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GrandLuxe Luxury Rail - July/August 2008

     Current Issue          Past Issues            Contests            Free Information                  AAA Newsletter

                              It¡¯s Not Just a Vacation.
                              It¡¯s an ADVENTURE
                              Story and Photos by Sally Moe

                              > The Colorado Railcar Plant Tour
                              > About the Rooms

                              GrandLuxe Luxury Rail ºÝºÝߣ ShowGrandLuxe
                              Luxury Rail ºÝºÝߣ Show
   Fancy-Free Florida
                                                                                                                 Arches National Park.
                                Have you ever lain in bed late at night and heard
   AAA¡ªThe Value of
   Membership                 the lonesome whistle of a distant train? I hope so¡ªbecause that means you know how haunting
                              that sound is. It can ignite your imagination. It can cradle you to sleep.
   GrandLuxe Rail Journey
                                Close your eyes for a moment and hear it in your mind. Notice the feelings it evokes...like
   AAA Escapes¡ªWho            nostalgia and longing, adventure and familiarity all rolled into one. That richness gives train travel
   Wants to Play?             something extra, something no other form of travel can quite match: a romantic mystique. It¡¯s not
                              just about the destination, it¡¯s about the getting there. And when someone else does the driving,
   Awakening the Dragon
                              what¡¯s not to love?
   Erie Canal
                                In this case, GrandLuxe Rail Journeys is doing the driving. Determined to keep the Gilded Age of
                              Rail alive, their fully restored vintage train¡ªalong with its posh d¨¦cor, white linen dining and crack
                              service staff¡ªtransports around 150 passengers into some of the most ravishing landscapes in
                              North America. You know the kind of places I¡¯m talking about. They taunt you in full, glorious color
                              from the pages of expensive coffee table books. We¡¯re told that many of these magnificent spaces
                              aren¡¯t seen by human eyes for weeks or months at a time¡ªexcept for the eyes on this train.

                                GrandLuxe takes us on a tour of technicolor postcard moments, one on top of another. We travel
                              past mango-colored canyons; under moonlit skies saturated with stars; alongside twisty, glittery
                              rivers slicing through stepped gorges. It¡¯s irresistible to stand in one of the open areas between the
                              cars and poke my head out for a look. Here I get the full impact of the train¡¯s impressive length¡ª
   Your Car Battery           about a third of a mile¡ªas I see its nether regions unwind from around a rocky mountainside, set
                              against a backdrop of shimmering golden aspen, cobalt blue sky and lavender-hued mountains.
   On the Money
                              Without a doubt, this is the way to see America the beautiful.
   Travelers Advocate
                                Motorcoaches take you in for a closer look throughout the trip. Multiple excursion options are
   Be Prepared this           available. Pick up the Napa Valley Wine Train, which ambles through the manicured vineyards of
   Hurricane Season           California wine country, and serves up a swanky lunch and wine tasting. Tour Domaine Chandon¡¯s
                              gorgeous property and sample sparkling wines al fresco in the charming, shaded grotto. Explore
                              Salt Lake City¡¯s immaculate downtown, or artist-friendly Park City, host to numerous Sundance
                              events. Fill your eyes with the rich coral reds and otherworldly wind-and-water-carved rock
                              formations of Canyonlands and Arches national parks.

                              The Colorado Railcar Plant Tour

file:///Users/sallymoe/Desktop/feat_LuxuryRail_JA08.asp.html[4/25/11 11:39:00 AM]
GrandLuxe Luxury Rail - July/August 2008

                                If this tour is available on your departure, find a
                              way to attend. Available only on select departures of
                              this itinerary, the tour is a popular favorite. Travel
   Living Healthy             Manager Sandy Snyder, of the Pembroke Pines
                              branch of Auto Club South, attended the tour and
   Dining Out                 was beyond impressed. As she described, ¡°It is
                              amazing to see this 100,000-square-foot structure
   What's Happening           that houses everything going into building and
                              refurbishing these beautiful cars! Everything is done
   Here & There
                              at this plant, and everything is manufactured in the
   News & Notes               U.S.

