EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE with Blended Technology + Learning Skills Presentation 3Janet AdegbenroBlended learning is becoming more prevalent in education and is compelling educators to rethink their approaches to teaching and learning. Leaders are challenged to adapt their institutions to meet rising student expectations and connectivity demands. A blended learning model provides innovative options to address varying student needs through self-directed learning. As technology transforms societies, integrating technology and developing emotional intelligence in teacher-student interactions will be key to effective knowledge transfer and excellent performance in the 21st century.
ARUN CV FINANCEArunsenthilkumar DharmanD. Arun Senthil Kumar is seeking a challenging position that allows for personal and professional development. He has 7 years of experience in collections for banks and telecom companies. Most recently, he worked as a Cluster Collection Manager for Eureka Forbes, handling collections and repossessions for several districts in Tamil Nadu.
CEM London 27 Jan 2016 - Jan HeyensJan HeyensThe document summarizes Mobistar's shift from a sales-centric to a service-centric retail model. Some of the key changes included rationalizing underperforming stores, investing in new IT infrastructure, improving signage and digital displays in stores, moving from an agent to franchise model, and changing staff compensation to focus more on customer experience metrics like NPS instead of sales targets. The main lesson was that staff attitude was the biggest driver of customer satisfaction scores, not digital investments or product offerings. Changing the company culture and incentivizing good customer service was essential to the transformation.
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE with Blended Technology + Learning Skills Presentation 3Janet AdegbenroBlended learning is becoming more prevalent in education and is compelling educators to rethink their approaches to teaching and learning. Leaders are challenged to adapt their institutions to meet rising student expectations and connectivity demands. A blended learning model provides innovative options to address varying student needs through self-directed learning. As technology transforms societies, integrating technology and developing emotional intelligence in teacher-student interactions will be key to effective knowledge transfer and excellent performance in the 21st century.
ARUN CV FINANCEArunsenthilkumar DharmanD. Arun Senthil Kumar is seeking a challenging position that allows for personal and professional development. He has 7 years of experience in collections for banks and telecom companies. Most recently, he worked as a Cluster Collection Manager for Eureka Forbes, handling collections and repossessions for several districts in Tamil Nadu.
CEM London 27 Jan 2016 - Jan HeyensJan HeyensThe document summarizes Mobistar's shift from a sales-centric to a service-centric retail model. Some of the key changes included rationalizing underperforming stores, investing in new IT infrastructure, improving signage and digital displays in stores, moving from an agent to franchise model, and changing staff compensation to focus more on customer experience metrics like NPS instead of sales targets. The main lesson was that staff attitude was the biggest driver of customer satisfaction scores, not digital investments or product offerings. Changing the company culture and incentivizing good customer service was essential to the transformation.
Agribusiness Social Media PaulsenThis document provides guidance on using social media for agribusiness. It outlines eight key reasons to use social media: lead generation, strengthening customer relationships, improving corporate image, broadening media buy, competitive monitoring, showcasing expertise, setting goals, and owning the process. It then discusses breaking down social media use, understanding your audience, developing protocols, having valuable content to share, building a social media network, and measuring and analyzing results. The overall message is that social media is an important marketing channel for agribusiness when used strategically and with a focus on transparency, expertise, community, and goals.
How to define an effective mobile development strategyMrinal SinghThere are a number of options to undertake a successful mobile development, this presentation looks at some of the options available and testing strategy that can be adopted
Best Practice for Selling on AmazonDaytodayebayAmazon brought in challenging changes in 2016 for sellers, from increased search term capacity, ban of incentivised product reviews to introduction of bid + in sponsored Ads.
This presentation talks about best practices of selling on Amazon and it was presented at Spring Fair 2017.
