思春期特発性脊柱側弯症の保存療法 ―最新のシュロス法とゲンシンゲン装具による治療例の報告―
株)Schroth Best Practice Japan
石原知以子 白石洋介 The conservative treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis - Case report of Schroth Best Practice and Gensingen Brace by Dr. Weiss - Kojomachi Dr. Shiraishi’s Japanese Osteopath Schroth Best Practice Japan inc. Chiiko Ishihara, Yosuke Shiraishi
思春期特発性脊柱側弯症の保存療法 ―最新のシュロス法とゲンシンゲン装具による治療例の報告―
株)Schroth Best Practice Japan
石原知以子 白石洋介 The conservative treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis - Case report of Schroth Best Practice and Gensingen Brace by Dr. Weiss - Kojomachi Dr. Shiraishi’s Japanese Osteopath Schroth Best Practice Japan inc. Chiiko Ishihara, Yosuke Shiraishi
New technology helps surgeons perform complex spinal deformity surgery. A 3D spinal navigation system and tactile 3D model displays allow surgeons to recognize abnormal spine anatomy without mentally reconstructing images. The 3D displays facilitate pre-operative planning of pedicle screw insertion and osteotomies, and provide visual support during surgery to accurately determine screw entry points and the extent of bone resection.
This document summarizes revisions made to a case report on percutaneous screw fixation for traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis. Two authors were removed from the author list. In the introduction and discussion, phrases about this being the "first" report were removed. Additional details were added about the injury classification and alternative treatments. Limitations of the navigation technique were acknowledged. Reference citations were replaced for improved accessibility. Overall, the revisions addressed comments from reviewers to improve the clarity, accuracy and relevance of the report.
1. The document provides information about a spinal and biologics business program taking place on March 19, 2011 from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Medtronic Worldwide Headquarters located in Tokyo, Japan.
2. The program agenda lists 3 sessions between 1:00 PM and 6:00 PM with topic presentations, speaker identifiers, and break times.
3. Contact information is provided for Medtronic's Memphis, TN locations and customer service numbers.