The document discusses XPath, which is a language for finding information in an XML document. It defines XPath syntax using path expressions to select nodes. It describes XPath terminology like nodes, relationships between nodes, and functions. Examples are provided to demonstrate XPath expressions for selecting elements, attributes, and filtering nodes. Predicates are also described for finding specific nodes or values.
This document provides an overview of XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) which is used to transform XML documents into other XML documents or other formats like HTML. It discusses the main components of XSL including XSLT, XPath, and XSL-FO. Key elements of XSLT like xsl:template, xsl:apply-templates, xsl:value-of are described along with how XSLT transformations work. The role of XPath in navigating XML documents and selecting nodes is also summarized.
1) The document discusses XPath, an XML query language used to select nodes from an XML document. It provides examples of how XPath can be used to query nodes based on attributes, children, and other properties.
2) The document then discusses how XPath injection could allow an attacker to bypass authentication, bypass business logic, or extract arbitrary data from an XML database if user input is not sanitized in XPath queries.
3) Useful XPath functions like count, name, substring are demonstrated that could help an attacker crawl through and extract information from an XML structure. True/false-based blind XPath injection techniques are also presented.
This document provides an overview of XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), XPath, and XQuery. XSLT is used to transform XML documents into other formats like HTML. It consists of templates, elements like for-each, and attributes like match. XPath allows navigation of XML documents using path expressions and axes. Common functions include substring and max. XQuery is similar to SQL for querying XML databases using FLWOR expressions, path expressions, and predicates to extract and filter data.
This document provides an introduction to XML Path Language (XPath), which is a syntax for locating information in an XML document. It describes the different node types in an XML document and XPath tree, such as element nodes, attribute nodes, and text nodes. It also explains some basic XPath concepts like axes, node tests, and location paths that allow navigating the XPath tree using steps separated by axes and node tests. Some examples of XPath functions and operators for manipulating node sets returned from location paths are also presented. Finally, it provides sample XML documents and uses XPath to select nodes and extract information from them.
This document discusses techniques for improving the performance of DITA-OT processing. It identifies some common pain points with DITA-OT performance related to hardware, memory, and inefficient XSLT code. It provides tips for optimizing hardware configuration, Java memory settings, and writing efficient XSLT using techniques like caching parsed files, using keys instead of repeated searches, and avoiding inefficient patterns. Measurement of performance in different environments and with profiling tools is emphasized to identify the most impactful optimizations.
This document provides an overview of XML, XML schema, parsing XML, and GladeXML. It defines XML and its components like elements and attributes. It describes XML schema and provides a simple example. It explains how to parse an XML document into a DOM object and access elements. It also gives an overview of how GladeXML can dynamically load user interfaces from XML descriptions.
This document discusses XML validation using an XML schema (XSD) file. It provides an example of using an XmlReader with validation enabled to validate an XML file against an XSD schema. The example loads an XML file, validates it using a schema at a given URI, and handles any validation errors, displaying status messages. It demonstrates how to automatically generate an XSD from an XML file in Visual Studio to define the XML structure.
XML is a markup language similar to HTML but designed for structured data rather than web pages. It uses tags to define elements and attributes, and can be validated using DTDs or XML schemas. XML documents can be transformed and queried using XSLT and XPath respectively. SAX is an event-based parser that reads XML sequentially while DOM loads the entire document into memory for random access.
The document discusses XML and related technologies:
1. XML is used to mark up data with user-defined tags and describes the structure of data. It is more flexible than HTML which uses predefined tags.
2. XML documents must follow basic rules like being well-formed with matching tags and properly nested elements.
3. XML can be validated using DTDs or XML Schema which define constraints and data types for elements.
XPath is a language for navigating and selecting nodes in an XML document using path expressions. It selects nodes by following a path through the XML tree structure. Some useful path expressions include nodename to select child nodes, / to select from the root, and // to select nodes anywhere in the document that match the selection. XPath uses wildcards like * to match any element node and @* to match any attribute node.