                                ¡°The cars start out in a type of scaffolding where
                              the body is built. The top is made in a different area.
                                                                                                     Canyonlands National Park.
                              When the two parts are ready to be joined, they
   Editor's Note
                              wheel them together, put the top on using a crane,
   Double Take                and weld them. Then they are moved to the next area of specialized workmanship.

   Letters to the Editor       ¡°Each step is a process handled with the greatest care and quality assurance. Everything is done
                              on site, with some of the interior work subcontracted locally. It takes between nine months to a
                              year to produce each car; they complete about 20 cars per year.

                                ¡°The plant has 200 employees, all specialists in
   President's Message
                              their trade (engineer, electrician, welder, cabinetry,
   Branch Offices             upholstery, etc.). The business is growing at such a
                              degree that they soon expect to produce 50 cars per
   Show Your Card & Save      year.
   Special Offers
                                ¡°The most expensive car was purchased by the
                              Florida DOT, South Florida Regional Transit
                              Authority operating between West Palm Beach and
                              Miami. At $4.5 million, the doubledecker train¡ªwith
                              four engines underneath and a crew of two¡ªis fuel
                              efficient and runs cleaner. On a route from West
                              Palm to Miami, it will save 600,000 gallons of fuel
                              per day. South Florida will have a total of six cars,
                              four of which are running today.                           The Colorado Railcar Manufacturing Plant, where
                                                                                          GrandLuxe¡¯s vintage cars are refurbished. Photo
                                                                                                 by Colorado Railcar Manufacturing Plant
                               ¡°They use only the finest materials, such as Core
                              10 Steel¡ªit doesn¡¯t rust, due to high copper content. This is the kind of steel used to make cruise
                              ships and bridges.¡±

                                Concluded Sandy, ¡°The tour is a must see.¡±

                                To be sure, this kind of travel will challenge you. It is no small feat to shower in a tight steel
                              space while you see the tracks hurtling by through the drain between your feet. And during happy
                              hours in the Seattle Club Car, you¡¯ll need to be quick to take a seat with your wine or¡ªOOF!¡ªthe
                              train might find one for you. As for the rollicking potty breaks at 50 mph...I¡¯ll spare you the details.
                              (Just remember that elastic and Velcro are your friends.) The good news? That third of a mile
                              distance you traverse multiple times throughout the week makes it possible to enjoy the gourmet
                              dining without worry. It¡¯s a built-in calorie burner, and hallelujah and amen for that¡ªbecause the
                              gourmet meals are in a dead heat with the wondrous scenery for favorite aspect of this trip.

                                A few words about the dining experience. The Zurich and
                              Chicago dining cars are softly lit and elegantly decorated¡ªdark
                              woods, gleaming brass, rich textured brocades. Yet the vibe is
                              relaxed: some dress for dinner, some don¡¯t. Seating is open¡ª
                              yet singles seldom, if ever, dine alone because of the easy

file:///Users/sallymoe/Desktop/feat_LuxuryRail_JA08.asp.html[4/25/11 11:39:00 AM]
GrandLuxe Luxury Rail - July/August 2008

                              camaraderie. Petite lamps accent white-linen-topped tables,
                              complementing the deep blue- and gold-rimmed signature
                              china. Portions are modest, enabling you to enjoy every course
                              without getting overfull. The food is delicious and creative, the
                              presentation artful, and the service skilled and responsive.
                              House wines are complimentary, nothing is rushed, and dinner
                              always feels¡ªand tastes¡ªlike an event.

                                Which is only fitting. This sort of vacation is in itself an event,
                              and one that will become a part of you. You¡¯ll meet all kinds of
                              people on this trip...retirees, CEOs, creatives, the incurably
                              curious, the incurably young. This experience draws people
                              together and helps everybody take a step or two out of their
                              comfort zone...because they know they¡¯ll be safe. And maybe             Fine dining is a nightly event onboard.
                              that is the best thing of all.

                              About the Rooms
                                The size and layout of the rooms make use of every inch of available space, much in the mode of
                              yacht decor. All come with a toilet and sink (some have a shower); convertible storage spaces; a
                              shallow closet; and seating that transforms into a bed with additional storage underneath. If you
                              stay in one of the larger rooms with a plusher bathroom, which is closer in spirit to a hotel
                              bathroom, your bathing ritual will be easier, but you¡¯ll miss out on the unique charm of the
                              drainless metal sink that smoothly clips back into the wall after use and handily drains its contents.
                              That sink was quite the object of interest.

