This document discusses new evidence that challenges mainstream scientific views of human origins, indicating a brutal genetic culling based on DNA clues. It summarizes viewpoints from television programs like Ancient Aliens that present archaeological evidence for prehistoric advanced civilizations and interactions with extraterrestrials. While mainstream science is slow to change, growing numbers of scientists are exploring alternative paradigms. New technologies have increased access to information and driven changes in how knowledge is acquired and shared.
The document discusses two programs that aim to engage the public in archaeology - the Portable Antiquities Scheme and the television show Time Team.
The Portable Antiquities Scheme records archaeological objects found by the public and has been successful in showing that archaeology is all around us, not just on sites. However, there is a risk it could promote a view of archaeology as just about finds.
Time Team is a television show where archaeologists conduct excavations over three days to answer research questions. It emphasizes showing the real process of archaeology and discoveries as they happen. The authenticity of its approach and the jeopardy of their tight timelines have made it popular. However, it must take care
This book proposes a new theory called "The God Theory" that seeks to reconcile science and spirituality. The theory posits that an infinite conscious intelligence, or God, preexists and that God's ideas become the laws of physics in our universe and others. The purpose is for God to experience his infinite potential through creation and the lives of sentient beings. The theory is consistent with scientific discoveries like the Big Bang, evolution, and the fine-tuning of physical constants but assumes the preexistence of consciousness rather than multiple universes. It aims to provide purpose to life while resolving paradoxes in traditional religious views.
This document is a summary of the book "Indistinguishable From Magic: Speculations And Visions Of The Future" by Dr. Robert L. Forward. It discusses how technology that was once considered magic is now commonplace, and how sufficiently advanced technology becomes indistinguishable from magic. The book explores theoretical future technologies like antigravity machines, space warps, time machines, and faster-than-light travel. It contains both non-fiction discussions of the science behind these concepts as well as short stories depicting people utilizing advanced theoretical technologies and their societal impacts. The introduction frames how technological progress is accelerating and how the boundary between future science and future magic is shrinking to only a few decades away rather than
This document is a lesson plan for teaching students about unsolved mysteries through discussion and writing. It includes a presentation on various unsolved mysteries like UFO sightings, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and mental telepathy. Students discuss these topics in class and consider evidence for and against various theories. They then write a 2-page essay arguing their position on one of the mysteries and citing supporting facts and examples. The lesson emphasizes developing critical thinking skills and evaluating claims based on credible evidence and scientific research.
The document summarizes a panel discussion on the existence of extraterrestrial life. The panel included experts in physics, theology, journalism, and venture capital. They discussed evidence for life on other planets and the potential benefits and costs of the search for extraterrestrials. Key points of debate centered around whether resources should be focused on contact with aliens or domestic issues, and the potential business opportunities if contact or discovery was made.
To travel between the stars in reasonable times, control of gravity (i.e. the curvature of spacetime itself) is an absolute necessity. However, it is extremely impractical (and perhaps nearly impossible) to manipulate bulk matter with neutron star densities or of planetary sizes in order to achieve this control. Furthermore, hypothetical travel devices such as warp drives, negative mass drives and wormholes all require very large negative energy densities to function. This means that as prospective travelers we have our work cut out for us.
First of all we must discover and learn how to manipulate a coupling between gravity and another fundamental force or forces that allows us to generate ultrastrong gravitational fields in the terrestrial laboratory. Secondly, we must discover a method of generating ultrahigh negative energy densities. A thorough understanding of methods of achieving these requirements must be the base of any future gravitational engineers knowledge.
If we begin by assuming that these requirements are possible, then our next step is to find a coupling to focus on. Since there are only two other fundamental forces (the electroweak force and the strong nuclear force), there are only two possibilities for this coupling.
This site examines some of the strongest evidence for these couplings and provides simple and extremely direct methods of testing for their existence. It is my hope that real Gravitational Engineering classes on these subjects will be a reality soon.
Kedrick F. Brown, 1998
We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it.