This document provides an overview of XML including:
- XML stands for Extensible Markup Language and is used to carry data, not display it. Tags are user-defined.
- An XML example shows a simple note with predefined tags.
- XML schemas define valid elements, attributes, structure and data types for XML documents.
- XML documents form a tree structure with elements nested within a root element. Syntax rules ensure documents are well-formed.
- XML parsers like SAX and DOM are used to read and build a model of an XML document programmatically.
This document provides examples and explanations of common functions for lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets in Python. It describes functions like sort(), append(), extend(), index(), max(), min(), len() for lists. For tuples it covers functions like cmp(), len(), max(), min(), tuple(), sum(). Dictionary functions discussed include clear(), copy(), fromkeys(), get(), items(), keys(), pop(), popitem(), setdefault(), update(), values(), cmp(). Set functions covered are add(), clear(), copy(), difference(), difference_update(), discard(), intersection(), intersection_update(), isdisjoint(), issubset(), issuperset(), pop(), remove(), symmetric_difference(), symmetric_difference_update(), union(), update().
The document summarizes some of the new features introduced in Java 7. It discusses binary literals, underscores in numeric literals, strings in switch statements, automatic resource management using try-with-resources, multi-catch exceptions, more precise rethrowing of exceptions, diamond operator for generic types, varargs warnings and suppression, Java NIO.2 features for file navigation, directories, symbolic links, and walking file trees. The document provides examples and explanations of how to use these new Java 7 language features.
FME is good for broad user skill levels, maintainability, portability, and rapid modification. Python can be used in FME for start-up scripts, shut-down scripts, scripted parameters, and the PythonCreator and PythonCaller transformers. Good examples of Python use include smart scripted parameters, front-stage file manipulation, inter-feature dependent operations, non-standard geometry manipulation, tedious operations, recursion, and file manipulation. General rules for Python use in FME include using loggers instead of print statements, being aware that scripted parameters are hard to debug, avoiding non-standard library imports, and not copying PythonCaller transformers.
XML presentation discusses XML (Extensible Markup Language). It describes XML as a text-based markup language derived from SGML that is extensible and carries data without presenting it. The document provides examples of XML documents and elements like articles, authors, titles, and text. It also discusses XML syntax rules, namespaces to avoid element name conflicts, and the importance of XML for data transfer, configuration files, schemas/templates, and more. Querying XML data with XPath and XQuery is also introduced.
This document discusses multithreading and concurrency in .NET. It covers key concepts like processes and threads, and how they relate on an operating system level. It also discusses the Thread Pool, Task Parallel Library (TPL), Tasks, Parallel LINQ (PLINQ), and asynchronous programming patterns in .NET like async/await. Examples are provided for common threading techniques like producer/consumer and using the Timer class. Overall it serves as a comprehensive overview of multithreading and concurrency primitives available in the .NET framework.
This document provides an introduction to Scala concepts and features compared to Java, including how to set up Scala, the Simple Build Tool (SBT), case classes, lazy definitions, imports, objects, pattern matching, collections, higher-order functions, partial functions, currying, implicit conversions, and implicit parameters. Useful Scala resources are also listed.
XML documents can be represented and stored in memory as tree structures using models like DOM and XDM. XPath is an expression language used to navigate and select parts of an XML tree. It allows traversing elements and their attributes, filtering nodes by properties or position, and evaluating paths relative to a context node. While XPath expressions cannot modify the document, they are commonly used with languages like XSLT and XQuery which can transform or extract data from XML trees.
Article link httpiveybusinessjournal.compublicationmanaging-.docxfredharris32
Article link:
Requirements: Write one summary and study note both no longer than one pages should include all point of article. Then do a PPT and write a presenting paper only for 5 minutes.