                               Some might have trouble sleeping when the train is in motion due to intermittent track noise. A
                              white noise unit or recording can help with this. And a final ¡°heads up¡±: bring a hairdryer.

                              Back to top

file:///Users/sallymoe/Desktop/feat_LuxuryRail_JA08.asp.html[4/25/11 11:39:00 AM]

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Luxury Rail Ja08.Asp

  • 1. GrandLuxe Luxury Rail - July/August 2008 Current Issue Past Issues Contests Free Information AAA Newsletter It¡¯s Not Just a Vacation. It¡¯s an ADVENTURE Story and Photos by Sally Moe > The Colorado Railcar Plant Tour > About the Rooms GrandLuxe Luxury Rail ºÝºÝߣ ShowGrandLuxe Luxury Rail ºÝºÝߣ Show Fancy-Free Florida Arches National Park. Have you ever lain in bed late at night and heard AAA¡ªThe Value of Membership the lonesome whistle of a distant train? I hope so¡ªbecause that means you know how haunting that sound is. It can ignite your imagination. It can cradle you to sleep. GrandLuxe Rail Journey Close your eyes for a moment and hear it in your mind. Notice the feelings it evokes...like AAA Escapes¡ªWho nostalgia and longing, adventure and familiarity all rolled into one. That richness gives train travel Wants to Play? something extra, something no other form of travel can quite match: a romantic mystique. It¡¯s not just about the destination, it¡¯s about the getting there. And when someone else does the driving, Awakening the Dragon what¡¯s not to love? Erie Canal In this case, GrandLuxe Rail Journeys is doing the driving. Determined to keep the Gilded Age of Rail alive, their fully restored vintage train¡ªalong with its posh d¨¦cor, white linen dining and crack service staff¡ªtransports around 150 passengers into some of the most ravishing landscapes in North America. You know the kind of places I¡¯m talking about. They taunt you in full, glorious color from the pages of expensive coffee table books. We¡¯re told that many of these magnificent spaces aren¡¯t seen by human eyes for weeks or months at a time¡ªexcept for the eyes on this train. GrandLuxe takes us on a tour of technicolor postcard moments, one on top of another. We travel past mango-colored canyons; under moonlit skies saturated with stars; alongside twisty, glittery rivers slicing through stepped gorges. It¡¯s irresistible to stand in one of the open areas between the cars and poke my head out for a look. Here I get the full impact of the train¡¯s impressive length¡ª Your Car Battery about a third of a mile¡ªas I see its nether regions unwind from around a rocky mountainside, set against a backdrop of shimmering golden aspen, cobalt blue sky and lavender-hued mountains. On the Money Without a doubt, this is the way to see America the beautiful. Travelers Advocate Motorcoaches take you in for a closer look throughout the trip. Multiple excursion options are Be Prepared this available. Pick up the Napa Valley Wine Train, which ambles through the manicured vineyards of Hurricane Season California wine country, and serves up a swanky lunch and wine tasting. Tour Domaine Chandon¡¯s gorgeous property and sample sparkling wines al fresco in the charming, shaded grotto. Explore Salt Lake City¡¯s immaculate downtown, or artist-friendly Park City, host to numerous Sundance events. Fill your eyes with the rich coral reds and otherworldly wind-and-water-carved rock formations of Canyonlands and Arches national parks. The Colorado Railcar Plant Tour file:///Users/sallymoe/Desktop/feat_LuxuryRail_JA08.asp.html[4/25/11 11:39:00 AM]
  • 2. GrandLuxe Luxury Rail - July/August 2008 If this tour is available on your departure, find a way to attend. Available only on select departures of this itinerary, the tour is a popular favorite. Travel Living Healthy Manager Sandy Snyder, of the Pembroke Pines branch of Auto Club South, attended the tour and Dining Out was beyond impressed. As she described, ¡°It is amazing to see this 100,000-square-foot structure What's Happening that houses everything going into building and refurbishing these beautiful cars! Everything is done Here & There at this plant, and everything is manufactured in the News & Notes U.S. ¡°The cars start out in a type of scaffolding where the body is built. The top is made in a different area. Canyonlands National Park. When the two parts are ready to be joined, they Editor's Note wheel them together, put the top on