We now have technology to take ET home. No it wont take someones lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations (NOTE: Maxwell? Einstein?). We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars. First, you have to understand that we will not get to the stars using chemical propulsion. Second, we have to devise a new propulsion technology. What we have to do is find out where Einstein went wrong.
We have things out in the desert that are fifty years beyond what you can comprehend. If you have seen it on Star Wars or Star Trek, weve been there, done that, or decided it wasnt worth the effort.
It is time to end all secrecy on this, as it no longer poses a national security threat, and make the technology available for use in the private sector. There are many in the intelligence community who would like to see this stay in the black, and not see the light of day.
I wish I could tell you about the projects we are currently working on. They are both fascinating and fantastic. They call for technologies once only dreamed of by science fiction writers.
-Ben Rich, Lockheed Skunkworks
Vertafore is making changes to further protect producers' personal information in their carrier solutions. They will allow carriers to create producer records without requiring social security numbers, instead using National Producer Numbers. Additional changes removing social security numbers from appointment processing will be seen in Producer Manager and Producer Express in 2017. Vertafore is also integrating DocuSign eSignature technology to allow agents to conduct business anywhere on any device.
A Baru 辿 uma empresa que tem o objetivo de proporcionar uma op巽達o de consumo de m坦veis 炭nicos que se destacam n達o s坦 pelo visual, mas tamb辿m pela pr叩tica sustent叩vel. Nosso principal insumo vem do reaproveitamento da madeira de demoli巽達o oriunda dos canteiros de obra da cidade. Dessa forma, nenhuma 叩rvore 辿 derrubada e h叩 menos impacto na natureza.
A produ巽達o dos m坦veis 辿 realizada em uma cooperativa de ex-detentos que tem nesse trabalho uma oportunidade de reinser巽達o no mercado e o aprendizado de uma nova profiss達o. A cooperativa Sonho de Liberdade, em todas as suas 叩reas, contribui para o sustento de mais de 80 fam鱈lias em que muitas delas o principal provedor estava a margem da sociedade (presidi叩rios, ex-presidi叩rios e usu叩rios de drogas).
With over 30 years' experience in the advertising industry and having founded Ogilvy's innovation efforts, Ogilvy Labs, Nicole is now sharing her lessons, trials and tribulations from a life of making innovation work.
Linda Pallares has over 20 years of experience in banking and mortgage lending. She has held roles such as mortgage closer, funder, underwriter, and quality control coordinator. She is proficient in various mortgage lending software programs and guidelines from FNMA, FHLMC, FHA, and VA. Pallares is seeking a mortgage loan professional position where she can utilize her experience, leadership skills, and ability to work well under pressure.
Sebagaimana data yang kami dapat,
kami tidak menemukan data yang berkaitan dengan kesenian
atau pagelaran seni yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat
dikelurahan sungai jang.
Sebagaimana data yang kami dapat,
kami tidak menemukan data yang berkaitan dengan kesenian
atau pagelaran seni yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat
dikelurahan sungai jang.
O que pode a antropologia no desafio pela terra na regi達o das Miss探es Jesu鱈ti...Josep Segarra
Trabalho apresentado na Mostra de filmes de 38 Encontro Anual da ANPOCS.A situa巽達o territorial marginal dos grupos amer鱈ndios da etnia Mby叩-Guarani 辿 avaliada como produto de condi巽探es pol鱈ticas e econ担micas constitu鱈das na forma巽達o hist坦rica dos pa鱈ses em que eles est達o habitando, focando o caso das 叩reas de floresta da Regi達o das Miss探es (noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul). Consideramos as caracter鱈sticas da atual conjuntura em que a reivindica巽達o ind鱈gena para ocupar estas 叩reas 辿 impossibilitada pela exclusividade de pol鱈ticas de incentivo e exacerba巽達o ao ciclo econ担mico do agroneg坦cio voltado exporta巽達o prim叩ria com alto custo ambiental e gerador de concentra巽達o de renda. Objetivamos contribuir aplicando os resultados desta pesquisa antropol坦gica para explicitar cr鱈ticas frente s for巽as anti-ind鱈genas dominantes no meio do latif炭ndio prim叩rio-exportador do sul do Brasil.
