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Northern Virginia Lifestyle (pl ace s youll lov e ! )
息 Advent Media Group 2011

                                 Experience Our History.                                                                                               Afternoon

                                 Discover Your Own.                                                                                                    tea service is
                                                                                                                                                       available at the
                                                                                                                                                       Mayflower from
                                 For the quintessential                                                                                                3pm to 5pm
                                 Washington experience.                                                                                                daily. Every third
                                                                                                                                                       Saturday, the
                                 The Mayflower Renaissance                                                                                             Caf辿 Promenade
                                                                                                                                                       hosts a Tiara
                                 Washington, DC Hotel.                                                                                                 Teaa festive
                                                                                                                                                       tea for little
                                                                                                                                                       princesses and
                                                                                                                                                       their ladies-in-
                                                                                                                                                       waiting (moms,
                                                                                                                                                       aunts, and BFFs).
                                                                                                                                                       While dads and
                                                                                                                                                       brothers are
                                                                                                                                                       welcome, this
                                                                                                                                                       playful event
                                                                                                                                                       caters to young

                                            elcome to the grand dame of DC hotels; one that has seen it allprohibition, inaugural                     ladies, and offers
                                            balls, iconic speeches, political scandals. A landmark destination in the thick of                         child-friendly
                                            downtown action, mere blocks from the White House. A celebrated property that former                       treats such
                                  President Truman proclaimed as Washingtons Second Best Address.                                                   as chocolate-
                                                                                                                                                       raisin scones, and
                                                                                                                                                       chocolate 辿clairs.
                                  Drenched in gold leaf, Italian marble, and            tap at the elegant Mezzanine Lounge, just                      Each princess
                                  opulent d辿cor, this four-diamond hotel               upstairs.                                                      also receives
                                  the largest luxury hotel in Washington,                                                                              a special tiara
                                  DCoffers unmatched hospitality and a                 Weddings and Special Events                                    to wear during
                                  quiet haven amid the bustling activity of             With 657 guest rooms and suites, more than
                                                                                                                                                       tea and to take
                                  the nations capital.                                 38,000 square feet of gathering space, and
                                                                                        a magnificent ballroom, the Mayflower is a
                                  Accommodations                                        perennial favorite for weddings and receptions,
                                  Lavish comfort envelops each of the smoke-            particularly among brides whose parents
                                  free guest rooms and suites with stunning             (and even grandparents) were married there.
                                  views of the city, plush bedding, and heaps of        Onsite experts, including an in-house florist,
                                  pillows, plus sleek marble bathrooms stocked          longstanding relationships with trusted vendors,
                                  with Aveda toiletries.                                and the sumptuous surroundings work in
                                                                                        concert to promise a personalized event that                   Scan this tag
                                  Dining                                                will exceed all expectations.                                  to learn more about
                                                                                                                                                       the Mayflower
                                  Embellished with archways, chandeliers, and                                                                          Hotel.
                                  Tuscan-style murals, Caf辿 Promenade serves
                                  Mediterranean cuisine for breakfast, lunch,
                                  or dinner, as well as afternoon tea.
                                     Beneath the glow of the lobbys impressive
                                  skylight, appetizers and a variety of wines
                                  are served in the Lobby Court bar, while                                                                             Get the free mobile app
                                  cocktails, wine, and hors doeuvres are on                                                                           at http://gettag.mobi

                            The Mayflower速 Renaissance Washington, DC Hotel | 1127 Connecticut Avenue NW | Washington, DC 20036 | 202-347-3000 | RenaissanceMayflower.com

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  • 1. Northern Virginia Lifestyle (pl ace s youll lov e ! ) 息 Advent Media Group 2011 Extraordinary Extras Experience Our History. Afternoon Discover Your Own. tea service is available at the Mayflower from For the quintessential 3pm to 5pm Washington experience. daily. Every third Saturday, the The Mayflower Renaissance Caf辿 Promenade hosts a Tiara Washington, DC Hotel. Teaa festive tea for little princesses and their ladies-in- waiting (moms, grandmothers, aunts, and BFFs). While dads and brothers are welcome, this playful event caters to young W elcome to the grand dame of DC hotels; one that has seen it allprohibition, inaugural ladies, and offers balls, iconic speeches, political scandals. A landmark destination in the thick of child-friendly downtown action, mere blocks from the White House. A celebrated property that former treats such President Truman proclaimed as Washingtons Second Best Address. as chocolate- covered strawberries, raisin scones, and chocolate 辿clairs. Drenched in gold leaf, Italian marble, and tap at the elegant Mezzanine Lounge, just Each princess opulent d辿cor, this four-diamond hotel upstairs. also receives the largest luxury hotel in Washington, a special tiara DCoffers unmatched hospitality and a Weddings and Special Events to wear during quiet haven amid the bustling activity of With 657 guest rooms and suites, more than tea and to take the nations capital. 38,000 square feet of gathering space, and home. a magnificent ballroom, the Mayflower is a Accommodations perennial favorite for weddings and receptions, Lavish comfort envelops each of the smoke- particularly among brides whose parents free guest rooms and suites with stunning (and even grandparents) were married there. views of the city, plush bedding, and heaps of Onsite experts, including an in-house florist, pillows, plus sleek marble bathrooms stocked longstanding relationships with trusted vendors, with Aveda toiletries. and the sumptuous surroundings work in concert to promise a personalized event that Scan this tag Dining will exceed all expectations. to learn more about the Mayflower Embellished with archways, chandeliers, and Hotel. Tuscan-style murals, Caf辿 Promenade serves Mediterranean cuisine for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, as well as afternoon tea. Beneath the glow of the lobbys impressive skylight, appetizers and a variety of wines are served in the Lobby Court bar, while Get the free mobile app cocktails, wine, and hors doeuvres are on at http://gettag.mobi The Mayflower速 Renaissance Washington, DC Hotel | 1127 Connecticut Avenue NW | Washington, DC 20036 | 202-347-3000 | RenaissanceMayflower.com