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Valerie Watson, Curriculum vitae
Curriculumvitaeof: Valerie Watson, CCRC
205 Copper Square Drive, Bethel, CT 06801
(203)994-4962 (mobile)
 Highly-focused, with a strict attention todetailand accuracy.
 Multi-tasking combinedwith excellent project managementskills and the ability to workwithin strict
 Outstanding interpersonal skills, building positive relationships withstudy participants and sponsors.
 Strong advocate of teamwork, performance excellence andcontinuous improvement.
Clinical Research Coordinator
 Responsible for theoverall coordination, organization, communication andefficientimplementation of
clinical trials.
 Responsible for patient recruitment, coordination of care of the researchpatients, protocol
implementation, data collection and query resolution.
 Responsible for screeningpatients for study participationby reviewing medicalrecord, collaborating with
medical and researchstaff as necessary.
 Assists withobtaining and documenting informed consentaccording to standardoperating procedures.
 Maintains accurate and through documentation onallsource documents and casereport forms for each
study patient, resolvingall patient queries.
 Coordinates andparticipates in monitoring visits/audits with regulatory agencies and sponsors.
 Participates in investigator, coordinator or study initiation meetings as required.
 Responsible for educatingthe hospitalstaff about protocols throughin-services, written materials and
one-on-one interaction, for each studypatient and for generalmarketing.
 Demonstrates flexibility in daily routineand effectively accommodates the needs of the job(i.e.:
late/early patient enrollment)
 Participates in investigator, coordinator or study initiation meetings as required.
 Responsible for regulatory documentpreparation for new andexistingIRBsubmissions.
 Responsible for all adverse event reporting and proper documentation.
 Responsible for conducting subject visits in accordance with sponsor protocolandGCP/ICHguidelines.
 Responsible for preparingrecruitment plans and advertisement materials for sponsors.
 Responsible for investigationalproduct accountability includingreceiving investigationalproductfrom
sponsor/CRO, providing appropriatestorage of products andsupplies according toICHguidelines,
ensuring the proper dispensingof the IP, ordering and returningused and unusedIP.
 Assists in the account management of researchfunds, including paymenttracking from the sponsor to the
institution and payments topatients.
 Responsible for organizing, planning, and presenting quarterly patient educationsessions.
 Assists in training and development of new employees within the researchdepartment.
AdministrativeAssistant/Clinical Research Coordinator
 Coordinated protocol implementation, obtaininganddocumentinginformed consent, IRBreporting,
query resolution, clinical data collection, reimbursement, serious adverse event reporting and retentionfor
clinical trials.
 Assisted with budget development and maintenance.
 Assisted with implementation of new policies and directives in accordance with organizationalguidelines
 Extrapolated and prepared data for monitoring andquality assurancepurposes.
 Decreased office expenditures byimplementingneeded controls on medicaland surgicalsupply stock,
office supplies andstandardizing ordering procedures.
Valerie Watson, Curriculum vitae
 Assisted with development and implementationof new electronic medicalrecord and pharmacy
management system.
 Provided training and supportfor department and network staff through electronic system transitions.
2005-2008 Scheduler/Secretary Danbury, CT
 Answered phones, triagedcalls andtook messages, scheduled patientappointments, outpatient
procedures and testing.
 Created daily assignment log for accountability and toensurethat allsecretarialtasks were completed in a
timely manner
 Obtained, verified, and updated allinsurance informationto ensure proper andefficientregistration at
patient arrival
 Obtained medical transcriptionfromphysicians to ensure promptprocessing byfile staff.
 Functioned as a medical assistant and receptionistwhenstaffing needs demanded.
 Created and implemented training guides, and competencyevaluations for new secretarialand file room
 Assisted with clinical trial visits and data entry.
2001-2005 Medical Assistant/Secretary Danbury, CT
 Demonstrated proficiencies in taking patientmedicalhistories, ROS, andvitalsigns as wellas performing
veinpunctures, EKGs, Simple Pulmonary Exercise Tests and medication teaching.
 Ensured the cleanliness, sanitation, andmaintenance of allfacilities, exam rooms and equipment.
 Developed efficiency-enhancingworkflow/process improvements thatmade it possible toaccommodate
increasing responsibilities necessitated byincreasing provider productivity.
 Developed a safetystepfor bariatric patients toeliminate the exam room table hazardandtoincrease
 Efficiently handled administrative duties toensurethat providers could focus onpatient satisfaction and
increase productivity.
 Created and implemented training guides, and competencyevaluations for new medicalassistants to
ensure that consistency was achieved when trainingnew staff members.