Line, WeChat, WhatsApp Marketing by Silver Mousesitecmy
SITEC eCommerce Class
Module: Social Media & Mobile Commerce 304
Title: Introduction to Line Marketing
Presenter: CK Wong, Founder (Silver Mouse)
Date: 22 November 2016
Venue: Selangor Digital Creative Centre (SDCC)
The document discusses the Fermi Paradox and possible explanations for why we have not detected evidence of other intelligent civilizations. It proposes that Earth developed billions of years later than other planets in the Milky Way, so any civilizations that arose earlier may have advanced far beyond our current level of technological development. Given enough time, even civilizations that experienced setbacks could recover and progress exponentially. Therefore, more advanced civilizations may have means of hiding themselves that we have not yet conceived. The document concludes by expressing hope that life will be discovered elsewhere in the galaxy within the author's lifetime.
Supervenience: how emergent minds and money seize power over matterTony Smith
This document provides an introduction and overview to a proposed book on the topic of "Supervenience" which will explore how emergent minds and money can seize power over matter. It outlines 19 potential chapter topics and serves as a "where I'm at" for sharing the author's work in complex systems and emergence. Short sections give insights on various related concepts including multiple paths to emergence, the roles of order and chaos, constraints and degrees of freedom, the inside view, urban hydrology, birds and music, language as a tool and its limitations, dystopian utopias, and accepting cosmological responsibility.
The document provides background on a two-volume science fiction work titled "The 4th Birth" and "The Next Birth". It discusses the author's passion for blending storytelling with science. The first story is about the ancient Lemurians and their advanced civilization. It then expands the plot beyond Earth, projecting the evolution of living species and the development of a new intelligent breed called Homo Telepathic. The document encourages readers to expand their knowledge through hidden hyperlinks within the stories.
This document provides an introduction to a book that presents a new scientific model of the universe based on concepts like zero-point energy and synchronicity. It argues that mainstream science has become dogmatic in clinging to outdated theories and rejects new evidence. The book aims to show scientifically that a predicted spiritual transformation of humanity is imminent. It also addresses the reality of extraterrestrial life and the disclosure of secret government knowledge about crashed UFOs and exotic technology.
This book provides a summary and analysis of Jacques Vallee's book "Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact". The book examines the UFO phenomenon through historical cases and explores its relationship to religion, mythology and human experience. It argues that UFOs have interacted with humanity for centuries, often influencing the development of cultures and religions. While UFOs appear to be physical objects, their nature is complex and not fully understood. The book aims to provide a new framework for understanding the phenomenon beyond the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
This document discusses the concept of the artificial and attempts to reproduce nature through technology. It explores how imitation of nature has occurred since antiquity through various examples. However, technology is not solely aimed at imitation, but also controlling nature through inventions that allow new effects. The artificial is defined as attempting to reproduce something natural through different construction methods than nature. While artificial objects can be deceptive through similarity, accuracy of reproduction is more important.
This document introduces several mysteries and inconsistencies regarding mainstream accounts of human origins and Earth's history. It questions whether life truly evolved randomly on Earth and notes that life stems from a single source and contains non-Earth elements. It outlines the standard evolutionary story but notes many gaps and uncertainties, including the emergence of modern humans. The author argues that our true history remains an enormous riddle, and that mainstream theories are inconsistent with evidence. The reality of our distant past remains confusing and fragmented.
The New Star Party - Interstellar Vision from 1990's Andrew Hennessey
This document provides an overview of the author's vision for the New Star Party, which aims to advocate for human rights in relation to potential interactions with extraterrestrial civilizations. The author expresses frustration that after many years of UFO discussions and claims of contact, no political movement has formed to address issues like exploitation of humans for the benefit of corporations or governments cooperating with non-humans. The author then outlines their optimistic early 1990s vision for how an advanced interstellar civilization may view and interact with humanity and Earth, including potential economic and cultural exchanges. They raise concerns that human values like capitalism and competition may not be universally shared in the galaxy.
