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Dipl.-Ing. Architect Max Koutchinski
Personal Data Basic * 21.06.1962 in St.Petersburg, Russia, married,
3 children
Nationality German, Russian
Address Joachim-Friedrich-Str. 48, 10711 Berlin,
Contact Email koutchinski@gmail.com
Mobile +49 176 2400 1566
Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxkoutchinski
Professional career
From 11.2015
vielmo architekten, Berlin, Germany
Administrative Buildings for Jaguar Land Rover and BMW
German Embassy Cairo
Own architectural practice in Berlin, Germany
Project Development for Russian Investors in Berlin
07.2013-12.2014 Eller + Eller Architekten, Dusseldorf, Berlin, Moscow, Kiev
Acquisitions and Business Development in Russia and CIS as well as for
Management of the Russian projects.
Key focuses: Office buildings, Hotels, Conversion Projects, Urban
2006-2013 Aukett Fitzroy Vostok, Moscow (Aukett Swanke, HQ London)
Deputy General Director
Key experience: deputy director in a 30person office, reporting to the
General Director and CEO of the group in London. Marketing, PR and
HR, business administration and development, finance planning incl.
Budgeting and forecasting, maintaining client relationships, brand
protection, familiarizing with local laws, norms and procedures, project
director on the projects with over 150M rubles fee level
Mayor projects:
Jewish Cultural Center in Moscow (in cooperation
with Gensler Architects, London)
5* Hotel in Sochi for Gazprom (100 keys),
3*4* 3600 keys Hotel and Apartments Resort in Sochi
for Winter Olympics 2014 for Renova Group,
5* Hotel in Krasnoyarsk (200 keys),
OPIN Plaza Office Center  90000 sqm,
Sakharov Plaza Office Center  60000 sqm
Novotel Volga,
Konrad Almaty,
5*6* Resort Montenegro,
2005-2006 John Seifert Architects, Kiev (HQ London)
Chief Architect
Key experience: setting up the office, marketing, HR & PR, reporting
to the CEO in London.
Familiarizing myself with the local laws, norms, procedures and
mentality, customization of the projects to the local norms and
conditions, contracting and subcontracting.
Mayor projects:
Hilton Kiev,
Resort in Crimea,
High Rise residential complex in Kiev,
VIP residential complex in Kiev
1998-2005 Own architectural practice in Berlin, Germany
CEO of a small architectural office, marketing and business
development of any kind.
Residential buildings in Berlin,
Historical Reconstruction of residential and industrial objects in
Individual houses
1997-1998 Heinle, Wischer and Partner, Stuttgart, Group Leader (freelance
1995-1997 Hostermann and Partner, Berlin, Project Architect
1993-1995 HELAK Bauplanung, Berlin, Senior Architect
1992-1993 Lennart Stange, Berlin, Architect
1991-1992 Feddersen, v.Herder and Partner, Berlin, Architect
1989-1991 Free Architect in St.Petersburg, Russia
1988-1989 Leningrad Zonal Institute for Experimental Design, Russia (USSR)
1985-1988 Giprotranssignalsvyaz, St.Petersburg, Russia (USSR)
Education 1979-1985 Diploma with Honors (Architecture) May 1985
St.Petersburg State University of Architecture
and Civil Engineering
Recognized in Germany as Dipl.-Ingenieur by
the Senate of Berlin
Language Skills German Fluent
English Fluent
Russian Native Speaker
Italian Basic communication skills / working
Computer Skills Standard MS-Office, MS-Project
CAD AutoCAD, MicroStation, ArchiCAD, SketchUp
Graphics Adobe Photoshop
Memberships Architektenkammer Berlin until 2004
Guild of Architects and Designer (Moscow) until 2013
Member of the Qualification Committee of the Guild of
Architects and Designer (Moscow) until 2013
Took part at numerous professional conferences.
Max is excellent and knowledgeable architect, clear communicator
and efficient team leader. Max was Chief Architect on number of
mixed-use projects we successfully completed here in Moscow, and I
can always recommend his great professionalism to all parties in real
estate industry.
Snezana Stojkovic
Chief Engineer at PMO ODPS Skolkovo | BREEAM AP | LEED AP BD+C
I had the pleasure a few years go to work with Max and see his high
energy level and tenacious work on a project digging out all details for
a renovation. I was very impressed and would look forward to the day
when again we would be working together towards the same goal. He
is quite professional in his own rights and can accomplish the services
that he sets out to do - extremely competent.
Dan Drachman
Max had an immediate grasp of the key issues, took a proactive role
and integrated fully with the team to deliver a first class result fully
meeting the clients aspirations, time frame and budget.
David Klondar
Director at Waterman International
It is great to work with an individual who is in tune with the market as
well as the business environment. I would highly recommend all
contacts with Max.
