El documento resume 10 momentos importantes en la historia de la computación en México, incluyendo la creación de la primera computadora digital en 1946, la fundación de Microsoft en 1975 y de Apple en 1976, el lanzamiento del telescopio espacial Hubble en 1990, y el desarrollo del primer coche híbrido en 2008.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang tingkat perubahan transformasi bahan bangunan dan dampaknya terhadap lingkungan. Bahan bangunan sintetik seperti PVC memiliki dampak lingkungan yang buruk karena memerlukan banyak energi dalam pembuatannya dan sulit didaur ulang. Perencana harus memilih bahan bangunan secara bijak serta bertanggung jawab atas dampak pembangunan dan penggunaan sumber daya terhadap lingkungan.
El documento resume 10 momentos importantes en la historia de la computación en México, incluyendo la creación de la primera computadora digital en 1946, la fundación de Microsoft en 1975 y de Apple en 1976, el lanzamiento del telescopio espacial Hubble en 1990, y el desarrollo del primer coche híbrido en 2008.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang tingkat perubahan transformasi bahan bangunan dan dampaknya terhadap lingkungan. Bahan bangunan sintetik seperti PVC memiliki dampak lingkungan yang buruk karena memerlukan banyak energi dalam pembuatannya dan sulit didaur ulang. Perencana harus memilih bahan bangunan secara bijak serta bertanggung jawab atas dampak pembangunan dan penggunaan sumber daya terhadap lingkungan.
Sistemas alternativos y aumentativos de comunicaciónPaulina Cabezas
Este documento describe tres sistemas alternativos y aumentativos de comunicación: 1) Sistemas de signos, 2) Sistemas logográficos, y 3) Sistemas de comunicación total. Los sistemas pictográficos de comunicación utilizan iconos claros y son útiles para aquellos con vocabulario limitado. Los sistemas logográficos tienen más de 2000 símbolos y permiten la creación de nuevos símbolos. Los sistemas de comunicación total usan lenguaje oral y de signos para producir espontaneidad.
This document summarizes the key development details and financial projections for a 500 sqm residential/commercial plot of land zoned for a maximum exploitation of 4000 sqm. Key points include:
1) The plot can be developed to a maximum horizontal area of 200 sqm per floor and total construction of 2640 sqm.
2) The total estimated project cost is over $10 million, including $5 million for the land cost, $4 million in construction costs, and $1 million in soft costs like permits and marketing.
3) Revenue projections estimate earning $15 million from unit sales over 5 years, resulting in a profit of over $5 million after costs and financing.
This document discusses hypernatremia, including its pathophysiology, clinical presentation, evaluation, and treatment. It notes that hypernatremia is usually a water problem caused by inadequate water intake or excessive water loss. The pathophysiology involves vasopressin and thirst responses. Causes include diabetes insipidus, diuretic use, gastrointestinal losses, and others. Evaluation involves assessing sodium and osmolality levels along with urine studies. Treatment goals are to correct water deficit and stop ongoing losses, usually through slow correction with hypotonic fluids and encouraging water intake.
La discapacidad física puede clasificarse según su origen muscular, espinal, óseo-articular u otras causas como parálisis cerebral o traumatismos. Algunas discapacidades físicas comunes incluyen distrofias musculares, espina bífida, poliomielitis, esclerosis múltiple, lesiones medulares, parálisis cerebral y traumatismos craneoencefálicos. Las características de la discapacidad dependen de la condición, y pueden incluir limitaciones en la movilidad
Management of patient with right upper quadrant pain. (desmoplastic small rou...kr
A 18-year-old male presented with right upper quadrant abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and fever for the past month. Physical examination revealed hepatomegaly and tenderness in the right upper quadrant. Imaging showed multiple liver lesions and a duodenal mass. Biopsy of the duodenal mass revealed desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT), a rare and aggressive soft tissue sarcoma.