This document provides an introduction to a book titled "Beyond Humanity: CyberEvolution and Future Minds" by Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox. It discusses how humanity has long struggled with suffering and mortality. However, it notes that technological progress is accelerating at an increasing rate, as was unimaginable in the past. The introduction envisions a future where humans can evolve into new forms through technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology and other emerging fields. It imagines a future where people can experience realities far beyond the limitations of the human body and existence.
Essay about Sci-fI Films
Science Essay
Scientific Theory Essay
Evolution of Science Essay
My Love For Science
Essay about Life Science
My Passion For Science
Environmental Science Essay
Essay on Forensic Science
What Is Earth Science? Essay
This document provides the table of contents for Volume I of A History of Science by Henry Smith Williams and Edward H. Williams. The volume focuses on the beginnings of science, with Book I covering prehistoric science through the science of the Roman period. Chapter I discusses prehistoric science, noting that even early humans possessed basic scientific knowledge through observation and classification of the natural world. The document sets the stage for examining the origins and development of science from prehistory through ancient civilizations.
This document provides resources for exploring how new knowledge is created in the natural sciences, including media sources that discuss various scientific discoveries and theories. It introduces key concepts like the role of creativity, imagination, collaboration, and challenging conventional wisdom in developing new explanations. Students are prompted to consider questions about the media sources like how scientists advance understanding over time through taking new perspectives or approaches.
This document discusses the challenges of writing an essay on the topic of inventions. It notes that while inventions throughout history provide rich material to explore, narrowing the focus is difficult given the vast breadth of possibilities. Researching inventions requires understanding their technical, historical, cultural, and scientific contexts as well as comprehending their impact on society. Additionally, weaving a coherent narrative connecting different inventions while maintaining a clear writing style adds complexity. The essay also touches on the philosophical difficulties of considering inventions' ethical implications and unintended consequences. Overall, crafting an essay on inventions demands skills in history, technology, and storytelling to present a insightful and nuanced perspective on human achievement and progress.
A Baru 辿 uma empresa que tem o objetivo de proporcionar uma op巽達o de consumo de m坦veis 炭nicos que se destacam n達o s坦 pelo visual, mas tamb辿m pela pr叩tica sustent叩vel. Nosso principal insumo vem do reaproveitamento da madeira de demoli巽達o oriunda dos canteiros de obra da cidade. Dessa forma, nenhuma 叩rvore 辿 derrubada e h叩 menos impacto na natureza.
A produ巽達o dos m坦veis 辿 realizada em uma cooperativa de ex-detentos que tem nesse trabalho uma oportunidade de reinser巽達o no mercado e o aprendizado de uma nova profiss達o. A cooperativa Sonho de Liberdade, em todas as suas 叩reas, contribui para o sustento de mais de 80 fam鱈lias em que muitas delas o principal provedor estava a margem da sociedade (presidi叩rios, ex-presidi叩rios e usu叩rios de drogas).
With over 30 years' experience in the advertising industry and having founded Ogilvy's innovation efforts, Ogilvy Labs, Nicole is now sharing her lessons, trials and tribulations from a life of making innovation work.
Linda Pallares has over 20 years of experience in banking and mortgage lending. She has held roles such as mortgage closer, funder, underwriter, and quality control coordinator. She is proficient in various mortgage lending software programs and guidelines from FNMA, FHLMC, FHA, and VA. Pallares is seeking a mortgage loan professional position where she can utilize her experience, leadership skills, and ability to work well under pressure.
Sebagaimana data yang kami dapat,
kami tidak menemukan data yang berkaitan dengan kesenian
atau pagelaran seni yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat
dikelurahan sungai jang.
Sebagaimana data yang kami dapat,
kami tidak menemukan data yang berkaitan dengan kesenian
atau pagelaran seni yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat
dikelurahan sungai jang.