Association of Clinical ResearchProfessionals (ACRP)  certified clinicalresearch coordinator  Active
Model Agreements & Guidelines International (MAGI)  Active
Society of Clinical Research Associates, Inc. (SoCRA)  Active
Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS) - Active
 2008  AttendedGCP/ICHseminar providedby Genentech for the EXCELS study.
 2008  AttendedDiversity in the Workplace Training provided byDanbury Hospital.
 2008  AttendedManager/Supervisor training provided by DanburyHospital.
 2010  AttendedICH/GCP trainingprovided byBoehringer Ingelheim.
 2011  NIHWeb-basedtraining course Protecting Human ResearchParticipants.
 2011  MAYO Medical Laboratories Handling/Offering for Transportation of Dangerous Goods.
 2011 - Attended ICH/GCP training provided by Boehringer Ingelheim.
 2011  AttendedICH/GCP trainingprovided byNovartis Pharmaceuticals.
 2012  ACRP CertifiedClinical Research Coordinator Exam Passed
 2012- Attended IATATraining provided by the State of Connecticut.
 2012 - Attended ICH/GCP training provided by Boehringer Ingelheim.
 2013  AttendedICH/GCP transcelerate training providedby Boehringer Ingelheim.
 2013  AttendedICH/GCP trainingprovided byPearlTherapeutics.
 2013  NIHWeb-basedtraining course renewalProtectingHuman Research Participants.
 2013  BLS for the Healthcare Provider provided by the American HeartAssociation
 2014  AttendedIATArenewal trainingprovided bytheState of Connecticut.
 2014  AttendedICH/GCP trainingprovided byAradigm.
 2014  Medidata certified professional
Valerie Watson, Curriculum vitae
 2015  AttendedICH/GCP trainingprovided byGlaxoSmithKline
 2015  BLS for the Healthcare Provider course renewalprovidedby the American HeartAssociation
B.A. in Biology
 Researchprojects: EcologicalImpactof Exotic Earthworm Introduction to NortheasternHardwood
Forestsand analysis of sedimentmetagenome community within Lake Zoar.
 Metagenome analysis of soilsedimentfromLake Zoar was presentedat WestConn Research Day, May
14, 2010.
 Elective courseworkin; Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular Genetics, Cell& Developmental
Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, andMedicinalChemistry.

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  • 1. Valerie Watson, Curriculum vitae Curriculumvitaeof: Valerie Watson, CCRC 205 Copper Square Drive, Bethel, CT 06801 vwatson2410@gmail.com (203)994-4962 (mobile) QUALIFICATIONS: Highly-focused, with a strict attention todetailand accuracy. Multi-tasking combinedwith excellent project managementskills and the ability to workwithin strict deadlines. Outstanding interpersonal skills, building positive relationships withstudy participants and sponsors. Strong advocate of teamwork, performance excellence andcontinuous improvement. EXPERIENCE 2011-Present DANBURY HOSPITAL, DEPARTMENT OFMEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Danbury, CT Clinical Research Coordinator Responsible for theoverall coordination, organization, communication andefficientimplementation of clinical trials. Responsible for patient recruitment, coordination of care of the researchpatients, protocol implementation, data collection and query resolution. Responsible for screeningpatients for study participationby reviewing medicalrecord, collaborating with medical and researchstaff as necessary. Assists withobtaining and documenting informed consentaccording to standardoperating procedures. Maintains accurate and through documentation onallsource documents and casereport forms for each study patient, resolvingall patient queries. Coordinates andparticipates in monitoring visits/audits with regulatory agencies and sponsors. Participates in investigator, coordinator or study initiation meetings as required. Responsible for educatingthe hospitalstaff about protocols throughin-services, written materials and one-on-one interaction, for each studypatient and for generalmarketing. Demonstrates flexibility in daily routineand effectively accommodates the needs of the job(i.e.: late/early patient enrollment) Participates in investigator, coordinator or study initiation meetings as required. Responsible for regulatory documentpreparation for new andexistingIRBsubmissions. Responsible for all adverse event reporting and proper documentation. Responsible for conducting subject visits in accordance with sponsor protocolandGCP/ICHguidelines. Responsible for preparingrecruitment plans and advertisement materials for sponsors. Responsible for investigationalproduct accountability includingreceiving investigationalproductfrom sponsor/CRO, providing appropriatestorage of products andsupplies according toICHguidelines, ensuring the proper dispensingof the IP, ordering and returningused and unusedIP. Assists in the account management of researchfunds, including paymenttracking from the sponsor to the institution and payments topatients. Responsible for organizing, planning, and presenting quarterly patient educationsessions. Assists in training and development of new employees within the researchdepartment. 2008-2011 DANBURY OFFICEOF PHYSICIANSERVICES, PC, PULMONARY DEPARTMENT Danbury, CT AdministrativeAssistant/Clinical Research Coordinator Coordinated protocol implementation, obtaininganddocumentinginformed consent, IRBreporting, query resolution, clinical data collection, reimbursement, serious adverse event reporting and retentionfor clinical trials. Assisted with budget development and maintenance. Assisted with implementation of new policies and directives in accordance with organizationalguidelines Extrapolated and prepared data for monitoring andquality assurancepurposes. Decreased office expenditures byimplementingneeded controls on medicaland surgicalsupply stock, office supplies andstandardizing ordering procedures.
