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1986 FalCON 100
Serial Number: 100-206
regiStratioN Number: N46mK (baSed iN the uS)
Price: $1,590,000

DetaileD SpecificationS (laSt upDateD: 5/1/10)
excluSively liSted with cb aviatioN
1986 FALCON 100
Serial Number: 100-206

CB Aviation is pleased to offer this beautiful 1986 FALCON 100. Fly in style at 500 plus MPH with a 1500 NM range, 8 pas-
senger capacity, flush toilet, 45K ceiling. This Falcon boasts a luxurious interior and excellent paint. N46MK is RVSM cer-
tified plus includes Trust Reversers, Dual Compass Sys., Dual IVSIs/Dual RMIs, Single Point Fueling, Triple Flitronics
Inverters, Dual Mach Speed, Dual Vertical Gyro, Davtron Clock, Dual ADC-87A, Encoding Alt w/ALRT/PRSEL, Foxtron-
ics Bat. Temps, Dual Baker M1035 Audio, EFIS Master Switch, Multi Function Display, Wing Ice Detect Lights, ALT-50A
Rad. Alt., Provisions for 2nd ADF, Nose Recog/Pulse Lites. This Pristine Falcon 100 will not last long and is priced to sell.
SPECIFICATIONS:                                            	   Bendix CAS 67A W/Chng 7 TCAS II                    stripes in awesome condition. 8+ Refirb.
                                                           	   Wulfsberg Flitefone IV                             2002
airFrame                                                   	   Collins APS-80 Autopilot, Dorne & Mar-
  6950 TT                                                       golin ELT                                       iNteriOr
  No Damage                                                	   MK VII/Class A/RAAS/W-WS GPWS                      Eight Place passenger interior with a 3
                                                           	   Fairchild 100 CVR                                  place aft.Divan. Four Swivel, Reclining,
eNgiNes                                                                                                            Tracking seats. Side facing Potty Seat. Two
  model/ type            TFE-731-2-1C                   Other                                                      Console Tables. Forward Lav. with Privacy
  Hours                  6905 TT / 6905 TT                RVSM, Trust Reversers, Dual Compass Sys.,                Curtain, Electric Flush Toilet. Forward Re-
  Serial Number:         P-73562 / P-73571                Dual IVSIs/Dual RMIs, Single Point Fueling,            freshment Center with ultra Suede White
  Engines TBO            4200 Hours                       Triple Flitronics Inverters, Dual Mach Speed,            Headliner. Indirect Lighting and Custom
                                                          Dual Vertical Gyro, Davtron Clock, Dual                  Shades. Seats covered in light Brown with
aviONiCs                                                  ADC-87A, Encoding Alt w/ALRT/PRSEL,                      New Blue Carpet 2009 and Birdseye Lami-
  	 3 Tube Collins 85 EFIS                               Foxtronics Bat. Temps, Dual Baker M1035                  nate Woodwork. 7
  	 2 Collins VHF-22C Comms                             Audio, EFIS Master Switch, Multi Function
  	 2 Collins VIR-30 Navs                               Display, Wing Ice Detect Lights, ALT-50A               maiNteNaNCe
  	 1 Collins ADF-80                                     Rad. Alt., Provisions for 2nd ADF, Nose                   Fresh A, 2A+ 05-2009,
  	 2 Collins DME-40/42                                  Recog/Pulse Lites                                         C, 3C C/W 06-2004 Due 06-2010
  	 2 Collins TDR-90                                                                                               B, 2B, 3B C/W 6443 Hrs.
  	 1 Collins WXT-250A W/MFD Radar                     exteriOr
  	 1 GNS-XLS/Trimble 2101I/O GPS                         Overall White with Blue and Gold design
         SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice.
1986 FALCON 100
Serial Number: 100-206