O que pode a antropologia no desafio pela terra na regi達o das Miss探es Jesu鱈ti...Josep Segarra
Trabalho apresentado na Mostra de filmes de 38 Encontro Anual da ANPOCS.A situa巽達o territorial marginal dos grupos amer鱈ndios da etnia Mby叩-Guarani 辿 avaliada como produto de condi巽探es pol鱈ticas e econ担micas constitu鱈das na forma巽達o hist坦rica dos pa鱈ses em que eles est達o habitando, focando o caso das 叩reas de floresta da Regi達o das Miss探es (noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul). Consideramos as caracter鱈sticas da atual conjuntura em que a reivindica巽達o ind鱈gena para ocupar estas 叩reas 辿 impossibilitada pela exclusividade de pol鱈ticas de incentivo e exacerba巽達o ao ciclo econ担mico do agroneg坦cio voltado exporta巽達o prim叩ria com alto custo ambiental e gerador de concentra巽達o de renda. Objetivamos contribuir aplicando os resultados desta pesquisa antropol坦gica para explicitar cr鱈ticas frente s for巽as anti-ind鱈genas dominantes no meio do latif炭ndio prim叩rio-exportador do sul do Brasil.
Line, WeChat, WhatsApp Marketing by Silver Mousesitecmy
SITEC eCommerce Class
Module: Social Media & Mobile Commerce 304
Title: Introduction to Line Marketing
Presenter: CK Wong, Founder (Silver Mouse)
Date: 22 November 2016
Venue: Selangor Digital Creative Centre (SDCC)
The document discusses the Fermi Paradox and possible explanations for why we have not detected evidence of other intelligent civilizations. It proposes that Earth developed billions of years later than other planets in the Milky Way, so any civilizations that arose earlier may have advanced far beyond our current level of technological development. Given enough time, even civilizations that experienced setbacks could recover and progress exponentially. Therefore, more advanced civilizations may have means of hiding themselves that we have not yet conceived. The document concludes by expressing hope that life will be discovered elsewhere in the galaxy within the author's lifetime.
Supervenience: how emergent minds and money seize power over matterTony Smith
This document provides an introduction and overview to a proposed book on the topic of "Supervenience" which will explore how emergent minds and money can seize power over matter. It outlines 19 potential chapter topics and serves as a "where I'm at" for sharing the author's work in complex systems and emergence. Short sections give insights on various related concepts including multiple paths to emergence, the roles of order and chaos, constraints and degrees of freedom, the inside view, urban hydrology, birds and music, language as a tool and its limitations, dystopian utopias, and accepting cosmological responsibility.
The document provides background on a two-volume science fiction work titled "The 4th Birth" and "The Next Birth". It discusses the author's passion for blending storytelling with science. The first story is about the ancient Lemurians and their advanced civilization. It then expands the plot beyond Earth, projecting the evolution of living species and the development of a new intelligent breed called Homo Telepathic. The document encourages readers to expand their knowledge through hidden hyperlinks within the stories.
This document provides an introduction to a book that presents a new scientific model of the universe based on concepts like zero-point energy and synchronicity. It argues that mainstream science has become dogmatic in clinging to outdated theories and rejects new evidence. The book aims to show scientifically that a predicted spiritual transformation of humanity is imminent. It also addresses the reality of extraterrestrial life and the disclosure of secret government knowledge about crashed UFOs and exotic technology.
This book provides a summary and analysis of Jacques Vallee's book "Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact". The book examines the UFO phenomenon through historical cases and explores its relationship to religion, mythology and human experience. It argues that UFOs have interacted with humanity for centuries, often influencing the development of cultures and religions. While UFOs appear to be physical objects, their nature is complex and not fully understood. The book aims to provide a new framework for understanding the phenomenon beyond the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
This document discusses the concept of the artificial and attempts to reproduce nature through technology. It explores how imitation of nature has occurred since antiquity through various examples. However, technology is not solely aimed at imitation, but also controlling nature through inventions that allow new effects. The artificial is defined as attempting to reproduce something natural through different construction methods than nature. While artificial objects can be deceptive through similarity, accuracy of reproduction is more important.