Groups of students will create and offer two MS PowerPoint presentation summarizing the main points of one of the readings for this course along with a one page handout for the students in the class. The aim of the presentations and the handouts is to provide the audience with the main ideas of the article and study notes. Groups will bring to class enough copies of the handout for each student in the class. The handout should list the name of the author, the title of the article, the title of the journal, and the publication date and page numbers along with a summary of its main points. Please do not exceed one page for this material.
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* Read a .dat file and reverse it.
public class Reverse {
public static void main(String[]args) {
if (args.length != 3) {
System.err.println(" Incorrect number of arguments");
System.err.println(" Usage: ");
println("\tjava Reverse <stack type> <input file> <output file>");
boolean useList = true;
if (args[0].compareTo("list")==0)
useList = true;
else if (args[0].compareTo("array")==0)
useList = false;
else {
System.err.println("\tSaw "+args[0]+" instead of list or array as first argument");
try {
// Set up the input file to read, and the output file to write to
BufferedReader fileIn =
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[1]));
PrintWriter fileOut =
new PrintWriter(new
BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(args[2])));
// Read the first line of the .dat file to get sample rate.
// We want to store the sample rate value in a variable,
// but we can ignore the "; Sample Rate" part of the line.
// Step through the first line one token (word) at a time
// using the StringTokenizer. The fourth token is the one
// we want (the sample rate).
StringTokenizer str;
String oneLine;
int sampleRate;
String strJunk;
oneLine = fileIn.readLine();
str = new StringTokenizer(oneLine);
strJunk = str.nextToken(); // Read in semicolon
strJunk = str.nextToken(); // Read in "Sample"
strJunk = str.nextToken(); // Read in "Rate"
// ...
These questions will be a bit advanced level 2sadhana312471
These questions will be a bit advanced(Intermediate) in terms of Python interview.
This is the continuity of Nail the Python Interview Questions.
The fields that these questions will help you in are:
Python Developer
Data Analyst
Research Analyst
Data Scientist
This document discusses XML (eXtensible Markup Language). It defines XML, outlines its advantages over HTML and other data formats. These include being human-readable, industry supported, and allowing validation of data. The document also compares XML to HTML, describes XML technologies like DTDs, schemas, CSS, and XSLT. It explains how to parse and structure XML documents and the role of XML parsers.
The document provides information about various Python concepts like PEP 8, pickling, lambda functions, generators, modules, packages and more. It also includes questions about memory management in Python, tools for static analysis, decorators, iterators, slicing, and other common Python interview questions.
This presentation describes the use of XText.
This presentation assumes a good knowledge of Data Modeling and Grammars as previously presented.
This presentation is developed for MDD 2010 course at ITU, Denmark.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Memory in Python - But Were Afraid...Piotr Przymus
Have you ever wondered what happens to all the precious RAM after running your 'simple' CPython code? Prepare yourself for a short introduction to CPython memory management! This presentation will try to answer some memory related questions you always wondered about. It will also discuss basic memory profiling tools and techniques.
Easier Audiovisual Translation with SDL Trados StudioPaul Filkin
This document discusses audiovisual translation features in SDL Trados Studio. It summarizes that Trados Studio now supports common subtitle file formats out of the box and through plugins, allows live video preview and spotting features for subtitling work, and includes translation quality assurance checks based on the FAR methodology. The document also explains that Trados Studio aims to better support translators and adaptors working with audiovisual content, while still primarily functioning as a computer-assisted translation tool.
Ask the Experts: SDL Trados live Q+A webinar for freelance translatorsPaul Filkin
The document announces an upcoming SDL webinar for freelance translators that will provide information and answer questions about using SDL Trados software. The webinar agenda covers getting help, licensing, working with projects and files, sharing work, using the editor and translation memories, and upgrading resources.
This document discusses XML validation using an XML schema (XSD) file. It provides an example of using an XmlReader with validation enabled to validate an XML file against an XSD schema. The example loads an XML file, validates it using a schema at a given URI, and handles any validation errors, displaying status messages. It demonstrates how to automatically generate an XSD from an XML file in Visual Studio to define the XML structure.
