U_AMB - Fotógrafo Ambiental Nacional - Pedro martinellidonimaciel
Pedro Martinelli é um fotógrafo brasileiro renomado que se dedica à documenta??o fotográfica da Amaz?nia desde 1970. Sua carreira inclui trabalhos para importantes veículos de comunica??o como a Gazeta Esportiva, Veja e Editora Abril. Ele recebeu diversos prêmios por suas reportagens sobre temas científicos e ecológicos e publicou vários livros sobre a Amaz?nia e seu povo. Atualmente trabalha como fotógrafo independente.
The document contains summaries from several presentations at the Geecon 2014 conference. Key topics discussed include the 7 duties of great software professionals, how to get kids started with programming in Java, mutation analysis as an alternative to code coverage, advantages of SQL over NoSQL databases, microservices architecture, and strategies for handling errors and preventing memory leaks in applications. Several Java libraries and tools are also mentioned like JUnit, Mockito, Pitest, Lombok, and SLF4J.
The Texas STaR Chart Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020 provides an online resource tool for assessing how effectively schools integrate technology across their curriculums. It focuses on four key areas: teaching and learning, educator preparation and development, leadership and administration, and technology infrastructure. Results from Smithson Valley High School showed their progress in these areas, and next steps include additional teacher training, integrating technology with instruction, and student technology projects in core subjects.
U_AMB - Fotógrafo Ambiental Nacional - Pedro martinellidonimaciel
Pedro Martinelli é um fotógrafo brasileiro renomado que se dedica à documenta??o fotográfica da Amaz?nia desde 1970. Sua carreira inclui trabalhos para importantes veículos de comunica??o como a Gazeta Esportiva, Veja e Editora Abril. Ele recebeu diversos prêmios por suas reportagens sobre temas científicos e ecológicos e publicou vários livros sobre a Amaz?nia e seu povo. Atualmente trabalha como fotógrafo independente.
The document contains summaries from several presentations at the Geecon 2014 conference. Key topics discussed include the 7 duties of great software professionals, how to get kids started with programming in Java, mutation analysis as an alternative to code coverage, advantages of SQL over NoSQL databases, microservices architecture, and strategies for handling errors and preventing memory leaks in applications. Several Java libraries and tools are also mentioned like JUnit, Mockito, Pitest, Lombok, and SLF4J.
The Texas STaR Chart Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020 provides an online resource tool for assessing how effectively schools integrate technology across their curriculums. It focuses on four key areas: teaching and learning, educator preparation and development, leadership and administration, and technology infrastructure. Results from Smithson Valley High School showed their progress in these areas, and next steps include additional teacher training, integrating technology with instruction, and student technology projects in core subjects.
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de memoria, incluyendo RAM, ROM, EPROM y PROM. Explica las características de cada tipo de memoria como su volatilidad, velocidad de acceso y forma de programación. También describe la arquitectura interna básica de una memoria y sus parámetros clave como capacidad y tiempo de acceso.
ITP UNS Semester 3, HIPERKES: Personal protective equipmentFransiska Puteri
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang alat pelindung diri (APD) yang digunakan untuk melindungi pekerja dari berbagai bahaya di tempat kerja. Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan tujuan, bahan, bentuk, dan bagian-bagian dari berbagai jenis APD seperti topeng, kacamata, tutup telinga, sarung tangan, sepatu keselamatan dan pakaian pelindung. Dokumen tersebut juga menjelaskan pentingnya pengguna
Este documento es el manifiesto de un hacker que describe su perspectiva sobre el mundo de la computación y la sociedad. Explica cómo se sintió más inteligente que sus compa?eros de clase y encontró un sentido de pertenencia al explorar computadoras y conectarse con otros hackers a través de líneas telefónicas. Aunque la sociedad los ve como criminales por acceder a sistemas sin permiso, los hackers se ven a sí mismos como pioneros que buscan el conocimiento y la verdad sin prejuicios.
U_AMB - Fotógrafo Ambiental Nacional - Pedro martinellidonimaciel