This document introduces several mysteries and inconsistencies regarding mainstream accounts of human origins and Earth's history. It questions whether life truly evolved randomly on Earth and notes that life stems from a single source and contains non-Earth elements. It outlines the standard evolutionary story but notes many gaps and uncertainties, including the emergence of modern humans. The author argues that our true history remains an enormous riddle, and that mainstream theories are inconsistent with evidence. The reality of our distant past remains confusing and fragmented.
The New Star Party - Interstellar Vision from 1990's Andrew Hennessey
This document provides an overview of the author's vision for the New Star Party, which aims to advocate for human rights in relation to potential interactions with extraterrestrial civilizations. The author expresses frustration that after many years of UFO discussions and claims of contact, no political movement has formed to address issues like exploitation of humans for the benefit of corporations or governments cooperating with non-humans. The author then outlines their optimistic early 1990s vision for how an advanced interstellar civilization may view and interact with humanity and Earth, including potential economic and cultural exchanges. They raise concerns that human values like capitalism and competition may not be universally shared in the galaxy.
This document provides an introduction to a book titled "Beyond Humanity: CyberEvolution and Future Minds" by Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox. It discusses how humanity has long struggled with suffering and mortality. However, it notes that technological progress is accelerating at an increasing rate, as was unimaginable in the past. The introduction envisions a future where humans can evolve into new forms through technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology and other emerging fields. It imagines a future where people can experience realities far beyond the limitations of the human body and existence.
Essay about Sci-fI Films
Science Essay
Scientific Theory Essay
Evolution of Science Essay
My Love For Science
Essay about Life Science
My Passion For Science
Environmental Science Essay
Essay on Forensic Science
What Is Earth Science? Essay
This document provides the table of contents for Volume I of A History of Science by Henry Smith Williams and Edward H. Williams. The volume focuses on the beginnings of science, with Book I covering prehistoric science through the science of the Roman period. Chapter I discusses prehistoric science, noting that even early humans possessed basic scientific knowledge through observation and classification of the natural world. The document sets the stage for examining the origins and development of science from prehistory through ancient civilizations.
This document provides resources for exploring how new knowledge is created in the natural sciences, including media sources that discuss various scientific discoveries and theories. It introduces key concepts like the role of creativity, imagination, collaboration, and challenging conventional wisdom in developing new explanations. Students are prompted to consider questions about the media sources like how scientists advance understanding over time through taking new perspectives or approaches.
This document discusses the challenges of writing an essay on the topic of inventions. It notes that while inventions throughout history provide rich material to explore, narrowing the focus is difficult given the vast breadth of possibilities. Researching inventions requires understanding their technical, historical, cultural, and scientific contexts as well as comprehending their impact on society. Additionally, weaving a coherent narrative connecting different inventions while maintaining a clear writing style adds complexity. The essay also touches on the philosophical difficulties of considering inventions' ethical implications and unintended consequences. Overall, crafting an essay on inventions demands skills in history, technology, and storytelling to present a insightful and nuanced perspective on human achievement and progress.
The document discusses and critiques the practice of quote mining, which is taking quotes out of context to distort their intended meaning. It provides several examples of quotes from scientific literature that have been mined to imply disagreement or controversy around evolution among scientists. However, when viewed in their full context it is clear the quotes do not undermine the scientific consensus on evolution but rather reflect ongoing discussion and debate within the field.
The new physics - aether and chaos based environmental energyAndrew Hennessey
This historic version of the new physics has been revised, updated and superseded by the new TRE draft, 2017 It's a better=edited version in the new TRE draft 2017
aether and chaos based theory of environmental energy after Tesla - vortex based standing wave atoms emerging continuously from infinitely divisible aether
the only constant is chaos and exchange with some time
Brad Allenby gave a lecture on technology and the reconstruction of the world from human to transhuman. Some key points:
1) We live in an "Anthropocene" age dominated by human impacts like cities, technology, and cultural/economic systems that influence the planet. The earth's spectrum now carries our technological signature.
2) Technologies are integrated cultural processes, not just things, that drive wide-ranging social, economic, and environmental changes. The railroad is used as an example of a technology that transformed landscapes, markets, and ideas.