XML is a markup language similar to HTML but designed for structured data rather than web pages. It uses tags to define elements and attributes, and can be validated using DTDs or XML schemas. XML documents can be transformed and queried using XSLT and XPath respectively. SAX is an event-based parser that reads XML sequentially while DOM loads the entire document into memory for random access.
The document discusses XML and related technologies:
1. XML is used to mark up data with user-defined tags and describes the structure of data. It is more flexible than HTML which uses predefined tags.
2. XML documents must follow basic rules like being well-formed with matching tags and properly nested elements.
3. XML can be validated using DTDs or XML Schema which define constraints and data types for elements.
XPath is a language for navigating and selecting nodes in an XML document using path expressions. It selects nodes by following a path through the XML tree structure. Some useful path expressions include nodename to select child nodes, / to select from the root, and // to select nodes anywhere in the document that match the selection. XPath uses wildcards like * to match any element node and @* to match any attribute node.
This document provides an overview of XML including:
- XML stands for Extensible Markup Language and is used to carry data, not display it. Tags are user-defined.
- An XML example shows a simple note with predefined tags.
- XML schemas define valid elements, attributes, structure and data types for XML documents.
- XML documents form a tree structure with elements nested within a root element. Syntax rules ensure documents are well-formed.
- XML parsers like SAX and DOM are used to read and build a model of an XML document programmatically.
This document provides examples and explanations of common functions for lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets in Python. It describes functions like sort(), append(), extend(), index(), max(), min(), len() for lists. For tuples it covers functions like cmp(), len(), max(), min(), tuple(), sum(). Dictionary functions discussed include clear(), copy(), fromkeys(), get(), items(), keys(), pop(), popitem(), setdefault(), update(), values(), cmp(). Set functions covered are add(), clear(), copy(), difference(), difference_update(), discard(), intersection(), intersection_update(), isdisjoint(), issubset(), issuperset(), pop(), remove(), symmetric_difference(), symmetric_difference_update(), union(), update().
The document summarizes some of the new features introduced in Java 7. It discusses binary literals, underscores in numeric literals, strings in switch statements, automatic resource management using try-with-resources, multi-catch exceptions, more precise rethrowing of exceptions, diamond operator for generic types, varargs warnings and suppression, Java NIO.2 features for file navigation, directories, symbolic links, and walking file trees. The document provides examples and explanations of how to use these new Java 7 language features.
FME is good for broad user skill levels, maintainability, portability, and rapid modification. Python can be used in FME for start-up scripts, shut-down scripts, scripted parameters, and the PythonCreator and PythonCaller transformers. Good examples of Python use include smart scripted parameters, front-stage file manipulation, inter-feature dependent operations, non-standard geometry manipulation, tedious operations, recursion, and file manipulation. General rules for Python use in FME include using loggers instead of print statements, being aware that scripted parameters are hard to debug, avoiding non-standard library imports, and not copying PythonCaller transformers.
XML presentation discusses XML (Extensible Markup Language). It describes XML as a text-based markup language derived from SGML that is extensible and carries data without presenting it. The document provides examples of XML documents and elements like articles, authors, titles, and text. It also discusses XML syntax rules, namespaces to avoid element name conflicts, and the importance of XML for data transfer, configuration files, schemas/templates, and more. Querying XML data with XPath and XQuery is also introduced.
This document discusses multithreading and concurrency in .NET. It covers key concepts like processes and threads, and how they relate on an operating system level. It also discusses the Thread Pool, Task Parallel Library (TPL), Tasks, Parallel LINQ (PLINQ), and asynchronous programming patterns in .NET like async/await. Examples are provided for common threading techniques like producer/consumer and using the Timer class. Overall it serves as a comprehensive overview of multithreading and concurrency primitives available in the .NET framework.
