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917 North Ashbury Ave, Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Home: 630-910-7626 Email: najani0929@gmail.com
 Experienced in the Healthcare industry: Organization, planning and Data and
Quality Assurance
 Computerliterate in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access andin-house &
 High performer under stressful conditions, both as a team player and also
 MBA. National Louis University. 2013
 MBBS (equivalent to MD, per WES). Nagpur University, India. 1981
 Completion of Biomedical Terminology course for Health Sciences-1110. 2013
I. Clinical Accreditation Coordinator,Bone Marrow Transplant, Rush UniversityMedical
Center Feb, 2014-till present
 Coordinates and analysesdata and clinical statusinformation of patientsreferred
to Bone MarrowTransplant.Reviews medical records for datacollection and
analyses to meet requirements for necessary forms, completes data entry, initiates
and monitors compliance and maintains applicable spreadsheetsof all CIBMTR
TED forms, researchforms andNMDP protocol and consents.
 Establishesand maintains effective communication and working relationshipwith
contacts from CIBMTR, NMDP and datacoordinators/peers from other
institutions.Acts as a liaison with the computer HIS department to facilitate new
fields in the BMT database andcreate PDF files for changes/additions to
 Participates in the organization of quality improvement meeting data including
morbidity and mortality, engraftment,positive microbial cultureresultsand
continuousresource management.Provide Education of staff/ Physician related to
improvement opportunities in the documentation in both BMT databaseand
CIBMTR forms.
 Provides back up to the Reimbursement specialist in obtaining benefits and HMO
referrals. Serves as a backup and completes EPIC/Charge Routerentry.
 Assist with long term follow up process in collaborationwith the sr. Clinical Review
coordinatorregarding IDPA patients. Assist APNs, PAs and RNs with patient
contact follow up information andupdated demographic data.
 Assist in the coordination and preparation for on sites visits and/orRFI (requestfor
information) as received by variousaccreditation agencies. (CIBMTR, FACT, BDCT,
and ASBMT etc.
 Initiates, maintains and completes regulatoryupdateson transplantresearch
protocols.Complete continuing reviews andamendments for currentsstudies.
Monitorsand ensurescompliance in the utilization of research consents.
II. Clinical Data Coordinator/Clinical Research Associate, Hem/Onc/Stem Cell Transplant
Program, Lurie Childrens Hospital of Chicago. Nov 2009  Aug.29.2013
 From data entry to reporting of TED forms, CRF (ComprehensiveResearch Forms)
and protocolforms, Day-0, +100Day, +6 monthsand yearly follow up of Transplant
 Abstracting patient data from medical records and EPIC databaseand other in-
house databases for timely reporting of quality initiatives of accreditation and
 Electronically reporting outcomes of Stem Cell Transplantation toCIBMTR and
 Data audit and validation for accuracy; consistency and completeness of reporting
to regulatoryauthorities (CIBMTR)
 Data retrieval back to the center throughAGNIS for research purposes
 Data analysis & statistical evaluationto generate physician requested reports
 Assuredata quality throughchecks and crosschecks of multipledatabases
(BMTServe, StemLab, Epic, etc) and source documents
 Enrollingpatients for studies, monitoring visits and labs, takingconsents and
reportingcontinuing reviews and updatingconsentsand research plansaccording
to the need of IRB
 Processing andshipping research samples to NMDP
 Assurecompliance with regulatoryandaccrediting organizations(CIBMTR, NMDP,
 Participate in regulatory,data, quality and safety meetings and conferences for
continuing education
 Maintaining andupdating in-houseand multicenter protocol databases
 ReportingStudy patientsSAEs to DMC (Data Management Committees)
II. Data Processor, Cardinal Health Inc. Feb2006 Nov 2009
 Data input & retrieval to/from network database;Data transmissionto source
 Data analysis & evaluation to generatecomplicated customer reports
 Perform evaluation of data quality and trouble-shooting
 Assurequality throughpreparationof inventories, reports, charts,graphs and
III. Recalls Coordinator. Cardinal Health Inc. Feb2000  Feb2006
 Notifying customersand hospital facilities about the productrecall.
 Getting authorizationfrom the vendorsto returnrecall products.
 Total operationsof all departments,specializing in returnsand FDA mandated
 Extensive knowledgeof FDA regulations & requirements
 Accurate and timely analytical reporting of irregularities, complaintsand problems
IV. Medical Technician, Chemistry Sept. 99 to Feb2000
 Part-time medical technician in a fast paced medical laboratoryin Chicago Heights
 Analyzed blood, plasma andserum samples, chemistry of 24 hoururine samples
 Maintained a high level of accuracy in reporting, in lowest turnaround time
1. Does MethotrexateAffect TransplantOutcomes?TransplantRelatedMortality,
Engraftment, Graft vs. Host Disease, Overallsurvivaland Event Free Survival in 142
Consecutive Pediatric CordBlood Transplantsat ChildrensMemorial Hospital.
Poster presentation,ASHAnnualMeeting, San Diego,December2011.
2. Promising Outcomes with Tandem AutologousStem Cell Rescue in Late Wilms
Tumor (WT) Relapse. Posterpresentation,ASBMT TandemMeeting, San Diego,
February 2012.