Tipik atipik gelis?im: otizm ?rne?i üzerinden tart??ma Yanki Yazgan
Ko? ?niversitesinde verilmi? konferans. Bir k?sm? daha ?nce Haseki N?roloji'de verdi?im konferanstan. ?zerinde durdu?um normal ile anormal aras?ndaki ayr?m?n dü?ündü?ümüzden ?ok daha silik oldu?u, ikisi aras?ndaki ge?i?lili?in yüksek oldu?u kan?s? üzerine. Yar? ?ngilizce yar? Türk?e, kusura bakmay?n. Ancak yeti?iyor:)
In the presentation, I discussed new concepts in OA pathogenesis and identified possible targets of treatment. This was followed by a review of new treatment options for osteoarthritis. Presented during the Joint RA OA SIG Symposium at the F1 Hotel last 28 November 2014.
I am a physician, clinical researcher, and educator. I am also on Twitter and tweet under the handle @EMARIANOMD. Naturally you may ask: “How does Twitter fit into a physician’s academic career?” These slides were part of an interactive workshop presented at the 2016 American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting "Social Media Bootcamp." Please see my blog http://www.edmariano.com/archives/926 for additional information.
Therapeutic indications
Tavanic is indicated in adults for the treatment of the following infections (see sections 4.4 and 5.1):
? Acute bacterial sinusitis
? Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
? Community-acquired pneumonia
? Complicated skin and soft tissue infections
For the above-mentioned infections Tavanic should be used only when it is considered inappropriate to use antibacterial agents that are commonly recommended for the initial treatment of these infections.
? Pyelonephritis and complicated urinary tract infections (see section 4.4)
? Chronic bacterial prostatitis
? Uncomplicated cystitis (see section 4.4)
? Inhalation Anthrax: post exposure prophylaxis and curative treatment (see section 4.4)
Tavanic may also be used to complete a course of therapy in patients who have shown improvement during initial treatment with intravenous levofloxacin.
Consideration should be given to official guidance on the appropriate use of antibacterial agents.
Open-source projects often struggle with finding contributors and getting off of the ground. Communities, such as Github and PyPi, are host to redundant projects and libraries. In the development space, how do you distinguish your project from others, get people excited to contribute to it, and ultimately create a successful open source project? The answer is to apply user-centered design techniques to the development of your project. User-centered design is usually applied to web applications and products on the front-end of a website, but these techniques can be applied to open source libraries.
In this talk, Jackie will illustrate some user-centered techniques that have been used on her own project — Mesa (https://github.com/projectmesa/mesa), along with other successful open source projects. This talk will include a survey of interviews with a focus on successful techniques, along with additional user-centered design techniques that could be leveraged to inspire increased community engagement into your project.
The document discusses India's growing problem with parking shortages as the population increases and more vehicles are on the road. It notes that current parking takes up a lot of space and proposes smart parking systems as a solution. These systems, like multi-level parking structures, lifts, and automated storage, can significantly reduce the space needed for parking large numbers of vehicles. They allow for more efficient use of limited urban land and can help address issues like congestion from parking. The document advocates for implementing such smart parking technologies in India to modernize parking and maximize space usage.
Este documento explica conceptos básicos sobre potencias y raíces cuadradas. Define una potencia como una forma abreviada de expresar una multiplicación de factores iguales, donde la base es el factor que se repite y el exponente indica cuántas veces se multiplica la base. Explica los casos especiales de cuadrados y cubos, y cómo usar potencias de base 10 para expresar números grandes de forma abreviada. También describe cómo calcular raíces cuadradas y proporciona enlaces a juegos y videos adicionales sobre estos temas.
Este documento resume las propiedades básicas de la materia, incluyendo masa, volumen, propiedades específicas y generales. Explica las sustancias puras y las mezclas, y cómo se pueden separar los componentes de una mezcla a través de la filtración, decantación, magnetismo y evaporación. Finalmente, distingue entre los cambios físicos como deformaciones, cambios de estado y dilataciones/contracciones, y los cambios químicos o reacciones químicas que ocurren cuando dos sustancias se combinan
El documento describe la paciencia de Dios al esperar que la persona le hable o dé las gracias, a pesar de estar ocupado con sus actividades diarias. Aunque Dios creó un hermoso paisaje en el cielo y luceros para llamar su atención, la persona no se dio cuenta. Dios lo acompa?ó mientras dormía y espera cada día por una oración o agradecimiento.