This document provides an introduction to Scala concepts and features compared to Java, including how to set up Scala, the Simple Build Tool (SBT), case classes, lazy definitions, imports, objects, pattern matching, collections, higher-order functions, partial functions, currying, implicit conversions, and implicit parameters. Useful Scala resources are also listed.
XML documents can be represented and stored in memory as tree structures using models like DOM and XDM. XPath is an expression language used to navigate and select parts of an XML tree. It allows traversing elements and their attributes, filtering nodes by properties or position, and evaluating paths relative to a context node. While XPath expressions cannot modify the document, they are commonly used with languages like XSLT and XQuery which can transform or extract data from XML trees.
Article link httpiveybusinessjournal.compublicationmanaging-.docxfredharris32
Article link:
Requirements: Write one summary and study note both no longer than one pages should include all point of article. Then do a PPT and write a presenting paper only for 5 minutes.
Groups of students will create and offer two MS PowerPoint presentation summarizing the main points of one of the readings for this course along with a one page handout for the students in the class. The aim of the presentations and the handouts is to provide the audience with the main ideas of the article and study notes. Groups will bring to class enough copies of the handout for each student in the class. The handout should list the name of the author, the title of the article, the title of the journal, and the publication date and page numbers along with a summary of its main points. Please do not exceed one page for this material.
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* Read a .dat file and reverse it.
public class Reverse {
public static void main(String[]args) {
if (args.length != 3) {
System.err.println(" Incorrect number of arguments");
System.err.println(" Usage: ");
println("\tjava Reverse <stack type> <input file> <output file>");
boolean useList = true;
if (args[0].compareTo("list")==0)
useList = true;
else if (args[0].compareTo("array")==0)
useList = false;
else {
System.err.println("\tSaw "+args[0]+" instead of list or array as first argument");
try {
// Set up the input file to read, and the output file to write to
BufferedReader fileIn =
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[1]));
PrintWriter fileOut =
new PrintWriter(new
BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(args[2])));
// Read the first line of the .dat file to get sample rate.
// We want to store the sample rate value in a variable,
// but we can ignore the "; Sample Rate" part of the line.
// Step through the first line one token (word) at a time
// using the StringTokenizer. The fourth token is the one
// we want (the sample rate).
StringTokenizer str;
String oneLine;
int sampleRate;
String strJunk;
oneLine = fileIn.readLine();
str = new StringTokenizer(oneLine);
strJunk = str.nextToken(); // Read in semicolon
strJunk = str.nextToken(); // Read in "Sample"
strJunk = str.nextToken(); // Read in "Rate"
// ...
These questions will be a bit advanced level 2sadhana312471
These questions will be a bit advanced(Intermediate) in terms of Python interview.
This is the continuity of Nail the Python Interview Questions.
The fields that these questions will help you in are:
Python Developer
Data Analyst
Research Analyst
Data Scientist
This document discusses XML (eXtensible Markup Language). It defines XML, outlines its advantages over HTML and other data formats. These include being human-readable, industry supported, and allowing validation of data. The document also compares XML to HTML, describes XML technologies like DTDs, schemas, CSS, and XSLT. It explains how to parse and structure XML documents and the role of XML parsers.
The document provides information about various Python concepts like PEP 8, pickling, lambda functions, generators, modules, packages and more. It also includes questions about memory management in Python, tools for static analysis, decorators, iterators, slicing, and other common Python interview questions.
This presentation describes the use of XText.
This presentation assumes a good knowledge of Data Modeling and Grammars as previously presented.
This presentation is developed for MDD 2010 course at ITU, Denmark.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Memory in Python - But Were Afraid...Piotr Przymus
Have you ever wondered what happens to all the precious RAM after running your 'simple' CPython code? Prepare yourself for a short introduction to CPython memory management! This presentation will try to answer some memory related questions you always wondered about. It will also discuss basic memory profiling tools and techniques.