Andrew Medow
Russian Property Growth Fund

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  • 1. Dipl.-Ing. Architect Max Koutchinski Personal Data Basic * 21.06.1962 in St.Petersburg, Russia, married, 3 children Nationality German, Russian Address Joachim-Friedrich-Str. 48, 10711 Berlin, Germany Contact Email koutchinski@gmail.com Mobile +49 176 2400 1566 Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxkoutchinski Professional career From 11.2015 01.2015-10.2015 vielmo architekten, Berlin, Germany Director Administrative Buildings for Jaguar Land Rover and BMW German Embassy Cairo Own architectural practice in Berlin, Germany CEO Project Development for Russian Investors in Berlin 07.2013-12.2014 Eller + Eller Architekten, Dusseldorf, Berlin, Moscow, Kiev Director Acquisitions and Business Development in Russia and CIS as well as for Management of the Russian projects.
  • 2. Key focuses: Office buildings, Hotels, Conversion Projects, Urban Planning 2006-2013 Aukett Fitzroy Vostok, Moscow (Aukett Swanke, HQ London) Deputy General Director Key experience: deputy director in a 30person office, reporting to the General Director and CEO of the group in London. Marketing, PR and HR, business administration and development, finance planning incl. Budgeting and forecasting, maintaining client relationships, brand protection, familiarizing with local laws, norms and procedures, project director on the projects with over 150M rubles fee level Mayor projects: Jewish Cultural Center in Moscow (in cooperation with Gensler Architects, London) 5* Hotel in Sochi for Gazprom (100 keys), 3*4* 3600 keys Hotel and Apartments Resort in Sochi for Winter Olympics 2014 for Renova Group, 5* Hotel in Krasnoyarsk (200 keys), OPIN Plaza Office Center 90000 sqm, Sakharov Plaza Office Center 60000 sqm Novotel Volga, Konrad Almaty, 5*6* Resort Montenegro, 2005-2006 John Seifert Architects, Kiev (HQ London) Chief Architect Key experience: setting up the office, marketing, HR & PR, reporting to the CEO in London. Familiarizing myself with the local laws, norms, procedures and mentality, customization of the projects to the local norms and conditions, contracting and subcontracting. Mayor projects: Hilton Kiev, Resort in Crimea, High Rise residential complex in Kiev, VIP residential complex in Kiev 1998-2005 Own architectural practice in Berlin, Germany CEO CEO of a small architectural office, marketing and business development of any kind. Projects: Residential buildings in Berlin, Historical Reconstruction of residential and industrial objects in Germany, Individual houses
  • 3. 1997-1998 Heinle, Wischer and Partner, Stuttgart, Group Leader (freelance basis) 1995-1997 Hostermann and Partner, Berlin, Project Architect 1993-1995 HELAK Bauplanung, Berlin, Senior Architect 1992-1993 Lennart Stange, Berlin, Architect 1991-1992 Feddersen, v.Herder and Partner, Berlin, Architect 1989-1991 Free Architect in St.Petersburg, Russia 1988-1989 Leningrad Zonal Institute for Experimental Design, Russia (USSR) 1985-1988 Giprotranssignalsvyaz, St.Petersburg, Russia (USSR) Education 1979-1985 Diploma with Honors (Architecture) May 1985 St.Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Recognized in Germany as Dipl.-Ingenieur by the Senate of Berlin Language Skills German Fluent English Fluent Russian Native Speaker Italian Basic communication skills / working knowledge Computer Skills Standard MS-Office, MS-Project CAD AutoCAD, MicroStation, ArchiCAD, SketchUp Graphics Adobe Photoshop Memberships Architektenkammer Berlin until 2004 Guild of Architects and Designer (Moscow) until 2013 Member of the Qualification Committee of the Guild of Architects and Designer (Moscow) until 2013 Took part at numerous professional conferences. Selected Recommendations Max is excellent and knowledgeable architect, clear communicator and efficient team leader. Max was Chief Architect on number of mixed-use projects we successfully completed here in Moscow, and I can always recommend his great professionalism to all parties in real estate industry. Snezana Stojkovic Chief Engineer at PMO ODPS Skolkovo | BREEAM AP | LEED AP BD+C I had the pleasure a few years go to work with Max and see his high energy level and tenacious work on a project digging out all details for a renovation. I was very impressed and would look forward to the day when again we would be working together towards the same goal. He
  • 4. is quite professional in his own rights and can accomplish the services that he sets out to do - extremely competent. Dan Drachman Consultant Max had an immediate grasp of the key issues, took a proactive role and integrated fully with the team to deliver a first class result fully meeting the clients aspirations, time frame and budget. David Klondar Director at Waterman International It is great to work with an individual who is in tune with the market as well as the business environment. I would highly recommend all contacts with Max. Andrew Medow Russian Property Growth Fund