3) Emerging technologies like synthetic biology will further blur the lines between nature and culture, making biodiversity and biological systems increasingly subject to human design choices and
New Techniques in Science CommunicationEvie_Russell
The document discusses new techniques for science communication that make scientific discoveries and concepts more accessible and engaging for the public. It notes that while science itself is precise, communication about science can take many forms from stories and videos to journal articles. It also emphasizes the important responsibility of scientists and communicators to relay information faithfully and avoid misinformation. New techniques like animation and storytelling aim to communicate science meaningfully without distancing audiences. The document also highlights improved science communication across Asia through organizations that consider cultural differences to ensure relevance.
Abstract: Corporations and companies today generate a juggernaut of information, much more than they can process or put to use. The accepted response to running out of shelf space is to invest in more capacious IT and storage systems, with intranets serving as interfaces to ensure this stockpile of information remains accessible and usable. This whitepaper posits a less technical but more evolved response, one that has worked for centuries and enabled the very survival of our species. It recommends overlaying on our intranets the principles of oral-based information systems where a premium is placed on the processing, validation and sculpting of information before its eventual storage for future reference. The paper explores in detail how to put these principles to work within the challenging context of a modern corporate environment. It also implements its own recommendations, preferring to lead by example.
1. DNA Clues to Human Origins Indicate Brutal Genetic Culling
Updated with the latest findings as of January 2017, and a tribute to origins theorist Lloyd Pye
by L. Allen Brantley
It is Error only, and not Truth, that shrinks from inquiry. Thomas Paine
The search for definitive answers to human origins is easily the most fascinating challenge in all of
science and perhaps the least settled. New evidence arrives almost daily setting ivory towers a-
quiver and occasionally uprooting theories (and reputations) cultivated for hundreds of years.
The free market of ideas and raw data now arrives at your face in High-Definition 3D Virtual
Reality, ruthlessly assaulting the conventional scientific view of many of these issues and perhaps
even challenging the exalted Scientific Method. You can stroll or fly (via dronecam) through
places like the Pyramids, Yonaguni, the Grand Canyon, Angkor Wat, Machu Picchu, or South L.A.
A chatty, attractive tourguide avatar AI will soon be an option. Be aware, it no doubt works for a
government or media cartel, at the very least recording your preferences and quirks.
CHAPTER I. The intellectual and technological challenge to mainstream Science 2
CHAPTER II. How DNA truth could change the world 7
CHAPTER III. The Starchild Skull and other evidence 9
CHAPTER IV. Leaving the tunnel 14
CHAPTER V. DNA truth 19
CHAPTER VI. The family bramble bush 23
CHAPTER VII. DNA conundrums 27
CHAPTER VIII. Tracks and film 33
CHAPTER IX. Summary 36
2. CHAPTER I. The intellectual and technological challenge to mainstream Science
Academia is traditionally and understandably slow to rewrite textbooks or overhaul curricula;
nevertheless the time for meaningful change has arrived. For example the entire concept of
textbook obviously needs reformulation given the parabolic trajectory of technology and
bandwidth options vs. having to chop down trees, float them down the river, etc.
A prickly tension grows between the brave writers and flamboyant hosts of the History Channel's
Ancient Aliens series and mainstream Science (mScience). But a growing clique of 'maverick'
credentialed scientists and PhD's are beginning to find their way out of the dark shadows and
mental jungle of the ivory towers, leading to some new paradigms.
The journalists, bloggers and amateur experts supporting their ideas vie for clicks on YouTube
with videos presenting evidence and narrative that are indeed out on the edge. If you haven't seen
the Paracas skulls, the Starchild Skull, the stonework at Puma Punku, Bolivia, or the extraordinary
12 thousand-year-old pillars at Gobekli Tepe, Turkey, you are missing the show. Your perspective
is defective.
Just because they poke sleeping dogmas and pry the lids off inconvenient worm cans, it does not
follow that their work should be denigrated with the pejorative pseudoscience. Ignored science,
previously misunderstood science, demonstrably blind science or suppressed science is not
pseudoscience. Smugly pretending that important scientific questions are settled and must never
be challenged or debated is far creepier than simple professional vanity or noble efforts to
preserve Sir Francis Bacon's hallowed Method.