Easier Audiovisual Translation with SDL Trados StudioPaul Filkin
This document discusses audiovisual translation features in SDL Trados Studio. It summarizes that Trados Studio now supports common subtitle file formats out of the box and through plugins, allows live video preview and spotting features for subtitling work, and includes translation quality assurance checks based on the FAR methodology. The document also explains that Trados Studio aims to better support translators and adaptors working with audiovisual content, while still primarily functioning as a computer-assisted translation tool.
Ask the Experts: SDL Trados live Q+A webinar for freelance translatorsPaul Filkin
The document announces an upcoming SDL webinar for freelance translators that will provide information and answer questions about using SDL Trados software. The webinar agenda covers getting help, licensing, working with projects and files, sharing work, using the editor and translation memories, and upgrading resources.
Subtitling in most translation environments has long been a context free affair, limited to handling a subtitle file as a text only exercise. There has been the odd exception to this and Star Transit have offered the ability to see a video and play it synchronously with the text in their translation editor for some years, slowly extending their support to include SRT, VTT, webVTT and a TXT formats for the subtitle file (as far as I know). memoQ recently launched a video preview as well, I think with SRT support (Im not sure here as its not easily obtained or installed). SDL only offerred support for SRT in terms of extracting the translatable text and giving you a static preview that showed you the timecodes and the text. Other tool vendors, and for other file formats, often rely on the text in a subtitle file being copied into Microsoft Word where the time-codes and other meta information can be hidden allowing the translator to focus on the translatable text tools like Tortoise tagger for example can be helpful in preparing the files for translation. But none of them provide contextual previews of the video with embedded subtitles supporting positional and formatting information, and none of them provide any useful quality controls for subtitling other than line length which is based on the standard QA checks in most translation tools. This week SDL released some new plugins onto their appstore that will no doubt kick off some innovation in this area as the need for better audio visual localization tools increases.
Trikonf 2015 - Community, Studio and the OpenExchangePaul Filkin
Presentation, with a lot of live software and website demos (not included... obviously!), delivered 11 October during the Trikonf conference in Freiburg.
Taus qe summit dublin 2015 pemt analysis and valuationPaul Filkin
PEMT Analysis and Valuation using an application developeed for SDL Trados Studio 2014 by Patrick Hartnett. Presentation delivered at the TAUS QE Summit 2015 in Dublin.
(150324) Everything you ever wanted to know about Studio!Paul Filkin
The powerpoint presented as part of the workshop held in Warsaw in March 2015 during the Translation & Localisation Conference 2015.
I enhanced it a little with some a few extra slides covering some of the things we talked about in addition to the questions submitted beforehand.
The New Lisbon University - SDL Open Exchange 2015Paul Filkin
Presentation on the SDL OpenExchange given at the New Lisbon University in January 2015. The focus of this presentation is how the OpenExchange is not just about applications and plugins for SDL Trados Studio users, it's also about how this platform supports the integration of your business processes and systems in a way that no other Translation ENvironment Tool (TEnT) can do. More importantly it's also in your control and doesn't require SDL to do any of the development work!
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User Acceptance Testing (UAT): A Complete Guide to Ensuring Software SuccessShubham Joshi
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is the final checkpoint before a product goes live, ensuring that real users validate its functionality, usability, and business requirements. This guide breaks down UATs significance in the software development lifecycle, explaining how it prevents costly post-launch failures and enhances user satisfaction. You'll learn best practices for planning and executing UAT, including defining clear acceptance criteria, involving key stakeholders, and effectively managing feedback to ensure a seamless rollout.
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Serato DJ Pro is a leading software solution for professional DJs and music enthusiasts. With its comprehensive features and intuitive interface, Serato DJ Pro revolutionizes the art of DJing, offering advanced tools for mixing, blending, and manipulating music. In this article, we will explore the remarkable features, benefits, and applications of Serato DJ Pro, shedding light on how this software empowers DJs to take their performances to new heights and deliver unforgettable experiences to their audiences.