AirCraFt DimeNsiON                                                                    AirCraFt weights                             AirCraFt PerFOrmaNCe
  Cabin Height: 4.9 Ft.                                                                 Maximum Take-off Weight: 18,740 lb           Range-Seats Full (IFR Reserves): 1,520 nm
  Cabin Width: 4.8 Ft.                                                                 Maximum Landing Weight: 17,640 lb            Normal Cruise Speed (KTAS): 452
  Cabin Length: 12.7 Ft.                                                        Basic Operating Weight Weight: 11,585 lb     Long Range Cruise Speed (KTAS): 433 Ser-
  Total Passenger Cabin Volume : 251 Cu. Ft.                                            Zero Fuel Weight: 13,560 lb                  vice Ceiling: 45,000 Ft.
  Baggage Internal: 12 Cu. Ft.                                                          Maximum Payload: 1,975 lb                    One Engine Inoperative Ceiling: 17,000
  Baggage External: 28 Cu. Ft.                                                          Payload Full Fuel: 1,243 lb                  Rate of Climb: 4,600 Ft/min
  Typical Passenger Seating: 6                                                          Usable Fuel: 5,912 lb                        Single Engine Rate of Climb: 1,535 Ft/min





          SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice.

1986 FALCON 100
Serial Number: 100-206

          SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice.
1986 FALCON 100
Serial Number: 100-206

          SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice.
1986 FALCON 100
Serial Number: 100-206

          SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice.
1986 FALCON 100
Serial Number: 100-206

          SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice.
1986 FALCON 100
Serial Number: 100-206

          SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice.
1986 FALCON 100
Serial Number: 100-206

          SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice.
1986 FALCON 100
Serial Number: 100-206

                                                              BRIEF MARKET ANALYSIS
                                                          (PrePared by cb aviatioN for your review)

1989 FALCON 100 (N303FZ, S/N 100-218)                  1987 FALCON 100 (N711HF, S/N 100-213)                     1985 FALCON 100 (N52N, S/N 100-197)
  AFTT: 7520                                             AFTT: 5335                                                AFTT: 9338
  Engines: 7215 TT / 7295 TT                             Engines: 5096 TT / 5269 TT                                Engines: 8962 TT / 8795 TT
  Exterior: Painted 2000                                 Exterior: Painted 2009
  Interior: Refurbished 2000                             Interior: Refurbished 2009

  Price: $1,595,000                                       Price: $1,995,000                                        Price: $2,400,000

          SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice.

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1986 Falcon 100 (N46MK sn 206) Detailed Specs