"Suspicion must always fall upon those who attempt to silence their opponents."
Ian Buckley, radical Irish playwright
The New 'Producers'
TV producers on deadlines bypass the snails' pace of hidebound scientific method and certified
paleontology to crisply present directly to the visual cortex of spellbound audiences in glorious
full-color HD, the dramatic, mysterious and unexplained from all over the world. Hard evidence
and traces of possible pre-ice age civilizations, rediscovered or finally recognized for what they are
and what they mean, appear on every continent, and as well, beneath every ocean.
Yes, some are overhyped and have mundane explanations, but hardly all. Take five minutes to
examine the photos of the megaliths at Baalbek, Lebanon. The existence of these great stones, a
few used in the construction of the Baalbek Platform which required transporting from the quarry
and raising 30 to 60 feet, defy explanation by any conventional engineering means. Some still
being excavated are estimated to weigh more than 1500 tons.
Simply, there has never been a crane or even two or three cranes in existence that could lift such a
load, much less move it and place it on top of a wall 30 feet up. There are a few barely plausible
mainstream theories as to how Giza perhaps came to be, but nothing begins to explain the
immovable giant beams and obelisks of Baalbek. Except, you know...
Audiences suddenly can use their own eyes, logic and judgment, deciding for themselves whether
the official mainstream scientific narratives explain all the observed facts. In case no one has
3. mentioned it lately, that is the first test of the validity of any theory.
And of course these writers, producers and bloggers have little to lose and everything to gain in
the way of credentials, probably necessary to the process. However the precise opposite is true for
those whose life's work they are trying to challenge, so no help there.
The TV viewing public is quite intrigued by these new experts who insist that certain extremely
strange artifacts and mind-boggling constructions need better explanations than what mScience
and mArchaeology glibly provide. Ancient Aliens, now in its twelfth season and moved from the
History Channel to their H2 channel (after protests by, presumably, religious groups) neverthless
has one of the fastest growing audiences on cable.
However, in contrast to what many creationists would say about alternative theorists, Christians
and creationists have just as much right to make TV shows and point to the same scientific
evidence to bolster their own theories on their own cable and YouTube channels as alternative
media, and they do.
Note that heavy-handed mainstream efforts to censor and messenger-slime those with
constitutional rights to express their opinions and seek clear answers endanger both sides of this
debate. Instead, they want to institutionalize a dogma that has long since had its day, something
along the lines of "nothing to see here, move along." And that would be no fun at all.
"The truth is not for all men, but only those who seek it." Ayn Rand
Radical Epistemology
Safe to say that no matter how these conflicts resolve, the ol' scientific method is never going to be
quite the same again. Whether science and academia approve and participate or not our methods
of learning, our epistemology, is undergoing dramatic technological transformation.
Even before the symbiosis becomes internal, as with wearable AI's (like "Siri" whispering
seductively in our ears) and soon enough with implants, our language paradigms and worldviews
within have already changed as we learn the new ways of apprehending reality and truth and
expressing these perceptions in language that updates itself daily. Any new slang term or cute
idea becomes a meme and hashtag within minutes.
Learning becomes a dynamic state of mind, even an interactive game rather than drudge work.
Education can be properly understood as a lifelong process as it always should have been, rather
than a discrete goal presumably reached after 4 years of overpriced college.
Out of Control... theirs
These fundamental shifts are predictably misunderstood and misrepresented by the self-appointed
keepers of our culture and would-be 端ber-authoritarian arbiters of thought and expression.
Threatened power structures would control the internet and social media and even restrict
research and inquiry, especially that which might overturn orthodox views.
Human curiosity at work is characterized as uncredentialed miscreants living in their parents'
basements watching "Fake News" and attempting to create some of their own for clickbait. And
don't touch those textbooks, we'll tell you if and when any meaningful science is discovered.
4. "...[I]n holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should,
we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy
could itself become the captive of scientific technological elite."
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the US.