Facebook Basics for MarketersWilliam JacksonMarketers care about social media because it has become the dominant way that people interact online. Three out of four Americans use social technology and two thirds of the global internet population visits social networks. Social media usage is growing much faster than the overall internet. Brands need to have a social media presence because 93% of social media users believe a company should be on social media and 85% believe companies should interact with customers there. Major brands like Coke and Unilever have shifted significant marketing budgets from traditional sites to social media platforms like Facebook.
Hispanictrends2008slideshareVICTOR JARAMILLOThe document discusses trends among the Hispanic population including cultural authenticity, empowerment of Latinas, green consumerism, and the economic recession. It provides statistics on the growing Latino consumer market and their preferences for authentic flavors, Spanish language, and culturally friendly environments. The document also segments consumers by their level of environmental consciousness and spending on organic foods, and suggests how brands can appeal to Latino values around health, family, and community.
Facebook Basics for MarketersWilliam JacksonMarketers care about social media because it has become the dominant way that people interact online. Three out of four Americans use social technology and two thirds of the global internet population visits social networks. Social media usage is growing much faster than the overall internet. Brands need to have a social media presence because 93% of social media users believe a company should be on social media and 85% believe companies should interact with customers there. Major brands like Coke and Unilever have shifted significant marketing budgets from traditional sites to social media platforms like Facebook.
Hispanictrends2008slideshareVICTOR JARAMILLOThe document discusses trends among the Hispanic population including cultural authenticity, empowerment of Latinas, green consumerism, and the economic recession. It provides statistics on the growing Latino consumer market and their preferences for authentic flavors, Spanish language, and culturally friendly environments. The document also segments consumers by their level of environmental consciousness and spending on organic foods, and suggests how brands can appeal to Latino values around health, family, and community.
Visita consejeroAna HidalgoEl Consejero de Educación, Juventud y Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid visitó el IES Ortega y Gasset el 11 de marzo de 2016 para conocer las instalaciones del centro y reunirse con el equipo directivo y profesorado.
ݺߣs ativ.mat.Dalva Pereira MartinsJoão tem 50 anos e Maria tem 46, juntos eles têm 96 anos. Maria precisa pagar ainda 580 reais por suas compras. 607 890 348 + 456 - 465 x36 = 607 890 348. O antecessor de 87 é 86 e o sucessor de 65 é 66.
Articulación de la agricultura familiar con las cadenas de abastecimiento de ...FAOPresentación de Ignacio Martín Eresta, sobre los hallazgos más relevantes del proceso de sistematización del proyecto "Abriendo mercados para la agricultura familiar en Colombia".
PROJETO CRIANÇAS DE TODO O MUNDO - CRIANÇAS BRASILEIRASRita RochaO documento discute brevemente crianças brasileiras, roupas e brinquedos de brasileiros antigos.
Mobility Toolkit: Future FramewerksJason NewportBroad-stroke view of framework developed to communicate agency's POV on impact of converged media and power of mobile to bring point of engagement and point of transaction closer.
Bilcare ltdBilcareltdBilcare Ltd.
shrinking Backup Data by more than 90 Percent with solutions from symantec Bilcare is a full-service pharmaceutical development company headquartered in Pune, India, with offices and manufacturing facilities spread across 4 continents in the globe. To centralize data protection and enable efficient, WAN-based backups from remote locations, it turned to solutions from Symantec. Results include a 91 to 94 percent reduction in overall backup data with deduplication and compression, sixfold faster recoveries with disk-to-disk backups, a twofold improvement in backup and restore success rates, and a 96 percent reduction in storage management time.
Y Media Labs (YML) Growth & Expansion PLanJason NewportYML is, IMHO -- and I'm not alone, the best all-around iOS and Android mobile design and development agency in the world. They have been featured in the app store more than 75 times, without ever asking for the honor on a single occasion. Steve Jobs once sent Ashish, YML's founder, a note telling him how impressed he was with YML's work on the iPad. Apple has since become a client. This plan identifies the opportunity for agencies, YML specifically in this scenario, to expand their scope in three categories. See the deck for more info.
DAN Brand Accelerator: Client Pitch KeynoteJason NewportHere is the Brand Accelerator pitch deck I began using to pitch current clients more than two years ago. I refined as we advanced through each phase once clients had signed on and we adjusted as necessary. I pitched this to more than twenty clients, all household brand names -- an converted each of them. Not a single brand declined to move forward.
WEB 2.O Mayra Alejandra Duran RochaLa Web 2.0 se refiere a aplicaciones y páginas web interactivas que permiten a los usuarios controlar y compartir sus datos. Algunas características clave son aprovechar la inteligencia colectiva y gestionar bases de datos. Ejemplos incluyen redes sociales, videos, wikis y blogs. La Web 2.0 ha sido útil para la educación al permitir nuevas tecnologías y métodos pedagógicos que promueven el aprendizaje social entre estudiantes y varias fuentes.
1. 25 березня 2016 року на базі Білозерської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів №18
відбулася науково-практична конференція Білозерського освітнього округу
№4 з теми «Наука для людини – як сонце для життя». Метою конференції є
інтелектуальний і творчий розвиток учнів за допомогою досліджень,
підтримка талановитої молоді, демонстрація та пропагандакращих досягнень
школярів. Учасниками конференції були учні 9 -11 класів шкіл округу, які
мали можливість презентувати свої доповіді з актуальних проблем за
природничим та суспільно-гуманітарними напрямками, використовуючи
ілюстративні матеріали. Усі учасники, які представляли роботи на
конференції були нагороджені дипломами.