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12. 12
Now we need to get specific
XPath is a syntax for defining parts
of an XML document
XPath uses path expressions to
navigate in XML documents
XPath contains a library of
standard functions
XPath is a major element in XSLT
XPath is a W3C recommendation
26. 26
A few basics element nodes
Use //* to extract all elements
Use //simpleelement to extract any text in this element
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Use //nestedelement/simpleelement to extract only text from
duplicated child elements with different parent elements
< title lang='en >
27. 27
A few basics attribute nodes
Use //*/@* to extract all attributes
Use @translateatt to translate any translateatt attribute
3a, 5a
< title lang='en >
28. 28
A few basics putting statements together
Use //* | //*/@* to extract all elements and all attributes
together in one statement
29. 29
What else makes up an XPath?
My clever dog Regex barked at the mailman
30. 30
What else makes up an XPath?
My clever dog Regex barked at the mailman
Complete Subject
31. 31
What else makes up an XPath?
My clever dog Regex barked at the mailman
Complete Subject Predicate
Expresses what the subject does
32. 32
What else makes up an XPath?
My clever dog Regex barked at the mailman
Complete Subject Predicate
Expresses what the subject does
Always includes a verb, can also include other descriptive words
33. 33
What else makes up an XPath?
My clever dog Regex barked at the mailman// [ ],聞 聞
34. 34
What else makes up an XPath?
My clever dog Regex barked at the mailman// [ ],聞 聞
Node test
35. 35
What else makes up an XPath?
My clever dog Regex barked at the mailman// [ ],聞 聞
Node test Predicate
Narrows down the Node test
36. 36
What else makes up an XPath?
My clever dog Regex barked at the mailman// [ ],聞 聞
Node test Predicate
Narrows down the Node test
Does not have to include a node, but always includes other descriptive tests
37. 37
Use //*[@translate='yes'] to extract any text in any element
with this attribute value
3, 6, 8
Remember @translateatt
Now well use //*[not(@translate="no")]/@translateatt to
conditionally translate this same attribute
38. 38
Functions and Operators
Use //*[contains(text(), 'ATA56')] to extract the contents of
any segments containing the text ATA56
1, 9, 11
Use //condition[answer/text()='42']/extract to extract the
contents of the extract element if the value of the answer
element is 42
40. 40
Miscellaneous uses
Use //xpath/text() to use content from the xml file as
descriptive text for the DSI column in SDL Trados Studio
41. 41
Miscellaneous uses
Use attribute values to control segment lengths in the
advanced options, so @max or @min for max=50 or
min=5 in SDL Trados Studio
#3: XML is a software- and hardware-independent tool for storing and transporting data. It doesnt do anything it just stores data thats used somewhere else, often in multiple places.
Why is it called XML, my guess is that "XML" looked a lot cooler than "EML.
The important part in here is actually the eXtensible bit
So XML has rules but the developer has complete freedom to extend these and use them as he sees fit. So there are no predefined tags as there are in HTML for example
#4: All the translatable text is in elements and all the elements are translatable
#6: When only the title is in an element and all the lines have been moved into attributes
#7: When only the title is in an element and all the lines have been moved into attributes
#8: So Studio would allow you to create a custom XML filetype, you import the file and it extracts the elements and attributes for you to easily select with a dropdown box.
D辿j Vu lists all the elements and attributes so you go through each one and tell it how to handle them.
But not all tools allow you to handle this at all so in my example Caf辿 Tran does not let customise XML requirements at all so you would not be able to handle these files with Caf辿 Tran for example.
