微軟 Office 的零售價格高達三萬至五萬日圓,免費的 Open Office 卻還是無法搶占微軟的市場,充分顯現微軟的市場地位是多麼的牢不可摧。 不過,在昇陽與 Google 攜手合作後,情況就大不相同了。若 Google 運用其強力的 Ajax 技術將 Open Office 做一番改造,供使用者在瀏覽器上使用,將會演變成什麼樣的局面?說不定一套功能強大的辦公軟體「 Google Office 」即將面市,只要掛在網路上就能免費使用。 「這麼一來,持續多年的微軟王國或許將會瓦解。」 許多人抱持這麼樣的期待。 但遺憾的是,在合作計畫的記者發表會上,兩家公司都沒提及任何開發 Ajax 版的 Open Office 的計畫。看到實際的合作內容頗為有限,大家的期待也急速萎縮。 不過令人驚訝的是,這場記者會卻讓微軟大受刺激。 在 Google 與昇陽宣佈合作的一個月後,微軟推出了「 Office Live 」與「 Windows Live 」兩種服務。 「 Office Live 」類似讓大家的期待撲了個空的「 Google Office 」 這場戰爭未來的情勢將是如何,至今仍難以預料。
14. 心 得 報 告 看完的第 1 章才知道原來 Google 是一個有野心、有企圖心的公司,更想不到的是它竟是由 2 個大學研究生研發出來的搜尋系統,而且在短短的 10 年內就可以改變各大報社的模式,也威脅到了微軟世界,真的很令人佩服。管理系統做的好,對員工的待遇也好,員工連不領薪水也要在 Google 工作,就可以知道這個公司是一個多棒的公司,會變的如此也不覺得奇怪。