tilapiabreeding and production-220317104828.pptxwaleedelhawarry2
Tilapia breeding is important for global aquaculture production and food security. Nile tilapia is the most commonly farmed species due to its fast growth, high reproduction rates, and ability to thrive in various environments. Tilapia can be bred through mixed-sex or mono-sex culture. Mono-sex male culture is preferred for commercial farms since males grow larger. Methods to produce male-only populations include manual sexing, hybridization with other species, hormone treatment of fry, and genetic manipulation. Hormone treatments typically involve feeding fry diets supplemented with steroids like 17-alpha methyltestosterone.
fish production techniques and different requirements.pptwaleedelhawarry2
This document discusses farm record keeping and accounting procedures for fish farms. It explains the importance of keeping accurate records for effective farm management and decision making. Key points covered include the different types of records needed like income/expenditure records, production records, and inventory records. The document also discusses how financial statements like the net worth statement and income/profit and loss statement can be used to evaluate farm performance and financial position over time.
fish ecology and feed chain in aquatic enviromentwaleedelhawarry2
describe the aquatic ecosystem and different natural food and feeding habits of fish species, thus helping to quite clearly understand the requirements for successful fish farming
This document discusses vaccination failure in poultry flocks. It defines vaccination and immunization, and explains that vaccination failure occurs when birds do not develop adequate antibody levels after vaccination, leaving them susceptible to disease. Causes of failure include issues with vaccine storage, handling and administration, as well as environmental stress and health status of the flock. To overcome failure, the document recommends implementing strong biosecurity measures, ensuring optimal management conditions for birds, using a suitable vaccination program tailored to disease challenges, and strictly controlling access to farms.
This document defines various microbiological terms related to pathogenicity and infection. It discusses how pathogens can enter the body through mucous membranes, skin, or parenterally. Once inside the host, pathogens use several mechanisms to penetrate defenses, including adherence via adhesins, capsules to avoid phagocytosis, and enzymes that damage host tissues. Toxins, either exotoxins secreted outside bacterial cells or endotoxins in gram-negative cell walls, are also important virulence factors. Vaccines work by using inactivated toxins or toxoids to stimulate antibody production against pathogenic toxins.
Aquaculture in Africa A Comparative Review of Egypt Nigeria and Uganda Vis Vi...waleedelhawarry2
This document reviews aquaculture in key African countries including Egypt, Nigeria, Uganda, and South Africa. It finds that aquaculture production in Egypt grew substantially from 139,389 tons in 1998 to 1,561,457 tons in 2018, accounting for 71% of Africa's total output. Nigeria's aquaculture also increased significantly from 20,458 tons to 291,233 tons over the same period, driven largely by private sector initiatives. Uganda similarly saw strong growth in production from 2,360 tons in 2001 to 103,737 tons in 2018 after strategic government interventions. The review aims to identify critical success factors that could help guide further development of aquaculture in South Africa.
The document discusses dairy cattle, including the different dairy breeds selected for their milk production, the milking process on dairy farms, common diseases that can affect the dairy industry, and the anatomy of dairy cows related to digestion and milk production. Key information includes the top dairy breeds, the steps in machine milking, diseases like mastitis that impact milk quality and production, and the multi-chambered stomach and udder anatomy that enable dairy cows to digest grass and produce large volumes of milk. Understanding these topics is important for the efficient functioning and success of the dairy industry.
This document provides guidance on broiler chicken management. It discusses preparing the housing, ensuring quality chicks and transportation, preparing feed and water systems, and monitoring early chick performance. Key points include minimizing age differences between parent flocks, preparing equipment and heating the housing before chick arrival, checking feed and water quality and availability, and monitoring chick growth by weighing samples at 7 days. Maintaining proper temperature and humidity is also essential for chick health and growth during the brooding period.
This document defines key terms related to tilapia hatchery operations. It explains that a hatchery breeds fish to produce fry and fingerlings for growing out. Fry are very young tilapia hatched from eggs, while fingerlings are juveniles over 1 gram that have completed nursery culture and are ready for grow-out ponds. The document also notes that grow-out involves stocking fingerlings in ponds and feeding them until they reach market size.