#9: In this example we have valid XML but it starts to get a little trickier
CDATA sections and has the same text element but may not be an element you want to translate
alternative translations that might be helpful as a preview
Also the text elements are nested in verse# elements, so multiple rules could be required if you needed to be specific
Max/min text lengths, maybe to suit some fixed window
translate=n attribute
#10: In this example we have valid XML but it starts to get a little trickier
CDATA sections and has the same text element but may not be an element you want to translate
alternative translations that might be helpful as a preview
Also the text elements are nested in verse# elements, so multiple rules could be required if you needed to be specific
Max/min text lengths, maybe to suit some fixed window
translate=n attribute
#11: In this example we have valid XML but it starts to get a little trickier
CDATA sections and has the same text element but may not be an element you want to translate
alternative translations that might be helpful as a preview
Also the text elements are nested in verse# elements, so multiple rules could be required if you needed to be specific
Max/min text lengths, maybe to suit some fixed window
translate=n attribute
#12: In this example we have valid XML but it starts to get a little trickier
CDATA sections and has the same text element but may not be an element you want to translate
alternative translations that might be helpful as a preview
Also the text elements are nested in verse# elements, so multiple rules could be required if you needed to be specific
Max/min text lengths, maybe to suit some fixed window
translate=n attribute
#13: So this is nothing specific to Studio or memoQ for example this is a World Wide Web Consortium (w3c) recommendation as a web standard.
So its easy to find information on how to learn this.
Were going to look at some basics to get you started.
#15: There isnt a lot a theory around this, but it does take a little digesting and plenty of time to get your head around it all. Its also all worth learning.
#16: But if at this point youre starting to feel like he does then dont worry we only have an hour!! Of course its important to know all this stuff if you want to be completely comfortable with XPath, but for our normal day to day needs I dont think you do.
So lets try and cut to the chase
#17: Here we see two of a possible seven kinds of XPath nodes. An element and an attribute. text was the element simply referred to by name, and line was the attribute also referred to by name, but recognised as an attribute by using the @ symbol.
#18: Here we see two of a possible seven kinds of XPath nodes. An element and an attribute. text was the element simply referred to by name, and line was the attribute also referred to by name, but recognised as an attribute by using the @ symbol.
#19: Its a little like a file path. We all know how these work and the path takes you straight to the file. Now add the XPath expression we just saw on the end
The // just means select from the text node no matter where in the path it is.
#20: Its a little like a file path. We all know how these work and the path takes you straight to the file. Now add the XPath expression we just saw on the end
The // just means select from the text node no matter where in the path it is.
#23: Worth mentioning but not free. Small built in helper tool available when using the memoQ multilingual XML filetype.
#30: Lets consider this simple sentence and break it down into a few simple components.
#31: Lets consider this simple sentence and break it down into a few simple components.
#32: Lets consider this simple sentence and break it down into a few simple components.
#33: Lets consider this simple sentence and break it down into a few simple components.
#34: Now lets take the same sentence and mark it up like this. This is basically how an XPath expression works using predicates. The node test would be the complete subject, and the predicate is always enclosed in square brackets.
#35: Now lets take the same sentence and mark it up like this. This is basically how an XPath expression works using predicates. The node test would be the complete subject, and the predicate is always enclosed in square brackets.
#36: Now lets take the same sentence and mark it up like this. This is basically how an XPath expression works using predicates. The node test would be the complete subject, and the predicate is always enclosed in square brackets.
#37: Now lets take the same sentence and mark it up like this. This is basically how an XPath expression works using predicates. The node test would be the complete subject, and the predicate is always enclosed in square brackets.
#40: This is all about conflict resolution. Namespaces provide a way to avoid element name conflicts, but sometimes these cause complexity for the simple task of extracting all the text for translation.
#45: XSLT is used to transform an XML document into another XML document, or another type of document that is recognized by a browser, like HTML and XHTML.
With XSLT you can add/remove elements and attributes to or from the output file. You can also rearrange and sort elements, perform tests and make decisions about which elements to hide and display, and a lot more.
#50: memoQ cant handle images unless they are referred to from a URL (confirmed by G叩bor Ugray) but the style and flow of the document is there.
#51: memoQ cant handle images unless they are referred to from a URL (confirmed by G叩bor Ugray) but the style and flow of the document is there.