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  • 1. NAZNEEN MERCHANT 917 North Ashbury Ave, Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Home: 630-910-7626 Email: najani0929@gmail.com SUMMARY / EXPERTISE: Experienced in the Healthcare industry: Organization, planning and Data and Quality Assurance Computerliterate in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access andin-house & downstreamdatabases High performer under stressful conditions, both as a team player and also individually EDUCATION: MBA. National Louis University. 2013 MBBS (equivalent to MD, per WES). Nagpur University, India. 1981 Completion of Biomedical Terminology course for Health Sciences-1110. 2013 CURRICULUM VITAE: I. Clinical Accreditation Coordinator,Bone Marrow Transplant, Rush UniversityMedical Center Feb, 2014-till present Coordinates and analysesdata and clinical statusinformation of patientsreferred to Bone MarrowTransplant.Reviews medical records for datacollection and analyses to meet requirements for necessary forms, completes data entry, initiates and monitors compliance and maintains applicable spreadsheetsof all CIBMTR TED forms, researchforms andNMDP protocol and consents. Establishesand maintains effective communication and working relationshipwith contacts from CIBMTR, NMDP and datacoordinators/peers from other institutions.Acts as a liaison with the computer HIS department to facilitate new fields in the BMT database andcreate PDF files for changes/additions to outpatientprogressnotes. Participates in the organization of quality improvement meeting data including morbidity and mortality, engraftment,positive microbial cultureresultsand continuousresource management.Provide Education of staff/ Physician related to improvement opportunities in the documentation in both BMT databaseand CIBMTR forms. Provides back up to the Reimbursement specialist in obtaining benefits and HMO referrals. Serves as a backup and completes EPIC/Charge Routerentry. Assist with long term follow up process in collaborationwith the sr. Clinical Review coordinatorregarding IDPA patients. Assist APNs, PAs and RNs with patient contact follow up information andupdated demographic data.
  • 2. Assist in the coordination and preparation for on sites visits and/orRFI (requestfor information) as received by variousaccreditation agencies. (CIBMTR, FACT, BDCT, and ASBMT etc. Initiates, maintains and completes regulatoryupdateson transplantresearch protocols.Complete continuing reviews andamendments for currentsstudies. Monitorsand ensurescompliance in the utilization of research consents. II. Clinical Data Coordinator/Clinical Research Associate, Hem/Onc/Stem Cell Transplant Program, Lurie Childrens Hospital of Chicago. Nov 2009 Aug.29.2013 From data entry to reporting of TED forms, CRF (ComprehensiveResearch Forms) and protocolforms, Day-0, +100Day, +6 monthsand yearly follow up of Transplant recipients Abstracting patient data from medical records and EPIC databaseand other in- house databases for timely reporting of quality initiatives of accreditation and regulatorycompliance Electronically reporting outcomes of Stem Cell Transplantation toCIBMTR and NMDP Data audit and validation for accuracy; consistency and completeness of reporting to regulatoryauthorities (CIBMTR) Data retrieval back to the center throughAGNIS for research purposes Data analysis & statistical evaluationto generate physician requested reports Assuredata quality throughchecks and crosschecks of multipledatabases (BMTServe, StemLab, Epic, etc) and source documents Enrollingpatients for studies, monitoring visits and labs, takingconsents and reportingcontinuing reviews and updatingconsentsand research plansaccording to the need of IRB Processing andshipping research samples to NMDP Assurecompliance with regulatoryandaccrediting organizations(CIBMTR, NMDP, FACT) Participate in regulatory,data, quality and safety meetings and conferences for continuing education Maintaining andupdating in-houseand multicenter protocol databases ReportingStudy patientsSAEs to DMC (Data Management Committees) II. Data Processor, Cardinal Health Inc. Feb2006 Nov 2009 Data input & retrieval to/from network database;Data transmissionto source customers Data analysis & evaluation to generatecomplicated customer reports Perform evaluation of data quality and trouble-shooting Assurequality throughpreparationof inventories, reports, charts,graphs and audits III. Recalls Coordinator. Cardinal Health Inc. Feb2000 Feb2006 Notifying customersand hospital facilities about the productrecall. Getting authorizationfrom the vendorsto returnrecall products. Total operationsof all departments,specializing in returnsand FDA mandated recalls
  • 3. Extensive knowledgeof FDA regulations & requirements Accurate and timely analytical reporting of irregularities, complaintsand problems IV. Medical Technician, Chemistry Sept. 99 to Feb2000 Part-time medical technician in a fast paced medical laboratoryin Chicago Heights Analyzed blood, plasma andserum samples, chemistry of 24 hoururine samples etc. Maintained a high level of accuracy in reporting, in lowest turnaround time ABSTRACTS & PUBLICATIONS: 1. Does MethotrexateAffect TransplantOutcomes?TransplantRelatedMortality, Engraftment, Graft vs. Host Disease, Overallsurvivaland Event Free Survival in 142 Consecutive Pediatric CordBlood Transplantsat ChildrensMemorial Hospital. Poster presentation,ASHAnnualMeeting, San Diego,December2011. 2. Promising Outcomes with Tandem AutologousStem Cell Rescue in Late Wilms Tumor (WT) Relapse. Posterpresentation,ASBMT TandemMeeting, San Diego, February 2012.