  • 2. Valerie Watson, Curriculum vitae Assisted with development and implementationof new electronic medicalrecord and pharmacy management system. Provided training and supportfor department and network staff through electronic system transitions. 2005-2008 Scheduler/Secretary Danbury, CT Answered phones, triagedcalls andtook messages, scheduled patientappointments, outpatient procedures and testing. Created daily assignment log for accountability and toensurethat allsecretarialtasks were completed in a timely manner Obtained, verified, and updated allinsurance informationto ensure proper andefficientregistration at patient arrival Obtained medical transcriptionfromphysicians to ensure promptprocessing byfile staff. Functioned as a medical assistant and receptionistwhenstaffing needs demanded. Created and implemented training guides, and competencyevaluations for new secretarialand file room staff. Assisted with clinical trial visits and data entry. 2001-2005 Medical Assistant/Secretary Danbury, CT Demonstrated proficiencies in taking patientmedicalhistories, ROS, andvitalsigns as wellas performing veinpunctures, EKGs, Simple Pulmonary Exercise Tests and medication teaching. Ensured the cleanliness, sanitation, andmaintenance of allfacilities, exam rooms and equipment. Developed efficiency-enhancingworkflow/process improvements thatmade it possible toaccommodate increasing responsibilities necessitated byincreasing provider productivity. Developed a safetystepfor bariatric patients toeliminate the exam room table hazardandtoincrease accessibility. Efficiently handled administrative duties toensurethat providers could focus onpatient satisfaction and increase productivity. Created and implemented training guides, and competencyevaluations for new medicalassistants to ensure that consistency was achieved when trainingnew staff members. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Association of Clinical ResearchProfessionals (ACRP) certified clinicalresearch coordinator Active Model Agreements & Guidelines International (MAGI) Active Society of Clinical Research Associates, Inc. (SoCRA) Active Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS) - Active SKILLS AND ACTIVITIES 2008 AttendedGCP/ICHseminar providedby Genentech for the EXCELS study. 2008 AttendedDiversity in the Workplace Training provided byDanbury Hospital. 2008 AttendedManager/Supervisor training provided by DanburyHospital. 2010 AttendedICH/GCP trainingprovided byBoehringer Ingelheim. 2011 NIHWeb-basedtraining course Protecting Human ResearchParticipants. 2011 MAYO Medical Laboratories Handling/Offering for Transportation of Dangerous Goods. 2011 - Attended ICH/GCP training provided by Boehringer Ingelheim. 2011 AttendedICH/GCP trainingprovided byNovartis Pharmaceuticals. 2012 ACRP CertifiedClinical Research Coordinator Exam Passed 2012- Attended IATATraining provided by the State of Connecticut. 2012 - Attended ICH/GCP training provided by Boehringer Ingelheim. 2013 AttendedICH/GCP transcelerate training providedby Boehringer Ingelheim. 2013 AttendedICH/GCP trainingprovided byPearlTherapeutics. 2013 NIHWeb-basedtraining course renewalProtectingHuman Research Participants. 2013 BLS for the Healthcare Provider provided by the American HeartAssociation 2014 AttendedIATArenewal trainingprovided bytheState of Connecticut. 2014 AttendedICH/GCP trainingprovided byAradigm. 2014 Medidata certified professional
  • 3. Valerie Watson, Curriculum vitae 2015 AttendedICH/GCP trainingprovided byGlaxoSmithKline 2015 BLS for the Healthcare Provider course renewalprovidedby the American HeartAssociation EDUCATION May 2010 WESTERN CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY Danbury, CT B.A. in Biology Researchprojects: EcologicalImpactof Exotic Earthworm Introduction to NortheasternHardwood Forestsand analysis of sedimentmetagenome community within Lake Zoar. Metagenome analysis of soilsedimentfromLake Zoar was presentedat WestConn Research Day, May 14, 2010. Elective courseworkin; Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular Genetics, Cell& Developmental Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, andMedicinalChemistry.