  • 1. Dassault 1986 FalCON 100 Serial Number: 100-206 regiStratioN Number: N46mK (baSed iN the uS) Price: $1,590,000 DetaileD SpecificationS (laSt upDateD: 5/1/10) excluSively liSted with cb aviatioN www.CbaviatiON.COm sales@CbaviatiON.COm
  • 2. 1986 FALCON 100 Serial Number: 100-206 CB Aviation is pleased to offer this beautiful 1986 FALCON 100. Fly in style at 500 plus MPH with a 1500 NM range, 8 pas- senger capacity, flush toilet, 45K ceiling. This Falcon boasts a luxurious interior and excellent paint. N46MK is RVSM cer- tified plus includes Trust Reversers, Dual Compass Sys., Dual IVSIs/Dual RMIs, Single Point Fueling, Triple Flitronics Inverters, Dual Mach Speed, Dual Vertical Gyro, Davtron Clock, Dual ADC-87A, Encoding Alt w/ALRT/PRSEL, Foxtron- ics Bat. Temps, Dual Baker M1035 Audio, EFIS Master Switch, Multi Function Display, Wing Ice Detect Lights, ALT-50A Rad. Alt., Provisions for 2nd ADF, Nose Recog/Pulse Lites. This Pristine Falcon 100 will not last long and is priced to sell. SPECIFICATIONS: Bendix CAS 67A W/Chng 7 TCAS II stripes in awesome condition. 8+ Refirb. Wulfsberg Flitefone IV 2002 airFrame Collins APS-80 Autopilot, Dorne & Mar- 6950 TT golin ELT iNteriOr No Damage MK VII/Class A/RAAS/W-WS GPWS Eight Place passenger interior with a 3 Fairchild 100 CVR place aft.Divan. Four Swivel, Reclining, eNgiNes Tracking seats. Side facing Potty Seat. Two model/ type TFE-731-2-1C Other Console Tables. Forward Lav. with Privacy Hours 6905 TT / 6905 TT RVSM, Trust Reversers, Dual Compass Sys., Curtain, Electric Flush Toilet. Forward Re- Serial Number: P-73562 / P-73571 Dual IVSIs/Dual RMIs, Single Point Fueling, freshment Center with ultra Suede White Engines TBO 4200 Hours Triple Flitronics Inverters, Dual Mach Speed, Headliner. Indirect Lighting and Custom Dual Vertical Gyro, Davtron Clock, Dual Shades. Seats covered in light Brown with aviONiCs ADC-87A, Encoding Alt w/ALRT/PRSEL, New Blue Carpet 2009 and Birdseye Lami- 3 Tube Collins 85 EFIS Foxtronics Bat. Temps, Dual Baker M1035 nate Woodwork. 7 2 Collins VHF-22C Comms Audio, EFIS Master Switch, Multi Function 2 Collins VIR-30 Navs Display, Wing Ice Detect Lights, ALT-50A maiNteNaNCe 1 Collins ADF-80 Rad. Alt., Provisions for 2nd ADF, Nose Fresh A, 2A+ 05-2009, 2 Collins DME-40/42 Recog/Pulse Lites C, 3C C/W 06-2004 Due 06-2010 2 Collins TDR-90 B, 2B, 3B C/W 6443 Hrs. 1 Collins WXT-250A W/MFD Radar exteriOr 1 GNS-XLS/Trimble 2101I/O GPS Overall White with Blue and Gold design SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice. www.CbaviatiON.COm sales@CbaviatiON.COm
  • 3. 1986 FALCON 100 Serial Number: 100-206 AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE: AirCraFt DimeNsiON AirCraFt weights AirCraFt PerFOrmaNCe Cabin Height: 4.9 Ft. Maximum Take-off Weight: 18,740 lb Range-Seats Full (IFR Reserves): 1,520 nm Cabin Width: 4.8 Ft. Maximum Landing Weight: 17,640 lb Normal Cruise Speed (KTAS): 452 Cabin Length: 12.7 Ft. Basic Operating Weight Weight: 11,585 lb Long Range Cruise Speed (KTAS): 433 Ser- Total Passenger Cabin Volume : 251 Cu. Ft. Zero Fuel Weight: 13,560 lb vice Ceiling: 45,000 Ft. Baggage Internal: 12 Cu. Ft. Maximum Payload: 1,975 lb One Engine Inoperative Ceiling: 17,000 Baggage External: 28 Cu. Ft. Payload Full Fuel: 1,243 lb Rate of Climb: 4,600 Ft/min Typical Passenger Seating: 6 Usable Fuel: 5,912 lb Single Engine Rate of Climb: 1,535 Ft/min 縁 ¥o 逸 SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice. www.CbaviatiON.COm sales@CbaviatiON.COm
  • 4. 1986 FALCON 100 Serial Number: 100-206 SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice. www.CbaviatiON.COm sales@CbaviatiON.COm
  • 5. 1986 FALCON 100 Serial Number: 100-206 SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice. www.CbaviatiON.COm sales@CbaviatiON.COm
  • 6. 1986 FALCON 100 Serial Number: 100-206 SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice. www.CbaviatiON.COm sales@CbaviatiON.COm
  • 7. 1986 FALCON 100 Serial Number: 100-206 SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice. www.CbaviatiON.COm sales@CbaviatiON.COm
  • 8. 1986 FALCON 100 Serial Number: 100-206 SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice. www.CbaviatiON.COm sales@CbaviatiON.COm
  • 9. 1986 FALCON 100 Serial Number: 100-206 SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice. www.CbaviatiON.COm sales@CbaviatiON.COm
  • 10. 1986 FALCON 100 Serial Number: 100-206 BRIEF MARKET ANALYSIS (PrePared by cb aviatioN for your review) COMPARABLE FALCONS ON THE MARKET: 1989 FALCON 100 (N303FZ, S/N 100-218) 1987 FALCON 100 (N711HF, S/N 100-213) 1985 FALCON 100 (N52N, S/N 100-197) AFTT: 7520 AFTT: 5335 AFTT: 9338 Engines: 7215 TT / 7295 TT Engines: 5096 TT / 5269 TT Engines: 8962 TT / 8795 TT Exterior: Painted 2000 Exterior: Painted 2009 Interior: Refurbished 2000 Interior: Refurbished 2009 Price: $1,595,000 Price: $1,995,000 Price: $2,400,000 SpecificationS are Subject to verification by purchaSer. aircraft iS Subject to prior Sale, and/or removal from the market without prior notice. www.CbaviatiON.COm sales@CbaviatiON.COm