using a crane, Double Take and weld them. Then they are moved to the next area of specialized workmanship. Letters to the Editor ¡°Each step is a process handled with the greatest care and quality assurance. Everything is done on site, with some of the interior work subcontracted locally. It takes between nine months to a year to produce each car; they complete about 20 cars per year. ¡°The plant has 200 employees, all specialists in President's Message their trade (engineer, electrician, welder, cabinetry, Branch Offices upholstery, etc.). The business is growing at such a degree that they soon expect to produce 50 cars per Show Your Card & Save year. Special Offers ¡°The most expensive car was purchased by the Florida DOT, South Florida Regional Transit Authority operating between West Palm Beach and Miami. At $4.5 million, the doubledecker train¡ªwith four engines underneath and a crew of two¡ªis fuel efficient and runs cleaner. On a route from West Palm to Miami, it will save 600,000 gallons of fuel per day. South Florida will have a total of six cars, four of which are running today. The Colorado Railcar Manufacturing Plant, where GrandLuxe¡¯s vintage cars are refurbished. Photo by Colorado Railcar Manufacturing Plant ¡°They use only the finest materials, such as Core 10 Steel¡ªit doesn¡¯t rust, due to high copper content. This is the kind of steel used to make cruise ships and bridges.¡± Concluded Sandy, ¡°The tour is a must see.¡± To be sure, this kind of travel will challenge you. It is no small feat to shower in a tight steel space while you see the tracks hurtling by through the drain between your feet. And during happy hours in the Seattle Club Car, you¡¯ll need to be quick to take a seat with your wine or¡ªOOF!¡ªthe train might find one for you. As for the rollicking potty breaks at 50 mph...I¡¯ll spare you the details. (Just remember that elastic and Velcro are your friends.) The good news? That third of a mile distance you traverse multiple times throughout the week makes it possible to enjoy the gourmet dining without worry. It¡¯s a built-in calorie burner, and hallelujah and amen for that¡ªbecause the gourmet meals are in a dead heat with the wondrous scenery for favorite aspect of this trip. A few words about the dining experience. The Zurich and Chicago dining cars are softly lit and elegantly decorated¡ªdark woods, gleaming brass, rich textured brocades. Yet the vibe is relaxed: some dress for dinner, some don¡¯t. Seating is open¡ª yet singles seldom, if ever, dine alone because of the easy file:///Users/sallymoe/Desktop/feat_LuxuryRail_JA08.asp.html[4/25/11 11:39:00 AM]
  • 3. GrandLuxe Luxury Rail - July/August 2008 camaraderie. Petite lamps accent white-linen-topped tables, complementing the deep blue- and gold-rimmed signature china. Portions are modest, enabling you to enjoy every course without getting overfull. The food is delicious and creative, the presentation artful, and the service skilled and responsive. House wines are complimentary, nothing is rushed, and dinner always feels¡ªand tastes¡ªlike an event. Which is only fitting. This sort of vacation is in itself an event, and one that will become a part of you. You¡¯ll meet all kinds of people on this trip...retirees, CEOs, creatives, the incurably curious, the incurably young. This experience draws people together and helps everybody take a step or two out of their comfort zone...because they know they¡¯ll be safe. And maybe Fine dining is a nightly event onboard. that is the best thing of all. About the Rooms The size and layout of the rooms make use of every inch of available space, much in the mode of yacht decor. All come with a toilet and sink (some have a shower); convertible storage spaces; a shallow closet; and seating that transforms into a bed with additional storage underneath. If you stay in one of the larger rooms with a plusher bathroom, which is closer in spirit to a hotel bathroom, your bathing ritual will be easier, but you¡¯ll miss out on the unique charm of the drainless metal sink that smoothly clips back into the wall after use and handily drains its contents. That sink was quite the object of interest. Some might have trouble sleeping when the train is in motion due to intermittent track noise. A white noise unit or recording can help with this. And a final ¡°heads up¡±: bring a hairdryer. Back to top file:///Users/sallymoe/Desktop/feat_LuxuryRail_JA08.asp.html[4/25/11 11:39:00 AM]