Tectonics exim-pvt-ltdTectonics Exim Pvt LtdTectonics Exim Pvt Ltd is a prominent manufacturer, wholesaler, trader and exporter of bags and aprons established in 2003 in Kolkata, India. They offer high-quality products including wine jute bags, beach bags, embroidered bags, and more. The company has a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility with latest equipment and an experienced team. Director Ms. Mousumi Chatterjee's leadership and motivation have helped the company achieve success.
BrejeiroPartitura de BandaCompositor - Ernesto Nazaré
Arranjo - RJPeixoto
Estilo - Outros
Formação - Quinteto(Metais)
Fiber optics 2-1grantlercThe document discusses fiber optic cable types and selection criteria. It covers:
- Cable types including tight buffer, distribution, loose tube, and ribbon cables and their applications.
- Factors to consider when choosing cable like bandwidth needs, attenuation rate, length, cost, and environmental requirements.
- Specifications for fiber optic cables related to their installation and operating environment.
- Choosing the right fiber type depending on needs, including installing spare fibers and future-proofing with single-mode fibers.
Proyecto de aula el lugencioANDESUn sencillo prtoyecto publicado con el objetivo de que las personas tomemos conciencia sobre la infinita importancia del medio ambiente,,,hagamoslo por nuestros hijos y los hijos de nuestros hijos.
Презентация работы ШМО учителей филологов и гуманитарного циклаGulnara AshimovaОрганизация методической работы ШМО учителей филологов и гуманитарного цикла МОУ "Овощновская школа"
Название мероприятия Класс Дата, время проведения Место
1. Конкурс чтецов «И долговечней царственное
5 – 11 кл. 06.02.17,
начало в 14.30.
Здание № 1,
каб. 326
Учителя русского
языка и литературы
2. Конкурс творческих работ «Не прервется
связь поколений».
5 – 11 кл. 06.02.17 – 10.02.17 Кабинеты
Учителя русского
языка и литературы
3. Московская традиционная олимпиада по
лингвистике. Дистанционный тур.
5 – 11 кл. 06.02.17 – 08.02.17
Учителя русского
языка и литературы
4. Библиотечные уроки «С книгой по жизни» 5 – 6 кл. 06.02.17 – 10.02.17 Библиотека, здания
№ 1, № 2
Учителя р. яз. и
лит.совместно с
5. Открытый урок. «В царстве Берендея». 7 «Г» кл. 06.02.17,
10.20 (3-ий урок)
Здание № 2,
каб. 422
Ярмиш В. Л.
6. Урок в Музее истории русского языка. 7 «Б»,
8 «В» кл.
12.20 (5 урок)
Здание № 1,
каб. 124
Семенова И. Е.
7. Клуб книгочеев. «Увлекательный мир
литературы: по страницам А. Грина,
В. Распутина, А. Куприна, К. Симонова)».
6 «Г»
Здание № 2,
каб. 414
С. В.
8. Лингвистическая игра «Что за прелесть эти
9 «Г»,
7 «Г» кл.
Здание № 2,
каб. 422
Ярмиш В. Л.
9. Конкурс юных поэтов «Пробы пера». 5 – 11 кл. 08.02.17 По графику работы
Учителя русского
языка и литературы
10. Поэтические пятиминутки. 5 – 11 кл. 09.02.17 На уроках
Стенюгина О. В.,
Ляхова Е. Е., Соболь
А. А
11. Конкурс знатоков творчества А. С. Пушкина
«И чувства добрые я лирой пробуждал».
7 «А»,
7 «В» кл.
Здание № 1,
каб. 326
Денисова Т. А.
12. Викторина, посвященная А. С. Пушкину
«Я памятник себе воздвиг нерукотворный».
5 – 11 кл. 10.02.17 Здание № 2, каб.412 Стенюгина О. В.,
Ляхова Е. Е., Соболь
А. А
13 Вебинар «Современный литературный Учителя - 13.02.17, Онлайн Учителя русского
Берегите наш язык, наш
прекрасный русский язык,
этот клад, это достояние,
переданное нам нашими
И. С. Тургенев